It's been out a while, whats the verdict so far? Any games on it you like, don't like? I heard Sonic Mania would be out physical on the system soon. Is the future bright for the Switch?
Above all else, how comfy is the system?
It's been out a while, whats the verdict so far? Any games on it you like, don't like? I heard Sonic Mania would be out physical on the system soon. Is the future bright for the Switch?
Above all else, how comfy is the system?
it's the most comfy system. I just wish the joycons themselves were a little more comfy
>using (((consoles)))
I think the positives outweigh the negatives. Its the first time ive genuinely wanted to pick up a console since the gamecube and PS2 and play console games. If it becomes the next Wii in terms of Homebrew its going to be console of the fucking year.
Piece of shit system that can't even run Sonic Mania's special stages at full speed. Yet another pile of trash for faggot cucks that love Nintencuck nigger cock.
You forgot
Not including a 64gb is pure kikery at this point.
I get almost everything physical so its a bit of an afterthought for me, but yes everything should be at least 64 GB now.
I can back all this up, but I honestly can't claim a single one of the physical defects have happened to me. No bent joycons, no scratched screen (even repeatedly docking it without a screen-protector of any sort), no warp when in the dock for prolonged periods. Did I just get one with a lot of nintendium or something?
ive seen the joycons bent on my neighbors after he gripped the system too tightly or some shitty excuse he came up with. I have also seen the warping first hand on my buddies system
I already knew about the dock scratching the screen so I went ahead and got a protector.
So far I haven't had any issues with the console in the dock. The joycons on the sides do seem a bit shaky, but the torture test I've seen shows that the console will hold up to a point even if intentionally trying to bend them off.
Also another negative is that the performance can drop at times in games. So far the only example I've had has been in BotW with the frame drops in towns/villages- especially present at the great Deku tree.
Also there is a (kinda) workaround to the charger port being on the bottom. Still a WIP, but there exists a superflat ribbon cable connected to a wireless charger pad that could be cut and soldered to plug into a USB port.
I haven't had any issues with my switch yet, but I'm willing to bet with time the cheap chinese materials are going to do what they always do
Reminder that Nintendo is competing with Apple for parts
Only if it gets gaems. Not looking good so far.
I heard the Switch now allows third party controllers. Is that true?
It's good just needs more games, but they are coming sooner rather than later, I think it's the best current console, it holds innate value as a console holding functionality my PC doesn't, not just a small library of exclusives I can't play on my PC.
It's pretty comfy, either you can play with your joycons at your sides or you can play it anywhere, especially bed, and the built in display's high dpi makes the image quality extra crisp.
I think you mean built in storage
You probably just didn't get one of the defective models, I'm the exact same, I have none of those defects, everything works fine, the system never gets too hot although it gets hotter than any other handheld that I've used, and I still have no idea how anyone scratches their display on the dock, they must have gotten sand down there or something.
the dock has USB ports on the side and you can connect the Wii U fighting controllers, unfortunately cannot use gamecube.
It has like 3 huge games coming out before the end of the year, those being Mario Odyssey, Fire Emblem Warriors, and Xenoblade Chronicles. Not only that but alot of usually PS4 and Vita weeb games are getting releases like Nights of Azure 2 and Touhou. Whether or not you like these games is subjective but right now the console has a library of about 6-7 worthwhile games if you never owned a Wii U, which i didnt, 4-5 if you did. Thats not terrible for launches these days.
What I'm waiting for is homebrew, which if that happens this will most likely be the best portable emulator machine on the market.
mite b good
musou shit
censored shit
They need more third-party exclusives. I don't care about most Nintendo games, lets see some JRPGs.
I've been debating on getting a Switch now or waiting until an Odyssey bundle is announced, I played a bit of it at E3 and so far it's the only thing convincing me to get the system
there is literally no evidence of this yet, seriously we just have to hope at release, especially since it is a single version worldwide release
some people like it, hyrule warriors also was decent enough
Nights of Azure 1 wasnt DOA so hopefully 2 is good, cant comment on Touhou since i never played a NIS published one, but sideways joycon touhou with a friend seems incredibly comfy
I'm only using mine for Disgaea at this point. The controllers are too small like they were designed for baby hands, the screen is slightly scuffed despite being super careful with it, I still need to send the blue joycon in as it fucks up all the time, BotW was [spoiler]terrible, yet still better than Skyward/spoiler], and not having a charging port in the standard controller dock is Jewish as fuck.
It's better than the Wii U hardware-wise, but I at least had fun with Mario Maker. F out of 10.
