Why are all CURRENT YEAR MMOs so shit?
Why are all CURRENT YEAR MMOs so shit?
Other urls found in this thread:
uo (renaissance server)
meridian 59 open source server
everquest project 1999
All still good and offer things no modern mmos do.
Because there are enough idiots that eat them up and they're easier to make than GOOD MMOs (Assuming MMOs can be good in the first place, i never played one).
Because MMOs are shit in general.
Because you are shit?
I mean there are mmos for all tastes and desires, so like go fucking play them.
What exactly do you want that isn't there?
Stop making these threads.
Because you have no real idea what you want out of them.
How's Runescape these days?
Only if you're talking about op's taste and expectations.
Name one MMO that is still populated that is objectively good these days
Because hardware limitations are dead and it's easier than ever to shit out a million somewhat acceptable looking mooks to slap instead of having to think up complicated ways you can use your engine without crippling playability for people with low end hardware.
And that's literally the only reason why modern MMOs are shit.
I know it's not exactly an MMO but what happened to Spiral Knights?
Tera Online, Lineage 2, Ragnarok Online, Aion.
In addition this is why, aside from Gayshit nobody not even actual booty plunderers care about, runescape can't do anything fun or correct anymore.
What are the second two like? Lineage and Ragnarok
It fucking died
Oh boy.
There is no "objectively" good or bad games period.
Games set out to do certain things and depending on how well they achieve them, they are perceived as good or bad depending on how player wanted those things to be realised compared to how game realised them.
Now tell me your criteria of "good mmo".
Nothing. It's still up and running.
It's still around. The new equipment leveling system is whack as fuck, but it's still around
Alright I misspoke, how about popular suggestions from folk who know what they're talking about.
I can't wait until all the gookshit moves to mobile/tablets. Maybe when the chinese lemmings leave the PC market we'll get some quality back instead of the blind following the blind, regurgitating the same thing over and over.
Then again what do you want?
Single player grindan with optional co-op?
Game that forces coopiration?
Game with accent on real time combat?
Game with bazillion of classes?
Game with free trading?
Game with boob physics and no censorship?
Game where you can do and have everything and no weakness?
Because all CURRENT YEAR games are shit.
Like pancakes baked by your granny, that you ate when you were 12.
I'll take option 1, 3, 4 and 5
I guess I can wait a few more years until JTLP is done
just play on private servers lmao
You are wrong.
I remember Warframe getting alot of shit around here in the past, hs it seriously gotten that much better or are there just a few vocal hardliners around?
fucks me off to no end that the multiplayer part of mmos is optional. Isn't the whole point to play with hundreds of different people all at the same time?
Lineage 2 Classic is really fun if you're autistic/NEET enough to grind enough to where you can compete in castle sieges and mass PvP
PSO2 is probably decent but it's nip only. Warframe is a badly designed cucknadian/chinese skinnerbox and Black Desert turned out to be more themepark bullshit despite being hailed as the one true free MMO. Funny how many of those there are until they all turn out to be awful.
Stop having shit taste you fucking victims.
No. Just no. Farmgrind will never be good.
Warbros #1
Because MMOs as a concept are shit.
The plot has to accomodate thousands of players, also most of them are the exact same in terms of gameplay, Diablo clones except even more stiff.
The only MMO I have played that I enjoyed is Monster Hunter and I would argue that it's not an MMO.
Just plain false.
Everything now is trying to be a F2P scam of some sort to make money off of retarded Koreans and no lifers. No one has the balls to actually make something unique as well.
I play lost saga but now are bunches of microtrasactions
mandatory homosexuality reprogramming for every player.
Runescape 3 or Runescape 2?
I think they shut down runescape 1 like 2 years ago.
They still haven't officially made an english server, have they? I'm not going to play on the gook servers.
Fuck off. It's an awful game, don't ever drag anyone else in to waste their time on it.
It's the same shit as all the MMOs before it.
