PS2 Thread

We haven't had a PS2 thread in forever.


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We've had plenty of them, one just happened to die recently. Not that I would complain of having one.

i felt bad for the people who had ps2 and never got to play it online

Behold, the greatest PS2 game of all time.

Mein negger

must have missed it

I played online once or twice but it wasn't my cup of tea.

What a fun time.

FIRST GAME OWNED: Armored Core 2
UNDERRATED GAME: Dunno, never got to play much that would be considered obscure.
NOW PLAYING: I was playing Yakuza and Armored Core 2, but nothing in the past few months.

I cleaned up a cruddy and dirty PS2 Fat that I picked up at a Goodwill in the middle of nowhere, and it works, but needs a new drive door cover. I'm considering getting a network adapter, after I see if a SATA SSD will work with it, using a SATA to PATA adapter.

Grand Theft Auto 3, on my brother-in-law's fat PS2.
Bought a whole bunch from the bargain bin at once. The one that stands out was Devil May Cry.
God Hand. Cliche answer to give on an image board, I know, but that game is fukken perfect.
None lately. I still have a modded PS2 slim and a gigantic folder full of discs.
Naw, I didn't get a PS2 until 2006 when the next generation was already out. Always buy consoles when there are new models/tons of games out for them.

But to answer OP's question
Maximo: Ghosts to Glory, not bad for a very early 3d platformer.
See above.
A tie between GTA:SA and Skygunner
Nocturne. I really like the demon designs.

I totally wanna put a good hard drive in my old PS2.

The problem is (correct me if I'm wrong) that not every PATA hard drive is compatible with the PS2, hence my hesitation on grabbing all of the stuff for HD loading. I have the memory card already, but no great desire to play anything.

Pretty sure it's just a specific brand of HDD that doesn't work, I think it's Western Digital drives but I could be wrong

ATV Offroad Fury
Street Fighter EX 3
Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution or The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match
Crimson Tears and Shinobido: Way of the Ninja
Le Bizzarre Avventure di GioGio: Vento Aureo
I owned a Gamecube and a dreamcast too so I didn't really give a fuck. I just played games.

Alright. Couldn't find a whole lot of information online as (((Google))) and Bing are both majorly fucked when it comes to targeted searching.

Dark Cloud
Dark Cloud
I didn't even know there were dry spells because I migrated between all 3. Only gen where I did that

Tekken 5
Tekken 5
Not at all

Been a long time but I think it was the layout of the ide port and the molex power connector. On some of the older drives its backwards, and I believe those drives are all made by western fucking digital.

If the ports are reversed on the back of the hard drive its not compatible with the network adapter. Also if the ports are too close together or too far apart it also won't fit, I had one of those too.

Never do not play this game.


If I remember correctly it came bundled with FantaVision.

Probably Devil May Cry 3

I don't know how underrated or hidden it needs to be, but more people should play Shadow of Destiny

turns out the servers shut down the next time I played and that killed my desire to play anything else because all that mattered was outbreak online
if only the fucks at capcom would hurry up with the outbreak HD announcement

Such as Falo

Jurrasic Park: operation genesis
Madden '04
Jak II
Transformers 2004
mine died in 2010, might replace it 'eventually'

Why is the console and controller black, but the memory card is gray?

they got weird shit like breakdown and phantom dust, the real quality stuff
also every multiplat game ran best on xbox too

GTA San Andreas
I think Jak and Dexter 2, either that or Ratchet and Clank 3
No idea
I don't play on consoles anymore
I never knew a single person who owned the Original Xbox quite a few of my friends owned a Gamecube though and they were pretty happy with it. I was always more of a Playstation person though.

Fuck off newfag

Metal Gear Solid 2 or Final Fantasy X
Same as above, amazing Christmas
Honestly after all these years I probably gotta go with MGS2. It fundamentally changed how I view video games, the world, art, and it also started my love of Stealth games.
Way of the Samurai, my second favorite game on the system. And not any of the sequels either, the fucking original which is still the best in my opinion.
Nothing at the moment but my last big run was Yakuza 2. Also a great game. God damn PS2 had some great games

Probably an original PlayStation memory card from an old photo.

