tonight I'll sing my songs again,
I'll play the game and pretend.
but all my words come back to me
in shades of mediocrity
like emptiness in harmony
I need someone to comfort me.
tonight I'll sing my songs again,
I'll play the game and pretend.
but all my words come back to me
in shades of mediocrity
like emptiness in harmony
I need someone to comfort me.
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck you cupcake you piece of shit
wonder why
Do it anyhow.
I want some games.
i asked you if you wanted something the other day
Oh my god
Fuck off with your new threads
I second this
Enjoy your nightmares.
It was unintentional but still a plus.
Who knows, usually I can't stand DUMPY EMO FUCKS
You're a bitch. :D
Did you hear that song with the really cool dog?
I can't take your money.
You mean from Oliver and Company?
I've seen it a few times.
Got a pair of those that I didn't use for years, but now I've got to as my old Converse Allstars got too worn out.
Sleep well Cuppers.
shouldve gotten crocs
shes a bitch for that. im not dumpy or emo
well you cant now but whatever
Why can't you be that cool?
There's not much I actually want anymore.
Fuck converse
Maybe you're not emo, but you have some emo characteristics.
You're dumpy as fuck tho
Because he's from New York City and I'm from Illinois.
I never stood a chance.
They're comfy shoes, but not really something you can walk multiple klicks with.
Heya threaders~
You're right, you're just terrible.
No, I take that back, I think you're cool
I can't see what that is
Ahoy there.
i envy that
im just a little shorter than everyone around me is all
Hiya ^^
You're literally ruining everything.
Sup Googles?
Hi, Yan. How's it been?
ohoho. Best greenhair loli
Games just don't hold me long like they use to.;
I'm worried that now that I'm back on my own away from you guys I'll slip back into depression.
Hey hey allmaI I hope your day is a good one
Gross, it's been gross.
I need a shower
How's Elmers?
It's pretty good. Got my four day weekend. Starting to get nervous again for this whole thing though. I'm getting picked up in the morning x_x
Everyone keeps telling me it will be okay, so I'm gonna roll with that.
How has your day been, diggy?
Golly so many links to click.
Fuck you
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I hope you roll over in your sleep and you're paralyzed.
So... take a shower!
I'm alright. Haven't seen you around lately. What have you been up to~?
I'm getting ready right now.
Eyes in the sky.
im sure we both will
as you know im already sinking into something
very funny
safe and normal links
Sorry, this is how it looks for me and I have no way to fix it.
I am dying
I wish I could have slept longer ;~;
we'll have to turn this into a race or something
Promise me you'll talk to someone if things get bad.
Doesn't even have to be me.
Have you ever seen my amazing pictures before?
im already planning on getting someone for the borderline stuff and the other thing i mentioned
I am funny, aren't I?
Thank you.
I'm doing okay. Packing a bunch of clothes and stuff for the weekend. She's taking me out not just to the wedding now I guess so I'm kinda getting nervous haha
This is my life now so I just gotta go for it :p
You gotta like blackout your windows or something. Sleep schedules for 3rd sucks dongers but it's doable.
Just got of the shower from my run. might do some busy things and have a meal.
I was just stopping by to see if anything like that would be posted. I think I've noticed a routine the bots do.
Should I ask who?
I sure hope you have a good time [WINK ; )]
today was cool, work went by quick and I biked out to walmart at some point in the very near past and bought fallout 4
i love it alot
I think I might just bike out there again Im really craving some sweets...
I don't really see it as a necessity for me to be around all the time.
Drinking for the time being as I only have gym later on during the day.
There are a lot of wolf spiders in my room still.
yes sir
you're a fucking comedian
what would that be. i know the cpis a lot different than before i left for a few months.
i dont have specifics. I meant like a professional
What the FUCK
I have
I love that cute vampire boy ^^
What's happening?
I was messing with my new psp and trying to find where the fuck all my games went and i lost track of time
Got the next two days off tho so I will probably get to sleep all day when I get out lol
Ah. Well keep me updated. I get worried when you guys leave me out of the loop on things.
