The Rise Of Melee FPS (or FPM)

When the hell is it coming?

I can only find games few and far between. Dark Messiah is a classic and the closest we've got to a sword and sorcery Half-Life so far. Dishonored series is garbage in that regard, despite Dishonored 2 trying to expand and for some reason stopping short of just implementing the DM system again. Riddick games are flashy, but not really challenging. Mordhau shows promise, even if it is multiplayer shit. Kingdom Come: Deliverance still looks fucking awful and they are supposed to be releasing at the start of next year.

Why does mainstream game development keep disappointing, Holla Forums? Why?



Try GMOTA and Demonsteele

oh wow i want more hexen clones, fuck off nigger

There has never been good first person combat.
Shut up.Dark Messiah feels like shit.

Get your ass back to >>>/cuckchan/

Name one

Zeno Clash
Dark Messiah
Ur Mum

What mods does that Dark Messiah screenshot have? I don't remember that part looking like that although I did run it through wine

Shadow Warrior
seconding Ur Mum, like mentioned

I've played 215 hours of DM singleplayer and it looks about right to me though it may have been run through photoshop to make the light bloom/HDR even more severe.

Where are the cyclops' boy parts?


I remember it had blocking and that's about it. It was a lot like Left 4 Dead but with less ammo and no shotgun.

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is decent.
Sadly Torn Banner is never going to fix whats wrong with it, partially because they're kikes
>first person deathcams removed because they clip with COSMETICS and they're too lazy to fix it

I never found Chivalry particularly impressive, to be honest. The combat always felt too float-y and unsatisfying for me. The fact that the mechanics are fundamentally broken just added to my disinterest in playing it further.

That's why I'm kind of looking forward to Mordhau, because the combat looks much more solid and brutal and unlike Torn Banner, they actually seem to give a shit about making a functional game.

First person melee is extremely hard to do well compared to third person.

t. someone making a first person melee game (or trying to)

I actually don't think it is, anymore. A decade or so earlier, I might have agreed with you, but I think it's a fairly ripe ground to tear into, especially for AAA companies, at this stage.

Mind sharing some stuff with us? It's not like this thread is going anywhere else.


Okay. You stupid fuckin retard, I do not want more doom clones because doom is a shit game because it is not true 3d and requires mods to become greater, even then the best doom clone is fuckin duke nukem but even then it's fuckin shit because lmao mouse movement one axis at a time, fuckin meme, shit meme until you patch it or play on a sourceport. but damn the stupid 20th blastinmyasswithambientocclusion piece of masterass kind of randy "born battleborn'd" pitchford, i hate that faggot. Speaking of doom and dn3d, quake fuckin did everything actually did absolutely almost everything wrong, boss fights, gun sounds other than the fuckin lightNiggering gun, fuckin suck penis, like what the actual fuck, game has god awful controls until you actually bind it yourself, shit game intended, great game unintended. but to go back to my point, hexen is fucking shit. I do not want bland pieces of shit first person meme piece of crap "shooters" where all i shoot is a fucking 0cm/3incheslikeyourdickimperialamericanfaggot hitbox that does * amount of damage, that is fucking retarded, however games like dark messiah is fun not because of swordplay because of fucking magic and kicking, not swining a dinky sword like a faggoty edgelord that most fucking retards that mutter "muh first person melee asshole eater", the melee is the worst part and is only a part, it is an aftethought 100% of the god damn time. It is not the fucking whole, like my asshole. fuckin niggers, i swear.

I've looked into this a little bit. Shadow Warrior's something your list is missing, although I personally find it a bit underwhelming.
Superhot isn't worth the price, and it has guns, but it's definitely the most fun when you stick to melee. Pirate it and give it a try; it soothes my cravings from time to time just fucking around with the katana.

The first person perspective is an awful one for any game which needs you to gauge distances to play effectively.


Maybe if you're a casual


All garbage melee combat.

All garbage melee combat (Riddick was a fun game though despite that).

Not an argument.

I was under the impression that Dishonored's combat was basically just Dark Messiah's, only with less magic and kicking.

Wouldn't that be Postal 2?

What, because VR is going mainstream? That has to be the biggest speedbump to first-person combat, the depth perception and narrow field of view of a typical game camera.

hes right about everything. although breakdown is great because it circumvents the problem of depth perception.

shadow warrior has pathetic melee combat with damage sponge enemies and pathetic abilities that lack any sense of flow. Using the movement keys for skills is a joke, and the game itself is a terribly designed serious sam lite shitshow """"""""""""""""retro"""""""""""""""" shooter. Vermintide I never tried but I'm positive it's nothing interesting given wh/40k fags will eat up anything warhammer related. Zeno clash is a mess of design and addresses the depth perception issue but never capitalizes on its mechanics by having the difficulty curve feeling more like a flat line. The entire game is downright experimental with how non-committal it is to any of its mechanics or design themes. It's like they made a neat render for a backdrop and said "fuck we need a level now." Riddick is adequate in its original installment on the xbox/04 pc release, but the dark athena re-release broke a lot of things, pretty much making melee combat a random chance instead of a skill affair. The original was alright but it was so shallow it basically felt like a ridiculously slow rhythm game.

chivalry is an exploit ridden mess that fails to actually have any well thought-out or interestingly designed mechanics. The developers failing to make a competent melee game decided to maintain alienating exploits which are so far abstracted from the core mechanics people who engage with them are essentially playing an entirely different game, and it's a game that's not remotely conducive to being remotely good.