I'm in the process of getting my shit together for HD loading for the PS2. I don't care enough to resurrect one of my Gamecubes with a laser replacement, and I'm only dimly aware of prospects for the Wii. My original Xbox has a dead optical drive, making it a pain in the ass to deal with, and I can't locate any replacement drives for it, since nobody but, well, people here give a fuck about the Xbox anymore.

First got a PS2 maybe five years ago now, and there's still a lot of the library I need to give a go.
Probably Ratchet and Clank at an auto dealership when I was younger, though I'm not real sure that counts as I didn't have time to get past Arridia.
Either a copy of Ratchet and Clank of my own or Tales of the Abyss.
Kind of hard to pick, even amidst what small percent of the library (given how big the PS2 library is, even only counting the worthwhile, actual games and not shovelware, licensed shit, and annual sports shit as part of the whole) I've actually gotten around to as of now.
Not real sure why Tsugunai seems to have been so poorly regarded. Doesn't seem like it did well in Japan either, since I can find barely any fan-art for it, eastern or western created.
Tsugunai. Dissonance between "professional" opinion and consumer opinion caught my attention and made me decide to give it a go. Pretty enjoyable in my opinion, if going out of its way to not handle the way a standard game of its type does. Good music too.
I had a Gamecube when it was current but never exactly knew a "dry spell" caused by release dates if that's what you mean. Mainly because I was barely allowed any games for it to begin with, so aside from replaying the same handful of games I did have for it, I didn't get to play much until more recently.

You're like that guy that made another RPG thread the other day claiming that there hadn't been one in a good while, despite there having been one the week before (to be fair though, we really need a working archive for the site). Though, I will at least give you credit for not being the usual PS2 thread OP that sticks inflammatory shit in the opening post to bait easy replies.

I really don't know why people would buy systems at launch, when what they have going for them is a handful of launch titles and a "promise" of more worthwhile games to come. Especially these days. Granted, I suppose someone has to, otherwise the company owning the system would declare it not worth their focus. But I'll always wait for he system and prior released games to be cheaper, and the library more established, before buying a system, even if it means only getting into them late in their life/long after they'e been past-gen.

Try giving this a look. I personally use a Maxtor with my PS2.

Let normalfags buy new hardware on launch day and browse the internet without adblock. Us esteemed gentry will still reap the benefits of not doing so.

If you mean simply for the system as is, older Wii models are backwards compatible with Gamecube discs, and while both allow for component output, cords for the Gamecube are much more expensive than those for the Wii. Only big difference is that some peripherals won't work with the Wii, like the Game Boy Player (where the shape of the thing is only made to fit under the Gamecube). The Wii also has the benefit of being easy to hack, and can be set up with homebrew, emulators, and loader applications for both Gamecube and Wii games.

In a way, true. But at the same time, it's kind of disgusting to see a system sell millions and millions of units at launch, all while having very few worthwhile games to show for it at that point. And when that happens, I'd wager it just pushes the company involved to cater more towards those customers than the people waiting for it to (or simply to see if) it actually gets more of a library before they buy it.

I'm slowly looking into lots of SSDs, or whatever junk I can grab. Thanks for the link; I'll bookmark it for when I decide to get to buying.

Yeah, I don't care enough to get into Gamecube ISOs and using them with the Wii, and it felt like I was forcing myself to hax the damn thing enough to get an NES and SNES emulator on it.

As a word of advice when it come to setting up/installing games onto a PS2 drive, make sure you have the drive powered up before attaching it to the computer (be it USB adaptor or ribbon cable), rather than the other way around. Otherwise you might have frequent connection failures when trying to do so. Just something I noticed working with mine.

Sly 2
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2
Ratchet & Clank 3
I was a Nintendo kid, I don't know too many
FFX **I don't know why*
No, because I was enjoying 4 player default input

Unrelated, but I'd love another Vib game. Vib-ribbon is the better known one but there's a PS2 sequel, Vib-ripple.

The first PS2 game you played
First PS2 game you owned
Unlimited Saga (I like how difficult it was to master)
King's Field AC
No, because they were better looking systems with better graphics and I was a graphics whore up until the PS3 era.

