Can you actually save this pile of shit with mods? I tried it a few years back and it was utter garbage even heavily modded, has anything changed since then?
Saving shit with mods
How many million times this was discussed?
No, you can't polish the turd. It doesn't require 100 detailed replies to understand that.
Good game is only better with mods. Mods can't fix already bad game.
This is now a thread about the good Total War games. All of you can suck a cock.
You can fix a bad game, but the game has to not be completely broken at its base, there has to be something salvageable at its core. In this case however, since Rome II uses the warscape engine which completely breaks melee battles the answer is no, there is no way this piece of shit can be salvaged.
I want to like Shogun 2 and Empire. I know Empire is considered eh because TW doesn't handle firearms too well, does that extend to Shogun 2?
You got it wrong. The firearms work well enough. The problem is pretty much everything else, especially the troop collision and AI.
Shogun 2 did its best to fix the inherent flaws of the game engine, so it can be fun.
Shogun 2 is very polished, though it uses the same shitty engine as Empire. The main problems is that your troops will always fight 1-on-1 duels, so you can get stuck watching a ridiculous display where the last remaining soldier in an enemy formation kills ten of your soldiers despite being surrounded on all sides before finally going down. At least the AI is more aggressive and somewhat competent on the strategic map.
Aside from that the game looks very pretty, but the troop rosters are too similar for all the factions. Playing Fall of the Samurai is genuinely fun and sieges actually work now due to how castles are designed.
This game is broken down to the engine level, therefore is unfixable for modders, unless they happen to be reverse engineering experts with 10 years worth of x86 assembly knowledge, willing to put months of work in order rewrite and replace broken ass pathfinding, broken ass AI subsystem, broken ass turn merchanics taking forever in late game, broken ass multiplayer netcode.
At that point you could just write your own engine that would use grafix/sound/gamedata assets from rome 2 instead of deciphering the existing binary code.
Ah, maybe I'm just playing them wrong. I did not grow up with RTS games.
It does beg the question where all the competition for Total War went. They've been doing a shit job ever since Empire, and even before that their games had glaring flaws, yet no one can manage to do a decent job and make a worthwhile competitor?
yes its better now, emperor edition that is
is wrong about the engine and most of the shit has been fixed
It's still a horribly broken piece of shit where none of the mechanics work right and the AI only exists to frustrate you in every way possible instead of trying to win the game for themselves.
What reason is there to play this piece of shit anyway? Just boot up the original Rome and the expansions, or the dozen good mods that got made, or just play EB2 and call it a day.
Nah. Post some evidence for your claims or eat a dick.
Why bother? It's still a turd in the end, even if you pour liquid gold over it.
Empire is a very shitty Total War game, but if you can stomach most of it, you'll end up with something that can be a lot of fun.
Despite a lot of gameplay changes, it's still a TW title in spirit, which you absolutely cannot say for many of the later games.
Personally, I never liked Shogun 2 or anything afterwards. Napoleon was all right, but the campaign map is too small.
Just play Rome 1 and when you feel you've had enough of it, switch to Medieval 2.
R1 is the easiest of all the games and it's also the second best one, while M2 is easily the best in the series and has a huge number of fantastic mods.
You might also want to visit an RTS thread to get some must-play titles.
Warcraft 3.
Too niche?
There used to be games that were somewhat similar, like Knights of Honour.
EB2 is the Rome 2 that we never got.
I like to think that the team decided to dedicate themselves fully to it only after seeing what a colossal fuckup R2 ended up being.
just pirate it and see for yourself. its not as bad as it was at the release
I just uninstalled it an hour ago user.
CA makes a shitload of money with it though.
And the two Knight Arthur games, as well as Real Warfare, though that one focused on the tactical battles exclusively.
Considering it was a steaming piece of shit at release, so bad that even the normalfags and game journalists took issue with it, saying "not as bad" doesn't really help your argument any.
The mod was actually made by a bunch of dedicated historians that got pissed off when CA declined their help in making the first Rome more historically accurate.
the last paragraph was meant for .
Is it possible to make New Vegas any good with mods? The gunplay and overall jank kills it for me.
I've played STALKER to death and keep coming back to play NV to get my open world fix, but I always stop after the first few main quests.
Your only option is to make it more autistic with 60+ minute battles between levy troops.
Funnily enough quirks like the "last stand" thing you described fit with the slightly mystical feel of SH2 quite well.
Divide et Impera. The Europa Barbarorum of Rome 2. One of the most interesting features is that it adds population mechanics like the old games but more in-depth.
