Got 20 bucks, Holla Forums. What vidya or vidya-related things can/should I get?

Pic unrelated.

Is there anything cool, vidya-wise I can buy? Anything good worth supporting, any hardware or old consoles/handhelds I should get? I've been thinking about getting a mouse and keyboard, though I'd obviously use more than $20 for that. I'm looking into Nier A tomato and Dork Souls 3 if I had to look into vidya, but I'm open to a lot of things.
Any ideas?

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Give it to your local charity that isn't a (((scam)))

Do what said. Spend the 20 dollars making some quality dinner while your vidya downloads and enjoy your home made meal and free vidya.

Rez Infinite just came out on pc

I can pirate; if there's no vidya worth supporting I'd like to get something hardware related then or something I can't pirate easily.

Never played one before. Sounds vaguely interested but probably not my thing

What vidya then?
Personally I was thinking about getting one of those backlit GBA hack jobs.

If you are that anal about it then just buy a copy of an old video game you enjoyed but forgot on ebay or some shit.

Buy some good multiplayer game.

But very few of those even exist in current year. Do you have any suggestions?

Not a bad idea. I've done that before. On a bit of a time limit though (can only use it today) so I don't really have time to dig around.

Is 20 bucks enough for a body pillow of your waifu?


Is that all you're willing to spend for your waifu?

save up for Afghani war rugs you idiotic queer

That's all he has.

Stop wasting your money on pointless shit.


Grim Dawn

If you're interested in Automata and Dark Souls 3 you might be interested in Furi and Hollow Knight, both of them are sub $20

Save it you fucking dumbtard

Either of the two Titanfall games.

Did HWs die?

don't worry jim has him preserved in a pickle jar.

He's still alive for now, enjoying his peaceful life in the phillipines.

Jim's a fiend but he hasn't done that.