That's what korean mmo's mastered in mid 2000's. At highest levels, you would have to party up to level efficiently, need a tank and a mob puller. That is what made grinding fun, not singleplayer text kill X quests.
While they did expand they are still here. Anything above 8 GB ram is pretty much crazy.
Should add Asheron's Call. There are now 3 mostly complete server emulators in development.
I want an MMORPG, not an MMO shitty action game. I want a game that focuses not on obscene levels of graphical fidelity and instead on graphical composition and character so that the designers can actually design and so that it's playable on something like an off the shelf laptop to get the largest possible playerbase. I want a game that forces cooperation but isn't so socially demanding that I need voice chat; think pre-heroes Guild Wars. I want a game where the writers have never dyed their hair or changed their political opinions because a girl breathed near them. I want a game where the devs are forbidden from using the terms 'themepark' and 'sandbox' to encourage them to think outside of the dichotomy. I want a game made by devs who've never even played a free trial of WoW. Lastly I want a game that can draw on a pre-existing fanbase so it isn't DoA like most original MMO's these days. Maybe using a pre-existing setting like Shadowrun or Warhammer.
I think you're thinking of old RS here, unfortunately I doubt you'll find anything like that.
Yeah, but now there's engines that allow you to CRAM a ton of filler into 4GB
comfiest game
comfiest music
Because MMOs were made to be shit
everything is shit, MMOs have always been shittier than other things. connect the dots.
So what MMOs have you guys played recently then? And what made them bad?
No thanks
All MMOs have always been shit.
Terrible gameplay and amounts of grinding that only an autist could stomach.
I can second Project 1999. I'm playing that right now and it's very fun. The game is balanced around grouping to the point where it's practically mandatory for some zones, and definitely recommended if you want to get good exp without dying. You also rely on players heavily for goods and services (porting, buffs, resurrection which restores some exp lost from dying and shortens corpse runs) and tipping for these services is a large part of the game, as is having a good reputation so that porters/rezzers don't ignore you. It really puts the Multiplayer in MMORPG.
I'm glad you asked.
Awful cash shop elements, terrible progression based around constantly invalidating/out-scaling everything but your current skillset, and really bland gameplay with awful linearity.
Great OST at least, god bless SoundTeMP.
Was originally just RS07 with better combat and a wannabe EVE atmosphere but became more blob/zerg and casual carebear oriented.
Lots of performance issues and the combat, especially PvP, never improved after the Alpha.
Initially very promising games both reduced to cancerous grindfests with a barebones version of their intended mechanics and economies.
Had cute waifus that caused cancerous generals. Revelation Online succeeded these two games and inherited their audiences by being not-unbelievably-terrible.
Censored garbage, terrible localization, not worth anyone's time.
Just play PSO2 instead.
Dropped this game after the "Prime Vault" and they bragged about how they destroyed their design documents. Game has gone downhill nonstop and actively insults and attacks its userbase while milking whales with parasitic microtransactions.
Kind of fun, if painfully grindy, if you just play with friends. Avoid community at all costs.
Was originally Diablo II's real successor, but the game has suffered from nonstop powercreep and an eroding design philosophy leading to toilet-circling balance and boring Leagues. It got leaked and then confirmed that the devs were spending massive amounts of resources on a terrible console port for years.
New expansion fixed several flaws but the game has already made a lot of detrimental decisions that drove of older and more serious players. Avoid community at all costs.
If you want an MMO:
PSO2 is not that good, too.
Has amazing character customization and the combat is fun at first.
But it is terribly balanced and the combat gets old fast since it just focuses on dealing top DPS.
What the fuck
Archeage was pretty fun.
Listened to the RO ost again recently. I seriously don't understand why more companies don't get these guys to do music for them.
That aside, what do you think is killing MMOs? The free to play model and publishers ruining games by making it hell for anyone to casually play without spending money? The developers/publishers taking too long to react to consumer feedback about balance breaking glitches or mechanics? The casualization of the genre to the point where everyone only cares about end game because the journey there was so simplistic journey?
