Vote for your faveriot sonic character
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If you're going to share my poll at least spell right you insufferable CUCK
Go back
Double nigger
Halffags please return to your redditor infested shit hole
Hey fuck off, I didn't know because I usually have high enough standards not to visit this place.
Everyone but me has shit taste confirmed
Oh you cant possibly say you have high standards for visiting the website controlled by reddit. Hell you dont even face Half chan standard.
Do you also like peppermint and chocolate chip icecream?
What about dicks?
I don't know if it's because people actually like him or it's the memes, but I sure am glad.
Repel the furfag. Vote Elise
You use Google+
If you vote for anyone besides the good doctor, you need to gas yourself immediately.
Into the >>>/ovens/ then.
Go away, kike. Also I don't eat icecream because it's literal cancer tier unhealthy, and I rarely take other mint than some mint teas. They're very pleasant to drink when they're the right degree of hot.
voted Metal Sonic as subsitute.
OP is a nigger
Fuck you Tails is gay
Rouge because I want to have
with her.
no you
My faverit sonic charcter is mairo from undertale
I will never understand this
I've only played one 2D sanic, it was something on a pc and I recall you could play as knuckles. Release date?
I meant release order, not date
most furries haven't seen a real vagina. even if they did they probably like it looking like a sandwich.
I thought everyone here was a furry pedophile.
Sonic & Knuckles Collection?
Well they are into vore, after all.
That doesn't make sense in either order
And adventure isn't 2d
shut the fuck up tard he knows more thsn you
I wanna fuck Rouge the Bat
Thank you Mark for continuing to ensure the quality of this board.
Haha faggot
I love both Jet and Knuckles, but I had to go with Knuckles since he has more chances being playable than Jet, unfortunately.
Personally for me, it wasn't because of memes. It's simply I think his little backstory is sad from Adventure 1, and I really appreciate his grumpy but lonely and wistful personality, so he caught my attention. For real, I would stay near of him and cheer him up to at least clear his sadness.
no thanks
Then go back, nobody wants you here. This place is too crappy for you anyway
Go post more child porn, double nigger
As soon as you leave. I don't want your tears ruining it
I was gonna call op a faggot for using strawpoll but i couldn't remember I just keep forgetting it.
Bye 8faggot.
hahaa faggot
Go samefag at your safe space
I'm not samefagging faggot homo
Amy is the only correct choice.
You don't belong here, sweetie
fuck u american cunt im from india my xountry is cooler than shitty america refuge antifa land of gays xdddd
we will be superpower soon yu will see and make bettar vjdeoham than anibody
don't you have to know an actual language to be a superpower?
fuck u motherfuckee fight me
metal sonic
pretty sure i can beat anyone who's main source of protein is rats and cow semen.
ah sorry. i forgot only the top street shitters get the honor of drinking undiluted bull semen from the tap.
you must be one of those untouchables i've heard so much about.
neck yourself
What's wrong with you?
Worst metal sanic theme tbh
Now is that attached or as part of her dildo collection.
They're not truly obsessed if they have a collection of other dildos
Stardust Speedway (Present) (JP) is my #1 but it just doesn't give off the same vibe. Bad Future is kinda iconic for him.
Bad Future US will forever be superior
And also Sonic 4's metal sonic theme
And Never Let It Go
What I'm Made Of could also be a contender but I don't know if that counts
So basically anything other than Bad Future JP, especially the generations version
I voted for boobs. Boobs are my favorite.
I can't tell if you're being serious at this point.
Lizard boobs or gtfo
I am 100 percent serious that Bad Future JP a shit
Search your heart, you know it to be true
It's so mediocre that it's outperformed by the one good track on the garbage US version
In fact, most metal sonic tracks follow that general pattern of being diamonds in the shit pile, except for this instance where it's the exact opposite
You've got it.
Sonic 4's metal theme is my favourite.
He's the only sensible choice.
Robotnik and Knuckles at the top makes sense.
This is not fucking acceptable.
Yes it is.
Seriously, what fucking boring normalfags are actually voting for Sonic
I agree with you, needs more Cream
I don't see any problem here.
But why?
you're going to hell, pedo fuck
Paedophilia is a mental illness
is there more?
You're right, this is a god damn travesty
it belongs in the trash
Shadow wins imo
I want to
but I voted for Marine because she is cuter and also has more personality
would have voted for sticks but she isn't on there
Nice sketches faggot, better hide them from the popo and your mom.
why does everybody hate Vector? Is it the shitty re-design? he's one of the oldest sonic characters.
Actually, she's Psycho stalker jailbait who aged herself using magic in an attempt to make herself appeal to sonic more.
And Sonic STILL avoids tapping it. What a fucking Homo.
Wasn't he in Mario Strikers as a goalie
Away with you, vile cognatic-pederast!
No that was a different walking lizard. Vector has HEADPHONES, big difference.
speaking of retarded decisions
I love the Bane rabbit
Obvious choice
poor Flat the Cat not getting the love she deserves.
bunny cunny is the BEST
Chris really let himself go. I didn't even know it was him when I saw the new series. I thought the uploader was just bulshitting.
