where joke
Requesting vanilla christmas cake comic
lol threads where always an abortion.
fucking nice, how did you get the last panel?
( ・∀・) __ . | i | Ii |( ・∀・)つ|I I|I.__|  ̄ ̄
I channeled my inner buckley and drew it.
Whatever happened to just drawing the antagonist with a big head and having him say dummy things to your calm, composed self-insert?
Not a surprise that dobby likes that shit.
you nailed the "art" "style" pretty well
Hey those are genuinely funny
Totalitarianism cannot leave room for interpretation.
It's why their propaganda is always so heavy handed.
Are there more?
The saddest part about this comic is that the >chick in the 3rd panel could very well be a real >girl this cuck is orbiting around.
The artist was probably too lazy to draw this many panels.
Totalitarianism is the final fate of humankind. Technology and propaganda science is inevitably bound to advance enough for any revolution to become completely impossible. The only question is who will end up at the top when this occurs.
Holy shit, that doesn't even qualify as art. I've seen amateurs in our drawfag threads do better. How did this low quality garbage even get funding?
Most likely a case of "ima hire my friend".
Social engineering is very efficient, while not needing too much of a advanced technology to give results.
We can try to be optimist of who will, but shit is looking pretty grim.
A lot.
I haven't thought I'd ever see a perfect reaction to a post, but this wins. I died.
British taxpayer money, my friend.
Gee, what a non-totalitarian point of view!
No matter how grim it looks there is really no excuse to roll over and allow our people to be wiped out. We cannot allow ourselves the leisure to sit around waiting for Jesus/Hitler to come and save us while we do nothing. Action must be taken.
fuck off retard
Just not by you, right?
Is that kid a snake in disguise?
These gave me a very hearty chuckle, user. Thanks.
I cannot comprehend how people can stomach P5's UI.
If you read NT or just Revelations, you see that He only comes to wipe out NWO and the fake-Christ after theres no hope at all or way around it.
Just have someone and people that follow his ideas to get into power ?
If he wants to bring happiness why he keeps drawing then?
How did the "Trump has small hands" meme catch on?
We made the weirdest art back then.
Seeing the art Pompeii made makes you probably think God just struck this faggotry down.
Forced meme by the mass media, same with drumpf. Absolute shit tier memetics
Can someone post the 'backpack cucked' image? The poses in this look almost exactly the same except flipped.
I believe Rubio mentioned it and then implied that Trump has a small penis and then the media found it hilarious and started pushing it left and right.
TBH stooping down to making small dick jokes against the opposition on the presidental level is just pathetic.
Nah, it's for virtue signaling so you can get your dopamine rush when you get praised by people you suck up to, if they even give a shit about your work, like gays and feminists.
Nothing about that guy is genuine, is all about stroking his own inflated ego
Don't forget gloat and shit on old comics fans because you destroyed what they liked and they are all probably baby eating nazi woman haters anyway
Eh, their getting closer to the ocean, or bankruptcy each day.
Yellowstone is a thing :^). Commiefornia is also a coastal province so a tsunami is a possibility. There was also a documentary about Soviet scientists developing nukes that would cause earthquakes in the ocean in order to flood the entirety of the Coastal US.
I remember where it started but it's a little baffling that it got any traction. Trump's a big guy.
Does he even has tiny hands? I don't know if he has because I don't spend hours watching pictures of him trying to find defects
That's the funny part, just look how he can't avoid making the comic about him in the last panel
Any day now, I'm sure. Just a few more children need to be raped.
Once they go bankrupt the spics will all start eating the lefties that once protected them.
No and the drumpf shit is complete bullshit too
The art in that picture probably predates the Pompeii eruption by nearly a century.
Fucking saved
Well I mean, california is virtually on life support from the rest of the US because of the fact what they essentially contribute is so poor money wise, being well TV and Tech unions that mandate that you have to operate in california or the rest of the industry will blacklist you.
If I remember right, it's also why like the only internet providers in america have to do shit like, local radio towers and shit because the congress still has not gotten on comcast and AT&T's shit instead shitting out net neutrality laws which well to be frank, didn't actually change anything because technically there's already laws superseding net neutrality as for what shit they actually wanted to throttle, but as things stand net neutrality laws getting the axe might actually cause a chain of events that will economically cripple AT&T/Comcast and force them to split their monopoly on their own or the current administration will move towards actually enforcing monopoly and antitrust laws that they're violating.