It's rare that they bite me or even bother me.
But they tend to hide in my stuff.
Well he is the best.
Try diplomacy so they don't crawl into your bed during the night and make your mouth their home.
"Sir", I like that.
i think its better we not know everything all the time.
Vampires usually are
Unless we're talking Twilight
Stake every one of those faggots
id just rather not upset you again
praise be
m-me too squash
they are your friends
You didn't upset me.
I was worried I upset you.
I'm still kind of on edge because I don't want this to end up like last time where you guys just kind of stop talking to me for a year.
worship me
Don't you have a vampire fetish?
get online
I dont know how
How far is the bike ride? I think I still like NV and 3 better, but I didn't play a whole lot of 4 cause of the whole crafting nonsense.
That's fair I guess. I'd like to spend less time here too, but this place tends to be a weird flavored support system for me lol
Whatchya drinkin'?
The whole wedding stuff. I think I'm basically going fulltime over the weekend.
Nice, I like to do that on my days off too. Don't sleep away all of your time off though~
I know that feel, but sometimes it just gets a tad old.
On my 6th can of Foster's, so pretty much the cheapest beer there is.
they taste sweaty
So you're into cold and dead bodies?
Oh right.
I'm usually up during the night since I am so used to it
Not really no
Who isn't?
Nini threaders~
My body is cold and dead.
pretty gay
Sleep well Elmers.
What else are you going to do with your body when you're dead?
Just give it to your wife/husband/whatever for a few more fun times and they can thaw you can microwave you to get you all fresh.
Иди спать со мной , любовь . Мы можем поставить глупые сообщения на форуме вместе.
I don't mind
Suck my dead wiener, fag.
ha ha ha xd
*Slurp slurp*
Являюсь ли я русская королева?
Don't fucking do that, give it back.
Too late
It's mine now
well I took off right after that and ust got back
Maybe about 3 miles or so
give or take a bit
I have to get on the highway for a while to get out there so that kinda sucks but at this time of night there susually nobody on it
The crafting really threw me for a fucking loop when I first came into it
but it grew on me quick
pretty badass making a fortified encampment but
its really crappy system for crafting lol
so hard to make something aesthtically pleasing
The fashion is fantabulous though
my waifu is so kawaii in her blue suit and her airplaine pilot hat uwu
New vegas was probably my favorite game of all time I have evr played when it came out
it was my first fallout and so new to me
so immersive
I lost a good thousand or so hours to it for sure lol
what sort of vidya do you play on the reg?
somethingg something russian queen
I can't speak commie.
vat ish dis
This will never happen again.
It's like a peaceful soul in flv form.
I know you're devastated but please try and control your sadness.
This is pretty nice gogs
I added it up in a playlist of mine
heres on back if ya would like
Я не коммунист . Мой отец был арест и помещен в политическую тюрьму за практику капитализма обратно в Союзе Советских Социалистических Республик .
52% still agrees with that btw
me + swedish
tbh i t dont really hate swedish
I have that effect.
This song was on right before. Idk why but I keep listening to all the old stuff I loved years ago(finding I still do)
If you liked it, you can have this
Queu'd up
gracias goggles kun
there's a free game at humble bundle just fyi
Don't b like that
Anything to keep you smiling.
Thanks for the heads up.
Like what?
I'm hungry
You just ate.
didnt see anything that interested me...
the game maker thingy would be way over my head...
the tropico 4 thing is fre
i did get the game maker stuff though
I want more
wat is tropico 4?
i didnt notice it on humble bundle .com
It's like a city building game set in the tropics
pretty good
It's really good.
You are going to make me cry
Thank god I don't feel bad for you.
testing size change
Are you on your knees to beg for my forgiveness?
You better hurry up.
I'm sorry
I'll think about it.
I'm going bed.
