Kanye West x Lady Gaga never really took off.
So I'm here to pick up the slack.
Kanye West x Lady Gaga never really took off.
So I'm here to pick up the slack.
Other urls found in this thread:
link better
if you say so
I'll link you into another thread, I swear to god.
I really just want Kanye to get in a police "altercation" tbh.
Yeah but he is celebrity so he can't.
He is still hot shit, in a sense.
Think I'm going to work out a bit then hit the bottle. But I know that is counter productive.
Kind of shows you the whore Kim is for marrying a penniless ape
I should've got into a police 'altercation' too, but you know, my past said differently so me being a drunken mess does a public service.
Replace penniless with 'marketable'
In the sense that he is a popular chunk of fecal matter that should be vacuum sealed and sent off to die in space?
he's actually a very good musician
I just want him to drive through Mississippi.
And be pulled over for speeding.
Then go on some rant about how he's literally Jesus to the officer.
And gets out of the car to start accosting the officer.
And the officer shoots him.
Why can't the police shootings be for the ones we want to get rid of?
you dont really need to work out
good one XD
Are you high?
So long as you do more good than harm, and so long as that harm is unto yourself and not others, you can be above the law.
Smiles can I beat your dog too?
But I should. I use my arms and back a lot at work. The stronger I am, the easier my day.
wont work do that to you already?
Ok, I'm fucked, what am I doing?
Scoots, help me out.
echo made me a thingy
Yes and no....
Work is enough to maintain, but not really enough to build.
post more HAM
i need to start jogging around and riding my bike when i get back to plymouth
I need to as well. I'll do it if you do it.
Harald was the driver of the bus. Small rural life, within 20 years, back 20-year-old, more secure looking for. Although many of the masked men jumped into the Tiber, also does not belong to him, came to Cornelius, came the bus! I came! Attached to the inward parts, "Behold, cast thee desirest truth: Cornelius - he is now, led me, and of hath, and in the temple, as in the following passage of the gun, it belongs to him people. and, he is the rock, my pit, of. the pits when the came to be called to the mouth of men of Harold, and he took with them to the rock course, shake off we went out from him was. when Harold is the order of the Mass, that and the thought-provoking, yellow, water rushing flood is elegant to put in a corner in order to see it, at that time and soon was in on the online food image as it is, he knew, I knew this case also, in debt bus of Harold in the same way -. galloping very popular all over the world, by (and coveted) bus crash.
Nasa is lauching a thing on an asteroid.
Dear Black Lives Matter Terrorists, You are not entitled to this country because of work you did involuntarily. Relatively speaking, negroids were very well compensated for their labor, happy in their bondage, and weren't typically hacked apart by other slaves as you constantly were in your shithole homeland of Africa. Since 1865, your negative economic contribution has been, let's say, 100 trillion dollars; while your positive economic contribution has been about 3 fiddy. The only reason you think you deserve to "share" this country with us is because you are a useless parasite with nothing to contribute, and who leeches off the White man's success; which you call your own. Your modest contributions of cotton picking and domestic service were notable only in that they were the exceptions to the standard and never remarked-upon labor of Germans, Irish, English, etc. Populations and cities, rail lines, canals and so forth sprung up far more in the north. This paved the way to more books being written, museums popping up, and the prestige of the Ivy League. Meanwhile, the South in its manorial model fell far behind the North economically and intellectually; suggesting that slavery was not only not as foundational as you suggest but actually detrimental in the short term while still foisting groids upon us in the long term. Many White laborers had it far worse than slaves AND regular white men- the vast majority of whom didn't hold slaves. They were screwed by having their wages driven down and being unable to compete while the big plantations or slave owners were renting out their nigs for other labor. Carver didn't invent peanut butter at all; not even a "new" formula of the old Mesoamerican formula. Physically picking cotton was a tiny and mindless part of the whole process of clearing land, buying and transporting slaves, housing them, feeding them, clothing them, seeding the land, directing the harvesting of it, transporting it, opening new markets, securing sea lanes, developing the looms to weave it, and so forth. Congratulations, nigs; one half of your contributions, black inventions, are all myths, and the other half is about 1% of a process that divided Whites and devastated the South. 600,000 men died fighting over a sectional divide centering around slavery while African slavery continues to the present day without a single black autonomously wishing to end it. The "debt" we owe your slaves was more than repaid in their own lifetimes, and certainly in the 151 years of parasitism since. Your people, having the lowest IQ's and least self-control on the planet, are a constant burden of crime and rot, requiring social engineering to masque your inferiority. We would be better off without you. Whites were willing to pay the ultimate price in a morally based conflict strongly involving another race's potential benefit. Compare that to blacks who’ve never willingly lifted a finger to intentionally help Whites in world history, and indeed don’t even help their own. Your greatest civic contribution is that every year you set new records for offing yourselves. All your justifications amount to "Y'all ain't got the legal or political will to get rid of us, so tough luck, cracka; you're gonna keep paying for my worthless lifestyle." We have shown the ability to dominate your race when badly outnumbered. You can imagine the result when you are badly outnumbered. Therefore, jigaboo, I suggest that you hop on the next boat back to the Dark Continent before your banjo lips stop flapping for good.
