Burnt fingers thread

What game fucked you the most in terms of missed expectations?

I bought Master of Orion 3 at release without even considering it would be anything other than a masterpiece.

Imagine my growing sense of horror and disgust as I played the game. I went through all five stages of grief by turn 50.

My god, the combat was so shit. I only played for about 4 hours until I got so annoyed by the garbage combat mechanics that I broke the CD in half

The combat in the original was shit though, so how can this be a surprise?

I'm ashamed to admit it took until 2013 for me to break the AAA garbage cycle, but I'm glad to be out of it at all.

I never played the original

Overwatch. I actually thought it would feel like TF2 but it's chokepoint sim.

No surprise there.

Fate/Extella at pc launch.

Tried three different machines, got three different errors. At least I got a refund. Might try again if its on sale. I'm a whore for Fate.

My Wii U, I bought it for Monster Hunter 3 U thinking they would release new MonHun games after on the system, they didn't.

Dragon's Dogma.
The harder Holla Forums fellates some dubious game, the higher the chance it's fucking shit.

Fallout 3/Empire Total War. Thank God I got both as birthday gifts.

You're a dipshit.

For Honor.

This too.


Most obvious one. What a fucking disappointment this was, MGSV Ground Zeroes certainly didn't help by hyping me even more for TPP.

We all share that Phantom Pain brother.

i always think about tpp and how i kept wishing it was designed more like ground zeroes.


Dangan Ronpa

Never said I didn't enjoy it. I loved it, but when Chapter 1 ended and Chapter 2 was nothing but two levels and all the other levels but harder is when I started to go through the 5 stages of grief after realizing half the game was missing. You could almost say the game was designed to be half completed as an artistic statement :^)

It was overall inferior to GZ however. GZ's gameplay and level design was so much tighter and more fun than TPP.

I enjoyed it. But it still hurts to know it'll never be finished the way it should've been. To be the last real metal gear game. That's the real Phantom Pain. Feeling the cold invisible pain of a third act that's not there.

I pre-ordered Sonic Mania shortly before the two week delay and I can't even refund it as it was a 3rd party key.

What pisses me off is that they was going to be a user editor that was going to be made allowing you to make your own missions along with a bunch of other shit.

I'll just hang myself when that happens.

Age of Empires 3 was the first game that ever let me down. I played it again a few weeks ago because some friends love it, and honestly it was worse than I remember

I loved Phantasy Star 1, I loved Phantasy Star 4, so I assumed Phantasy Star 2 would be on par with them. So I just bought it without trying first. Huge mistake. Somehow it looked and sounded far worse than the first one, despite the much more powerful hardware. It was also too difficult, the maps were too complicated, and the combat system was kind of weird. The plot was pretty good, but it was simply not fun to play.

Somehow I expected it to be a game, not an unfinished tech demo. How do you release a full priced game where you're pretty much forced to hand over some managment to the AI, but not include the AI?

This piece of shit.
The library is complete garbage, with only one or two good titles like WO2048. Thank god I've installed Henkaku Enso and Adrenaline onto this thing though, all these PSX and PSP games save it from being a dusty paperweight.

I pre-ordered Dark Souls II
Bully if you must, I feel nothing

All I remember was identifying as a Meklar and thought the game was cool for having that faction. But I only remember playing one or two games so it must have sucked.

Then why did you expect it to be good? Why did you expect anything at all?

Hey, at least you didn't play the Network Test.


At least you're not the dipshits trying to push the idea it's the best one nowadays.

I don't want to feel this, but life is forcing me to.

Spore fucked me the most.
I've been fucked more recently, sure, but no other game has ever missed the mark as much as Spore did.
As I'm talking about old games, Auto Assault gets an honorable mention in this category.

I regret everything The Faram figure doesn't look too bad though

I dont remember making any shit purchases because i dont buy games i know i wont like. But this game got me good.

What bothered me the most about it was the cut content. It hurt even more knowing the fact that i gave money to that piece of shit company konami, and instead of completeing the game, they make a shitty zombie spinoff instead.

Oh, right. I had to wait even more on top of it. I bought it with credit from GMG's achivement gimmick and I still felt ripped off.

The worst part is that I knew, somewhere, that I was going to hate the actual game and yet still managed to convince myself after playing the open beta that it was going to be good. And I still bought it. And I had to give myself an 'I told you so' that left a 40 euro hole in my pocket.

Really? You really bought this turd even after they announced the DLC fuckery? As I recall they did it before the game actually got released.

Company of Heroes 2. On release my computer could barely run the game on any settings despite my hardware outpacing the requirements by a fair margin. Then years later when I went back to play it I found that it was a downgrade in nearly every way besides a few minor QoL improvements compared to the first game along with one of the most insulting implementations of microtransactions I've ever seen.

>They still haven't fixed the Nobushi bleed refresh bug.
For Honor was an excellent example of how to squander a great idea at every possible decision.

What a waste of money.

I bought it AND enjoyed it, though it absolutely pisses out potential at every turn.
I got it for only $10 thanks to a random gamestop gift card a relative gave me, so not much lost on my end.

Yep. I love the combat because for once it isn't a fucking gook clicker or a LEFT MOUSE LIGHT ATTACK RIGHT MOUSE HEAVY ATTACK.
It started to go downhill for me when they nerfed the conqueror to shit, which was and is still my favorite class.