Furries ruin everything.
At least Eggman is winning.
Shit list m8. But if it makes you feel any better you can check my digits.
wonder how long they will keep this TV bully alive with plastic surgery.
You can't have everything.
I'd give her my love for sure. She's not real.
That felt funnier then it should have been.
Her mother is superior.
that a Kremling
Am I going to hell for getting a boner
It's a 4chan poll, can you say which is worse
How do you even fuck up this bad
I'd appreciate the video more if it and the filter image wasn't being reposted in every sonic thread right now.
Who the fuck is "Honey the Cat".
A character that was made for the sonic arcade fighting game but didn't get into the final release. She's in the archie comic but fucking everyone and everything is in that along with OCs so that doesn't count.
It's a furry version of Honey from Fighting Vipers
yes but I can make more if you want user
Big is my faveriot :)
At least have the courtesy of posting a few pics for the user.
Ever play that shiity bioware RPG?
If not, good but hear me out.
Big the cat can straight up fucking 1 shot the final boss in that game solo, one of his basic attacks is equal is a sonic + Amy combo skill, you can buff him to do double damage and have 4 turns a turn + 3 damage multipliers and another for good measure.
Big the Cat is straight up balling.
A Sonic character based off a human character from Fighting Vipers.
I miss Honey.
I'm here kick ass and catch Froggy, and I'm all out of ass
What do you think are the chances the new comic keeping her in, after all it is a sega character, so she might still have a shot
you're the kind of idiot who believes the TV is all bullshit lies except when it agrees with you right?
well imagine you get cream, you fuck her since she's a loli, into pubescency and into an adult that looks just like her mother. you'd get to see her become adult vanilla while enjoying all of her bunny ages.
We need to go younger.
we'll be lucky if none of the characters are touched. Hell, if it weren't for Archie and Sega keeping the writers in place they would have turned Sally and Nicole into dykes after the reboot.
well someones gotta guide your dick into her cunny when she's really young, so she'll be around to help you both until she's about 8 and do it on her own.
My favorite Sonic character is Amy's pussy.
That sounds great too, but I mean getting some toddler bun action.
well, you can start at 2 or-so and go from there
i made mistakes forgot to spoiler
that's going right into my private collection
That's what I thought. Sonic must be a complete schmuck to pass up that tight hedgy pussy!
That's some great shit.
I bet when people used to say "a cat is fine too", you accused them of beastiality.
That nigga has consistently for 7 years on a monthly basis made those sorts of videos.
Tamers12345, he's a turbo autist obsessed with sonic underground and cosplays as a character he ships with an underage sonic
I-I like Tails' dicks :3
since you guys like bunny cunny I drew a little something for you
my sides are like that… things… pants
Thanks dude. Great stuff as always.
Terrible. Give her a big throbbing penis and then we'll talk.
→ it is sacred knowledge of Sonic
And he more or less won.
oh keki, you always make the best cunny. i love seeing your art.
Way to ruin good art with your disgusting human pig butt. Eliminate all humans and cease all human entryism through human x anthro.
oh shuddup, thats an average body type, you elitists are retarded.
I can't get her addicted to my human cock.
Shut it, fatty.
If you're retarded.
you're retarded and your complaints pointless.
Nice damage control you sweaty fucking ham planet. Not even a fucking tow truck can haul your fatass.
What's pointless is all those burgers you shove down your gullet fatty.
Sticks is made for fucking. Other mobian whores cannot compete.
Would fug crazy.
lovely isn't it?
yeah sperg harder, its definitely going to prove your point.
im waiting for you to go "LE XDDD" any time now
How am I sperging I would really love to know?
Only one of those is fat. The other one is barely more than the penis.
Not a fan of the fat dude stuff, but sometimes you take what you can get. At least it's not as bad as other fat faceless man shit. Also we could use more toddlercon.
It's hilarious really.
spergs gonna sperg, what can you do, its a sonic thread for christs sake.
haven't had a chance to post this in a long time
You guys are faggots. You LEL XDD yourselves, no one even needs to insult you when you're so up your own asses you ignore people calling you a shitter.
srry user I'll listen
I am a shitter ;_;7
yo ho ho blow the man down, blow the man down blow me you cunt.
His name is Dr. Robotnik, only faggots call him eggman.
i guess some people cannot handle the bantz
I hear her voice and I can't help but remember susie carmicheal.
Style reminds me of an old /loli/ drawfag.
Lazy = Fat
Fat hand.
I`ll stop liking sonic the moment Mike stops voicing him.
Yeah man crying spurge, sick bantz dude, that must be the reason people ignored your fat ass.
it looks similar, i'll give you that.
Draw your own boypussy tbh
Why even live?
Draw this *whips out dick*
I'll probably draw your dick if you send me a picture, I like drawing penises
Draw a cute little penis with the foreskin intact. Those are the best.
Oh, and leaking pre too. Can't believe I forgot such an important detail.
I actually like the look of that character
I hate this thread and I hate a of you please die.