Which may lead back into tech companies being able to actually operate without essentially paying a bribe to california to not have every other company fuck you over.
No shit, I'm actually more insulted about how they changed some letters in his name and call it a day and now you have retards repeating it all the day
Is that Paul Robertson? Wew.
The ones I posted were seen as degenerate during their time and the novel they're from was banned throughout most of the Author's life, which mainly consisted of being transferred from jail to insane asylum until he died. Also you reminded me of pic related.
This, bet Sodom & Gomorrah didnt get purged after a few decades of degeneracy.
Most closer would be to have Cali imploding somehow.
You should look into the "Kursk" submarine incident that took place in the 90's when a top tier high tech Russian sub blew up for unknown reasons in the Barents sea and the whole matter was highly shady and covered up by the authorities. It is speculated that they were testing some sort of experimental weapon and perhaps that is what was being tested.
We also have had multiple pretty devastating and also politicaly impactful tsunamis in the 2000's and 2010's most important one being Fukushima and another one that I remember was highly reported was one in the Philippines.
god dammit
Those were really funny, Post more my good man
If you pretend this is a slightly darker spinoff to the Adam West series this movie is actually a lot better
Midwest is best, just remove Illinois and we'd be able to ally with what remains of the South easily.
Alright, have a few more chuckles.
Tbh I think the 3rd comic would be funnier if read from right to left.
I know that pain too.
Cry harder, cuntrag totalitarian.
its hit and miss but theres alotta hits
Fuck… I need some sleep. Polite sage.
And just like old-style japanese porn, you almost can't tell the men from the women.
You win today, user.
Today and every day
You gotta find the stuff that only involves females or males only.
I'm almost sure there's something wrong with those dicks
You have to admit he's got a point.
No he doesn't
It's a demographic statement, Britain is White.
That's a very high percentage considering that comics are usually made by straight white (or Jewish) males
Not very much longer
sure it is
It is like 90% white iirc, not sure how many that 90% are actually native brits, but there is that.
They literally are the reason Holocaust happened, will happen again and won't have anyone else to blame but themselves.
t. actual Jew.
Did you know that 30% of the UK births in 2016 come from mothers who aren't UK natives?
Ask and ye shall receive.
Every time
in 2011
courtesy of (((wikipedia)))
Immediately spotted tails
I saw the baby fucker, yes
was too lazy to find more recent data but i assume whites are at 80~75 and Muslims are on par with atheists
Probably less
Brits will crash and burn, and I'll be here to laugh at them
How are these godawful shitty threads allowed to be made time and time again. They're not even vidya related.
Why do leftist "memes" always end up with sexual degeneracy at some point?
Dobson's skewed his pie chart to score cheap political points.
I'm coming for you, Nazi…
Projection like always
Why does it even matter if he has small hands, it just screams they have nothing with weight to attack him with so they have to attack his appearance.
>>>Holla Forums
Do you have a source for that image?
I found it disgusting that Antifa would use pictures of servicemen to justify their violent anarchism.
All faggots deserve death. They get no representation.
If you're that mad about alleged natsies, just leave them to circlejerk on semi-obscure public forums like they've been doing since WWII ended.
It's supposed to be something he's self-conscious about which are most likely just rumors.
You realize that it’s not nazis who are going to kill all of you queers, right? It’s literally everyone.
> 13250333
> a4033f
> 00:53:13
there is strong numerology in work there
How are conservababbies so pathetic?
Do people really fall for this?
Hey buddy
>>>Holla Forums
Buckley's wife has constipation in 1st pic, and a dead fetus in the 2nd.
I bet you also think The people's republic of China is for the people.
This has to be satire. No one could strawman this hard and not be laughing their ass off behind the keyboard.
Taking bets on how long it's going to be before "I was only pretending to be retarded LOL!!11" or some equivalent LOLITROLEU response.
That was pretty good, haven't heard that one in a while. Also gotta give you credit for the 'um' and 'conservababbies', you'd have to be pretty good at imitating leftists to remember details like that
Fix the spelling and make it more articulate if you want more people to fall for it
You should check out Holla Forums, that board has shitposted so hard I think they actually attracted some people who actually do talk like that. In fact, Holla Forums is top tier LOL material
It's called baiting, and apparently it works.
