I really should have known playing as elves was a bad idea.
Total WaWa thread
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Where does total Warhammer rank in the series?
slightly above all the other Warscape engine games but still below medieval 2 and rome. I mostly play it because of the setting.
She must be into some kinky shit.
shes a tree user, please contain your boner.
Workshop has like a dozen Mousillon unlockers for SP.
I dont trust those things to work. Also im currently playing on a pirated copy because while I have the base game I refuse to pay for the DLC.
and you cant fuck a tree user, you're gonna get splinters in your dick.
Above Shogun and in parity with Medieval 2, IMO. It's basically a Lord of the Rings Epic Fantasy Battle Simulator.
I'm suitably excited for Total WaWa 2 now that they've announced Skaven, but I'm a bit sad that the Ratling Gunner and some of their other gunpowder units aren't in at launch and are likely going to be DLC.
Still, can't wait to kill-kill a bunch of man-things come late September.
What's WaWa?
aren't there no female Skaven?
Of course there are, user.
They've massive, bloated, squirming mutants that shit out rat babies by the dozen.
How is the sequel to Total Warhammer going to work? Is it going to have an entirely different set of factions and area of the world or is some of the content from the first game being copy-pasted?
A bit better than Shogun 2 imo, not as good as Rome or ME2.
Female skaven are just broodmothers that birth like 2000 at a time (if I remember correctly)
It's set in the new world, but if you own the first game the map connects up and you can move in between the two like in Empire. wew I sound like a shill, I'm not, honest!
yeah, that's what I meant. They're more giant baby shitting blob monsters.
I'm gonna fuck the tree
The map is all new, as are I think all the playable races, but the minor factions are padded out with some copy pasted armies from the first game.
I'd get it were I not such a adamant opponent of fantasy
fuck magic and elves, I want my cataphracts and skutatoi
It's largely similar to what Relic did with Dawn of War 1 - you need the base game if you want to use all of its races in multiplayer, but if you just want to play the new races, you don't need to buy the old game or its DLC. Except this time an expansion pack is being treated as a $60 game.
You can always play Empire and refuse to use mages, gryphons and demi-gryphs and grind the orcs and elves under the non-magical boots of your riflemen and the wheels of your steam tanks
The firearms also turn me off, only way it doesn't if it's the arquebus or large cannons in correct period settings
I mean, tanks? Wtf, but if there was no magic or flying shit, plus only very primitive firearms and no tanks, it'd probably be /k/ool
So are they going to make 3 of these games in a row or what?
Yes, there will be a third one. Still a few races to go, like Tomb Kings.
I mean, like, without any other total war games in between. Just don't like the Warhammer setting too much.
I don't know if I'm ready for a CURRENT YEAR Medieval III: Total War
Tomb Kangz will be DLC for 2
Maybe, but then I wonder what other big names they could entice people with to buy TWaWa3.
That's what surprises me the most about the third game, there's only 3 factions they can really use unless they want to shit out a brand new one like they did with Norsca but from the ground up, and those three factions are: Chaos Daemons, who I guess they can split in to 4, one for each god, Ogre Kingdoms, who are fun, and Chaos Dwarfs, evil dorfs with silly hats
Well, get ready; because if the pic CA posted when they announced TW saga means anything then it seems we are going to have a game with either Ireland, Brittania, or Europe in general as the main focus, pic related
Probably just them fucking around with Kingdoms again
gotta get them pay2win bucks
I was going to jokingly suggest Total Warhammer 3 might be Age of Sigmar, but not only would that not make any sense with their plan to make all three compatible since Sigmar would overwrite the other two, but Sigmar doesn't even have a real fucking map that would work for a campaign since everyone's on different fucking planes of existence.
There's still Cathay and Nippon I guess but those are hardly developed factions and there's jack shit else going on over on that side of the world. You could probably make an entire game out of just the four factions of chaos fighting each other but I imagine the market for an expansion like that wouldn't be too big.
goddamn dryads
That can't be real
Not enough KANGS in there.
The earth is L E W D in many ways
I want to play this fucking game but I hate vanilla FUCK
Also how do i counter chariots as the dwarves in multiplayer?
