Post your favorites. I am looking to download some Holla Forums's recommended vidya for ps1 emulator. Haven't thought of anything myself yet.
Cool Playstation 1 games
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Posting my favorite PS1 games
From a mostly unrelated list I made:
Final Fantasy 1 PS1 remake.
Crash 1/2/3
Colin McRae Rally 1/2
Tenchu 1/2
Suikoden 1/2
Spyro 1/2/3
Wipeout 1/2/3
Final Fantasy 7
ape escape
Also a game with genuinely good music, surprisingly.
Play omegaboost, you'll fall in love by the time you beat level 1. Also little ralph.
Quaint little nip platformer game. Kitchen Panic. You play a grain of rice or something like that and adventure through fantasy kitchen world.
Looks like a yellow booger or something.
Some of my favorites.
Only posting the best ones. Not posting Driver 1 because the PC port is better in literally every way.
Medievil is amazing, specially if you dig Ghost n goblins games, it has kind of a similar vibe to it (with coffins sprouting out of the earth and all)
Spyro was a nice suprise, I expected an average kid friendly platformer people praised for nostalgia reasons but I was sorely mistaken, the levels look great and have some inventive ways to manouver around them later on.
Kagero Deception 2 is weird, people come out into the level to kill you and you have to stop them by lying traps and activating them at the right time, its short but it has multiple endings.
Indeed they do. Worth a read if you haven't already.
get out
Legend of Dragoon, if you like mostly generic RPGs with a few interesting story twists and gameplay mechanics.
This music is pretty bad-ass, too. I still have the original case, and the game, in near mint condition. This game was fucking amazing, and petty brutal too. The slime boss-fight was hard as hell, as well as getting ever pizza planet token. Was there a prize for getting all of them, I can't remember anymore.
Also the airport level was genius.
Panekit's been doing what all those voxel engineering games have been doing for years, except instead of using blocks you use panels to build shit.
TS2 is actually very easy. But, that kind of games seemed hard because we were kids. Like you, I liked the and airport level. It was fun to use the suitcases as jumpad and climb the rocket.
Good taste for racers, but I'm shit at antigravity stuff. Ridge Racer is the shit, though.
Rakugaki showtime is also great if you want a party fighter. It's somewhat similar (but only loosely) to Power Stone.
Ir probably is. It seemed impossible at the time, for instance the slime boss. I had never seen something that could grow back and continue to fight. It was a pretty cool mechanic, for a kids game. I'm thinking about picking it up again, and taking a look at the level design. It's too bad that games like this aren't made anymore.
Is there a way to set up a VIM of Windows XP to play it? I hate emulators.
You can download the PC version. It works fine on Windows 7 without VM and I think there won't be any problems on W10 either.
Thanks, user. I have windows 10 unfortunately, as it came with my new PC. I figured it was too old to work anymore, like Glover. I wanted to try beating that again, and found out that even Windows 7 wouldn't play it.
If you guys like Toy Story 2 so much, I have to recommend A Bug's Life. Very similar game, TS2 is practically a sequel. A Bug's Life just has more puzzle elements and a bit less focus on combat. Personally, I prefer it, because some of the puzzles are really good. It does a great job with the music and atmosphere too. I find both these games to be really underrated.
I played A Bug's Life, it is indeed similar but I don't think it's quite as good. Both are fun, Toy Story 2 just worked better for me personally then again I never liked the film as much since I was more of an Antz man so maybe that's colouring my judgement.
I'm gonna go with the more japanese one instead of the more jew one. The game is better than the movie anyway.
Its basically "cool 90s the game".
I remember playing it back in the 90's, and I thought it was pretty good. I got stuck at one part, I don't member where, but it was a puzzle where you had to get up this really large tree. I tried jumping and bouncing on stuff, but had t give up due to my age. I also found the fight in the tin can to be difficult.
It's surprising how good some of the old movie-based game were.
Wanted to add, I actually found where I got stuck when younger. Vid related.
That's probably my favorite level specifically because it's got the most difficult puzzles. Also because of the music being the only time I ever use the word "comfy" to describe a game.