Personally, I've never been big on MMOs and haven't truly invested in a single one. Watching from the sidelines though, it does seem like a genre that has no idea what to do with its self besides to build up on the last clone with a few tweaks. Not really a MMO but I started Kritika Online recently. Pretty similar to Vindictus from what I've seen and heard. It can be somewhat fun with friends and playing on hard and above can make certain bosses pretty challenging.
MMOs cost a fuckton of money to make, relative to other genres. As a result, companies have to pander to as large a group as possible. And like other big-budget games, gameplay is watered down in order to cater to a giant audience. That's all there is to it.
The major two problems would be the internet community has gone to shit killing all cooperation and teamwork good MMO's normally need which turns them into a game you can run through by yourself.
Plus the people making them only create clones of the WoW model killing all creativity in MMO design Also the fact publishers go for the safe option of copy pasting themeparks rather then risk funding a good sandbox type
It's always the original ideas that bring so many people in the first place. Then they simplify and streamline it for casuals instead of letting people adapt. Once it's like every other MMO at that point, they don't have much of a reason to play and potential customers don't have a reason to join. At that point they just rely on whales to feed them money through micro-transactions. If devs/publishers would stick to their guts, many MMOs these days would actually have their own identity.
What caused that change? Normalfags invading the market? From what I've seen, MMOs like WoW ruined things by making everything so accessible. Before, you would have to find a group to do raids. Actually communicating with people to form teams. Now you can just scroll down a menu and select who you want based on class and level. Convenient, but ruins a major aspect of MMOs.
F2P model bringing the worst kind of playerbase. Plus devs that automatize the entire game, making it a solo experience where except for the endgame you are basically playing a singleplayer game.
i have faith in the future
The year 2007 and normalfags invading the internet is probably a big one.
Accessibility is just the result of whining normalfags who can't communicate and create groups and just want to run through content solo
Aw fuck I love me some JanusVR
After taking a year break from project 1999 Everquest server I played for about 4 hours today on a newbie alt in East Commons.
Went from levels 9 to 12 in that time, got 3 bags full of belts. Had a super fun time, grouped with a warrior with a fungi tunic and cloak of flames and several others and everyone was super chill. People stopped by to buff us up, watched a lot of shit being sold on auction. It might as well have been current_year -17.
I'm also thinking about checking out p2002 because they allow 3 boxing and that would be ideal often because I play at weird hours.
I thought I was the only one who watched the liru anime.
Archeage had a pretty good guild scene. Funny how that game was killed by the company switching to a focus on casual whales.
i miss these two the most…. but you know what? even as shit as they are right now, you could probably still enjoy them if you have friends.
MMORPGs are shit because the novelty is long gone - they are barely videogames, they're certainly not roleplaying games, they're no longer mysterious, they're full of pop culture and meta, they're not immersive, they've abandoned any sense of shared virtual worlds and we prefer being anonymous.
The irony and the self-induced suffering of the Holla Forums's population right there.
MMO's were always shit.
If you wanna find a decent MMO you gotta find a small community MMO. Which is why I'm always looking for new indie MMOs
PSO2 is quintessential manifestation of MMOs player bases and devs not knowing what they want in general
inb4 project shitgon shill comes again
where the hell do you even find indie MMOs anyway?
I am not sure if this is ever going to happen. A large part of the Asian market plays in internet cafes and PC bangs, because Chinamen use those as a cheap way to escape their cramped living conditions for a few hours.
It's hard. Endless-Online back in the day was one back in the day before devs stopped working on it. There maybe a few but they're are really rare these days. I know of a few that Holla Forums would like but weren't my cup of tea. Wild Terra Online is one of them AoE2 graphics, Survival PvP base building okay combat. It was like Haven and Hearth.
Nobody knows what the fuck they want. There seems to be people who want exactly what they complain about, they complain about themepark garbage, but when they tell you which the best MMOs are you'll get a bunch of WoW clone themepark shit.