I'm more drunk now, so fuck off with your tldr shit and get up to speed.
well i cant do it right NOW but y'know
I'm not talking to you
Well yeah, I mean when you can.
hopefully the 'you never forget how to ride a bike' thing is true
michael cant ride a bike
never learned
what a loser
Fucking nerd
Seriously? Do you get to laugh when he fails? Have you forced him to try?
Pfft, I need a little bit more power.
W-who are you?
nah we dont have a bike. and mine is like half a country away
the percocet is kicking in
That's your lover.
Later gang
going to attempt sleeping
Why are you taking percocet? Pain?
my heart's not really in it right now but it must be done.
The fact people actually look at this game as a competitor to dota is hilarious it's like a parody or something
Mandy, I missed you.
Work is hard.
Patti McGuire is pretty hot tbh.
I'll be honest. I didn't notice you were posting her.
watermelon juice is pretty nice tbh fam
all mobas are objectively shit.
But necessary. For some reason money is a thing that is needed.
I don't know how I feel about this.
Money can't buy me what I need, Mandy.
It can only be earned.
I forgot that was hmm and not (You) spammed on that.
Internet died.
So I took all my clothes off and did an inventory check to give mebusy whilst I drank around the house.
i am become negro
I'm hard/
Just don't get hooked on narcotics. Please.
The best things in life are free.
rip scanner
i dont have the connections to do so
Free as you might be, all the money in the world hardly compares to your worth.
You fucking idiot, chicken first, then watermelon.
Nah, just brb
Just need something to crank me up.
Stop trying to get me to blush!
Once for every time you've made me.
Rolled 16 (1d20)Ok, I'm back. 1d20.
it's not like you want to escape sobriety or anything right
Back to work. Bye you guys.
May I interject?
for real tho fam, freshly juiced watermelon fluids are the tits
Bye best boy.
Hope you have a great day, and not that one annoying customer everyone wants to kll.
Too much!
Be safe at work!
I see your point. But might I say that narcotics aren't exactly just your every day drug. That shit can go bad. Fast.
You're right.
I was raised on shitty waterdew melon.
I envy you.
again i dont have a consistent source sadly so i'll do what i can
i got 2 watermelons for £1.60 from market, but they were both jelly like on the inside so we juiced the cunts and made sorbet from the pulp
I still don't like it.
1, Even with all those connections he won't get as fucked up as me.
2, Soberiety is easy to run away from. Makes him a double pussy.
3. Don't talk shit about straiht edge cunts, they don't know any better.
4. AHAHAHA, what a pussy.
that's alright
dont bully mandy
You make no sense.
Just saying. My father is hooked on morphine. It isn't fun.
finalyy got my internet together, was about to do a system restore. Maybe something with my ISP, I duuno.
Can I live with you?
I drink quite a lot.
i bet she has shit mobility
bring the drinks round man and ill supply the nigger sorbet
i promise you i cant get addicted
nah he's the brother who wants to fuck me i never had
Yeah? I used to. Now I just drink a lot.
I would still fuck her.
If you do I swear I am going to kick your ass.
Also, I think that is a good thing?
That I am the brother yada yada yada.
Sounds like it is a good thing, to me.
she deserves to die on the field
Lemme sip more and I'll come back to you, reply this and I got a perfect reply.
Well.... fuck the sorbet, you ever heard of Turbo Pimms?
Lemme guess. Job?
Or she deserves to get split in two by my flesh sword!
What? Why I slowed down drinking?
Women don't make good midevil soldiers.
Like Joan of Ark and Saber-Chan were exceptions.
if there were more men in my life growing up maybe i wouldve turned out less...weird
good luck to you
Yeah, well you aren't that weird.
Jesus, bruh, it isn't about that armor!
as far as you know
My Saber-Chan was real!
That actually does bug me.
Prove me wrong.
maybe someday i will have the fortitude
Already beat you to that one.