Sweet dreams
2 bed
nini masterarchivesbanoneesama
That was directed at Ban.
o-oh >.
This is why unlinked posts are cancerous
That's alright.
There are worse things.
No shit
Settle down.
I am calm
I just think that was a completely worthless statement to make
As was yours, so what's the problem?
Mine had a point
Yours contributed absolutely nothing to the conversation
Mine had just as much point of yours, you are just in an aggressive mindset right now. Not to mention you are prone to making blank posts.
This was also pointless
I don't even have to scroll up that far to criticise your lack of content.
gave you a bigger one
ill give you a bigger one
ty sweetie
Muh dick
Slow motion thread
mhm, hey scooters hows you
Not too great, not too bad. Meh atm. Gonna try and force some brekkie in a minute but muh illness is like" you not hungry fam" kek
gonna go doctors in a bit,
you dags, you good?
bleh, as good as i can be i guess. off work now, it's the weekend, I'm alive, so bleh. go eat some food mang, i always feel crappy when i forget to eat.. for a couple days..
soon dude heh
woo the weekend!!!
don't even start. did you really expect me to wait for you?to put my life on hold because you were unsure about your feelings? I've made it clear since day one. you're all I ever wanted. don't say to me "fuck that". I've put up with your shit for too long. I've let you manipulate me and lead you on, all for it to lead to this? fuck you. I loved you and you just lost me. I hope you're happy.
8ch ate my shit
FINE! I FUCKING LOVE YOU and everytime we talk about you and your boyfriend or you having sex or stuff like that it breaks my heart and i just want to cry everyday, I want you here close to me, i want to be able to meet you and have something more than just talking through the internet, for some reason i am very drawn to you and i cant push you away from me(i dont want to push you away), i sometimes wish i was your boyfriend but i know that that will never happen, i try to be happy when talking to you but i dont show you what i really feel because its not important since your in love with your boyfriend, when your hurt or depressed i am, when your happy im happy, when you laugh and smile that makes me laugh and smile and feel good inside, i just wish it was you and me sometimes! there i told you
1 dai gurl n boi r mekin out. dey r in luv.
gurl stops meking out n asks boi to get poptartz.
he dus.
den gurl teks deep breff. den gurl sais "bf i am pregnent will u stay ma bf" n he seys "no".
gurl iz hertbrokn.
we need to stop
turn the cameras off
I really love Yui Hirasawaa. Like, a lot. Like, a whole lot. You have no idea. I love her so much that it is inexplicable, and I'm ninety-nine percent sure that I have an unhealthy obsession. I will never get tired of listening that sweet, angelic voice of hers. It is my life goal to meet up her with her in real life and just say hello to her.
I fall asleep at night dreaming of her holding a personal concert for me, and then she would be sorry tired that she comes and cuddles up to me while we sleep together. If I could just hold her hand for a brief moment, I could die happy. If given the opportunity, I would lightly nibble on her ear just to hear what kind of sweet moans she would let out. Then, I would hug her while she clings to my body hoping that I would stop, but I only continue as she moans louder and louder.
I would give up almost anything just for her to look in my general direction. No matter what I do, I am constantly thinking of her. When I wake up, she is the first thing on my mind. When I go to school, I can only focus on her. When I go come home, I go on the computer so that I can listen to her beautiful voice. When I go to sleep, I dream of her and I living a happy life together. She is my pride, passion, and joy. If she were to call me "Onii-chan," I would probably get diabetes from her sweetness and die.
I wish for nothing but her happiness. If it were for her, I would give my life without any second thoughts. Without her, my life would serve no purpose. I really love Yui
if it means the same thing then does it matter?
A loneley lost little finn
hush now, little finn
you are safe here
i am the confused
Oh bb
forgive english, i am Russia.
i come to study clothing and fashion at American university. i am here little time and i am very hard stress. i am gay also and this very difficult for me, i am very religion person. i never act to be gay with other men before. but after i am in america 6 weeks i am my friend together he is gay also. He was show me American fashion and then we are kiss.