Guns maybe? It's how I deal with most monster/cav units as dorfs; have a couple of guns focus fire on one of them at a time and watch them melt, the other option is to surround and mob them to death. I don't play multiplayer so don't take my word as good advice
Yeah it's not but thanks for trying. Chariots can run right through your lines because dwarves have no weight for some reason. slayers can't keep them in one spot and guns can't kill them fast enought before they engage and kill a bunch of guys. Then the gunners won't fire.
Seems we are going to see a lot more combat animations
Ah well, cav and monsters seem to be the bane of Dwarfs, give them all anti-large you want they still get knocked around and the only dedicated monster slayers they have are too few in number and over priced, and chariots in general are frustrating to deal with especially when you're the one using them, never could micro all that well
I guess I found what I need
Well fought, bis morgen früh
I have high hopes for that mod but they still havent been able to do anything with the campaign map right? I do hope it works out for them.
AI's probably going to be fucked again on launch. Better off just waiting for Denuvo to be cracked since by then CA would've gotten off their asses and fixed the initial CTD bullshit they're known for, all the gamebreaking fuckery their games ship with probably won't ever get fixed knowing CA.
I wanna tap that.
I think I read somewhere the campaign map is hardcoded in the new TWs, that's why even big overhauls only modify the unit rosters and such.
It`s meant to unlock the Red Duke for custom battles
Above all the bad ones, just below the few really good ones
just temporary however, since it`s to be expected they release the same amount of races from the first game, meaning Tomb Lords pretty much confirmed DLC, as well as Araby and Dogs of War with the Vampire Coast and Estalia/Tilea/Boarder Princess as FREELC.
but why not also unlock it for campaign? seems like a missed opportunity.
Medival 2 > Rome > Napopan > Total WaWa > rest
My favorite way of playing, shame that rifleman are little bit underpowered
whats that?
Mod fo WaWa?
I wonder what "New world colonies" are
Sounds like a human subfraction
That's exactly what it is, a minor faction that represents the colonies of the Empire, Tilea and/or Estalia.
Probably just a reskinned Empire going off of their flag. Dwarves rarely expand and have no existing colonies there to the best of my knowledge so the alternative is Norsca.
I am curious if they'll represent Skeggi somehow.
Are battles still gonna last 30 seconds?
This, it's a pipedream to make an entirely new map for a grand campaign. Plus CA would probably send C&D orders because it's their hardcode, I remember seeing some statement made by them a long time ago saying they'd most likely do that.
Mod for Attila; complete Medieval overhaul
Unfortunately has no and most likely will never have a grand campaign due to hardcoded map
Frog detected
IMO, of the ones I've played:
MTW = Shogun > Medieval 2 > Rome > Shogun 2 > Napoleon > Rome 2 = Empire
I mostly play M2/Rome though due to mods.
I really want the Risk map back, and for terrain, weather effects, exhaustion and unit experience to mean as much as they did in Shogun 1.
MTW 2 > Rome > Attila > Rome 2
Mostly play Attila these days though for the modernization
I really like the way snow impedes movement so much in Attila though, but besides that only other ones are disease in an army but that's rare and never in custom battles and exhaustion is annoying in Age of Charlemagne
Is attila good now? Last I heard was it's just rome 2 with different skins
Does Attila have the same brown, fecal-matter-filter that Rome 2 had?
I don't know, I enjoy it for what it is. If it is I have shit taste, it it isn't then that's why.
I have fun with a game I like and there's nothing shifty going on by the devs near as I can tell so that's all that matters to me.
AI is retarded on the grand campaign sometimes
What does that mean, can you give me any examples? If it does I've got a mod always installed that gives better graphics in the zoomed in camera etc. so maybe?
You can pirate workshop stuff and mod it in manually, I have.
Have you tried using CreamAPI?
I appreciate CA for going above and beyond with factions like Norsca and Bretonnia.
is CA garbage now?
No. CA's always been fairly good but not immune from having shitty games every so often.
Although Holla Forums loves to shit on it, I loved Alien: Isolation. But only if you install the no-Xeno mod to turn it into Routine.
they're getting better. dont know why they insist on using warscape engine but oh well.
Warscape isn't even the problem, and it's not that CA are bad devs; they're just straight up lazy and don't test out they're games nearly as much as they should, albeit I will give them a slide when it comes to WaWa since it had one of the smoothest launches in TW history.