Do you fear ruining my opinion of you?
listen here nigger
im not sure
Why is that?
But... why even....
It's ok, I like you anyway.
youre damn fucking right ive got a problem
I somehow fucked up my own internet and everything so I had to run a system restore.
What gives?
The helmet is literally your biggest concern?
I restored it to the point where I changed my unicode settings to Japanese so I could fap to Violated heroine.
If anyone is a big as a nerd as Erin, they probably laugh at this shit.
the head is the third biggest target after the arms and torso, and if you get hit there youre dead
even a kettle helm would have sufficed
it's hard to determine how genuine that can be
i'd say you and everyone really might like who they think i am
i dont want to sounds like an angsty child tho
"Holy shit"
But you are ignoring the wide open torso completely exposed! And not even a shield in sight!
You seem to be a disturbed young man that was raised in a shit situation, mostly by yourself. You were probably beaten and abused by your father when he decided to grace you with his presence.
I believe you have constant body issues, stemming from you being at war with yourself and what you feel your self identity is. You probably feel you deserve to be punished or hurt, and you get off on the pain, the abuse, or the drugs.
I don't care what you turn out to be, and I don't care if I am wrong in everything. Everything I do know about you, based on the actions you willingly take here, you are a good person. And I like you. Now accept it, because it ain't changing.
indeed, but if theres one item of defense id be sure to have in a battle its a helm, even if its only an arming cap
I would rather have a shield than a helmet. Even a buckler.
He eats the poopoo.
id sooner have a poleaxe
Vikings performed amazingly with only shields
That video is fucking old
Except I can bullrush you and then what are you going to do?
Awe, are you calling me a viking, love?
Yes, yes I am, like Ragnar
youre telling me they didnt even have so much an an arming jacket? because a thick cloth coat can do much to protect against lesser blows
let the guy in front of me stop you with his big ass shield, while i attack your defenseless head
The cover girl?
It's from 76 so yeah.
I mean the quote :c
You flatter me, my northen light.
Who said this is 2 on 1?
Like you think that is going to happen.
Leather clothes but many were topless and just going at it with shield and sword or axe, movement and clear vision is very helpful especially given they grew up living off of fighting so tactics and battle is what they breathed
you did when you charged my unit with nothing but a shield to protect you
you think people that lived in the fucking nordic lands fought naked? are you dense m8?
Well there is only 1 Ragnar of note in history, and he is quite the badass!
Stop being a pussy, faggot.
that was heavy man
could you maybe get on steam for a bit?
it's cool if not.
nah, im gonna stay in formation and reign death from above on dumbasses who charge against shield and poleaxrm units
I'm sorry.
You are literally completely changing the entire equation! Next you are going to say you will sit in the back with a long bow while I charge a full battle line.
Shirtless is not naked and are you implying they never were not fighting? You seem to mistake battles for every day life buuuut let me guess you thought vikings had horned helmets too? :^)
Good on you! He really is
Running a thing to fix the computer, won't be able to get on steam for a few but the moment it is done I'll get on
hot cyberz inbound
okay, thanks. just don't feel like threading right now.
Aint no one wants to hear my fire.
you assumed im gonna stand on the front line with a polearm in the middle of a battle?
fighting naked is about as retarded as it gets, even normal fucking clothing will save you from blows that would be lethal to a naked person
I feel you, don't feel pressured too I'm likely going to be in and out until that finishes anyway!
Indeed! Almost as bad ass as you
Rap for me, faggot.
no biggie
Send a vocaroo my way. I'll let you know if that fire belongs in a kitchen or not.
We were talking a 1 on 1 situation here, faggot!
Are you over thinking things now?
said who?
Nah, I'm all insecure now.
My fire has been snuffed.
Oh, for fucks sake. Nevermind, damnit!
you werent exactly dead on
Back to drinking I go then.
I never am. I just fling shit until it sticks.
mostly right though
lmao smh fam
Regardless, I still will call you a friend.
Take this. It is dangerous to go alone.
Stop a reasonable amount, love.
There is a HEMA group that practices in my city. I was thinking about going.
I'll think about it.
Text me if you wish to talk.
Fun fact armor barely protected people. a blow from a battle axe if it did not pass through would shatter ribs into organs which was a death sentence back then. Without the armor? You could dodge and at least hope the worse you got was a bad gash which had a better survival rate but don't trust me just look at what happened as the vikings invaded places like paris
ahahaha I wish
it itself looks dangerous
Also, your knowledge in this topic is interesting. I am quite impressed.