We sex together. I never before now am tell my mother about gay because i am very shame. As i fock this American boy it is very good to me but also i am feel so guilty. I feel extreme guilty as I begin orgasm. I feel so guilty that I pick up my telephone and call Mother in Russia. I awaken her. It too late for stopping so I am cumming sex. I am very upset and guilty and crying, so I yell her, "I AM CUM FROM SEX" (in Russia). She say what? I say "I AM CUM FROM SEX" and she say you boy, do not marry American girl, and I say "NO I AM CUM FROM SEX WITH MAN, I AM IN ASS, I CUM IN ASS" and my mother very angry me. She not get scared though.
I hang up phone and am very embarrass. My friend also he is very embarrass. I am guilt and feel very stupid. I wonder, why do I gay with man? But I continue because when it spurt it feel very good in American ass.
at least use a proxy
I am a heron. I have a long neck and I pick fish out of the water with my beak. If you don't repost this comment on 10 other pages, I will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans.
It's been a while since I had a heart to heart with my guitar
but I had a good practice session finally
really good one
been a few months since I was acutally satisfied with how it sounds
I hate how they look
but I love how your fingertips feel when they get all ripped up from some strings
Spiderrs kinda creep me the fuck out but most of them are just bros on the daily grind tryin to live
im genning trips tonight! ^_^
I hope you have good luck
trip generating is a pretty ttough for the computer
once i fixed my tripcode explorer settings to not use all my cpu ower it is running good and smooth now!
look bard! i have one GPU ^^^^^^^
CUH ... -_-
haha that's a pretty good one Luka
I wish you the best of luck in letting it run for a while maybe you can find something really really good : )
i've created a huge list for it to attepmt to gen! :D
so fun~
now that it works proper~
Sup cuh?
i'm no UFO
i'mma ZFO!
luka not isis
luka iz IISS
:\ hopefully this double hash works
What's a ZFO? Vaping?
Oh nvm I see
i personally like this one the most so far for now...
It's nicer without all-caps
hmm... i don't think this one will work...
suh dude
howdy and good morning luka.
i made this just now~
ba de ya
dancin' in september
I found another roadpig. it's finally one where it's at the front of the tripcode.
I'll give it to you later if you want it.
looks good but you should try an outlined font and see how it looks
yea cool
you know you don't have to do that though right like if it takes you any effort
i dont rly mind what my trip is like ill probably lose it shortly
Helllooo guero how is your morning?
it's literally zero effort. the way tripcode generating works is the computer generates millions of trips every second and scans them to see if the desired set of letters and numbers or whatever is present, then gives you that password if it is.
in other words, my list of tripcodes that I'm searching for could be a million things and it would be exactly as much effort as searching for a single thing. I just run the good generator when I go to work or sleep and the less good but less intensive one when I'm using the computer normally. it's literally no extra effort to add tripcodes for you or anyone else while looking for ones I want, like my shiny new !Beatrice which I finally found.
i don't see any outlined fonts in this web photo editor ;~;
so this happened today
I was gonna go to that school
hopefully the kid ends up alright
Good morning.
hello goggles.
Testicles composed of solid titanium
How are you?
slow and boring since im babysitting
good mood tho which is nice
just shitposting on here n twitter to pass the time
hows bards morning going
oh, right
i remember trying to search for a trip on my old shitty laptop years ago and it literally locked my whole computer up
i had to take the battery out to get it to turn off
ah dang
it might be easier on the eyes that way
maybe try to learn a little photoshop or gimp
they're both free if you know where to look lol
mornin' bud
Those must be really heavy
same as always. with the slight glimmer of something decent because it's friday which means three straight days of drinking after work ends.
how are you?
my computer is good enough to run trip explorer while doing anything that isn't playing a game, and then when I run the more intensive one I don't use the computer at all, so it's been fine so far.
i'm definitely trying here~
Goooood morning giggles chan
your testicles are already denser than metal. it's why their on the outside.
i got as strong as I am from having to carry them around every day
That sounds like a fanatastic way to spend the day
Feelin a lil sleep
Gotta stay up another hour or so to get paid and then who knows
seen alot of spiders tonight so thats unnerving
Hey Guro. How are you?