Maybe they have plans for that later, the western coast of the old world will be a very important area on the combined grand campaign map
The funny thing is that everybody shares the opinion that the vanilla game is unplayable when comparing to the Steel Faith Overhaul mod, it`s like the mod creators implemented what the CA devs didn`t have the balls to
If CA doesnt do this, then I will be really dissapointed. There are already fanmade army books of the non oficial factions, so CA doesnt need to create from zero. The lands beyond the old world are the only thing missing.
It's that they're straight up lazy and they have an army of asskissing fanboys ready to whore out to them.
are they even canon anymore? I suppose nothing is canon anymore because lol sigmar but I mean like, just before that.
What's funny is that they can totally get away with straight up using the fan army books, since it's just fanmade and the property is still Warhammer. Hell, the guys who made the army books probably wouldn't even be mad about it; more flattered than anything else is what they'd be
This is also a major problem, but Reddit is a problem for other game series as well
They're canon, and the leak by the Russians confirm that Chaos Dwarfs are on the way
They're also greedy cunts who overprice all their DLC by at least 20%, and they force that DLC into the game for the AIs even if you don't buy it.
FotS>Rome 1>Medieval 2>Shogun 2>Napoleon>Warhammer>Empire>the rest
source? I want it to be real but I need to be sure.
It's been pretty accurate insofar, CA called it a "good catch" by the Russians but that the info was not up to date. Still, it seems we can expect spikey dorfs in the future
oh god I hope they dont fuck up nurgle
a tree is like a wife to a deadbeat
you fuck em and leaf
I hope you haven't forgot your escape plant?
You don't get to bring friends.
There are still code fragments from Empire in Rome 2. I know legacy code is a thing but that really seems lazy.
why the fuck the battles only last 2-3 minutes?
Because shitters that'd play and pay for this have a short attention span. Apply yourself, Satan.
Cant read vodka runes, so a summary of it would be nice. If what is true, then thats good, but that wounld be a lot of land, compared to the maps of the two first games, IMO. So if not all, there should at least enought to put Cattai and Ind. CA should made ALL of the Warhammer world, and to have a continuous map (to be able to conquest Cattai as a Lustrian faction and viceversa).
How is the Warhammer - Modern Warfare mod? Im curious about it, but I wold like first to hear opinions from here.
Agreed, the No-Xeno mod is the only way to enjoy Alien Isolation.
Amazon DLC, Tomb King DLC, Arabs DLC.
Basically a Russ modder was going through the game files to fix the Russian localization and make Kislev playable but found a file that read wh_dlc; which contained info on future DLC's and not just the factions in them: but also the subfactions in both the GC and mini-campaigns. The list goes as follows, translated from Breeki in to broken english:
Jagged Horn
Ripper Horn
Fyr Darric
And additives to Beastmen and Bretonnia
Nothing specific on subfactions
Nothing specific on subfactions
Long. I thought they would do it faster
Nothing specific on subfactions
Nothing specific on subfactions
In the second game of the trilogy TW:W, however quite predictable, we will discover Ulthuan and the New World and add:
High Elves
Dark Elves
Nothing specific on subfactions
Well, the third game of the trilogy will be dedicated to Chaos. Add 4 seperate factions to each god. Unique Lords, Elected, Demons, and other joys are attached.
Nothing specific on subfactions
The last bit is in reference to the map posted underneath the text I think
This is in reference to the picture at the bottom of the article
This, this right here is what pisses me off to no end about CURRENT YEAR CA
What are you talking about? It was a file that listed future plans, not on disk dlc
going to cum hard when its happens
Can you not read?
It reminded me of Attila's Celt bullshit
I pirated wawa and went on a Total War rampage playing Medieval 2, Shogun 2 and Rome 2 immediately afterwards, I still have them all installed. My favorite of those is Shogun 2, Medieval is too old and it's missing too many quality of life improvements, Rome and Wawa feel stiff, chunky and weirdly small compared to Shogun 2, like you're playing with plastic toys.
I guess glorious Nippon wins again.
mite b good? human artillery gets me rock hard
They exist but they're 700 pound wombs basically.
But then it's just a walking simulator. What is this place? We tumblr now?