The problem with MMOs is the exact same problem that AAA games have, big companies have no clue how to game good games so they just copy whatever worked before and slap a new coat of paint onto it. The reason there aren't good MMOs is because it's so much harder for small and indie developers to make them.
Imagine if you had no other games except AAA trash, that's what MMOs are.
What if I don't want an MMO, but rather a PvE questan/dungeon crawlan game?
It seems to me like no one can even make use of the fact that a game is an MMO anymore so I'd rather just play a game that isn't gimped.
i want final fantasy XI classic. just STOP after Wings of the Goddess. no abyssea.
or a lineage 2 Interlude that isn't pay 2 play, because i want to make more than a single account and multibox, but im not gonna pay for 4 fucking accounts.
I'm fairly sure there are private servers for both of those.
Why aren't you playing on them?
not even this user but there's almost no L2 Interlude private servers to speak of that aren't russian
nevertheless though, they're pretty easy to host and configure (changing rates isn't hard), so if anybody from Holla Forums wanted to, we could do a game night or something
because they suck user.
FFXI servers are broken messes full of SJWs. L2 servers are all terrible with very low pop or """donation""" stores and high ping that fail to accurately represent the classic experience. and also, they get taken down quite frequently.
I already can see some user making a thread about running L2 private server and the whole bunch of greentext replies.
But at least you got
Maybe you guys should stop whining and actually set shit up for once.
I could unironically set it up today, but I'm in russia and even though my internet is not shit, my rig more or less is. There's no point to do this though if only one user's ever gonna hop in.
we had an Holla Forums FFXI server running earlier in 2016, and it went down because the owner descended into normalfaggotry in about 3 or 4 months.
besides setting a server up requires you to have a dedicated computer, pay a host, and overall be constantly present to fix bugs that arise. its practically an unpaid part-time job. like being a janicuck here BUT harder because you actually need to know coding.
Because they arent really "Massively multiplayer online", they singleplayer experiences with the shittest RPG game design possible in most cases.
What happened to make project gorgon become hated? I remember playing it a few years ago with Holla Forums and had a really good time. Decently solid group of players that actually did content and helped out other new bros. There was also shitposting in the main town and global chat and the head developer was cool with it as long as it wasnt obvious targeted harassment of one person, even chewed out one of the mods in global chat for muting someone for making a benign joke.
it was shit, and shilled too much.
You know what, fuck it, I'm gonna try to host it if there's at least three other people willing to join to test if it's even gonna work. I'll set EXP rates to like x10000 so that the grind is more or less skipped and then we could PvP at least. The game itself is like 3 gigs on tpb. Please reply or something.
The problems that caused people to empty out is the project's run by a dude and his wife so content came at a very glacial pace and they sided with vocal autistic sjws who ended up basically banning things like "Remove Deer" because racism
literally the only fun part of the game.
i had forgotten about that, yeah, the game was trash but there was another reason: the devs went full SJW.
first i remember hearing about it is when they banned a guy for a holohoax joke, permanently banned IIRC. the moment that info spread people on Holla Forums quit in droves because you know us, we don't like being restricted on what we can and cannot say.
I can't tell if that's worse than the forced pride event in Runescape and Trion specifically banning any mention of Donald Trump in Archeage and Rift.
I feel like playing an MMO always sets you up for nothing but regret. Getting to the most interesting content/PvP is locked behind 1000+ hours of grinding, this might not even include the time spent making dosh for endgame gear. Then once you finally get to endgame and are all geared up what's there isn't going to be significantly better than what you could get in another game, except you spent ages getting there. You chase the carrot on a stick for ages then once you get it it's one of those carrots with a big crack in the side that tastes bitter.
Yes there's the:
But in the end if you have a group of friends to play any game with you get this kind of stuff. Though admittedly the usual setup of MMOs can generally result in you making pals or acquaintances quite easily, whereas in an FPS or something you're unlikely to make pals. I guess that's part of the appeal, a complete shut-in can join a somewhat active guild, hang around long enough to become a regular and reach a high level then get as much social interaction as Chad Thundercock without ever leaving the house.