What's your poison?
Hey Bardy. I've filled out a lot of my gear with tech upgrades but I still can't find any multi-tools over 12 slots.
vodka. from now until the end of time, most likely.
which reminds me, I'll need to go pick up some vodka after work.
By itself? You madman.
ahhaha whaaat?!
you and me must be the opposite
I've had alot of trouble with getting my ship up but The multi tool was the first one I could get
Alot of those random stations on planets with have them
or nada and polo at the anomalies there is a guranteed one
no, of course not. I mix with lemonade, orange juice or cranberry juice.
are you at work right now cup
that one is better
i just smooshed two spiders this morning too
maybe its spider day
what are you gettin paid for, bart??
feelin' great feelin' good how are you
I haven't been to any anomalies yet and even after the days of going through stations to find better ships I rarely ever came accross any new tools, even if I did they were always 11.
I've heard orange juice is the best because of it's acidity or something.
Kind of demoralized right now, but okayish.
no, I never post from work. I'm just waiting for my ride.
I honestly don't understand why hentai/doujin websites have normal porn ads like bro I'm jacking off to lolis being tentacle raped does it look like I give a shit about some 30 y.o that lives 20 blocks away from me?
thats soooo weird how many times have you warped systems?
That''s terrifying
Spiders scare the heebie eebies out of me me
vodka and orange juice is called a screwdriver and it is indeed one of the best mixed drinks.
lemonade is wonderful as well for probably the same reason.
whats the low morale all about bud?
ah alright
have a good day my dude
i will let spiders live in my house but if they come near me or touch me they get smooshed
this big one just crawled out of my desk a bit ago
I think just 8 so far.
I finished a big bottle once with orange juice.
fuck you I won't do what you tell me.
you're a big boy now, goggles. I'm so proud of you.
Shush, you.
aww, what's the matter? can't take a compliment? getting all flustered? sooo cuuute.
i'm generating tonsa trips now!
Thats a good way to be
same here
I get the chills up my back just thinking that they might crawl on me while i sleep
Wat kind of path do you take? how far do ou usually warp? You havent even seen a single anomaly yet?
maybe i should start generating tripcodes that seems to be all the rage these days
sorry sci, !Imapedophile is too many letters.
you could go with !Ifuckyoung I suppose.
why do you need more than one as long as luka is at the start of it?
i definitely feel u
i woke up with a big fat spider on the bridge of my nose once and i had to take a really hot shower to feel normal again
i'm looking for a perfect one~
t b h
you're making me feel all tingly....
FIrst I was going to follow the atlast patha nd warped a few to get one star sytem away from it where I spent some time looking for more ships when I finally got 48 I decided to continue only to realise it disappeared so I have just been going towards the center and my new upgraded drives can let me jump a dozen or so.
I am bad at receiving them. Like gifts or something.
im happy to be ur validation cow
that's adorable.
I need no validation. insulting you is its own reward.
dont worry i believe u
what would a perfect one contain other than luka
no homo haha hehe xd
*validates you*
owo whats this
interesting choice btw
My phone was dead when I woke up so I couldn't jerk off in bed.
does no one know how to use their imagination to get off?
You will pay dearly for this.
why do you think I provoke you in the first place?
one that looks good~
and stylish!
I am confident you will find one soon
I found an anomaly in about 1/5th of all the star systems I've been to so far
even if its not on a path to the center or atlas
but I also have found them on the path
I bet you will find one soon
They are just out in space like a space station
the one you have now is kind of incredible. I assume you were only searching for Luka, right? to then get //1GPU is kind of great.
seriously though. porn has spoiled you.
