Why aren't there any hard sci-fi games?
Why aren't there any hard sci-fi games?
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Because you are playing shitty games.
Kerbal space program with realism mods.
Take on mars
Moonbase alpha
Now go
because it's fucking boring
fun > realism
I wonder the same thing. All the games recommended so far aren't really what I'm looking for–story-driven, single-player, action-oriented hard sci-fi.
I just want a Revelation Space game. As sci-fi goes, it's not even that hard, but I just want some shootbang and investigation in a world of psychotic posthuman factions and galactic Lovecraftian horror.
kill yourself
Space Engineers, turn on wolves, spiders, patrols and attack drones. Good fucking luck. Wolves can literally jump on top of a 40 foot tall structure, that is when they get tired of eating it. Wolves can eat metal in that game.
Hard sci-fi is pretty much realism over fun by definition you silly nigger.
Xenoblade X is pretty hard.
There is an autistic dev that is making a space navigation simulation by himself
Because there are, cockfuck. This is literally the most realistic space combat game ever created.
because other planets don't exist.
the earth is flat and the globe earth is the work of the devil ok praise jesus
I never got that this fucking debate that is going on for decades now.
The basic concept of god doesn't contradicts any scientific facts or observations. If anything the whole theory behind possible dimensions outside of human perception only expands possibilities for all sorts of gods and spirits to exist.
There is only one G-d, user.
You’re absolutely right, user. Atheists have always been ass-ravaged that science has done nothing but confirm what the Bible has said for millennia. From quantum mechanics’ precision to the order in which things evolved, the Bible got it right first.
Feels good
The deist god was invented by post-Enlightenment thinkers who were uncomfortable that reason was shrinking the number of things that could be attributed to God. The religion that normal people in the real world practice is not the abstract, impersonal prime mover that people like you resort to when others (rightly) point out that religion is bullshit and that assertions about the world require evidence if they are to be taken seriously. The pic is absolutely right.
But just because it's possible for some powerful being to exist doesn't in any way prove that the Abrahamic God exists, nor Vishnu, Zeus, Great Spirit, nor any other of those.
There is little verifiable historical or scientific evidence for existence of those. And religions based on the assumption that some god is real tend to enforce lifestyle-limiting rules, or claim they 100% know the real answers to difficult question. Some of what have been since answered by science, and the answers contradict.
ED is mostly based on "realism" and it aint that fun.
Religion is theology's biggest obstacle.
Because anyone who believes in a higher power, is automatically assumed to believe in some established religion, andwith that you're required to believe what essentially amounts to fairy tales and a bunch of myths that science has disproven.
Religion is essentially theology's fedora.
It doesn't. If you're referring to abrahamic religions, the problem is when people subscribe to the Bible/Quran as some supreme source of material proof instead of using it as symbolic guide of the metaphysical version they adhere to. For example, Creationists who think the planet is 6000 years old or anyone who thinks their old ass prophet wasn't high as fuck when they met angels or heard voices.
This, indeed, is a rejection of physical reality, but is also a rejection of the religion to which they claim to adhere, as well. God (in Christianity, but also supposedly in kikery and Islam) is not a deceiver–it is outside the nature of God to deceive–but to believe in “young earth” bullshit, you have to think that God lied to humanity about the physical nature of the Universe in which we reside, which is bullshit as a tenet of the religion itself and bullshit from a physics standpoint, as well (the Universe wouldn’t correctly operate if it had suddenly been created “in situ”.
Congratulations, you missed the point in spectacular style. The deist god is abstract and universal precisely so that waffling bullshit like your implications here can be sustained. Before deism, the prevailing conception of God was always explicitly human, personal, and partisan.
This must be bait but here we go anyway.
I think we should try to get back on track.
Mass Effect had the promise of a modern, action-oriented game with a detailed, consistent sci-fi setting. It wasn't hard sci-fi, but it evoked a lot of the autism and attention to detail that hard sci-fi does.
Then ME2 shit all over the setting and ruined everything.
What, that thermodynamics is accurate?
Okeedoke, you don’t get it at all.
I pirated the series and played it once when I needed to get my mind off suicide. The only thing I remember from it is that one military guy’s speech to his trainees about making sure you target your enemy ships correctly because a slug in space is going to keep traveling until it hits something–even if that won’t happen for hundreds of millions of years. It was cute and tickled my attention to detail (even in a series with “sexy” humanoid aliens and laser guns), which is probably the only reason I remember it.
Yeah, that little speech was one of the nice touches in ME2. They were too far and few between, though. The names of the recruits he was yelling at were also a reference to the Atomic Rockets site, a bastion of hard sci-fi autism.
*few and far between
Kill me.
aeiou aeiou john madden
what do you think it would be like to get a handy from curiosity
Good thing the "basic concept of god" isn't in any way relevant. Religions hold a view of the universe that encompasses a hell of a lot more than "a basic view of god". In the case of the judeo-christian religion, this view of the universe is so rigorist it naturally got BTFO'd by scientific advances and got very pissy about it. That much is a fact, and while I must say that the strategy of posing as the persecuted against atheism was a pretty smart move, it is ultimately a playground argument.
Halo 2 on legendary if you want a good challenge.
do you mean hard as in challenging sci-fi games, or hard as in games about hard sci fi?
realistic/rational fiction is an entire genre, of which hard sci-fi is a subgenre. if you maintain strict internal consistency and keep suspension of disbelief intact, you can create completely impossible fiction that's still very realistic.
john madden