You're joking
Thats exactly the reason I play mmos. Or used to play, the shitty mechanics and combat got to me so now I'm in some kind of limbo where I play some online games for some human interaction but never stick to one because nothing catches my attention.
The "Community Manager" is a trans.
Just fucking pay for 2 accounts on L2Classic to multibox. It's 3 dollars for the first month on each and then 10 after, 20 bucks a month is not bad for a licensed classic server.
Because good MMO's are for gameplay user. They are dressup simulators for people who want to play with dolls but it is socially unacceptable for them to play with them in real life.
Posting to shill Lord of the Rings Online. Mordor just dropped, best traditional MMO combat system that's still around, mostly lorefagging and PvE but damn good at what it does. Also one of the only F2P games where you actually can farm enough in-game currency to buy everything instead of just enough to get you to be a whale. Still has a sub system, but nothing is limited to it save the PvP (nontraditional, but I've always liked it). You need an attention span, so ADHD weabniggers need not apply.
too much for me
Shit, pay for one and I'll share my Prophet with you, I've never seen any interest from 8/v/ in classic L2
MMO's were never good, take of your nostalgia googles. I've heard that FFXIV is supposed to be pretty good though and you can try it for free so give it a shot.
maybe because its pay to play on a game that is known to require heavy multiboxing
Pay to play with active administrators banning botters seems alright if you enjoyed the original L2 experience. Yeah, it's kinda shit that you need a buffer to progress if you want to play a DD, but all you need is one lad who owns a box to be efficient.
Because they're just gimmick RPGs designed solely to bleed your wallet of all its contents while pandering to the most idiotic and easily pleased denominators while doing nothing worthwhile. Or worse yet, MMOs based on pre-existing IPs which only ruin the lore of said IP or make it worse.
Also this.
what about DORFS
i always make alt dorfs so i dont have to get ripped off on Soulshots and other commonly produced items/spoiled materials.
at bare minimum, i play 2 dorfs (1 Artisan 1 Scavenger), a DD, and a buffer. thats 4 accounts.
I typically run a DD/buffer multibox, I can hook you up with a 50 Prophet. There's money to be made running both Scavi and Warsmith.
duh, thats why i play one of each, but not if i have to pay 20 dollars + 10 for my DD + 10 for a buffer.
too much cash and im a neet.
Microtransacrion bs started creeping into p2p mmos back in the mid to late 2000s when dlc started taking off. It's now just used to milk whales in a similar way to the mobile market. The pricing in shops is usually really retarded too. It's to milk whales.
Western devs started pushing more socjus bs in their games and their quality suffered as they brought in more sjw cancer to make their games. Eastern devs don't really know what they're doing other than to try and milk as many whales as possible. The censorship bs is starting to be more noticeable in Eastern mmos and games now.
Of course, there are exceptions. In mobile games, TSTO is pretty fair and gives you a ton of opportunities to get premium items in-game. JW:G is hit or miss. They're better at letting you get premium stuff in-game, but they still want to milk whales and they push it on you pretty hard. FG:G has been shit for a long while.
In terms of mmos, RS still exists. FF14 is ok, but the devs are clueless and bots are taking over. The devs have also dug themselves into a hole. Every expac has been more or less the same. It's to the point that players already know what's going to come next. The story is shonen-tier, so it's really obvious how things are going to play out.
The thing that killed mmos imo is the devs that chased after the wow crowd. In a way similar to fps devs chasing after the halo crowd back in the 2000s, mmo devs did something similar. Mmos became more themepark and their combat systems began to mimic wow. Evercrack existed before wow, but wow caused a lot more harm to mmos. Games like coh practically told their old audience to fuck off and there were lots of misses like Aion, Conan, Warhammer and DCUO.
FFXIV. Prove me wrong faggot.
he said objectively good. FFXIV stopped being good when they nuked it with a massive meteor.
RIP. I've had success running a buffer/DD with a Dwarf secondary on my DD"s account, but I'll stop shilling l2c now.