I'm sorry for that outburst. I'm full of shitpost this morning.
what a travesty
yeah like what though
least random characters possible
Luka///// or something like that?
does your phone have a vagina attachment or something haha
I'm not sure I can forgive you.
If they were just searching for Luka wouldn't they get thousands?
Don't pull this kaybe shit on me.
" Luka// "
yeah its in my list of trips it's trying to get
It might be why I can't get off during actual sex.
It's awful.
We should play some ranked to compensate.
And 6 penises.
yes. a four letter tripcode would be one of the easiest things in the world to find.
I don't even understand what you're implying here. I'm not trying to provoke you to stir up genuine ire, just to receive punishment later.
ah, I see.
six is still fairly easy to find though. I went to bed running mty with a six letter trip on there and found like 20 before I woke up.
yes scoots?
that would definitely be a big part of it, I'd assume. I've never had that problem no matter how much porn I've looked at.
mhm.. i've only tried running for about 30 mins and i generated all these variations in Tripcode Explorer!
just think about how I carried piggybacked you to plat in overwatch and the pain will go away
I see.
I dunno how wise that is, my little cousin didn't go to school today so I might have to afk or lose focus
I feel like it might be an issue.
I've never been able to get off with a person.
Up to you.
This is why I dont have a phone
I dont want it to dick me
pls like me like u used to...
you doubt my lust for "punishment?"
yeah you'll get tons.
oh please. you didn't carry me that much
are you being serious right now? because yeah that would suck. you should try cutting back on the jacking off.
welp, time to go. see you all later.
I'll dick you.
Yeah. around 3-4 years of sex and I've never got off during it.
have a fantastic day at work
I still like you dude I just don't have time or energy to sit in discord a lot of the time
just ask to play next time we all get on overwatch
i finally fixeed the issue i've had with tripcode explorer
using all my CPU
i just had to set it to only use 5 of my 8 cores!
now the computer runs fine and only uses up 50% cpu now~
Oh wait in that case I take it back.
that burn on sci was 2 savage
did anyone watch the first episode of that atlanta show
it rly wasnt lmao
dont fall for his validation ponzi scheme ur not getting it back
Stop being bored.
Guero, you are missing some great ranked games.
Oh god yes.
Even got potg.
Fix it?
Я скучный человек.
I should get on that this weekend :/
Это очень плохо. Потому что я не верю, что вы.
It's not a webm. It doesn't count.
I don't know how to make them.
i just press my record hot key in fraps
and then i convert the avi file into webm like so
Oh right, an old timer like yourself doesn't even know how to send an email.
Но это правда.
Я являюсь самым скучным человеком здесь.
I actually don't know how.
Как так?
It's an hour past my betime >/////////////////<
Don't tell my daddy uwu
I'll have to purchase you an 'internet for dummies' if you live long enough to see your next birthday.
That's in less than a month.
not if I have anything to say about it
nothin personnel
Я религиозный назойливым .
I'll crush you.
happy to see you
how are you buddy
w-woah I didnt know you were into that kinda stuff
What day?
The Headband was one of my favorite epsiodes
Что делает вашу религию нужно делать с вас сдерживает от вещи, или же вы на самом деле имел в виду "интроверт".
В любом случае, я думаю, что у вас есть много, чтобы сказать, за пределами всего религии.
Compressing isos and playing some games on my psp
I just ordered a new memory stick for it too which should come in about a week
what are you up to?
I'm into a lot of weird shit.
Crushing is not one.
Я не думаю, что на самом деле моя религия держит меня обратно , но я знаю , что есть много людей, которые пост здесь , что не любят даже понятие религии . Несмотря на это, я искренне считаю, что я скучный человек , даже если я могу быть немного собеседником в разы.
psps are some of the greatest technology of all time
What kind of stuff do you got on it?
Mine too
I kinda wanna rewatch it again lol
I'm writing it down in my phone now.
That would be my first followed by the one where Sokka gets his sword and the one where Aang has nightmares about the invasion.