It is surprising that the place can have good threads with minimal shitposting once in a while.
that fucking bear is still around!?
I still have no clue what good is.
on the other hand
Dillema between Weimerica and PRC
These are hilarious, post more.
And now you found out
Here's the original.
Minimal shitposting and actual discussion
Make sure have enough BBs in your airsoft gun.
Now this is a meme
Most of those men weight less then half of this guy.
Also remember to do something about the orange barrel rings, to make sure those natsies know you mean business.
Jack black has shit trigger discipline
Nice try dickhead
This is how it's done
That's already larger than the 30% or so of America that is non-white. Just how many whites SHOULD be in comic? Zero? Think before you speak user.
what a shitty suicide scene, why does it take so long for his head to blow after he fires, why couldn't they get a prop gun with a simulated action, why does it sound like someone firing outdoors
This is not even laughable, it's just cringeworthy
this literally sums up their mental state
Top jej
Is that nigger wearing Three Wolf Moon under that gay ass Punisher vest
Goddamn applefags.
Holy shit that is a fuck load of autism.
Ah sweet, I didn't know the guy who did Taimanin Asagi and Kangoku Senkan remade the dark elf one.
Here are the originals (the virgins were drawn by none other than Quentin)
Look at all the replies user, they're falling for it hard, his bait was so obvious yet they all fell for it
They'll be around as long as sonic oc.
Horsefucker pls.
post more of that dog
dogfucker pls
No, the originals make the chad the complete opposite to the beta.
My point still stands. Chad is not Adonis, he's just the opposite of the beta.
There's a name I haven't heard in a long time.
Someone should post his shit, for old time's sake
God you don't even have good taste for a furfag
Nigger lipped beaner dog.
What's the matter anons? Why don't you like Marto
Cause he's a poorly drawn fishlipped faggot. Take my (you) and leave.
Oh god, was this made before or after helium suicide was a thing? Either way its great.
good shit
I'm afraid I'll need more (you)'s before I leave user
Holy fuck that is some potent cancer right there.
There's a difference between DSL and trout lips.
That's a name that I haven't heard in a while.
stop marty posting
please stop
I don't want any fags to relapse and go full mlp
A masterpiece.
You first user
No one is going to relapse. Mlp is only good for a guilty fap every once in a long while at best.
Oh god not another marty derail
I sure hope you goyim don't do this.
The fuck is this shit?
Who is the artist behind the 2nd pic? I wanna make sure I avoid their work.
we had a full on mlp thread a couple webm threads ago
at least they waited for it to be after 300 posts
He should look up Genghis Khan, though he would probably think he's a Star Trek character.
that thing represents both groups so well it's painful
Hey user it's really hard for me to find Marty porn since HardBlush are such copyright Nazis, where do you get yours from?
I get it from nowhere because I'm not actually a furry
Color me fucking surprised.
daisy is that you?
I can tell I am looking at a faggot who lets media dictate every part of his life or is this actually multiple people and where the fuck are you getting this shit from anyway? Tumblr?
Is this supposed to be "ironic"?
Disgusted but intrigued.
Congratulations, faggot, you have managed to kill the concept of humor absolutely fucking DEAD.
Oh fuck people actually take tips from this crap dont they
I'm not a furry either, I just like femboys.
That's the least of my concerns about MCA.
This. Cannot. Continue.
I doubt that would be hard, they are almost certainly niche and appealing to a demographic that has little overlap with 8ch users.
Fine user I'll stop pls no bully
Please let this industry die, there needs to be a reset.
Well that's fairly fucking meta.
It's barely a fucking insult anymore, user. It's practically a standard imageboard greeting. Instead of an IRL "Hey man" it's "sup faggot".
It's gonna be quite the fucking ride when that happens to cuck.
I just realized that that's his bulge. I thought his head was on backwards for some reason and that was supposed to be his butt.
Time for left pol to kill themselves.
I don't know where you came from, but you need to leave.
Either i can't upload SWFs on Holla Forums again, or the server is choking on the big one i was trying to cram in. Either way, test.