What happened besides the game shutting down?
no. no its not. why do people who shit on wow and chant about "the downfall of mmos" always seem to be slightly approving of FF14? its the exact same trash
ARR IS WOW but its OK because its FF and "japanese".
14 was good before ARR, when it felt more like 11, but instead of making content they nuked it and made it a wowclone for normalfags because that brings in the money, and thats all this is about, the money.
as the general populace of america and the rest of the world "dumbs" down thanks to mass immigration, feminism, exponentially increasing numbers, and the absolute lack of an eugenics program, so does the quality of consumable media, the few fan-made projects like P.Gorgon quickly succumb to marxism when they get lulled with a fat wad of cash in their face, and others like CARPG never leave "alpha" stage. permanently stuck on a loop of weekly patches to minor shit
It's ok as far as wow-clones go. I do agree that themepark mmos are shitty in general, but the mmo pool has really thinned out this past decade.
NCSoft started changing the game in i13 to better resemble wow. That's when we started getting movement degredation. That is, your movement speed got cut in half whenever you entered combat. It severely slowed down the game. The community rep Lighthouse got shitcanned when he refused to lie to the playerbase on NCSoft's command. The pvp chamges were made without player input like every other patch before that. The test server used to give players and devs a lot of time to communicate directly, but that changed in i13. I hope Kim nukes those yellow bastards at NCSoft.
Conan's intro level Tortuga was amazing, but the rest of the game was rushed. I honestly would have been happy to just be limites to Tortuga and then have the rest of tge game open up with more polish. They started making massive balance changes that crippled the set caster and buffed the other casters into the top spot. It was a game of yoyo.
To add to this. FF14 is a wow-clone that is so slow to learn from wow's mistakes and improvements. Yoshi is a sneaky cunt who spews bs. The tank vit excuse he gave is a notable example of this.
thats the problem, wow-clones are not ok. and people act like ARR is.
no. its not. its shit and anyone paying for it is cancer.
Why do faggots play MMOs in the first place?
The grind.
WoW ruined MMOs by streamlining them.
Other than that, got it right and the rest of the thread is entirely pointless.
Grinding is fun.
Because the risk/cost of making them is too high for innovation.
MMOs will start to suck less once their development and maintenance costs lower, then more studios will be willing to try new things and we'll see some life out of it.
Till then, Wow clones and Korean pay to win.
To get strong and then flaunt your strength to others, which takes grind. Some people probably have the misguided notion of making friends, hanging with gangs, and doing group activities with, and that's definitely a draw, but at the end of the day those people will get bored and the groups will dwindle and if you aren't one of those that leave, either with them or on your own, all that's left is the grind.
No they don't. They'll get better when making and running an MMO is easy enough for indie devs to do it. Big studios never ever innovate, all the change and new ideas come from indies and small studios who actually care about games as opposed to purely money.
That's basically my point. Once those costs come down it will lower the cost of entry so more people can bring competing products out.
TES3MP is promising and Jagex mentioned Darkscape in their last big survey.
I'd love to see the 8ch Darkscape clan come back. I couldn't stomach FFXIV anymore and Guild Wars 1 is finally dying.
Then a bunch of faggots with an agenda collude to hijack the market by promoting only their clique and play gatekeeper to everything else.
Sadly not a single MMO is good anymote. You cant appease everyone, you cant just stay niche because you need a profit to keep running it. I wish I could deliver a game with most of what Ive seen anons want, but my biggest issue is lack of scope to add everything and what to do with minigamers. Im all up for boob sliders, hip sliders, Hand of A'dal tuning, giving dresses for the barbiefags in events, but heres the dealio, how to survive on a genre maligned by many and that costs a fortune just to start and upkeep.
jesus fucking christ the hipsters on this site
14 was fucking trash. ARR salvaged it somewhat but its still your typical grindfest mmo.
but XIV was a sandbox, freedom. Now it's just a WoWClone and we all know WoW is barely an MMO, more like glorified CO-OP.