I don't even give a fraction of a shit about the For Honor edit. I'm just fucking angry someone made a picture about the truth of disabilities and made their tagline "please don't be so quick to judge".
It misses the point so fucking hard it becomes counterproductive. It is a fact disabilities are often viewed as wheelchairs and nothing else, but the problem runs much deeper than being judged. It's that unless your disability is physical and obvious, people just assume it's just something you have to get over. It makes the job market a fucking nightmare for anyone with chronical pain, communication disabilities, or god forbid, autism. No matter how serious your disability actually is medically speaking, if you're not in a wheelchair, normalfags just see you as someone with a cold they can nurse back to perfect health. And boy do they get pissy when they realize it isn't the case.

Pretty much anything from Paradox. How do these jews justify releasing patches as a NEW FUCKING GAME.

The problem with the PSP and more so the Vita is that the games best games for it were only relased in Japan.

I will never understand Sony's logic. It's like they set up both to fail. Of course your portable is not going to sell if you keep all the good shit in Japan. What the fuck were they thinking?


When I realized Africa wasn`t a lush and dense jungle, instead it was a green Afghanistan I realized the dream was over, Kojima managed to ruse me one last time.


Ouya was just a naive girl being manipulated by g-ds chosen people, the same people hitler tried to warn us about.

Take ouya into your home user, she at least deserves that.

All these sad Ouya-tan images need to stop.

I kickstarted Satellite Reign.
I'm going to steal your "bully if you must, I feel nothing" motto. I need a motto like that for most situations in my life.

Breath of the Wild.

Bear in mind, by no means is it the worst game I've ever played. In fact, for what it is I'd say it's a reasonably good game. But I hate modern open world style games yet love Zelda (and liked Zelda 1) so I hoped that Breath of the Wild would take what I liked about Zelda 1 and successfully execute it in a modern light.

As it turns out, it only partially got it right for me. The overworld is indeed very nice and the free exploration does fit the series but the dungeon game was fucked to hell, the main quest feels like it was tacked on because it needed to be there, and the core gameplay loop of the overworld gets tired and predictable on a general level within a few hours. Exploring very quickly stopped being exciting when 90% of the things I found were stones or more weapons, and shrines lost their luster after about the 20th one when you use the same tools you used 10 shrines ago to solve yet another mini-dungeon. I won't say there's no sense of progression because there is through equipment and shrine orbs but it's not enough to draw me in.

It was the exact thing I was afraid BotW might end up being - a modern open world game that shifted Zelda away from what I loved and DIDN'T make me fall in love with the new approach. I felt like I was playing a prototype for a new Zelda instead of an actual new Zelda. And for that, it has to be the most disappointing game I've played. Not the worst, far from it, but relative to personal expectations this one actually did bring my mood down for a while. Zelda needed a shakeup but as is this is a change I feel no passion towards. Oh well, points for trying at least.

Fuck you.

BOTW sucks yes, but what the fuck are you going about taking what you liked out of Zelda 1? Its an old NES game, it has nothing complex or special, i think you are just trying too hard to fit

Same company that equated piracy to pedophilia?

Come on, user. All the trouble in development should have tipped you off. That, and the company that made it had never done a similar project before.
You're lucky the glorified tech demo they released actually came out at all.

What's wrong, user? Why haven't you just gotten over your depression? Why don't you talk to more people and stop being so autistic? Maybe you should just take different meds for your chronic pain.
Fucking normalfags.

Medically serious conditions are easier to treat if you are super-wealthy and you don't have to work for pay. Then the people who devote their lives to curing their sick bodies make it look easy.

Meanwhile, poorfags suffer. And everyone is eager to kick them while they are down. Society sucks, basically, is what I'm saying. So we might as well distract ourselves from it with an entertainment medium … such as … video games.

Why do you keep buying shit from them if they burn you every time?

Zelda 1 wasn't overbearing for the amount of content it actually offered AND still had full, if not primitive dungeons at the end of the day. BotW really only gets the wanderlust but without the meaningful content to back it up. There's the shrines but those just feel like dungeons cut up into pieces and spread thinly across the world, they're more like grottos than the main event. And most of BotW's "dungeons" are just slightly longer shrines, with only Hyrule Castle feeling like there's some actual weight to it. Half the fun of Zelda 1 was unearthing that real dungeon and discovering that real point of interest. BotW tries but I don't think it's very successful at glorifying discovery and only gets wanderlust, the sake of going to a place just to go there. There's things to find but so little of it feels like it matters so the magic wears off once the novelty does.

Watch dogs.
All the games I had bought before I either had seen gameplay already or they ended up being as good as I had thought, but that fucking game.
It wouldn't be as bad if they hadn't advertised the "holy shit best graphics, makes real life look low quality" and hadn't show eveything you could hack in the trailer and made it seem like that wasn't even half.
One of the three games I've pre-ordered and one of the reasons I don't trust games anymore. Unless they are ports like DD:DA.

That game was honestly so fucking boring and tedious. Every single fucking enemy was a sponge, and everything you came across either could not kill you at all, or killed you almost instantly. Of course if you had a mecha you could stomp everything's shit, no problem. Fucking stupid game.

I got bait&switched so hard that I couldn't even force myself to finish the game until two years later when a friend got it.
I never cared about Spore, but now I know how those anons felt.
Dark Souls II singlehandedly destroyed what little faith I had left in the industry.

And so the next generation loses their innocence