I think that's one of the biggest problems so far. If the only games being made for the thing are Nintendo exclusive, then it'll die if either game quality or quantity takes a dip.
NIS games have been edited to the point that endings have been missing or the games flat out don't work and if someone could post the images for me, that would be great. Nintendo Treehouse may be staffed by glue-sniffing hipsters, but NIS actually ruins games.
So how do you play it without breaking the damn thing?
So outside of the nintendo games what is worth getting?
That doesn't make it anymore acceptable. Especially when Dragon Quest Heroes is supposed to be 32gb.
Fast RMX, Bomberman if you're into those games, Disgaea if you like RPGs or something similar to Final Fantasy Tactics, saw a bunch of Neo Geo ports in the eShop, Sonic Mania just released. I haven't checked out very many of the indies or other ports.
This. Switch owners exist in their own bubble. No matter what Nintendo does to them they'll justify it. Reminder that modern day consoles are just glorified PC's that force you to pay for exclusive treatment out of pure greed.
That's not a selling point.
Metal Slug and Fatal Fury on the go with the ability to pop the joycons off and play with anyone at any time is pretty fucking neato though.
Yes, user, we know you can emulate those games. Go do that if you feel like it. But until CFW comes around for Switch you gotta pay if you want to play it on that particular system.
Most people wouldn't really want to play on those tiny controllers though.
My neighbors paid $750 to get one for their sexual accident.
Then wait for a hack to come instead of getting your asshole jewed out like a little consumer whore goyim.
Fixed. That you niggers forget how Nintendo cucked the Virtual Console and will still buy roms is disgusting.
How long does it take to beat Shovel Knight and all it's DLC?
Yes, user, I'll sit around with a console and no games to play on it until a hack comes out so I can impress someone on Holla Forums.
Couple hours per-campaign if you're dedicated, averages out to around 6-8 hours.
Then why didn't you just wait to buy the console if their aren't enough games available you want to buy? Buying something you can emulate easily and for free is just silly at this point.
I never said it was acceptable, but I don't really care.
I got the thing to be the first to leap onto CFW, but while I was at it I picked up BOTW, Bomberman, and later Mario Kart and one or two other things. I'm waiting to get my filthy hands on Odyssey, too, along with everything announced for next year. I didn't buy the Neo Geo ports myself, I was responding to a guy asking what non-Nintendo things were available, then along comes the usual hurr just emulate it stop paying goy rabble. Metal Slug on the go is pretty cool, though, I might pick it up if it's not a horrid price.
Honestly at pure launch there wasn't enough to sate my interest and I was primarily interested in BOTW due to not owning a Wii U (didn't really "feel" like a Zelda game and chock-full of Skyward Sword references after I fucking hated that game), but things that have come out in the first year have already given me enough to do with it. I'd probably still advise you wait 'til 2018, though, or at the very earliest wait until Odyssey's release if Spla2n isn't enough to tide you over.
it needs 3 strong years. 3 years where there's at least 6-9 new, great games. So far it's just ports of existing games and a fairly uncertain future.
No, I just want to have the thing ready for whatever piracy exploits are developed. I fiddled around a lot with emunands on 3DS and laughed at the A9LH shilling in homebrew threads when it was a new technology, acting like emunand was the most difficult thing to figure out on the face of the planet and initially missed my chance back when my 2DS was on 9.2 and I updated, since I hadn't even known there was piracy for the thing at the time. Should've checked, in hindsight.
I'd possibly buy it for $199 maybe less since I value my money, but anything more than that is a no. I just don't see the worth or value in it yet, to me it doesn't have the exclusives it needs when they're asking for $299. You could basically get a PS4 or Xbone bundle for that price or less, get a free game or two with it and possibly purchase another game of your choice with any cash left over.
Factor in no third party support, what seems to be a lack of new or original IPs, and the fact that as time goes on the power difference between it and the PS4/Xbone will most likely have it end up just like the Wii U where developers didn't bother to port their games to the console anymore.
To me I kind of view it like I did during the Wii U's lifetime. There were only a handful of games I ever really wanted from it and in the end I dodged a bullet by not purchasing one.
Does it even have any games yet aside from Zeldo and Squid Loli Squirters? That's always been my issue with Nintendo consoles, they're glorified paperweights because they have no games.
Depends on what you like, if you don't like any of the games on or announced for the system you will probably not like the system over it's lifetime ever.
It's getting weeaboo and family games mostly, and Nintendo are focusing their efforts on it, at least games for 3ds shouldn't be entering development anymore, don't expect any of your mainstream western AAA stuff to release on Switch.