It sucks that we got back to field battles almost as good as Rome 1 and Medieval 2 only to be given the worst siege battles in the entire franchise.
I despise the campaign map mechanics of all the Warscape games. Rome 1 and Medieval 2 had it right and those mechanics should have been expanded, not replaced with something clearly inferior.
There's other threats than just the alien, you know. Although I don't get it either.
Have finished my first game of WTW as dwarves. Should I jump already into the Steel Faith mod? How much does this mod change the game? Any recomendations when using this mod?
Exactly, and CA would be really stupid to miss the dlc money that they would get feom Cattai/Nippon/Ind plus any other minor faction. Althought I wouldnt be surprised if they didnt. The modern vidya industry has fallen REALLY down in the common sense department
adds units, tweaks others to be closer to lore, slows battles down, bunch of other shit
I will test it when I can. Thanks.
There's also Albion on that island between the northlands and Ulthuan, and the steppe nomads like the hung, hob goblin khanate and others. Hob Gobla-Khan when.
If I remember correctly the first announcement of Norsca actually used units from the WH armies project Norsca book and the playable factions were supposed to be Varg, Sarl and Skealing or so
More details
Radious is a hack.
I dont really complain, its hard but at least its a challange
Also it adds lots of new units and i like that, the mod is ok in my book.
Do you recommend any better mods?
Steel Of Faith Overhaul, Radious is utter trash.
What are the differences? Also Steel of Faith doesnt add that much units as radious does it?
SFO is much less intrusive and most of all lore friendly. Radious just wants to smash 20 full stacks together and adds every unit type to every faction regardless of lore because he's a dum-dum.
do they have to crack each individual DLC when they come out?
Playing as Brettonia in hard dificulty, using the Steel Faith mod. What the hell I do? A guide recommends me to siege Marienburg until surrender, but the greenskins event at the beginning fuck up my control, and althougt I easily repel the marauding orc/rebel armies attacking Corounne, my economy goes to shit. Plus its a long time for it to surrender, and with my only army I cant see what other thing to do….
Please, advise me what should I do as Brettonia at the beginning.
I made peace with marienburg and then I just raided norsca.
worked pretty well for getting chivalry high.
Because the alien is used too heavily, would be my guess. It goes from Walking Simulator to Locker Hiding Simulator pretty quickly. It would be nice just to explore the beautiful world the devs made without having to worry about getting a new hole punched through my skull.
I don't want to make another TW thread so I'll just post this here. My MTW campaign is going well. I've been auto-resolving far more than I should be though because I don't really know the Roman's units that well and fighting Islamic armies can get fairly micro-intensive, though they rout easily. I've finally got three shipwrights going so I can start churning out the essential infrastructure of any Mediterranean faction in MTW; boats. The only setback I've had so far was losing Naples, oh, and nearly the entire Empire rebelling the turn the Emperor died. Actual army production is still shit, I only really have the bedraggled forces that retook North Africa, the border forces are just stacks of whatever shit I could scrape together to try and scare the AI into not attacking. Luckily, in the early campaign everyone wants to be friends with everyone who's not muslim, Except Spain, who bizarrely allied with the very muslims that were raping their peninsula.
A detailed look at the campaign map.
I wonder if you can build ships, i get naval combat is out but you could have like ships that transport your army around and only auto resolve like in the older total war games.
That hasn't been confirmed. TotalAsscancer, who apparently has had the most access to the gameplay, has said he did not see anything related to dedicated navies.
Done. I sort of understand why the Papal states are immortal but why the fuck is Novgorod?
below rome 2. I played every TW game and I dont get the praise this game gets. its a denuvo ridden dlc shitfest
Fuck off you grognard.
Wawa is the best a Warscape TW will ever be.
That's a load of crap. Warscape shined in Fall of the Samurai's gunfights.
no one but a shill would say that about this piece of unoptimized shit.
I played them too and while I think it's somewhat lacking its nowhere as bad as Rome 2 was.
What the flying fuck? Is this for real? What's the reason the devs gave?
I'm not even watching Warhammer videos because my PC doesn't run it and I don't want to feel left out.
A lot of people complained about the way it was handled in Rome 2 and Attila.
It was underwhelming in Rome 2, but in Shogun 2 I think it was pretty well done.