I still don't get why Sony didn't opt to put native four player into their systems sooner, other than to keep selling multi-taps for extra profit, I mean. And while the PS3 sure didn't need one anyhow due to wireless controllers, it still only had two USB connection ports for charging them.

Jak & Daxter

The Bouncer or Dark Cloud.

Hard choice. Dark Cloud 2, Ratchet & Clank: UYA, DMC3 SE, Okami, Odin Sphere, Metal Gear Solid 3

Does .hack qualify? Then that.

Castlevania: Curse Of Darkness, Beyond Good & Evil, Okami

I owned every console that gen, so I knew they all got good games. Shame how fucked the GCN was. Who I feel sorry for now is the people looking to fill out their GCN collection these days; prices for those games are insane now. GCN game prices at my local indie game shop start at like $70 and go up past $100, for anything that isn't literal shovelware. But then this is also a shop that is selling a boxed copy of Action 52 for $450 so that may have something to do with it.

Soul Calibur 2
Champions of Norrath
.hack/G.U. series
Does soul reaver 2 count?
Persona 3 Fes
They had Halo and melee and mechassault so not really

Devil May Cry
Bought DMC afterwards.
Probably a tie between God Hand or Onimusha
Rule of Rose, Growlanser IV
Gradius V, Makai Kingdom, Timesplitters
Nah, it was the idort age. I hope everyone here had at least two consoles in that gen.

Mah nigga, i don't know if there's anything else that can be done with media-generated levels anymore, but i think Vibri would have been a better PS mascot than than Crash or Toro if she existed back then and were more popular. Mojib-Ribbon is also good
I actually took the autism to get all the petacharacters in Vib-Ripple and it seems that some of these can't be unlocked in the normal levels. I'd like to figure out how to use the custom picture function on PCSX2 just to see if something interesting happens on 100% completion.

I'll just do what I always do when loading shit onto systems that don't play well with the network right out of the gate, and use my primary desktop to format the drive and load everything.


The PSP extended port, Phantom Kingdom Portable, has a fan-translation. Just figured I'd mention it. On a related note, I still wonder why, of NIS' PS2 offerings (the ones we saw the base version of out here anyhow), Disgaea, Disgaea 2, Makai Kingdom, La Pucelle, and Phantom Brave all got extended PSP versions, but Soul Nomad has remained PS2 only (and only saw a PSN digital rerelease in Japan).

I'll give it that it's not all that popular (especially compared with the likes of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest, and Tales these days), but I wouldn't exactly call it a hidden gem, or all that unpopular either. More likely that there's a decent amount of people that know of them, but haven't bothered to get invested in the games due to the pricetags on them if one doesn't know how/isn't apt to pirate games. From what I've seen locally, Infection being easy and cheap to find hints at it having done rather well in sales, but subsequent releases either saw less shipped or less sold in general (the multi-installment "pay three/four times for one full game" release style understandably being a turn off). Though, with Namco having given CC2 clearance to make a PS4 remaster of G.U. with various gameplay tweaks, and apparently an entire extra volume of new content, the series may yet see another day in the limelight (especially with the PS4 version being an "all-in-one" rerelease, and for $50 at that). Just my thoughts though.

It's certainly been a slow effort on my end to just acquire the thirty or so Gamecube games I've managed to get without paying the average prices, which can indeed be downright ridiculous. However, while it's certainly still a "scalper" system out here, the prices where I am thankfully do NOT start at $70 for anything worth playing, and there's a handful of very worthwhile games that can be acquired for $10-20 each. Still a problem though that ultra common (for the system) games like Mario Sunshine, Windwaker, Pokemon Colosseum and Gale of Darkness, and Melee can be $35 or more (Melee being $55+ here) because they feature major Nintendo characters, and of course the actually hard to find games are going to get scalped these days, especially if they've managed "cult classic" status since then. Even multiplats can be a good twice as much for the Gamecube version as the PS2 or Xbox ones.

PS2 has definitely been easier to pick stuff up for in my experiences, and has been more prone to stores having pricing fuckups I can make use of than what they carry for the Gamecube. Also helps that various companies have been willing to do reprints over the years, helping reduce aftermarket prices and increase availability on previously rare, expensive games (though admittedly there's still a fair amount that have never seen that treatment and probably never will).