Here's a change of things, I've seen fans of these games always fall back to the same arguments "you just don't like it because you're bad!" "that's not a REAL argument!" how about this, justify what about these games melee combat makes them good for once. I've never seen anyone do this yet I've made and have read hundreds of arguments on why these games are awful.

It's more streamlined in Dishonored, you don't need to worry about directions when doing anything.

Play xeno clash 1&2, its fun, made by tacos from chile, if you like it remember to support the devs

First person isn't even good for shooters. It's utterly atrocious for melee.

I honestly don't understand how anyone can stand not being able to see where they're standing or see shit that's right next to them.

this too, first person as a perspective needs to be retired


As long as a mouse is controlling your aiming, first person melee combat can never feel satisfying. This is because in order for your attacks to have weight and impact, they must also have commitment to them. If you can click to swing your weapon, and then spin 360 degrees with your mouse, it completely ruins the feeling of how much effort it would be taking to swing the weapon in that fashion. It just feels wrong.

You could temporarily disable mouse movement during an attack, but that risks making the game feel to restricting and unresponsive to your input. This is where third person melee has an advantage. Attack direction and camera direction are independent of each other, thus when you temporarily lock out movement control during an attack, you don't lock out camera control, giving the player the proper experience of weight and commitment while still have some level of control to prepare himself for the next attack or dodge or whatever.

The third person melee games that get things wrong are the ones that don't lock your movement during an attack. When the character is able to swing weapons in wild fashions completely independent from their movement, you can instantly tell that it just looks wrong. Attacking doesn't just use your upper body, your entire body in involved to ensure there is enough balance and force in use in the attack.

its awful for everything tbh, so few games in the perspective are any good. It's just an easy way for devs to shit out a game and it should be discouraged and heavily criticized.

if you wanna shitstorm, go post this on 4chan


stop being afraid of discussion, everything here is an opinion, if you don't want to talk you can go.

If you want discussion, how about you explain why first-person is bad other than saying "I dont like it."

tbh if you want your posts to be taken seriously you shouldn't talk like a nigger.

I did, feel free to explain the value in a genre I've been playing for 23 years, I'm curious if you can do that. Feel free to respond to my other arguments about first person melee games which are far more pertinent to the thread. And stop making up things, it's very unbecoming.

I don't, and I like you because you like PVK2 and it's the one game that gets first person melee combat right. Don't be a faggot.

so what is your opinion based on, you just spit empty words.
why it isnt in your opinion
enlighten me
give me example of bad ones with explanation and good ones with explanation

quantity of awful games in the genre.
no shit it's an opinion.

because the majority of them fail to give a good read of the players boundaries and location in the game world, and many are designed with this limitation in mind resulting in largely rigid, boring game play which essentially comes down to place the cursor on the guy and click. It doesn't help that it's a genre that a large number of western developers flock to. Other shooters in the third person are at their best when they involve how your character operates, max payne 1 is tightly designed and max's movement makes engagements feel dynamic and encourages you to engage in frequent use of shoot dodges and slow motion to dominate in combat. The closest comparison is probably fear which never really uses its slow motion mechanic for anything other than "he's too fast!"and making shots easier. The movement is rigid and unsatisfying, and the most interesting thing you can do is blow up grenades mid-air, which is still just pointing and clicking.

Trips dubs knows his shit.
Xeno clash is something by people coked up to the gills that spent their days looking at Dali collections, but the combat is really nice.

Not really. Dark Messiah with cranked up difficulty it's a really good, really challenging and well balanced game.
Dishonored you're completely OP, there is no challenge to combat whatsoever AND the game kind of punish you for killing everyone story wise (it's not as bad as in other games especially in the 1st, with the chaos mechanic so it's not just "HOW DARE YOU BE AN EVIL AND HAVE FUN" but it's pretty close).

kick into pits/spikes/throw barrels/heavy attack only because enemies are otherwise massive damage sponges in the highest difficulty.

dark messiah was an extremely rough game and needed a lot more time to be any good.

Have you tried Doom? I think you might like Doom

If you love something, the last thing you want is for it to become casualized for consoles.


I thought the light there was blue-ish since it was the part of the mine that opened up to the sky.

damn a day later and not even an argument, welp its confirmed, first person games are shit and have no value for the industry.

I love the game to death, but that simply isn't true. The higher difficulty modes only punish you more for being hit, and while that can introduce a feeling of tension which leads to more catharsis upon victory, it's still uninteresting design and the definition of artificial difficulty.

You're one of the dumbest people I've ever seen. Holy hell.


You missed Zeno Clash and Condemned.

Maybe SweetFX?

Nice quads, but max payne is a much better game than fear, you easily entertained plebeian