Oh boy, i hope they put some work into them and give me my fucking fantasy tercios instead of the shitty emprie copypaste estalia is in the base game.
You can always play bretonnia and trample everyone with paladins and knights.
Naval combat has been fucking terrible in every single Total War game its been in. This is reflected by the fact that nobody ever fucking plays them (
I'd also like to add that there is a rumor that GW wouldn't even allow naval battles even if CA wanted to put them in, as Warhammer naval combat is licensed out to Man O' War Corsair.
I just want Giant Sea Monsters that work has hazards in the Campaign.
I enjoyed ManOWar Corsair, still do
I think it's reasonable for them to add Rome 1/Medieval 2 style navies where it's auto-resolve only. No real investment required aside from some art assets.
You might reconsider that abbreviation.
i don't know about you but i liked empire total war with darthmod. was able to do pike and shot with that pretty good
Really nigger?
I like the game too man but being "the best optimized warscape engine game" isn't hard at all.
Buttblasted Denuvofags will cling to any straw. It was people like him that made talking about the game impossible for the longest time.
Again, CA only needs to use the best fanmade army book of whatever faction they want to DLC, and it would be fine. Also I really want to play as Estalia, and it being free dlc is awesome.
well looking on the bright side, Brettonnia was free dlc as well and that turned out pretty well.
Yes, and it should be the same for the other DLC…But in these times, optimism is toxic, and CA arent paragons of vidya developers. We will see if CA fuck it up or not.
Empire should really have been 1600-1800.
last minute bump.
God fucking dammit I hate games that balance around multiplayer.
I don't give two shits about multi, the heart of TW has always been it's campaigns
Don't act like you don't know. Publishers demand increasing sales, devs take existing customers for granted and look for growth.
They could at least not be stupid about it, of all the things they could try to shill to new audiences they try to use multiplayer? One of the franchises weakest links?
Sadly it`s confirmed NO NAVAL BATTLES or ship mechanics, your army will just turn into a ship when you go on the water. They weren`t clear on why that is but people theorized it`s a legal issue since Man O`War, the official naval tabletop game is licensed by a different company or something, the Man O`War videogame launched not so long ago too so there`s no way they would compete with their own products.
Treasure hunt mechanics and high sea hazards supposedly will fill the gameplay gaps
You really think GeeDubs gives two shits about that Man O'War: Corsair? HA, if Ca even hinted to them that they wanted the rights to it GW wouldn't even think twice about it; WaWa is their biggest moneymaker in the vidya department, especially after Dawn of Moba's deserved failure.
The real reason, the one I swear that CA has stated themselves, is that Naval warfare is not important in Warhammer and they don't see the point in putting the effort in to be fair, balancing that shit would be hilariously frustratingstill wish they'd at least try
It would be Fun though
-Aircraft Carriers
-Battleships with 360 Degree Turrets
-Vanilla Empire/Napoleon Ships
Basically Ghost ship from Pirates of the Carribean
I remember they used sea monsters add warpstones to make them mobile ships
Ships Blessed by dragons or someshit
-Sea Monsters
-Fucking Castles as mobile ports ala Outer Heaven (liquids)
Viking Ships
and so on
Question is; how would Beastmen, Wood Elves, or Lizardmen play at sea?
they don't because I remember they concentrated on Races that uses ships or equivalents
though only race i can think of is Nippon reskin shogun 2 sea battle
Orks barely feel pain so that's to be expected.
Will we ever get a competitor to the total war series? i stopped buying total war games after the disaster that was rome 2 and then i saw simplified and casual friendly theyve been making the newer games, if a competitor came out they could probably take some of CA's base
you have darthmodders ultimate general game. enjoy having ants fight and a non-rotating camera and barely any zoom
So we have to wait another year or two for them to fully finish creating content for a faction that's already included within the base game? Why couldn't they finish creating the necessary content for the races that were already in the game before moving onto the DLC and the new fucking map in the first place? This is just sad. Almost as bad as the day one DLC.
