
Cults are fascinating you know? I want a game about cults and dealing with them, some RPG's lets you do this but its usually just you killing crazy people in a cave and a monster at the end.

Star Citizen


Cults and daggers.
Haven't touched it myself tho, reviews says mediocre, comments on torrent trackers says shallow and outdated ergonomically.

I too want a game about dealing with cults.

IIRC most of the elder scrolls games have cults in them.


Far Cry 4 is about cults but that would entail playing a modern Far Cry. And it actually is about cults before some booty-blasted faggot screams that you're actually killing good ol' Americans.
Other than that you've got Call of Cthulhu, Bloodborne, Quake, Resident Evil 4.

IIRC dead space had cults in it

>implying modern frenchfags Ubisoft can do subtle writing
I would bet all my shekels the allegories will be as subtle as mark in a cake store.



Most Nip horror games, and especially those set in Nipland, deal with cults in some shape of form. Silent Hill being the most famous one, but you also have Fatal Frame, (Forbidden) Siren, Resident Evil 4, etc.

The Thief games should also count depending on how far you're willing to stretch the definition of a cult.

Not really related, but the IRA did nothing wrong.

Leave and never come back; it will always be Londonderry.

Eat shit, Saxon.

Aaaand thread derailed.

Polite sage for offtopic

I want a cutie cult leader girl to pick me as her soul mate and keep me locked up in her dungeon so she can brainwash me sexually

but then you realize the things she told you is carefully considered manipulation designed to sucker in a number of guys just like you

The IRA did a shit load of things wrong, their grand accomplishment for years of bloodshed was essentially the same deal they were offered in 1973; the Sunningdale Agreement, a deal that if the IRA had actually supported rather then letting the unionists protest it without objection could have been achieved with much less bloodshed.

The Marxist in the IRA were not the ones in control, they were the minority. Shitt Féiners are neoliberal centrists and have been for decades.
Thats not what the road signs on the highways said when I was there last spring.

that's not how this fantasy goes you cuck

it does now, you got fantasy-cucked

I'm not the one willingly being suckered by a cult cunt

Daily reminder

Also, Bushmills>Jameson

When we get married under a full moon you're getting sacrificed to seal the marriage

Too late, she's suckered you in and you've donated all your money
She's also pregnant with your child and will take you to court for alimony

he already told his family to leave him alone since he found a new family. basically noone can help him

Play EVE
if you want to get anywhere you have to play with goon rules because they operate at least 18% of the player base and manpower if not more.

Don't forget SA is basically responsible for infiltrating and ruining almost every single online community and Holla Forums dug up supposed financial ties between them and the DNC and podestas pedo rings

Go back to watching the bbc.


What if you get sacrificed and she fucks your corpse to cuck your ghost

You had one job, son.

that's not how it works you gay nigger.

Contradiction: Spot the Liar! I just saw this speedrun, dunno how cucked the devs are. Also this was a kickstarter game.

Wasn't Liberal Crime Squad almost like a cult simulator? I haven't played it for quite a while, but I do remember you're able to brainwash people.

Top Kike. You will never be white.

Nah lad, my country isn't ran by a gay street shitter, eating shit seems more likely (or not at all if you are Bobby Sands) for you lot.

Don't you have some Confederate statues to be pulling down lad?

Jesus you guy are pathetic.

Oy vey goys! The most successful Empire to ever exist on earth is the worst thing to happen! Oy vey look how many people those evil goyi- I mean anglo's killed! It's a anuddah holocaust!

Damn son, how did you get to that conclusion?

Wait, there is a difference between brits and jews? Why has no one told me this?

The brits are farther from the jews than the paddies are. Britain, like the US, has been subverted by (((bankers))) for a long time. Ireland is subverted by the jews as well, but Ireland has never held significance outside of being a hedge for (((German))) banks.

Hopefully Far Cry 5 leans more towards cult/bastardization of Christianity that is far removed from the Bible and less towards EVIL WHITE SOUTHERN RURAL CHRISTIAN BAAAD BOO HOO HOO fart

We are talking about Ubisoft, we know that won't happen

If Ubisoft can't even be assed to make a new Far Cry game instead of reskinning 3 for the umpteenth time, what makes you think they'll bother with that distinction?

It's not called the Rothschild Bank of Anywhere that isn't London, you faggot.


Puzzle Agent

British men are pathetic cuckolds who not only gave women rights to vote, but also didn't keep them on a tight leash to ensure they vote properly.
Fucking kill yourself anglo, or ask your bull to do it for you.

Do you get most of your information on the world from Holla Forums by any chance?



Silent Hill 3 is pretty cult centric.

You forgot the worst sin of all: Winston fucking Churchill. He wasn't even a Jew like Marx, he was just a warmongering fat fuck who sold his nation down the river for shekels.

The only problem with this is that there isn't a European country west of Czechia that the same can't be said. Switzerland is the odd man.


not to defend his actions, but he was piss drunk from 1910-death. You just have to know he regretted everything in his final moments.

Better than Spain, but still getting cucked. It would be worse if there was more money, most of the niggers go to Spain or head north. Still plenty of rape apes in the cities.

Oh fuck, i forgot eggman of falling upwards.
Worst element of Brit history, by far.
His life's like "The Career of Nicodemus Dyzma" but Dyzma was a yokel who had enough self-awareness to deny the position of prime minister in the end, unlike Churchill.

French Canadian. The worst kind of french.

The country is still comfy as fuck, though.

It's not going to be any better if our Hindu prime minister goes forward with the new immigration law.


Concerning digits.

Shut up, Mr. Antônio Costa is the representative of the Portuguese people and of true democracy. All that he does always has the interest of the Portuguese people first.

nicely labeled bait mr. beef.

He could no longer shit on his designated shitting street so he shit up our country.

What is that Innsmouth monstrosity on the left?

That's one of our most famous celebrities user.
He's a complete homo, I would call him a tranny but I think he still has a dick, even though he calls himself a woman.
He got popular thanks to him being in every single reality TV show under the fucking sun, and thanks to his nature as a faggot the media used to make fun of him, so he got more and more popular.
Of course, this was before the SJW craze started to hit here as well, now the media never even mentions him with fear of getting a backlash.

The thing you got to understand about Poortugal is that we have a 5 year delay in social movements, everything that happens in other countries will also happen here, it just takes a long time.
In the next 5 years we will either have our own Trump or become the new Sweden.

Embed related if you want to suffer.

fuck, it's exactly the same here in bananaland.


In france suffragetes weren't domestic terrorist and still had men/church telling them what to do.

Wew, here we are talking about how Spain is so much worse than Poortugal and it gets proven to the whole fucking world. If you don't keep your fags from going not all moslems, it will be Lisbon sooner rather than later.

The Fallout series is chock full of cults.

It's a theme explored in every game in the series.

I watched a stream of this from some dude who was studying to be a cop. It was hilarious.

There's that Shrouded Isle game but it's pretty basic, kind of like a minimalist card/management game and is one of those games that is kind of over and done with once you've figured it out.

More like Londonistan

lmao, Providence, an RP alliance is greater than Goon.

A few articles mentioning Goon triumphs, now the internet believe Goons are a big deal in EVE. LOL