One of the things to bear in mind is that you can't just place ISOs on the hard drive and have the system be able to use them. You have to go through third party applications (WinHIIP, HDL Dump/Dumb) to copy them onto the drive and have them be readable. This isn't too bad, but it can take a bit of time; connection failure during large installs can be damn obnoxious, hence my warning there.

Also, I'm not sure if you're planning to use a modpack when setting up and formatting the drive (it's a good idea for the base utility; having uLE preinstalled is helpful), but make sure you update any loader applications, as various game that wouldn't play well/play at all before may work much better with a later version, and from what I've heard there's some compatibility variance between HDL and OPL (I mainly use the latter).

Onimusha 2 at a friend's house I believe.
Age of Empires 2
GTA:SA or Onimusha 3 for nostalgia reasons, with Timesplitters:FP. There are many games I love.
Shadow of Rome
Everyone I knew owned a PS2 game because piracy.

Truly a man of taste.

I'm just downloading PCSX2 for the first time and I need a BIOS rom. Where the hell do I get one of those?

Not PS2 related, but I still wonder what prompted Shinobido 2 to get removed from the PSN, thus rendering that game physical-only now.

I'm thinking of getting a PS2 sometime soon, since I was a Gamecubefag and I wanted to see what I missed. What's considered a reasonable price for a PS2 nowadays? I know a place that's selling a PS2 Fat or Slim with all the hookups and 1 controller for $39.99 plus tax. Is that a good deal? Also does anyone have the PS2 chart?

Probably from MEGA or ISOzone or something. Never tried PS2 emulation because I constantly have a computer that's woefully outdated. Rocking a Core 2 Quad and 8GB of DDR2 here.

Dark Cloud
I got 10 or so games at the same time when my Dad stopped playing vidya and gave me the ps2
Yakuza or Ace Combat 4
Gungriffon Blaze and The Thing
Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness. One of the biggest pieces of shit I have played. Truly ironic that this game killed Core Design's chance of making Tomb Raider games, all so Crystal Dynamics could fuck the Tomb Raider franchise years later.
Xbox did get a few cool games, so they shouldn't complain.

google nigger

I can't trust what I find on the first few results of Google. More than likely they end up being honeypots. I made the mistake once. Never again.

Well, PS2's are pretty damn common, so chances are you can find at least some pretty cheaply. However, cheap does not always equate to quality or even "working right". Average at actual game stores where I am was about $40 for slims, $50 for fats, and all PS2's are PS1 compatible for the most part as well (you will need PS1 memory cards though for those; can't mooch off the PS2 ones for that). Do bear in mind though that different models can have somewhat different compatibility.

The fat also allows for using the expansion bay to house an IDE drive (connected and powered via network adaptor) for use with loaders.

Have you actually checked around much? Just asking since you should know your options for finding things by now, even if it's your first time trying to set up PCSX2 specifically (especially since "main" sites like emuparadise have been hit with DMCAs over Nintendo games that have been getting rereleased, as well as pre-emptively removing PS2 games that Sony's been "remastering" for the PS4).

Emuparadise's page for bios is the fourth result you lazy nigger

Contra: Shattered Soldier
See above, also MGS2, Onimusha, and some other games I can't remember
Either God Hand, both Katamari games, or Dark Cloud 2
Metal Saga and Monster Rancher 4
nothing right now, though I still need to get through SMT Nocturne and Suikoden V
Not really. Both had games I want, but I simply never got around to buying either system.

mea culpa

Why not combine both of the first two games? Music to generate polygons and random images that get warped into being textures. As for an objective, you could try unwarping the images using the music as ques for what's correct.

Devil May Cry
Silent Hill 3
Steambot Chronicles was pretty good
Last I played was Resident Evil CV

ESPN Winter X-Games Snowboarding
Persona 3 FES
This sounds like bait. I feel worse for people so loyal to a brand that they didn't touch the other consoles at all, or actually believed GC and Xbox had no games.

Grab it before it gets removed due to copyright bullshit

Star Wars Jedi Starfighter

All WWF/WWE games. Yes all of them, fuck off.


Might be doing some Drakan: The Ancients' Gates again soon.