Speaking of Monster Rancher, I loved "Hop-A-Bout." Only ever made it to ~ level 30, I think there are 100 levels.
I couldn't into logic as a kid, I guess. I only had rented the game from Blockbuster, so by the time I had a chance to play that level, it had to go back. I think I'm gonna pirate TS2 and Bug's Life, and beat both of them.hail being a NEET
After all the shit we played through this past decade it seems story is pretty wrapped up aside from game 7 which is what takes place after Xenogears.
Is that a lemmings game?
Technically it's a spin-off of Lemmings, but deep down it's a spiritual sequel to Flink.
My nigger. Making levels was great.
Holy shit. Well, my recommendation is Silent Bomber, Ehrgeiz, Bloody Roar 2, Tai Fu, Tekken 3, Populus, Ninja: Shadow of Darkness and maybe Atlantis the lost empire, but that might be nostalgia.
Fuck, I forgot Micro Maniacs.
And another one I completely forgot despise being one of my all the time favorite games. Stuntmaster haven't aged well, though, but I still enjoy it so fucking much.
God damn it. The PS1 era was fantastic for me since in my country no one gave a shit about piracy so you could buy pirate games from anywhere at a fraction of the price of any original game and the lists were huge as fuck. I played so many fucking games and even JPN games. In fact, I played a lot of game that were pretty good but I can't remember their names.
Why is life cruel.
Make an ISO of your goddamn copy, stupid, and then upload it. If it isn't scratched enough to run, it's alright to make an ISO out of it.
I did.
It still fucks up when you get out of the mines.
Then you're fucked. We all are.
There's got to be at least one copy of monkey hero floating around that isn't fucked.
Well, it might even depend on the emulator rather than the ROM. What emulator are you using? If you say ePSXe you deserve an ass beating
And before you ask, yes I've tried all the audio plugins. The issue is with the iso, as my actual disk, until I hit a read error, works fine.
Try Mednafen or psx, dumbass.
Shrek yourself before you wreck yourself
Clearly you aren't looking hard enough. Also is right and your emulator a shit.
Then why don't you show me your emulator running monkey hero working properly then Big Guy.
Feel inclined to share where you got that collection? I have yet to find a torrent for one that isn't dead.
My nigga. In later levels, the healthbar could be considered as useless as in old Castlevanias since it's so easy to just fall to death, but it's still pretty damn fun.
Jackie's quips when doing moves and getting hit are hilarious.
Damn, full NTSC-U set? I can fit that in half of an external drive… Seriously considering doing it when chance strikes.
Don't know if it'll work without an rutracker account, but if not, there's tutorials on how to register and login without knowing how to read slavrunes.
Monkey Hero is one "those game" for PS1 emulation, mednafen still has major issues with it according to the todo in the source
blocks(2 words at the end of the first block, and 1 word at the beginning of the next block).
I looked up both games and they have some great music, however something weird is afoot:
The Sega CD game looks better than the PS1 game despite one having a 16bit processor and the other 32bit.
Extremely underrated gem
Awesome music in the same vein as the anime, same voice actors as the anime, but the game play is lacking. I personally enjoyed playing this.
No shit. I showed my friends this, who are all Hokuto no Ken fans, and they all freaked.
The last one is only if you want a comfy breakout-esque game. Its pretty scrappy, but its pretty relaxing imo
It worked! Thanks. Now I just have to make some space for this damn thing.
Easily my favorite PS1 game along with the second one.
Thrasher is severely underrated. I like how most of the soundtrack is uncensored too.
Are T-rated games even allowed to say "nigga" or even "nigger" for that matter? I personally love it when devs get shit passed the radar.
The PC version of NFS3 is a lot better.
Same thing for Descent. And Soul Reaver is awesome.
Legend of mana had the most replayability and was hella comfy
i wish there was a way to make nightmare harder besides intentionally gimping your crafting.
Much better on PC, especially with a modern engine like DXX-Rebirth.
Better on the Dreamcast. Or you could play the PC version, but then use something like RivaTuner to lock it to 30fps, lest the physics will be fucked up.
Speed Punks/Freaks.