My nigga. Gunplay in that truly was awesome. It was like empire and napoleon on steroids, whilst still having all the samurai shenanigans of vanilla. Wall climbing was also a really nice mechanic, it added an extra aspect of tactics to your combat. The only bad things I would say about it is that WaWa runs indisputably better, and with next to no crashes. The crashes really put me off, especially when you're 80% through a lengthy hour long siege, methodically wearing down your opponent's defenses before you engage. Also the default AI in FotS is fairly retarded.
Sieges in total war warhammer were also vastly underwhelming from what I recall. The cities didn't even take up the full map, so you were left assaulting only a relatively small portion of wall every time. What would have been nice to add scale in a different manner, would have been to assault the outer perimeter of a section of the wall, as in vanilla, and then once you take the walls, you have to besiege the main castle of the city before taking the city fully, and any enemy that had retreated would appear here. Assaulting just a small segment of wall every time is just fucking boring, and getting shot at straight out of the gate just makes sieges more of a chore in all honesty, like, start deployment, charge the walls, take ground, beat their forces with yours, rinse and repeat. It's merely just a variation of the same thing, unlike the sieges of the previous games which had much more depth to them thanks to the fact that you had the whole city to contend with rather than just one portion of wall.
Granted it's not nearly as epic as the ground battles, it's not fucking terrible by any means, it's just a different type of command. It was only properly shit in Attila and Rome 2, but that was reflected upon by it's shitty ships anyway.
Total War naval battle never were and never will be fun.
Am I allowed to have sexual relations with that tree
Chaos was never meant to be playable in the first game, but the backlash forced their hand as they were already taking a gamble by making a non-historical Total War game. This is why Chaos isn't that great to play, has a limited roster, and got no DLC support.
I enjoyed the Empire/Napoleon ones to be honest.
Might as well post this here. Cancelled Warhammer Fantasy games. One was an persistent RTSMMO. And of course Games Jewshop was planning to put in microtransactions before microtransactions were a thing.
Shit, Warband + Total War this might work if GW Didn't add fucking Microtransaction
I still feel sad about that. I thought it was a neat game with a good campaign (Gorgutz ftw) and I'm one of the few people who liked the escalation mechanic.
I can see how it would piss off people who grew up with the first Dawn of War, but I think the game got shit on way more than it should.
At least I have single player skirmishes.
Closest you got to that is Mordheim (which is fun as fuck) but it's too restrictive.
Is there at least a Warhammer mod for Warband? I'd play the shit out of that.
yes user and its actually complete though we get new updated units soon
here is link Brother:
it has Chaos Daemons
Just found it and was gonna post it.
Does it have dwarves?
That's all I want. Dwarves.
Chaos is good as long as I get Khorne.
Yes, I played it and Becareful of Skaven Because Rat Ogre has AOE Melee and Jezzails outrange everyone and AI has 100 or more Accuracy worse part is In Sieges they got 30 or more and entrance is just one funnel
there is Bloodletters and their mounts forgot the name and chaos have a fuckton of upkeep
The Rat Ogre can AoE you if he's dead 200 miles away from explosions and Gunner fire :^)
Jesus fuck, WHY?
Are we talking "blood" upkeep or straight up money?
My bad for the wording, They're Expensive as fuck but have best armor to the point each melee attack on normal hits like 10-15
Ah, that's okay then. I just didn't want Chaos to turn into Jews sniffing my shekels.
The devs for this seem pretty good.
You didn't miss anything. TW Warhammer is even more shit than Rome 2.
Pity Western developers are so fundamentally lazy and unambitious no one is actually trying to do that. I still can't believe publishers see so many developers have a complete monopoly in some niches and they just ignore this, while they keep chasing after the CoD killer despite fails time and again.
So, you're basically waiting for the inevitable Bannerlord mod.
Holy fucking shit I just want this tranny nightmare to end. How the fuck did we get to this point in less than five years?
The comments from the rest of the users are awesome too.
God bless bigots. Then again, if there were Chaos trannies I could go fire and brimstone on their ass. Trampling down a unit of degenerates in heels with my horse does sound kind of appealing.
With WWIII coming in I don't think Bannerlord will be out when Turkey gets Nuked
user isn't Slaanesh worshippers trannies
I see you still have hope for this world.
Remember the Crown prince of Pleasure Slaanesh "rewards" his/her/it cults with "Special Gifts" because those bastards are into Nastiest Hedonistic fetishes
Actually (and this comes from a lengthy debate where I saw some people who know the Lore far better than me BTFO a bunch of trannies) Slaneesh is the ultimate anti-trannie.
