Let's see how well this thread does this time around. And please remember to keep it vidya.
Who is your waifu and why do you like her?
Let's see how well this thread does this time around. And please remember to keep it vidya.
Who is your waifu and why do you like her?
Other urls found in this thread:
for her
Your waifu sucks at vidya :^)
r8 my waifu
Green hair and thighs, what's not to like.
So what are you looking forward to in the following months, a few games are coming out then.
Personally, two things from Gust, Nights of Azure 2 and Blue Reflection.
Post sad penguin art pls
My hazubando is Doctor Robotnik because he is smart and he never gives up on his dreams
haha guys what if I made my own waifu haha
oc waifus are a thing
what a fag
Poor Grape-kun nobody will ever understand his love for his 2D waifu.
And the trapfags become even more separated from reality.
He gets to keep the cutout, at least until the end.
you deserve a promotion for your post
waifu threads are the least cancerous thread
I'll never understand it myself.
Its the great mystery. A lot of whats cancerous is the shitposting destroying the topic rather than the topic itself. Self fulfilled prophecies all around I guess.
Cause people don't want to stay up til 4 just to shitpost.
mods take the easy way and delete the whole thread once it's over because they're that fucking lazy
The pic was his counter point dumbass
I'd say that image tells you all you need to know about these threads
why don't you try to prove yourself right instead if you disagree?
Nothing really. Sad truth is that SFV was the last thing I was really looking forward to and we all know how that turned out.
Double dubs confirm.
But that's wrong, user.
>one faggot who's really into guro is indicative of the entire thread.
And you're calling for some faggot to spam guro, something seems off here.
like fucking clockwork
this thread attracts you like shit does flies, yurifag
gore user, mind you, said he didn't want to miss any more waifu threads
he deeply cares about them
I'm simply giving him a hand
Heya Juri. How's summer been treating you? Still freezing my ass off where I am.
So then, why bring up the hibari guro autist as a negative? At least the hibarifag didn't spam the thread like an autist. Seems to me you've countered your own point
I am not my waifu.
because that's what the thread attracts and caters to
Noted. Still good to see ya.
So, you want more of that in these threads? I'm trying to see your point but it's difficult because you seem to want two opposing things.
Good to see you too mang, glad you can still find the thread.
I want less of the threads, about 0 per week should do it.
I'm baffled you cannot think that far on your own.
But then again, we're in the waifu thread after all.
I'd be surprised if you head had even 1% of capacity for anything but your delusions.
We're through with talking this out after all since you're dancing around the issues at hand until the thread is over, time and time and time again.
And why is that? I just want to see you post exactly what it is that makes you so desperate to eradicate these threads as opposed to any other.
They operate under the guise of video games when all they do is provide a space for the same 10 people to blog about their imaginary friends.
Why is it that /mai/ is not good enough for you?
Did you get kicked off for being too autistic even for them?
But that doesnt happen. Video game discussion is had all throughout the thread. Maybe consider the idea that you're letting this whole blogposting meme get blown out of proportion because you dont agree with the waifuism phenomenon?
Then why is the waifu part mandatory for you?
Why does everybody on the board have to know you want to fuck your delusion?
So which is it, is this a thread about your waifus or a thread about video games?
Of course, god forbid you don't talk about your waifu for a minute, you just might die.
Video games are always secondary in here. Usually it involves how a game would be better if it had your waifu in it.
So? I can do whatever the fuck I want in here as this thread is not some hugbox for the very same 10-15 people, right?
And trying to dismiss the things I type as off topic shitposting in a thread without a topic will get you nowhere either.
The way I see it is that you want to talk among yourselves as you always do, calling each other by established names deriving from your waifus, but why on Holla Forums?
Don't like it when they kill off pure characters like Chiaki. Don't like it.
Of course! Just like this post! and of course the OP itself.
What a great way to start a thread about video games.
I can also not hide the threads and be here. This is a non point.
Yes. Wherever but not whatever. It's always "but it's RELATED"
Why can it not be just video games? I'll tell you why, because those are secondary. Because otherwise you couldn't make this thread once a fucking week to blog with your fellow "waifu name here" fags.
Are you telling me that video games being talked about while posting and blogging about your waifu warrants a thread once a week?
What kind of crack are you smoking and can I have some.
So it does. Your kind dodges the issue like a nigger dodges work applications.
Your posts are even less video games than the rest of the thread.
I didn't dodge anything, you simply dont like my answers. Cant we talk about video games instead? Playing anything interesting?