Holy shit. Same here. Are you italian?
great if you enjoy broken controllers
Yeah, I know Descent is best on PC, but I'm throwing OP a bone.
Shit was pretty fun
get the redump iso
Muh nigga
It's certainly got the best bonus level music from a game
Awesome game, even if a little on the easy side.
What did you guys think of "Bugs and Taz: Time Busters?"
Deception 3 is times better. So much, that after trying the 2nd game I was baffled by how much artwork I was exposed to of the main girl of the 2nd game in comparison to how shitty the actual game was. Well, sure it was a novel idea and series having a better sequel doesn't change that, but reason why there was practically no artwork of reina still escapes me.
You are fucking retarded, you know that? And even if by chance you are not, you didn't give us a reason to not think so.
Been replaying this one a while back, it isn't as great. Stages are dull both visually and mechanically. If it wasn't for partially inherited charm it would be an extremely average game.
just … like… post graphs
I personally have only played a few games while at a friend's house and quite enjoyed Tekken 3. Honestly it was the only Tekken game I ever liked. I also like Fighting Force.
Are you incapable of reading?
My rip "works" until it hits unreadable/corrupted data because of physical damage.
Medievil 2 wasn't good
Otherwise good choices
That model looks amazing for PS1 era.
It's the opposite.
>Nearly every ISO of Monkey Hero is fucked up and there's no sound effects
>It still fucks up…
The way you've answered implies that you've got "the same results" and since we had no definitive context for how your scratched disc fucks up it is sensible to connect this with your general experience of monkey hero emulation.
Incase you'd want to know, Warzone 2100 on pc is free and open source on PC and has mods/multiplayer
Yeah, that was a fantastic game too, but for some reason i prefer Lost in Time.
probably because i have no friends
PSX is the best, no contest.
Pic unrelated, right?
I'm playing Legend of Mana because of you fags. I hope this is good.
Sorry this is gonna be a double post, one for localized/Western games and one for JP since there is so much.
Tenchu series is quite possibly on the most criminally underrated series on the PSX.
Glad I'm not the only one that enjoyed Koldelka.
Not bumping.
Good shit. fucking around in Tenchu 1's debug mode was more fun than Tenchu 2's level editor imo
I've got two copies of WipEout 3, a link cable, a shitload of PlayStations, and only one player.
If PAL it has a shirty copy protection that is actually still very effective, patch it with the needed .ppf or locate a redump copy with an .sbi.
Just finished replaying the Crash trilogy, and my opinion of 1 hasn't changed at all: the level design is shit, the controls are shit, the animations are shit, and the boss fights are shit, but it does make me slightly appreciate 2 more, which fixed the shit animations and controls, but ended up re-using some of the shittiest levels from 1 and the boss fights are just as cancerous. 3 is a complete step up in every way, with better level design, fun gimmick levels, better soundtrack, better bossfights, excellent unlockable powers, and the challenges are hard as fuck, as they should be.
I think anyone interested in the series could happily skip both 1 and 2, and really not miss anything.
What emulator?
half of my hardware is "spare controllers" too
Shit, that sounds like it. Dies right as the lap timer starts which is way too specific to be coincidence.
I've tried the PSX plugins in retroarch, none of them like it. The disc plays fine on real hardware, and I've triple-checked I'm ripping it properly (mode2 raw).
The worst thing is I remember it working fine in epsxe one time 10 years ago but I agree with >>13237989
Why would you do that? Do you want me to upload the ReDump version of Wipeout 3 NTSC?
Yep that's exactly it.
I've got third world internet but a whole storage room full of discs, downloading an iso would take the better part of a day here. And I figured on a PS1 the TV framerate usually isn't the bottleneck.
PAL conversions of NTSC games are typically 16% slower (30fps to 25, 60fps to 50). Since you're using Beetle, you can enable CPU Overclock and remove the slowdown that was present on the original hardware for nearly all instances of slowdown and stay capped at whatever the max framerate for that game is. The only things that still seem to cause it are particle/smoke effect overload, like setting off some of the huge end-of-level explosions in Medal of Honor.
