Yet another walking simulator

The very definition of style over substance. Barely even qualifies as a game. Just hold "w" and watch the devs fellate themselves.
Dont bother pirating it, it's not worth the headache you'll have after experiencing the non-stop strobing.


Observe my doubles reverse shill

From the name alone and how OP describe it as a walking simulator, I can tell it's some pretentious, bullshit meta commentary about video games or something as stupid.


I hardly knew her!

It's made by the same team that did Layers of Fear, what did you expect?
It is damn pretty, I'll give it that. But it really is a walking simulator, even if the spooks are alright and the voice acting is top notch. There's zero game play. Zero. The most you do is push a button or connect a very obvious wire to a very obvious outlet.
Wouldn't fucking buy it at nearly thirty bucks, that's for sure.


I don't know. Layers of fear was pretty spooky.

Good tech demo. Not really a good game.

Did you actually play layers of fear? It's a puzzle game, not very complex or interesting one, but it's not walking sim.
Dunno about observer though, but aesthetics look cool.

Almost finished downloading, should've waited before wasting time. We seriously need a list of all walking released and future upcoming simulator so we can avoid them

I have this and Layer of Fear for some October spooks. Looks good but I'll have to see if the art, music, sound, VA, story etc. make up for the lack of gameplay.

It's legitimately physically painful to look at after a few hours. There's this weird effect they use that puts everything slightly out of focus, and then there's no less than a dozen filters on top of that. It also fucks with your vision periodically, adding distortions, changing the colours or taking away control of the camera. As a matter of course but especially in the dream sequences, there's this unending strobe effect that gave me a migraine. Doesn't help that the FOV is locked to something like 55 unless you modify a config file. No, there's not a FOV slider, there's fuck all video settings.

The Aesthetics might look good if you could turn all that shit off, but then all you'd be left with is a barely interactive walking simulator.

Very well satan, I won't be downloading it.
I wasn't fan of their first game anyway.

is that rutger hauer?

Yes, they were clearly trying to cash in on Blade Runner fans/hype. What a waste of a good actor.

This is the most accurate description of walking sims i've ever heard. I'm going to start describing The Beginner's Guide like that from now on. I can't believe my asshat friend liked that pile of shit.

Describes most of his career, honestly

Darn, got it because it said there was a lanix port but it's simply a text file with ":)" in it.

its psychological horror, apparently OP can't distinguish between Doom and Amnesia

fuck seriously?

well no fucking wonder, its obviously heavily inspired by it, atmosphere and even music
I don't matter honestly, blade runner was awesome and there is nothing even remotely close to it

Let the poor guy get some cash.
He's always been a working actor, not a movie star. 💰

I don't mind, the guy was awesome, no wonder the voice acting is so good

I heard this was the thread to acquire repeating digits.

You heard wrong.

I would shop the pic to say

but I'm lazy

anyway I've been watching the game (yes watching)
it really isn't that bad, the design and graphical effects are really, they're experimented with cool stuff, but like user said effects a little overboard and become tiring on the eyes
plus, the story it self is very strange, 3 hours in and still no clue what the fuck is happening
while jumping in into other peoples is nightmares might be a really good idea, I think it wasn't executed in this case
and finally their inspirations for obviously blade runner for the universe and Soma for the scenario (the cyber interface, graphical glitches)

the game opens with a very easy pseudo puzzle that may trick you into thinking it's gonna be a puzzle game, unfortunately that "puzzle" is the only one. I'm still enough of a whore for cyberpunk to get some enjoyment based on aesthetics alone so it may be worth a pirate

MST3K is pozzed now.
Netflix gave it the gift of AIDS.


walking sim named observer, nice


Every goddamn time. It's the fucking laugh track of claims-to-be-but-isn't-horror. I want to be scared and have nightmares, not watch The Big Bang Theory Halloween Special.

Doom is anything but a walking simulator, if you're standing around trying to make sense of the demonic imagery for hidden meaning you're doing it wrong.

Fuck off with your smileys you phone posting faggot.

Has any game ever legitimately unsettled you?
Silent Hill when i was a much younger, but i cant think of anything since then.