What's do you mean user? Why should I leave? I've always been here
You are absolutely right. What we need to do is blindly fallow CIA plants, Jews and Sodomites into town and LARP as Skin-heads while holding plywood shields chanting "Wotan guide us Gay Man Gay. They will not replace us Every Day! Not your Shield hip hip hooray!!!"
>we (((alt-right))) now
More like
Now this is podracing.
I want more of Marty's sister and mom tbqh familia
Left sign should be edited to "We want to kill whitey".
That looks kind of fun.
That's actually funny. I'm not sure why, but it is.
You were btfo in the /gsg/ thread so now your resort to the lol threads for your lol-quality OC
so it really triggers some people, i only posted on of those once and since it's pure shitpost, i dont get it why people get mad at it tough.
I this taken directly from that minecraft joke book?
This comes close to TruthSeeker comics
The fuck did /gsg/ do to you lil nigga
Marty could be a pretty good femboy, if only he didn't have the fucking dog features.
I tried.
Well done, user.
Now spread that shit like herpes.
Dont forget quentin
Before the exodus, when CK2 was still a new thing there were these kids that got angry if you played as kebab or as a non-great power back on cuckoldchan /gsg/ (/vg/ board), it was full of vicky 2 facist playthorughs
Good meme material fam.
Twerking is nigger tier though.
Seconding this motion.
Do what comes natural. Post those next.
you are trying to hard kid
that was fun while it lasted
That's my point, I'd have thought a flaming faggot like marty would be all over that shit.
And yet Japan has been degenerate for fucking centuries and it's one of the longest lasting civilizations.
The thing is about the japs is, they may be into some really weird shit, but they know that's it's just a fetish. They don't act like fags, trannies, or furfags and make an identity out of what they like to fuck, they still work hard and have families (or at least use to have families).
I swear to God if that dog makes me find out I'm gay I'm going to come back here and fuck all of you in the mouth
I wonder (((who))) made this? Obviously they don't play video games.
I have a few, but I'm missing some of the important ones, namely the original one and the ones about his conflict and eventual victory over Tim Heidecker.
How does the dog make you feel, user?
So did the Romans and look how they turned out. Hell, Byzantine got BTFO by the Muslims and literally all the Crusades except the first one didn't work. I wouldn't be surprised if Allah was revealed as the true God or some shit.
Like you belong in the oven, Fraud.
If /cuteboys/ is anything to go by, a lot of fags hate nigs and liberals. Even the pride parade type of fags usually keep a facade of being not-quite cockwhores
Why so hostile? I'm merely a humble psychologist.
Now let's talk about your childhood and your relationship with your mother.
They aren't. They are a minority of a minority user.
Well it helps that they are an island nation and that most attempts to conquer them have been thwarted by divine intervention storms, and they in turn also never really conquered anyone til WWII so they never lost hegemony.
Your wild accusations won't take away your father's contempt, user.
Marty isn't a trap so it's gay.
It's gay either way retard.
Sounds like my kind of guy.
just have the balls to admit it's gay.
time to revisit this childhood boner
They are feminine, so it isn't gay.
Just have the balls to admit you're wrong.
Don't you have a GG thread to derail?
And trannies cut their dicks off so they are women right?
i loved Quentin comics
reported to the Nintendo Ice cream Cake aficionado of weimerica for wrong think.
You can't do this to a man, user.
All right, what qualifies as homosexual to you?
If you suck off a trap, is that straight? If you let a trap fuck you in the ass, is that straight?
You're making more logical leaps than an otherkin, user. Just come out of the closet already.
Considering that the BO is one of the tribe, I don't think I'll have any problems.
Traps aren't in denial about their sex.
Good taste nigga.
No u.
just admit you like dick.
Randy stair tier tbh
Now how it works as much as lolicons will disagree
the virgin wrestler
The winner takes on the
Well it always worked like that but thanks user!
By definition, a trap is a man who is so good at looking like a woman that one could be deceived into sleeping with him.
A man, user. Cut the hair, get rid of the frilly dresses, and what do you have? Just a man.
i.e., UR A FAG
You've got a rude awakening, fuckboy.
user you find the concept of two men engaging in coitus attractive, this makes you gay whether the porn is 2d or 3d.
What kind of shit childhood did you have?