Slaneesh doesn't give a shit what kind of appendage you have between your legs. You're gonna be fucked.
Do you have a hole/no-hole/seven-holes?
It's all the same. No hole? We'll make one.
The whole "non-binary" or "queer" thing has no value or even a reason to exist. Trannies like to argue about the diferences of gender vs sex. It's a pointless discussion when you bring up Slaanesh because there's no diference between them: they're both irrelevant.
You can wear high heels and flop your sausage around, and you can rock your tits heavy-metal style with man's clothing.
Ultimately, it means nothing. You're gonna cum a million times and then die in tortuous bliss.
It's the ultimate anti-trannie Chaos God: it completely invalidates all their points by rendering them moot while also erasing something that they base their whole identity around. It's brilliant.
What I find a shame is that everyone looks at Slaneesh as the "weird sex, lmao" God.
It is so much more than that. Drugs, music, revelry, pain, debauchery. There's so many things attached to Slaany, but all everyone cares is "much feminine-dick".
What I find the most despicable about trannies is that, even when offered the choice of playing a man or woman in any game, basically being able to be their "gender of choice", they still bitch. It's not enough for them to "pass", they need for us to know they are trannies, acknowledge this to them and still play along with their pronoun nonsense. We have to pretend a man with a stubble and a clearly visible Adam's apple is a woman, and call him a she, but also make it known we know he is a tranny and how wonderful that is.
Fuck all these filthy, attention whoring degenerates. We should round them up and torch them o a pyre.
That absolutely mistifies me.
They have "women" and "men" in-game.
Yet they want "transgender". Why?
I'm trying to think up on how that would change anything or be relevant. Besides a character sheet saying you're trans, or some shit, how would that even be relevant to the game? The portrait art would still be the same, the character models too. Nothing at all would change.
Which makes me wonder: what do they want after all? What changes do they want? I want specifics.
This sounds like vorefags asking for vore features in every game, but atleast their degenerancy has gameplay implications attached. Trans shit is at most pointless cosmetic options.
I shouldn't be bored out of my mind during a RTW1 civil war when I'm on the back foot, but I am. Why are the early parts of Total War games so much more fun than even the middle? I know the end is just a boring steamroll but even the middle is just less fun than the beginning. Is it just the chore of having to spend longer on every turn managing everything? I've probably only completed maybe 10 or 11 full campaigns in my entire time playing Total War, and I've been playing since Shogun 1. Maybe it's just me.
The problem is that the game has no challenge left once you blob past a certain point. There is no famines to decimate your population and make civil unrest skyrocket, there are very few (dynamic) rebellions, and even when they happen they're just a wet far that can never threaten you, there is "decay" mechanic that would make it harder and harder to keep a big empire together the longer time goes on, the enemy AI is braindead, be it on a strategic level where it doesn't untie with everyone else to take you down, or on the tactical level, where the same shitty tricks that you've been using since Shogun 1 keep working on them. Basically, TW games lack any of the kind of shit real empires had to deal with during their existence, so anything you accomplish feels hollow, since there is no challenge to it.
I assume you meant "Unite" which is something they do in shogun 2, once you get big enough all but your most loyal allies will turn against you and throw everything they have against you. I can sorta understand why Warhammer doesn't do this since having all the races unite against the same enemy would be silly. the closest you get is some factions being wiling to work together to repel chaos with other similar factions.
It's trannies subconsciously recognising they're just mentally ill people that have mutilated themselves. That's why the want the trans option because they know they aren't part of either sex now after all that damage done and never will be.
Yeah, unite. I've been on a death march for the past five days and my brain is in complete meltdown. The point is that the game needs some mechanic to make the endgame challenging. Realm Divide is reasonably okay because it actually poses a challenge. In Warhammer it could be some cataclysmic event from the lore fucking the world over. I mean, it's not that hard to think up ways to make the later parts of the game somewhat challenging, CA are just lazy pieces of shit.
That might be it.
My past dealings with trans people were baffling because they didn't identify with either gender. Both MtF and FtM.
They claim to be something "new" and you can't simply call them "Male" or "Female". They're a new breed.