Warscape is a fucking graphics engine. The actual engine is called Total War 3, the upgraded version of Total War 2 that Rome 1 and Medieval 2 ran on.
yes but it's hard work and you'll hate yourself
use mod organizer
Lightly modded Emp Edition is perfectly fine.
A good, what? It'll be a shit FPS, a very shit sneaker and a weird crpg no matter what you do. And it's already a decent hybrid.
With Project Nevada and a few more mods, especially ones that make everything scarcer and up the damage you dish out and receive it can be a pretty decent shooter. It's never going to beat a dedicated FPS game, but it can make the combat challenging.
PN can (and does by default) both of those tweaks but it's still a shit FPS. And that's with removed VATS, fixed weapons firing axes and better models/mods/calibers.
How much longer will we allow CA to abuse our patience?
Divine justice.
I presume you're a burger?
Cicero did absolutely nothing wrong and was completely correct that Julius' reform plans would fuck Rome.
Seeing how he got offe'd before he had a significant impact on the senate they certainly didn't. Additionally you can't even blame Octavian considering how Tiberius countermanded his reforms and considerably restored the neutered Senate.
I'll give you that. His actions just really get under my skin. On top of that you have to admit that the reforms and their essential repeal really changed the general population of Rome. If anything Octavian should be given a lot more credit than he actually gets now.
I'm no fan of Caesar but this is some weak knowledge of Rome. Roman politics had gone down the toilet with the end of the Punic Wars and the sack of Corinth. Between then and Caesar's day the word hostilis had gone from meaning foreigner to political opponent, the Gracchi were murdered for their land reforms by the senate, Marian's retarded reforms had made every Roman general into a warlord, there had already been an Imperial style Dictatorship in the form of Sulla, public slaughter of entire attending voting tribes had become common and the senate house itself had already been burnt down. Not only that but Cicero rightly noted that despite the optimates backing Pompeii he was no different than Caesar and that Rome had been reduced to a choice between two King's. If you desperately want to blame an individual for the transition of Rome into an Empire then every larper's favorite reformer Marian is who you need to look too, ditching the maniples and making cohorts was fine, but reorganising the logistics and making every Legion loyal to the general and not to Rome was retarded.
Of course they did. That's the whole point of reforms, isn't it? Know what also changed the face of Rome? Militant jewry with torches and newly marbled Vias and Forums of Rome.
If by good you mean having gunplay in any way comparable to modded stalker, no, not even close. If you don't enjoy NV as-is, mods aren't going to fix that.
Nope, there's absolutely no way to save this turd.
Rome had its ups and downs, both as a Republic and as an Empire.
It's honestly amazing of how long it survived as it did
Forgot to upload my image.
If you don't like TW games, you can always go play paradox's games. They are their competition.
One is a map painting, the other AI exploiting simulator.
I like the older TW games just fine. I don't even know how you got the idea I don't like the games from what I posted.
It gets considerably better with PN, 4x damage mod, FOV INI fixes and some other camera fixes, but like others said, it will only make its gunplay decent, not good.
I wish they'd fix the stupid as fuck AI and made diplomacy make sense. But yeah, going back to a Risk map would definitely help with the strategic AI.
Ya'll americans need to study more or stop flushing your genetics down the shitter
I haven't studied this in 15 years and even I can tell you you're thinking of Nero, not Caesar
Don't take this the wrong way but I want to hold hands and talk about medieval 1 and Roman history with you deep into night.
Apologist faggot detected, next you'll be saying Creation Engine isn't Gamebryo. The major difference is that Warscape is entirely navmesh based, the original Total War engine was tilebased for CAI movements. BAI is fucked because they use line tracing for LOS which especially with Empire was very unreliable and made even worse in Rome 2 with their "enhanced" LOS modelling, you see it really bad in City Sieges where the AI just ignores your units. The only benefit Warscape gave was visually and that now instead of having to create way points for City Sieges which were buggy they can just Nav Mesh entire levels, which is faster… but still prone to the same collision bugs that the old engine which is why you still get units stuck in buildings.
The old engine was actually better because it didn't rely on nav meshing which meant pretty much anyone could mess about with maps, because I've noticed that nearly all of the warscape games don't have widespread map changing mods the way the older games did.
The only reason to use Warscape is to save time, you can be a lot lazier because you can rely on nav meshes which frees up time to work on making visual improvements to maps, but nearly everyone could say that visuals, especially modded were the last thing that needed improving in Total War.