Luckily this is a waifu thread, phew.
If you can handle a conversation without your waifu in it.
Finishing up Etrian Odyssey 4, bretty good
Can't wait for 5 translated
Let's see. Last thing was Despair girls I think. Before that was Bhikkhuni and Berseria I think.
If anyone is ruining these threads, its the ones using their waifus and vidya discussion as an excuse to use these threads like a vacation spot for the small group of people from /mai/ and those friends with them, as well as lure those either unfamiliar with waifuism into a mental trap willingly, thinking that you can be in a genuine relationship with these characters and that your life will be better when in reality, you're trying to fool others along with yourself that you're actually happy. Hell, if you visit /mai/ itself, you'd see quite a few posts of people either becoming depressed, obsessed, or completely dependent on their waifu and desperately believing that their love and relationship is real to the point of becoming suicidal because they can't live without their waifu and think that death will bring them to their waifu.
Not to mention they will go through many, sometimes drastic means, to mentally deal with someone else having the same waifu as them, to the point where they do whatever it takes to keep those with the same waifu from posting so they can prove they are the one and only (while competing with hundreds, even thousands of others believing the same thing). Also, despite condemning others for not treating their relationship with their waifu as a real realtionship, they're not above changing waifus if they give some kind of elaborate reason or sob story about why they did (see Tharjafag switching to Samus because he got bored of Tharja and Samus was getting new games that are looking like they're going to fail miserably due to modern Nintendo). They also treat their relationship as real or fake as it's convenient for them so they can win an argument that calls them out on their bullshit.
Waifus weren't meant to be taken as seriously as they take it, as oldfags can attest to and have called out this group before for taking it that seriously. If the threads were more like what the OP asks for (despite OP being one of said blogposters) with no blogposting and unrelated vidya discussion, I don't think people would have a problem, but as others have mentioned here, it attracts too much cancer in the form of blogposting about their lives with some discussion of vidya and their waifus (which in terms of the vidya aspect would be better in their own seperate thread) that it comes off as being like reddit/newfags not understanding the definition of anonymous.
Faggotry aside, I will post mine. She's kind, beautiful, caring, and willing to fight and protect her land and kingdom however she can.
It's such a weird thing to get worked up about. There's always going to be someone else who also has your waifu unless it's the most obscure thing ever.
We need more threads that can keep it vidya related rather than these blogposters using these threads as a chatroom.
Also Makoto is mai waifu
Who let reddit in?
Been wanting to play this one. Not much of a JRPG fan so I haven't played the mainline DR games. How is it?
Ohhh, playing the first one is recommended as it deals with alot of stuff mentioned there. But if you just choose to play Despair Girls it's pretty good. Shooting mechanics are simple and Toko and Komaru's relationship is good enough to keep you going.
Best Persona girl
Your arguments are as weak and non-existent as your waifu and your relationship with them (not sure what I expected though, considering that I'm arguing with someone who wants to be fem-domed and pegged by their waifu. If anything, Juri would either ignore your sorry ass, or force you to watch her peg someone else in front of you). Time and time again your form of waifuism and ideology have been called out with evidence and facts showing how bad and full of shit it really is, and you have yet to provide anything to prove said evidence and facts wrong, thinking your small retorts are enough to prove them wrong. You and the rest of /mai/ are just mad that people are starting to fight back against your takeover of the threads and using it as a safespace (sorry "comfy" place), and wanting them to return to what they should be. The mods seem to be taking notice and are acting accordingly based on the evidence brought up in recent threads. These threads are not and should never be your own little blogposting corner, and trying to hide behind the "waifus are vidya" and "vidya discussion" is only a pathetic attempt to try and make these threads the way your group wants it. Hell one of your members continues to be a hypocrite and tries to do what you all claimed shitposters were doing: bitch at the mods to get what you want. High time you blogposters either stop talking about yourselves or stay on /mai/ and let these threads be what they are supposed to be.
never been tried before, it just might work
Okay. We can agree to disagree, thats perfectly fine.
I keep getting called this, but never once can I recall a point where I would do any more than reply to a question or state what game Im playing and then fuck off. Im not sure what your definition of blogposting is, but it seems to differ from what Im thinking. Care to enlighten me, O' King Waifufag?
Gladly. One of your former members was kind enough to archive the cancer of the threads before he stopped posting.
While you are correct that you don't partake in the blogposting as much others, you are still apart of their clique on /mai/ and help this cancer fester in the threads.
Ah, vilifying me for what others have done, a classic.