I bought an XBOX near the end of its lifespan and got into Fable, Darkwatch, and DOOM 3 so I didn't care much about that.
I was almost jealous of the Gamecube because I was big into Pokemon back in the day but I also knew it had no games.

PS 2 hardware essentials:
PS2 Fat
Network Adapter
ATA HDD 320GB should do fine
IDE USB Adapter
Composite cable,power cable
2 gamepads
2 memory cards, one with FeeMCBoot
USB drive for updating software 1GB or less will do

Total cost should be around 50$ and with that you're pretty much set for life. The Network Adapter is the most important part, playing games of HDD makes life so much easier, you just download ISOs put them on your HDD and you have tons of games ready to play in one place. It also saves you the trouble with the laser (the part that will give you most issues and will break down first).

Seems like a real shame Capcom didn't feel there was enough interest here in the west to warrant a native physical release of the PS3 version. I mean, the Asia/Pacific print does at least have the English script on there, but at the same time I recall the intro NOT being translated, and "Reset" is still absent if you're playing in English (though I assume that's the case for ANY English release of the game past the PS2 original).

Pokemon Colosseum and Gale of Darkness were a neat diversion from the main series, and the fact that bosses had an array of Pokemon types (thus avoiding how gym leaders tend to be easily swept with a single type advantage mon) and used actual strategies made them a bit harder than the main games too. Really good music as well. The smaller roster of catchable monsters could be seen as a downside though, and I know some people out there were pretty annoyed at them just being a single player campaign and multiplayer battles, as opposed to having a variety of minigames like Stadium 1 and 2 before them.

If he gets an IDE set up with a modpack, there's no reason to go hunting for a pre-FMcBed memory card (since uLE should be included in the modpack). I'd also say he might want a multitap, but that's dependent on just how many people might be around to play shit with.



Then you don't have to fuck around with compatibility options or hard drive swapping.

Loading times are another thing.

>(((google))) nigger
Sounds about right.

You're just exchanging 'hard drive swapping' for disc burning, and I can't really recall the last time I needed to configure a flag in OPL.

Unfortunately the majority of tutorials for PS2 HDD loading link to ancient builds of software that nobody should really be using anymore.

I've tried to compile a text guide using both existing tutorials I watched as I did mine, as well as my own experiences, but you're right that most thing out there are out of date. The sheer bulk of what I can find for game installation, for example, deals with WinHIIP and not HDL Dump. And the modpacks people have made are outdated as well (though as long as it comes with uLE, you can run the FMcB installer off USB, and install updated applications to the memory card).

Thanks for the warning about the omnipresence of shitty guides.

Tekken Tag
Good times.

Dark Cloud
Smuggler's Run
Metal Gear Solid 2
Rogue Galaxy
No lmao

I got mine for Christmas back in '02 along with Kingdom Hearts and the first Jak and Daxter game. I played Kingdom Hearts first, but beat Jak first because I was a 10 year old babby who couldn't into RPGs. As for a hidden gem, I'd have to say the first Onimusha because I found that shit for like two dollars at a fucking gas station and ended up loving it to absolute bits. Recently, I've been going back and playing the old Kingdom Hearts games because despite the fucking convoluted story, the gameplay still holds up pretty well.

Either GTA VC or Dynasty Warriors 2 on my uncle's PS2
Possibly Tekken Tag, since I'd loved tekken 3 so much
Soul Calibur 3
It may have played slower than the second, but it had so much single-player content to while away the hours on
Anything from the Tokyo Xtreme Racer series, especially Drift 2
I've heard the dreamcast games are better, but I'm still fixing my dreamcast's cd laser
Nothing currently. Might start on the King's Field series, emulating the first ones on psp

What went so right, Holla Forums?

I have a pretty high-end PC ( at least it was in 2015 ) and I am still getting only 50 FPS emulating Persona 3. Anyone got some tips or tricks on how to tweak PCSX2 to crank out some better performance?

Get a fat PS2, network adapter and an IDE hdd.

i have no idea what those do

You can softmod the PS2 to load games from a hdd and forget about emulation.