You know, like mutants.
It wouldn't be too silly.
Empire expanding like fuck? Everyone feels threatned. "We might be next! You might be next! Join the #RESIST EMPIRE!"
ame for dwarves and elfs (with elfs being far more threatning).
Chaos and orks need no explanation.
Heck, that would be a great idea for late-game player-spawned event. Get so big that everyone fears you.
I remember in Civ V when I dropped a fuckload of Gold in Nukes and built 15 of them in the same turn. I then had every other leader contact me to express how afraid they were.
They were right.
Whatever the mentally ill need to tell themselves to avoid the noose they've hung from their bedroom light fitting for another day.
I would have preferred a survival mode myself where Chaos only grow stonger the longer the campaign goes on.
How Fun is the chaos campaign?
I'm considering picking the game again, but haven't decided if I'll pay for knife ear campaign or not. I heard beastmen was semi-fun. But those spikey dudes that came from the north seemed cool.
I tried them briefly and you can see they had to scramble a campaign together for Chaos. Honestly I wouldn't furnish CA or Sega with anymore of your money when you can pirate and test for yourself before dropping any more money. Also since I'm assuming you bought the base game what did the free 30th anniversary update add? I know there were some units of renowned for the tree huggers and beast men but I can't find anything on balance changes and bug fixes.
knife ears are very micromanage intensive since most are fragile butterflies, you have to git gud with positioning and flanking quick. chaos is kinda like beastmen where you don't own cities and roam around wrecking peoples shit. Kholek suneater plus army of full of dragon ogres and nothing can test your might
30th anniversary "freeLC" added 30 regiments of renown to the game. balancing and bug fixes are part of regular patches
So nothing lost really, I'll just wait for the next crack which will hopefully have Norsca bundled as well.
You can already crack Norsca dlc.
Did they ever fix the multiplayer campaign desyncs? I remember that destroying Shogun 2 for me. Made me particularly mad too as I found it was an issue carried over from Napoleon.
never ever. only way i found to avoid desync is for you and your friend to not alt-tab or open steam overlay once you click start a battle until you're both in the game. pretty sure desync bug is even older than napolean
Are you saying crack it yourself or it's been cracked and you have a magnet link because I've looked and come up empty.
What a fucking joke.
I too would like to know where norsca is.
depends on if you crack the base game too or only the dlc.
Honestly you should really have the base game by now because CA decided to cash in on the dlc instead of the base game, so the dlc almost never goes on a big sale but the base game has had multiple giant sales which also provoke even bigger sales on key sites (picked it up for a bit over 5 bucks).
If you dont have the base game then sadly you will have to wait for the update to get cracked first, didnt look into that because I didnt need it.
The base game is being used as bait and I refuse to bit CA and Sega get no money from me until they have a reasonable policy when it comes to the idea of a complete or even intact game.
I understand the feeling behind that but getting the game for a really low price at a key store is still something I would have done. I dont even care that its denuvo in that case, if its the full game price maybe even with dlc I wouldnt do it but I honestly couldnt care less about losing those 5 bucks.
And yes the base game is being used as bait but you just take the bait without ever getting stuck on the hook. In the end giving away their game with all dlc for 5 bucks is still a loss.
I can see why you wouldnt want to do it though and respect it. In the end I only bought it out of convenience and because I knew I didnt have to pay for overpriced dlc on top.
It's just a warscape engine database entry
I know WaWa1 was pretty barebones, but fucking lol at anyone delusional enough to think CA would ever get the massive budget required to implement enough content into the base game that would be considered "complete".
Yep. After the Rome 2 shitshow?
their budget was shitcanned to pennies.
I think that's why they put so much effort in Wawa over time. Geedubs money started trickling in and they discovered that putting effort into things pays off.
Hopefully they keep at it.
How much do they pay you for those lies ? It literally runs worse than attilla
Highest settings on all options, no mods
Highest settings with two mods; more blood more gore, which increases blood effects and stops blood effects from disappearing from the battlefield over time, and GEM, a mod enhances graphics and slows the game down.
Stop being a nigger
For anyone curious about the big dip in frames in the WaWa pic; that was when it zoomed in on a Dwarf Flamethrower burning a horde of greenskins