It's hardly something to remember.
I never bother do do anything on it.
What's with you nerds and not caring about your birthday.
*объятий тепло*
Я не против лично, так как это влияет на меня Су мало.
но в любом случае, я не могу заставить изменения на вас, так что вы можете сказать себе, что вы желаете.
все, что я могу сделать, это поделиться своим мнением.
и надеюсь, что вы видите что-то.
"Я" вижу потенциал.
В любом случае ... это вся русская вещь, потому что вы публикуете ее?
most people grow out of caring about birthday stuff
i got a 20 and a carton of ciggies from my uncle last year
18 and 21 were the only birthdays that anything explicitly changed in my life.
Porn and drinking.
I did both before I was old enough anyway.
These are all the psp games so far
but I also have a few emulators like game boys, nes, sega genesis and stuff
but my memory stick is only 4 GB so I'm waiting to get the bigger one before I mess with those
I'll probably reserve the small one for emulators and put psp and ps1 games on the 32GB
Also got cave story on here too
I have been getting clothes and other terrible things but I still know how to put on a smile.
smh fam tbh..
secret anal
It's just about everything you'd ever want out o f a portbale system ;~;
I hope eventually my family forgets it so they don't try to do anything.
I like the play one, and the one where kitara learns to blood bend
There are so many great episodes it's actually pretty hard to choose a favorite one
How lame.
Oh yeah that bloodbending one was cool. Yeah they were all amazing. Leaved you wanting more.
Ну я использую мою маленькую русскую принцессу Хибики , поэтому я думал, что только сообщение в кириллицы .
Я понимаю, что ты так заботишься о моем благополучии .
Что ты задумал?
It's just a hassle.
Yeah you can pretty much do anything with it lol
My friend had a manga reader on his
It sucks if you brick it tho. I'm trying my hardest not to do that with this one so I'm only getting shit that I know for sure works on it
I've gone through two of them because of shitty software and another because it fell in the water ;~;
This one's my baby
Just go out to lunch or dinner with someone. Is that a hassle?
I can't get into korra at all
I wish they would do a continuation of the original series or something but I feel like they might ruin it
how long have you had it for?
Life is a hassle.
You seem to think I go out with people.
wrassle it
It was alright, it had it's ups and downs. I was quite confused and let down for the ending.
Doesn't everyone have friends?
I got this one a couple days ago. It's a 1000 model
Chris Benoit style
how many have you had lol
i giggled on the irl
my a actually lm'd o from the lol
Yeah I heard it was pretty shit
This is the fourth
Она симпатичная принцесса~
Я просто надеюсь, что мой уход, для вас, ценится, и не раздражает вас...
Я просто сушки одежду и дели- прямо сейчас. и наслаждаться видео в Интернете.
I have plenty. I just don't enjoy going out.
rifk irl ftw on the downlow
Fucking grim and pulse reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Anime doesn't count as a friends, Squash.
That's a fucking lie
I have social anxiety.
Cut me some slack.
Holla Forums on the other hand
Да , я просто убиваю время сам. Не буду дома большую часть дня сегодня , так что любое свободное время настало время , что я хочу злоупотреблять .
I am merely poking fun, big guy.
Maybe you can poke me another way.
I'm sorry, Bard.
There is literally no middleground with you.
я имею в виду, принимая вздремнуть, так как это почти в десять утра.
Я, вероятно, будет делать вещи позже сегодня, а также ...
Lol, you wash your hair with fake shit.
its shampoo
i dont wash my hair with anything
the cosmetic industry is a scam made by the jews
How do you mean?
I was my hair with dog shit and talcum powder.
Вздремнуть тогда, если вы так устали .
Там нет причин , чтобы исчерпать себя так рано в день .
new thred
new thred
new thred
new thred
new thred
new thred
new thred
new thred
new thred
new thred
new thred
new thred
new thred
new thred
new thred
new thred
new thred
i can see clearly now
the rain has gone