Can we play EYE together?
Guys, it's Friday night
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frEYEday boiz. im up for it if some user sets up.
Apparently we're already playing Ace of Spades, but we fucking played that like 2 weeks ago.
Let's play something fun.
I've never joined in on an EYE game night. I'd be down.
I'd join, I hear its a bitch to set up though.
Well we have the interest, now all we need is someone with a static IP and is willing to have some fun.
Good. I was looking for something comfy to play with my Pineapple Pizza.
It's not that bad. I got a friend who put up with it and solved it in a few seconds. I think it had something to do with Steams port info being wrong or something and an alternative being the actual correct one or something to that effect. I do know that I had to join through the console though.
Tonight, I think I'm going to get some Hawaiian for the first time in years. Hell yeah.
If I had a static IP I'd set it up myself, but I'm not the one who pays the internet bill directly.
can pirates play? I've been playing EYE this week a lot
Is the multiplayer vs or co-op? How many players max?
I think pirates are good to go.
Co-op with a ton of anons would be really cool I think.
If it links up with Steam I think so. It should work anyway though assuming you have the same version. I'm installing Steam for the first time in years, probably going to uninstall it again after today
I've heard of coop with serious sam levels of players. I dont want to think of how chaotic that would be though.
I think the max I've seen while skimming the server list is 32.
Tell me when there's a server up. Gonna try something amazing - putting all points to Strength/Endurance/Agility/Hacking and going melee-only for the entire run.
don't forget to upgrade your legs, filthy Jian
It is. This is killing me, because I've got a VM with EYE spun up and ready to go, but I had to move and my current connection isn't enough to host.
You don't need a static IP to host anything. Use a dynamic DNS service and a cheap hostname, or just give out the dynamic IP and know that it might change if you reboot your modem. My comcast dynamic IPs never changed in the two years that I had them.
The more difficult part is that you have to NAT/port forward. If your hacking level is too low, you'll end up relying on shitty instructions from shitty websites so you can configure your shitbox router/firewall, and you'll make a shit job out of it.
When you get over 10 players or so, it gets pretty bad. I think we had 16 when I hosted, and we couldn't do story mode because people kept killing quest NPCs or failing objectives in ways that would restart the level.
The game runs smoothly with lots of people, though - have to give them credit there.
No serb? I'm going to cry.
My hacking level is below average - fuck.
I'd sure as hell be up to it. Sounds like a good time.
So we're fuck then? The only user with the know-how currently has a bad connection and we're forever scorned?
Can we play on team death match or that weird hold the ball game? Coop is always a mess whit more than 4 players
Would there be a disadvantage to people who are just starting or who made new characters?
You will kill no body because of a tide of guys whit high cyber legs elevel and agility rushing arround the level killing everything that it's not a player, even if you are high level you dont get to kill or do much stuff due to the other players.
Fuck yeah, when?
Is there a mod that puts in Serious Sam levels of enemies? Otherwise put them in the final level. A lot of the enemies in that level are OP as fuck with impossible stats.
A long time ago I hosted a server with 16 players. We ruined the single player, but it was still a ton of fun.
I'd do it again, but I've got food poisoning. Good luck Anons.
If we can get a serb going lets play on cc_sermon
I think I was there
We did like several runs of the entire game in like 20 mins because everybody was broken fast
Should I get eye, like for the single player. Considering it's deus ex like without the shit combat.
Yeah but the grind will get to you
Still a better grind than Warframe.
I never played warframe
No mods needed, you can finetune difficulty in the settings. But enjoy getting instakilled constantly by pinpoint accurate feds with laser reflexes and flawless aim headshotting you with hunting machines from across the map.
It's not DX-like, don't think of it that way or you'll never have any fun. It's a horde shooter with a fuckload of fun ways to kill loads of dudes. Stealth is a thing, but it only exists as an alternate way to kill loads of dudes. Hacking is a thing, but mostly so you can use some dudes to kill loads of other dudes, explode dudes heads, turn dudes into allies, and to make sure that there are objectives other than "walk up to object and press F".
The grind isn't that bad unless you try to get all minmaxed, just understand that you'll be playing through the game 3 times to get the true ending, so don't worry about trying to unlock everything on your first run.
It must've been a different time, 'cause we spent most of our time in the hub area trying to create a human tower.
I actually really love ginding, I think honestly really fun, and I honestly want to try hack and psy build, plus I never play blind. and given the review am watching, it really doesn't sound that bad. It's like when I was watching a review of vampire the masscuraid bloodlines people say the game was so unfair way later on, really it isn't because almost every vampire race has a powerful ability.
Like seriously, the nosfuroto race was the easiest race in the whole game, for one people have to be real close to see you, and secondly you get invisbilty and blood bats will breaks the game so fucking hard. My god blood bats are broken.
Lol we did this on Mars
Grind after your first playthrough. You'll unlock all of the maps for replay that way. You can speed through the Jian temple with a Hunting Machine in no time and get a shitload of brouzoufs from it because of all the enemies are high-level.
I'm compiling some tips from my time spent playing through, give me a bit.
EYE is such an endearing game. It's a complete pile of shit in technical terms, but you can tell the devs had heart and we're working with a garbage engine.
It would be cool to see another game set in the same universe. I can't imagine they'd throw away such a creative idea.
You have to go back
Tips here. Spoilers contain actual spoilers.
>>>Psi has hefty energy drain. Once you get Substitution Gate you get it by siding with the federals on Mars, one of three endings - each unlocks a different psi power you can pull a really fun juggling act where you throw it on an enemy, kill them with something high damage to regain full health, use the cybernecromancy implant to convert health into energy (initially at a 1:1 ratio), then throw out more psi abilities
So I finally beat my first playthrough but accumulated 7 fatal wounds at the final lebel because I didnt get a hunting rifle. Will my experience from here on out be terrible?
Someone is organizing this right? Is there a group or when will the server be up?
Even if we can't get a serb going would a few anons want to play together on Steam?
I'm drunk and bored, and have been wanting to play this with people forever.
I'm going to end up playing all night anyways, but god damnit, I want to socialize.
We are social creatures no matter how much we try to meme it away.
Another thing I forgot to put in the tips:
See the bottom of
If you have the guns you like already and want to minmax, farm fatal wounds for a few hours (zero your karma first) and then level hard. That way you don't have to spend extra to boost stats via leveling, and when you feel like it, you can research bioregen and restore everything you lost to wounds. It's expensive and the research takes hours in-game, but you can get your stats to levels that wouldn't otherwise be feasible.
If you don't feel like going through all that effort, don't worry. You'll probably be fine with the stat loss, it doesn't actually have that much impact. You can partially make up for it with implants until you're deep enough into tech for bioregen.
Also, I'm pretty sure stat boosts from implants and research don't count against the point of diminished returns.
look at eye7 guide, you can cure all fatal wounds by researching bioregenerations it's very expensive but it's there
fuck I wish I knew how to fucking archive.
There are a few servers without players on them, should we just populate them? Or for the people who tackled it, how is server set up going?
Also, have a screencap.
I'd be down to do a takeover of some random server if we can get enough people to make it a good time. No idea where my mic is, though.
These are the ones I can see. I assume we go to a campaign server?
I prefer co-op missions personally, but I'm good for whatever.
I'll join the mission server that was there. Other people can direct ip join?
Anyone should be able to join through that menu, or direct IP as long as they specify the port.
No. It tastes good
fuck, wish i hadnt missed this
Next game, which time GMT?