So you consider yourself separate from them or not exactly apart of that group then? Way to throw them under the bus to save your own ass. You're not guilt-free from the cancer that has plagued these threads for years now. As I recall even Mark at a time considered you cancer to the board/threads as well for how you tend to insert yourself in threads you think make you and your "relationship" relevant to the topic of said threads.
No, Im not throwing anyone under the bus. Im just trying to set your facts straight. I post here and /mai/, I fail to see how thats such a big fucking problem. As far as how I "insert" myself into threads, the topics at had are always very much relevant. Just because I make mention of my waifu in the post doesnt make them automatically off topic, especially if that thread is something like "Games you bought without thinking with your brain" and I post "I was thinking with my heart" while posting Juri. I fail to see how that post is in any way off topic. As far as Mark naming me specifically as a reason for these threads turning to shit, Im pretty sure that was just because I was one of the more active posters at the time, along with the Wraithfag from eons ago. If there is some other reason for me being explicitly mentioned, I'd be glad to hear why.
/mai/ is a board specifically for the kind of posting you and the blogposters do, yet instead of staying on that board, you all believe you have a right to come into the Holla Forums threads and treat them like it's an extension of /mai/ that isn't as much of a hugbox as that board because for some reason, you can't have the discussions you want here there. These threads are not your own little discord/IRC hangout. And before Samus(Tharja)fag comes in and tries the excuse of "/a/ threads were just like how we used to have them, so why can't we have them like that?" they are just as cancerous, but with how moderation is there, they just allow it while banning those who either have typos in their post. I'd say why not join them, but most of you would be banned just for bringing in non-anime waifus.
I don't often see threads that imply it's OK to bring up your waifu and how much you love her within their OP, yet you go ahead and do it because you want any excuse to show how deluded you are.
Again that comes off as being more of wanting to bring attention to yourself and how you want to scream to everyone that you love Juri and you're the only one for her. You can only use the "not off-topic" excuse for so long before people get sick of your shit. If it's someone else who happens to have Juri as their waifu, they'll most likely get chewed out by other anons on instinct that it's you with how often you feel the need to post your love for her in various threads you think are relevant.
Sounds like he had good reason to if you were posting around the time that faggot was posting
One reason I do is that from how you're posting now, it appears you are trying to distance yourself from the fact that in the past, you used to blogpost just like the rest of them, and you started backing off from that as of late seeing the trend of anons getting tired of said blogposting. You used to be the shield for most of the waifufags that used to post here, arguing as you are now, because they couldn't handle being called out and the autistic shitposting. This works for said shitposters, but not when start pointing out the bullshit in your form of waifuism and how you all act. I have provided evidence of the cancer that has infected these threads, but you nor any of your friends have yet to provide any that prove me wrong.
If anyone is to blame for these threads being auto-bumplocked and/or deleted, it's you and your group turning these threads into a combination of 4am threads and Friday night threads.
you still contribute it by answering the questions. You can't weasel your way out of being part of the blame for what these threads turned into.
You Eggman, you're alright.
Hope to see some others next week. See ya then.
ah fuck i missed the entire thread.
No one has ever said we have a right to post here, what I did say is that I can post whatever I want here so long as its video game related. However, what you don't have the right to do on Holla Forums is dictate who is allowed to post here.
No one is doing that here bud, Im sorry you seem to have a problem with being civil to other anons but I think you're blowing this issue out of proportion.
So I can only post pictures of my waifu is specific threads even if she or her game are related to the thread topic? If thats the case, then why not let these threads be as a containment thread? More to the point, I fail to see how stating why I bought SFV in a thread about not thinking with your brain when buying games would be any less relevant than someone who bought X-Blades or some shit because of the ass on the cover.
More guilt by association, I see.
Right, because there is absolutely no way I could be seeing a trend that I didn't like and refrained from posting for that reason. I post on /mai/ so I have to be the worst person imaginable because you dont like that place, right?
Okay bud, whatever you say. I reply to vidya waifu related questions and vidya discussion and thats somehow what made these threads go to shit, it couldnt be the influx of reddit faggots and newfags that would give hourly updates on what they were eating and whatever. Something I, and most other waifufags posting here whether they're from /mai/ or somewhere else, did not do. After reading back through the archives you posted, you seem to be targeting the wrong person just because you despise /mai/ for whatever reason. Did they tell you your waifu's source was poorly animated or something? :^)
Take care mang, have a good weekend.
Your waifu isnt vidya related anyway.