Test Drive Offroad: Wide Open.
Test Drive Offroad: Wide Open
It's right outside hidden gem territory but SOCOM.
Eve of Destruction
I do but I feel even worse for the guys who actually bought a 7th gen console, specially psTRIPLE fags.
6th gen had the ps2 which was amazing and the xbox/gamesphere were underwhelming. Lots of people flocked to sony thinking they'd pump out another great console, and a few of them stuck to nintendo/microsoft thinking they would learn from their mistakes but in the end nobody got any games.
I don't feel bad for 8th gen consoletards though, they saw it coming.

It's not so much that they're shitty, they're just not as helpful as they might be as of the present. I had to use multiple sets of instructions with mine (not that they seemed wrong; was mainly just to double check things), and again, I really couldn't find much beyond how to use WinHIIP for installation of games. What's out there is workable, it's just not up to date with more recent developments.

A fat PS2 has an expansion bay to house a hard drive, and the network adaptor both powers the drive and syncs the data to be run by the system. You can use that set up with a modified drive to run PS2 games digitally on the system via loaders.

I don't remember, but Onimusha was among the first few.
See above
Final Fantasy X-2.
Xenosaga II. Most shit on it for being different and fail to acknowledge the numerous improvements it had over the first and even the third game.
See above. Took a break from it, though. Reached my favorite part and wanted to wait a bit before jumping into it. I'm playing Ratchet and Clank on and off and Hot Shots Golf Fore.
The Xbox had plenty of good games, and the Gamecube had a smaller but still good game selection. There's not that much I really like on the Gamecube, but the few that I do, I like quite a lot. Nothing to really miss unless you're a JRPG fan. I'm more bummed that I never had an Xbox as a kid.

No point unless you're just going for low noise. You will see not see any of the speeds that you should get with an SSD.

Even if you stick a SSD in it some games have hardcoded loading screens, or they break if read speeds are wrong. The rest are open world.
It's useless to stick a SSD in a ps2.

Grand Theft Auto 3
Metal Gear Solid 2, also my first MGS game.
Shadow of Rome? If not that, then the Lord of the Rings game that was based on the book. That shit was good and some of the few media that isn't related to the movies. The LOTR game predated Peter Jacksons films, so it offered a unique interpretation of the books.
None, eh, Persona 4.
No. I had a GameCube first, Xbox second and then I was introduced to the wonderful world of PS2 after the PS3 was released. First games I bought aside from MGS were Soul Calibur III and Shadow of Rome.

I got MGS2 through Goozex, anybody remember that? Goozex was that online game trading site where you could ship people your games if they got enough points via trading their games. It was pretty awesome, got some games in damn good condition. It had a great community too.

Halo and Fable were awesome at the time. Not to mention you could edit maps the best in TimeSplitters 2 and Future Perfect.
PS2 had the right of getting ALL songs from TimeSplitters in the subsequent releases of the game. TS2 and FP on the Xbox and GC didn't get all the original TimeSplitters music.

Never used it, but I think there was a slip of how many points that was worth in the case when I got my copy of Steambot Chronicles. Hadn't heard of it before then to be honest, but then again, I didn't have access to a lot of games back in sixth gen anyhow (and if they were, say, PS2 or Xbox focused, I didn't have either back then to begin with).

Why? Goybox had a shitty library of games.

I don't think I ever bought a ps2 game.
When I discovered the "yank disc out while the game boots and put in your pirated shit" I started pirating games and using a demo disc as the legitimate ps2 game required for that method.

That's total nonsense.

xbots had some sega games, tecmo games, multiplats, dudebro shit, and that was pretty much it

I was more concerned about heat, as I had a recent issue with my multiple hard drives in my primary desktop having heat issues, resolved with a front-mounted intake fan to cool them about TEN DEGREES CELSIUS, JESUS CHRIST. Either way, it's kinda' pie in the sky until all of the pieces come together. Not sure about which actual adapter to buy, either. Sold one I had years ago because I never used it.


Dont forget those which he never put on paper.

Some of those logos I can't even see both letters in. I can certainly see why they chose the logo design they did.

Anyhow, if you're looking to put a drive in your PS2, just get an IDE. As for the adaptors, you should be able to find them around cheaply, but I recall hearing people in the past say to go for official Sony made ones rather than potential offbrands (you should also make sure the screw threads on it haven't been stripped, as that's what holds everything properly in place via pressure). As for heat, the fatties' expansion bay has a frontal vent to let air in and out.