But it will protect you...
do it fgt, git gud
explain the crusades, the development of armour, the prevalence of armour, and basically most of military history since the iron age to the age to the inception of rifles.
have you ever fucking tried that? real life doesnt have fucking iframes to save your dumb ass
Will do.
Fine! I'll fucking do it, m8!
stuff is the worst
But I am made of stuff...
I feel bad for you.
feels bad man
I got really hooked on the time period and especially vikings themselves
One word.... Arrows. The problem is we are talking melee level combat where the armor was pointless and only was useful cause their enemies wore it too, example being when they fought the norse and lost due to it. It took the tactical smarts of a viking that would marry a princess in order to even counter it and even then it led more to a diplomacy scenario
you absolute halfwit
me too
it sucks
lulu buffs when
This man is chubby with little muscle and watch how his lil war hammer is stopped by your ever protective armor youtu.be
I wish I had pastry
ill take the word of dr tobias capwell over those fags at cold steel who cant even make a fucking sabre properly
i had reheated home made chicken and mushroom pie for tea today, was delicious
Where have they all gone?
where the dreams are
that sounds weird pie
Most if you are good people and I hope you're happy.
Good sir I do believe you have bested me, with no evidence to your side. I completely and utterly concede :^)
What kind?
I keep pastries in my bed too
You too!
Who this new phone
the sweet kind like donut or cinnamon bun or wienerbread
aha you sweet summers child it is possible to dream in more places than the bed
There's so much you can teach me
what a fucking LOSER
I can't see images so I'll assume you posted dick.
I am on phone. I can't be parsed to correct autocorrect
It was a gross dog dick, too.
You could have imagined anything nice in the world to go with that lovely post you made but you had to visualise a penis.
You assume I don't find penises to be nice.
You're gross as heck, pervert.
I am not the one who might have posted a dick.
put your faith in what you most believe innnnn
looks like Cooki is she had tits
But I didn't though.
Why does that sound so familiar.
I can't be sure when I can't see images. It's basically shrodigers penis
Only the hair and maybe the lips
But you have the means necessary to know. It's the flying spaghetti penis.
My phone does not display them
It's hard to believe your phone's browser can't display images even when there's a direct link to them.
one world one family
gibe (you)s plox
hnnn yes yes YES!
Was that from Tarzan or Brother bear?
You can click the url I posted or in the top right dot thingy, there's an 'open in browser' button. Don't be lazy.
oh yea!
how young are you you scrublord
it's from tarzan.
How young are you?
I could have sworn it was Brother Bear.
that show was horrible.
dont stop...
Who is this man anyways
You're horrible. What now?
you're right.
I don't know.
william shatner... most famous as kirk on the original star trek series
Wait no... that's not what I mean.. I withdraw my statement.
oh that's what you meant. I was thinking of the show "little bear" for some reason.
that movie was good.
too late. besides, you can't take back a statement that is correct.
I recognise that name and his face but hadn't put them together
Cinnamon buns are the best
yfw some user eurofag call you young when the fucken movies were released in 1999 and 2000.
would be pressed not to find a large fucking swath of people that dont have a recollection
i can see how easy it might be for a 20 something to miss that...
Holy heck. I remember thinking this was the coolest pooch in the world. Completely forgot this existed.
I'm not sure what little bear is.
Scarface and the Godfather where made a long time ago but I still watched them.
count yourself lucky then.
the classics never die, transcend generations
Why is it named denny
uhhhh thank you
That's the batshit crazy character he plays in the West Wing. :^)
Stop posting me.
I know this is a joke but I don't get it
lol nope
My god I'm starting to remember why that dog was so radical.
this movie is depressing as fuck at the start.
I haven't seen it in ages.
No shhh, just listen to the cool dog.
so who was the best star trek captain in your opinion... reply so i can immediately disagree and refute whatever you think as rediculous
oliver kinda chubby. no wonder no one wanted him.
I'm watching the whole movie, homo.
also the dog is so cool because he's voiced by billy joel, duh.
close enough
I want to watch.
i miss cuddling :x
calling someone a fag on the internet has lost its magic for me... ill just do it out of obligation, but theres no longer any joy in it
ill do it, but i call back spoon... and no balls touching
shut up fatty
no one likes front spoon.... lets be honest here
I also remembered I need to go for a run beforehand.
You're like 100 pounds heavier, fatty.
you do that.
holy shit this dog is so fucking cool.
shut your stupid fat mouth lardass.
speak for yourself
even the rats have sunglasses in new york. huh.
not even close. all the fat in your fat head must be messing with you. fatty.
wait... cakes is thick?