No one cares. Everyone on this site is furiously clicking between /fur/ and /cuteboys/ for quick wanks between LARP sessions on Holla Forums. All the "outrage" here is just a different kind of masturbatory self-indulgence, like bites of steak between bites of your baked potato.
Nice projection there matey.
I don't deny anything so I have nothing to hide. Post the last month of your browser history and prove me wrong. You won't, so you're just another self-loathing faggot and the real projector.
Keep projecting homo.
Post your history faggot.
gay niggas
Can confirm. I love fucking cute underage animals, especially newborn. You got me user, you got me red handed.
Text book definition of psychological projection as a self-defence mechanism.
Back to shamefully jerking off ignoramus.
I give up. I admit I'm the only degenerate on this website.
I guess I'll go kill myself now.
Your poetic words move me. Such a pleasurable sensation captured into one such a decadent place as this. I yearn to feel this one day, I yearn to know how to reach such an experience, and because of this yearning I suffer for it.
my asshole to shreds daddy
Good, your degenerate hedonism has violent ends.
No it doesn't, it has loving tender ends, if you know what I mean :3
Kill yourself already
Keep responding to him please.
It distracts me from my Kemono browsing.
kill yoyrself furfag
…What if I just became undead?
works for me
Glad we can compromise. Welp, off to the Asylum. Come get me when the lights in your kingdom start to flicker.
I hate you, Mark.
This is all your fault.
mork mork bork bork
the fuck you got against mint chocolate chip
Its a shit flavor.
Spumoni is a shit flavor. MCC is great.
They're all delicious flavors.
uncultured swine.
y'all burgerclaps need some goddamn stc lore
Like everything else in life, you dumb niggers just let the kike win.
shadow is not winning…this is not ok
Oh, hi, Spack. How's it hanging?
Where's the rest of the porn
i voted for emerl biiitch
Can someone pinpoint the moment in the thread where reading it started to feel like having a stroke
Kayona Kim is my favorite Sonic character.
Who is this ugly chink
I dunno, I started having a stroke about and it has only progressed from there
haha your'e right it even has arby sauce
i bet artist was smoking that weed
holy shit this kid…. this is one of his first videos.
"driver beats kids for sonic underground"
I din du nuffin
Well thats pretty much his age too
Don't talk shit about mint chocolate chip ice cream you plebeian subhumans
I voted for him
Nice art user but why is the paper made of pubes?
Voted for best girl.
Baby Sitting Cream never ever
that's so sad
Is Sonic X good?
Also sub or dub?
It's OK but only if you watch it in Japanese.
kill yourself
NO. The first episode is the only good one.
Thread theme because Eggman is always acceptable.
gas yourself
SA2 is a game that may have aged a little poorly by today standards, but when it first came out it was mind blowing too me.
I feel like it's one of the few "Kids games" that doesn't think kids are too dumb to handle a more serious story. That's why I think the game is as loved as it is, it respects it's audience.
Unlike more recent Sonic games were there are practically no stakes to any events in the story.
His levels were garbage and he did cooler stuff in adventure 1
He looks and sounds better and has a sweet ass theme song, but nobody actually liked those fucking slow clunky shooting levels, which also reduced his plot relevance to stuff that could be built around those slow clunky shooting levels
I actually enjoyed the levels as speed wasn't something I figured was Eggman's forte, but blowing up everything was.
There is that as well, tied in with the fact that the game had the chao garden to give you a reason to replay levels in completely different ways
I honestly hope you die in your sleep tonight faggot
soo fucking fat ewww
not with that attitude you won't
I know, what a delicious cock
You know I'm surprised Sonic is second.
Usually the main character is a lot lower in these kind of polls, regardless of the game.
Sega should just make a Rouge the Bat game already. With state of the art jiggle physics.
I never understood this
Shadow is the best one tbh.
What's with all these fan fiction characters? Only like a handful are even canon to the main 4 sonic games.
If they have better designs than Tails then they're honorary canon no matter where they come from
Eggman is a romanticist, a feminist, and a self-proclaimed genius.
That was a mistranslation.
It has a balance of good parts and bad parts. Mostly, seasons 1 and 3 are worth to watch, while season 2 not only has the most amount of QUALITY scenes, it also contains episodes that adapts SA1's, SA2's stories and the stories of other games minimally, but with terrible management on their progress and butchered best occasions from the games thanks to Chris always taking the spotlight. I recommend to watch only the last episodes of season 2.
Sub, certainly. 4kids made a great job at cutting a great amount of scenes and censoring most parts that didn't need that in the first place. I don't recommend dub even if Gotta Go Fast is great and Jason has the best voice over Sonic.
I agree. People who like mint chocolate chip are the Radiohead fans of ice cream and those who like spumoni are the Kiss fans of ice cream.
-Haagen Dasz vanilla bean master race.
My question is why the hell he has more than Shadow?
No WebM because fuck you, I already spent two days trying to guess the CRF value without making the video look like shit.
you all got shit taste
In the official japanese polls, sonic, tails, and shadow consistently came out in the top spots
I think even knuckles placed behind characters like amy and cream