What if I was the trap, and I only ever want to receive? What if all traps I talk to think the same?
Is futanari gay?
No, just merely a common sense observation.
Even the most submissive person will want a return favor at least once.
Yes, cause the focus is still on the dick, otherwise you could just fap to yuri.
I wouldn't have guessed, you're one to know.
Homosexuality is liking mostly masculine traits, such as wide shoulders, hairy body, defined jaw, small hips and small butt.
I'd ask you if a cuntboy is straight. I can't bring myself to get/post an image from how gay it is.
They'd still have the slim figure and feminine face.
Similar with newhalves/futa.
as long as the futa is smashing a girl I'm fine with it
Anime is for fucking fat dweebs that need to be propagating their white European genes. Anime is about as bad as homosexuality as both of them spread like disease to young minds and make them not breed.
A better one than yours, no doubt
considering that you missed the joke you should be permanently banned for this antisemetic forum.
Horsefuckers are such a cancer holy shit. Though it does makes sense. They consist of the ultimate autists who previously ravaged the animeme and furfag community, but found something even more autistic and flocked straight to it. You can almost thank MLP for sucking out the venom and concentrating it in one spot.
Never forget.
You can deny it now, but you'll want someone to suck your dick at some point.
We're not going to play this game, user.
Traps are gay.
So twinks aren't gay?
So like a twink?
Holla Forums pls
They were mostly ironic hobby until 2010 when the anime style arrived.
Twinks are gay.
it has had so many followers that it will never go away at this point even if it has lessen to a degree it still brings in numbers on its products and views.
it still has A theater release pony movie on the way.
more equestria girl shit coming I think it was either another movie or a series.
and its on its seventh season and probably another one after this one.
I was joking the first time. Reported
what the fuck are you talking about? I'm not some liberal faggot.
As long as we're on the subject
But why? Most twinks don't exhibit masculine features, and I'd wager that there are twinks who look for twinks.
Based on the criteria that user provided namely that something is homosexual if it's supplemented by masculine features, twinks technically aren't gay.
And that's wrong.
horsefuckers are the first to get gassed
Like an inversion of this.
On that note, a comic that can be red in any fucking order and make sense.
it's hit OR miss
you can't hit and miss at the same time
Then just say "the jews" or something, "da joooos" makes you look like Holla Forums or a goon, same with using cumskin and similar shit.
Fake news, wrong!
Oh fuck my sides
What should I fap to?
It would be passable if they just stick to equestria girls kind of shit, it'd be pretty much western variant of kemono friends except with better animation and less moeshit.
traps if you aren't gay
What kind of question is that.
nice facebook meme newfag
No doubt wall tiles on top of floor tiles
Whatever gets your dick up, son.
Don't you have a scheduled dicking to attend, user?
And there's no need to bring Jewish fairy tales into this, everyone knows that the Holocaust wasn't real.
Don't spout shit user. The few traits I listed weren't all encompassing. Twinks still have many masculine features and are gay.
Loli or musclegirls
Nigger it was greentext. I was quoting c76ba7, because he didn't get the sarcasm when I said I would report him to mark for his Jewcentric avatarfagging.
please come up with some dank OC or fuck off kid. Your normalfag stench is stinking up this respectable lol thread.
Such as?
I won't, because I'm a talentless hack who can produce nothing of value.
FPoV has nowhere near enough content.
It's such a sad state of affairs.
have you stoped posting to let me finish my fap?
soldirs in the '40 were social right wing.
fopv is really shitty.
heil hitler
(((ron perlman)))
Sorry to hear about your incurable shit taste.
This guy looks like me. slightly heavier. I'm right wing and thinner.
Worse still I have the same holster he does. And I want the Sonico figure he's keeping in his mothers glass case.
I miss evo threads
this is an imported meme
What a goy!
Epic system, thanks Juche Human Rights
Only niggers like twerking you nigger
Grasos fuera.
Do you rember?
I miss /fun/
To understand what the original Chad is about look at this expanded Virgin Walk meme.
Chad is not the opposite of the virgin, he is the opposite of the wizard. Virgin is just an ordinary social recluse beta, Chad is described and drawn like some creature from mythology, he is out of this world in both his form and action just like the wizard.
Zeta es un vendido de mierda.
Deberíamos raidearle.