I mean I already knew this but man, I didn't remember just how fucking cool.
I am neither fat nor thin.
big girls are fun sized... big boys are just fat lazy assholes that need to apply themselves to exercise and proper diet
oook I made more chocolate milk
copious amounts
I should bed soon
so... thick then?
fluffy or robust
Wtf I'm jelly
I have no idea. I would not consider myself "thick"
I spent most of today reading I totally deserve
Thicc would fug
Enjoy your chocolate milk Neru!
shh you.
I'm guessing you weren't reading a stimulating fiction
when you walk do your thighs jiggle?
noo no tim for fiction
then youre just fluffy...
He's so fricken cool. I can't believe I forgot this movie.
isn't fluffy what gabriel iglesias is? because I am not that.
someone else brought it up the other day, then you did today, so yeah now I'm watching it for the first time in over a decade. probably 15 years, actually. I think I only watched it when it first came out.
School stuff? I'm interested
I tryyy
assignments and statistics maths reading
well i mean yea, i guess that his joke thing... alright fine ill stop effing with you
This thread looks comfy.
Don't mind me.
got this Samoan guy at work... and im talking 350 ponds of strait up fucking cornfed soul brotha Somoan... niga aint fat... whats he gonna do hes Samoan. i just tell him ill do whatever just dont eat me
nicest guy... intimidating as shit but pleasant kinda like that black guy fro green mile... only the floor flexes as he passes by
niga so big he has his own gravity... its like a black hole that only draws in white bitches
I think I killed it.
the thought of large black men scared them off
gib me something gud to watch that is anime
it was a creamy pie
go watch some scholagladiatoria, hes interviewed capwell on his research on the hundred years war a few times.
need to run, yall have a good night
Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda
Sora no Woto
Ugga Wagga no wokie nipple pinchie
Some light novel names gives German words a run for their money
Anything about handegg is going way over my head
I do not read German literature.
Here you go, no problem.
butt one thing I never understood is people saying u for chu
that was some good stuff right there, SD. thanks
violent tootbhrushing finished bedtim nana
At home now.
Saved it back in the day for the same reason that somebody posted it without sounds, thus the name.
Wew lad
Hi hi
How is it going
What the hell am I watching?
what a surprise
You probably don't even smoke and drink coffee.
Tsuchi and I argued about their gender for like an hour before we eventually found who it was.
I wish I could go to sleep
How are you doing?
I don't see how that is connected to the matter of "What the hell am I watching?"
I drink tea~
It's alright, hows it hanging for you?
I'm sorry.
peeved i got shit before a sale came on tho
I just got home and i'm playing shitty anime games on my phone, so good.
What a weirdo
As long as they're happy with their life, I guess?
They're just random .webms I was trying to figure out what they are.
hows the night for you folks?
At work with only 2hours of sleep
I'm having the time of my life
I'm trying to download some games for the psp on my phone and it isn't working
I'm getting really pissed
What stuff?
The hidden sun behind the hills.
Shadow branches against a mysterious blue. The flutter of fireflies now my path. Confusion.
The silhouette stares back at me from the pavement.
Racing thoughts in a quite world - a hurricane of anxiety. Introspection at dusk.
Well I'm expressing that we also went through "what the hell and I watching" when seeing it.
Good stuff Scanner!
a bunch of focus home interactive games
You're just precious.
You could always preview them with VLC.
Could have just explained it.
its probably a game about sucking dick/
Several games
I had a bunch downloaded on my external but they are fucking gone for what ever reason
Im annoyed as fuck
I got new shoes furry degenerates
Farming Simulator 15
Save your money.
ye not worth it
And did you pay for these games?
Of course not
Don't buy games so muchl.
~i dont~
How do you get them then?
You're currently getting fucked by karma.
sugar daddies
Can't right now, Camera is charging.
These Superstars are comfy as fuck though and I can slip in and out of them, I forgot how fucking awesome that is with shoes when you can do that after wearing shitty converses for so long.
He's a shitlord though, I'd never let him touch my boipussy
Adidas Superstars?
shoes you can do that with are the best.
though adidas is gay
*stabs you*
Hahahaha what kind of poor piece of stupid shit wears flip flops oh my fucking God they're not even comfortable lmao they're like shoes for showering and going to the pool and shit lolololololol
Get them to buy me shit.
Yeah I would hate sharing.
I'm back
I swear every time my app tells me to slow down, I just roll my eyes. Shouldn't it be encouraging me for doing better than what it says?
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
this was on purpose
im too selfish and embarrassed
You're gay and I tolerate you though.
Y-you are a flip flop.