Nigger, XIV 1.x had a server-sided mouse cursor. I don't even have to continue, that already proves you wrong.
I never played pre-ARR but I can see where the other user is coming from.
When an MMO is kusoge, people focus less on playing it and more on interacting with eachother. This is why Runescape has (had) the following that it does (did). People didn't want to click on a Unicorn and wait half a minute for the battle to autoresolve. They chatted with eachother while they did their shit.
Pre-ARR sounds like the kind of game that gives players a ton of things they can do, but none of them were so involved that you could focus on them too hard, so people would play with eachother moreso than play with the game alone.
It died around the release of Guild Wars 2. You'd encounter an handful of players, but given the massive amount of content, forming pugs was up to complete luck – nevermind getting a competent one. The only things still active was farming stuff like ToA and DoA. Some pvp formats had become so empty they had to be arranged beforehand to happen (FA) while others had more bots than players (JQ, RA). It's a shame, if they were still putting out expansions/content I'd still be playing. At least it went out on a good note with Winds of Change.
Prophecies>Factions>Eye of the North>Nightfall
I recently picked up Guild Wars 2 again, and it's only taken them five years to go from dumpster fire to a bland, mediocre game with offensively shit writing. A round of applause for ArenaNet, truly, they are peerless.
I don't think many of the original arenanet guys were left in the company when GW2 was released. One of their primary designers and coders left mid project to make State of Decay for example.
to play with others and pretend I have friends
Just because you're playing it with friends to distract yourself from the fact you're paying a monthly stipend for a WoW clone doesn't make it a good game.
We projecting much will always be alone in the end when wanting an ideal dungeon crawling game. I want to be lost again in a world where I can control my avatar very precisely. Drop me in a damned planet that needs a purge. No damage numbers, simply gauge damage from how many hits it takes.
An ideal game would be me being in a dungeon crawl of metroid prime. MMO? Slap a co-op on that sucker and start us out in a crazy environment, give us random upgrades at random locations and let us explore.
Agreed with your sentiments about the state of current year, I need a drink with you so we can say goodbye to what never came to fruition, the true golden age.
you are fucking trash, you don't know what a good MMO is like and you wouldn't know one even if it bit you in the ass.
go follow more markers you retarded faggot.
can we drink bleach?
Nice forced meme
Serious question. How would a good MMO even get off the ground? I get the feeling the only people who can make one these days are suits with a ton of marketing power who ALWAYS PLAY SAFE. Anyone else would be fucked because their MMO would be a constant ghost town because it'll have the same problem all small-scale multiplayer games do. No players want to join because it's a multiplayer game with no players
It probably wouldn't be that hard if you made the MMO low budget.
Keep the game small scale and build your way up as subsequent patches come out. Throw that shit on steam or some other service that'll post your game about and hope it builds up steam. The best example I can think of is Runescape and how that started as a really cheaply made game that's expanded twice since it's conception.
The problem with that approach is eventually something gets added that fucks the entire game and divides the player base. Like TF2's constant updates or the grand exchange
Unfortunately so, however, that's the only way that you'd be able to get such a game off the ground without resorting in taking a huge dicking from Trion/Nexus/Aria etc.
If you keep the people onto the one project and have them want to see the game grow then you're not going to end up like TF2 where they've got to release bi yearly events with a staff of 4 people.
I haven't played RS since the the Godswords were introduced so I have no clue what the Grand Exchange is.
There's your problem.
I wonder how many cases of games growing with the community happened. The only one I can think of really is dota and even that's falling apart.
Essentially it's like ebay for runescape. It pissed a lot of players off because a gigantic part of runescape was crafting and selling what you made, which was valuable because a lot of things where hard to find. Now you can just go to a spot in a town and buy anything for super cheap.
It came way after my time, but I decided to check it out. I use to sell low-tier enchanted necklesses and they're like 1/10th of the price at the grand exchange, so I can see how hard other players got dicked over by it.
Do you know what sandbox means? 14 was not a sandbox
Anyone here ever played Fairyland or Wonderland Online?