I like B2.

so if one has a slim there is no way to get it to work?
and why is a network adapter essential?
Im not planning on playing online?

With the earlier slim models you can solder a IDE cable to a bunch of points on the motherboard.

It is if you want to load games from a hard drive.

The network adaptor connects the drive to the system, providing it a power source by mooching off the PS2's own cable and allowing data to be called and loaded from the drive. Basically, you could set the drive in the fat's expansion bay, but without the adaptor there's no connecting to or powering it. That said, I'm just speaking on the fat model. The slims didn't have an expansion bay and thus don't have a network adaptor sized for use with them. If what says about soldering does work though, I would expect that you might still need a secondary cable to power the drive, since I doubt the IDE cable itself can provide power (I know with my IDE-to-USB cords, there's two separate ones: one to connect it to a computer, and one to power it).

Dark Cloud

Dark Cloud


I wouldn't call it a hidden gem on Holla Forums, but to people outside this site I always recommend God Hand.

Dark Cloud 2


I played MGS3 and RE:Outbreak online. I got the HDD for FFXI though, I played Zilart on PC, switched to PS2 for CoP, and went back to PC for ToAU. I quit playing shortly after that.

Yeah, there's definitely a difference between "mostly unknown to everyone" and "mostly unknown to the general populace". Some games see much more popularity amongst online communities than they ever do in public. Ghost Trick being another good example, although unlike God Hand, it hasn't had something like that infamous 3/10 "professional" review from IGN that might keep the average person (who hasn't heard otherwise) from looking further into it.

I honestly can't remember
Time Crisis 2, James Bond: Agent Under Fire, Stuntman
Metal Gear Solid 3
The Getaway
Bloody Roar 4
Not really, as the gamecube and Xbox did have some exclusives I wanted to play, but the exclusives on PS2 more than made up for it.

Warship Gunner 2, it's an absolutely amazing "budget" arcade action experience with a great ship customization system.

Looks impressive. Speed Kings is another budget title that's surprisingly fun. It's like Road Rash meets Burnout, though more like the former than the latter.

the store that was selling the PS2 fat in my area doesn't have it anymore. Should I just go and buy the PS2 slim instead?

No. Look on eBay for dusty old PS2s. All you need to take the top off and clean them out is a couple Phillips-head screwdrivers and some canned air. Also white lithium grease for the rails of the laser assembly in the drive will help smooth up the action. I got one from Goodwill in Buttfuck, Pennsylvania for $10. Had fucking Madden 09 in it when I powered it up and ejected the tray to see if it was damaged, before ordering refurbishing parts.

I'd say to keep looking for a fatty. Also, if you only have one store in your area that sells older games and systems, you might need to expand your search a bit (though that admittedly depends on the set up where you live; I'm in an area where there's a number of towns all clustered together, so it's quick to check neighboring towns since there isn't any no-man's land between them).

I've never had or seen a PS2 that failed and didn't fail on the disc drive. In fact I only have a ps2 now because my dumb brother threw his away after the drive failed and I picked it up and got freemcboot running.
You should be fine with basically any PS2 that doesn't have its shit fucked as long as you can get freemcboot running.


Drakan: The Ancients' Gates is a very OK game that is rarely talked about.

Just get a slim and play games from smb

Gran Turismo 3.
Gran Turismo 3.
Ace Combat 5.
Aero Elite/Aero Elite: Combat Academy/Aero Dancing 4.
It was the refined combat flight simulator to Ace Combat's arcade sim. When I first played it I was going through Ace Combat 5 on ace difficulty like it was nothing, then I got absolutely fucking romped by Aero Elite.
Ace Combat Zero.
No, because I played a lot of shovelware on the PS2, and I missed out on a lot of games from the other platforms that I only got around to playing nearly a decade later. I'm sure that 14-year-old me would have loved Paper Mario TTYD when it first came out, but now 27-year-old me doesn't have any fucking patience with all the fucking backtracking.

How is Soul Reaver 2 on the PS2?

It's OK but seems like it was cut short.

I was hoping I wouldn't have to use adhesives, but the retard who owned my PS2 before I did broke the goddamn drive tray cover off. Not that I'll be using the drive much, but, fuck.