Starting Parasite Eve now, and I'm having a blast. I don't know what I expected going into it, but it certainly wasn't this. The ATB combat system is fun, the enemy design is interesting, the story and dialog are B-Movie tier, but somehow it all fits. It's very Resident Evil meets Final Fantasy. The only thing that feels like it's missing is some really shitty voiced dialog, RE style.
That game's story is so stupid that I love it. The scenes of the mutating creatures were also pretty cool.
1 have the best platforming and originality when it came to level design, not to mention that most bosses are exclusive for it. Crash 3 rehashes most Bosses from 2, as it rehashes all level design and most gimmicks, like Pura stages being just a rehash of the polar bear stages Although that on itself is a rehash of the wild hog stages, but I don't mind either.
Have fun, PE2 is also fun, but it's just "Resident evil" without the final fantasy part. Although you still have some, somewhat useless, PE powers.
Faggots, all of you
just kidding, nice recs, haven't played half of these
Definitely has some good CG, about on par with Tekken 3/RE2 which still look good today.
That's disappointing, I'm really digging this ATB shit.
Kings Field is up after PE2, Tenchu and Tenchu 2, although I have my suspicions about how playable it's going to be, since it looks really fucking clunky.
It plays better than it looks
Not at all, they're almost broken in how powerful they can be in some situation
Excellent choices
muh nigga
I always see games dumped but no reasons WHY I should play them.
I haven't had any bad suggestions by anons with games so far but I don't ever know what to choose when so many get dumped.
holy fucking shit fighting force, what a classic
Pick one that looks interesting and play it until you beat it
I ve been wondering for a couple years what that shitty image is about, is it related to this one by chance?
It's much easier/quicker for people to dump covers or game names than actually make an effort to write much as to what makes them worthwhile to them. The old recommendation wikis were an attempt to provide somewhere for game descriptions to be stored for posterity, but that still required people to take the time and effort to write a decent description to begin with. Plus, from what I remember, interest dropped hard for the 8ch specific one after technical issues caused a number of entries to get deleted, and the old one from the halfchan days got infested with reddit from what I remember hearing. I don't even know if the wiki's even still being hosted at this point, and it's probably been a year or more since I last saw one of the people that worked on it make a thread to try to get more input.
Is it a cohen-cidence that Adult Swim, last night, used this game in their bumper?
It is indeed.
What the fuck
What the fuck is this?
A neat optical illusion.
just goes to show that most of your budget should always go into texturing when you're talking models.
Both are pretty neat.
Final Fantasy Tactics
Metal Gear Solid
Ghost in the Shell
Jumping Flash (1/2)
Wild Arms 2
SaGa Frontier
Vagrant Story
Just to name a few.
I wish more RPGs handled upgrades like PE. Being able to perpetually recycle the bonus stats from my old weapons and armor into my new gear is great.
The dialog just keeps getting better and better.
I remember one time I tried to rent some other game from Blockbuster but they put this in the box instead. Actually worked out pretty well though. Good game.
You're a pleb. I used to agree with you, but getting all the relics in N. Sane Trilogy really made me appreciate just how well designed the levels are. Incredibly intricate, much more so than the sequels.
I like 3, it used to be my favorite, but now I wish that they didn't use up literally half the levels on non-platforming gimmick levels. But I do agree that it does the platforming better than 2. But 2 doesn't reuse any levels? wtf? It has like two jungle levels but they aren't at all the same as the jungle levels from the original game.
How does 3 rehash bosses from 2? You have Tiny, N. Gin, and Cortex, but all of them play entirely different, and it's not like the gameplay in Dingodile or N. Tropy are similar to previous bosses either.
And how does 3 reuse the gimmicks? The only gimmicks in 2 are the bear and jetpack, arguably the boulders/big bear if you want to count that, but that and the bear both from Crash 1, and the jetpack isn't in Crash 3, but things like Baby T, jet ski, and airplanes are, and they're all new.
NST isn't a 1:1 port gameplay-wise. Go replay the original trilogy and I think you'll be right back to where you were before.
It's very close. My point is that speedrunning the levels made me appreciate the intricacies more. The way everything lines up and times together. The level design is 1:1 with the originals, btw.
Gex had some pretty fuckin good music