SC Remaster Launch

the SC Remaster stream was the most authentic and fun launch event I can remember. Can't wait to watch the final match in a couple hours.

I'm kind of astonished a AAA studio gave this their blessing without the usual glaze of bullshit interference and PR falseness. It was so refreshing to see a group of guys being real, giving each other mad amounts of shit, making jokes to offend each other. Made me miss my bros from childhood.

It looks like shit, the portraits are insulting and apparently it has skins.

I laughed so hard at that bookmark lung shit I hurt my face

Was never a fan of gookclick outside of the custom maps, but this looks to be a pretty faithful remaster. Straight up the same game with higher resolution sprites, which is exactly what the "core fans" wanted.

Something ticks me off about the graphics themselves, portraits excluded. Something seems off.
Is it backwards compatible with BW maps?


yeah you can switch between old and new. tbh, I dislike the new portraits and end screens, modern Blizzard has no taste. I think the higher res game looks good tho.

It's more exciting from the prospect of injecting some energy into the community. Modern "communities" are prefabricate attempts to move microtransaction, and the games are infinitly tinkered with. BW is one of the few lasting communities that grew organically out of passionate nerds. Blizzard has done their best to kill it and its still trucking along.

It could be the high res UI and sprites feel anachronistic/out of place. They're similar enough to the originals that they're overlapping with what you know Starcraft is "supposed" to look like, so you get that sensation of "wrongness".
No idea.

Sure buddy, your virtual friends really care about you

What fuck is with that shit fucking "art" in the background.

It looks like some bitch with nature stuff coming out of her head. Did you not expand the image or something?

What about mapping, though. Can you actually make your own stuff or do they fuckin take ownership of it just for using their editor?

I don't think he wants an explanation but rather to call attention to what a heap of shit it is


There is nothing natural about that pile of shit on a canvas.

Nothing is natural about a canvas in the first place.

Just like ur mom

They're remaking Splinter Cell?

What the fuck did they do to the zergling?
It looks like a retarded frog now, instead of a wolf-lizard

I actually don't mind day9gag, I just don't like threads about ecelebs

Stream is about to resume. Blizzard apparently told Sean to take down the day 1 vod, so tune in if you want to see it RAW and UNCENSORED.

the real travesty is the victory screens, which somehow explain everything wrong with neu-Blizzard better than words could. None of you will kill my vibe with your legitimate criticisms. I am gonna enjoy some more Broodwar while it lasts god fucking damnit.

I'm guessing from the layout it's a studio. They all have the same kind of random kitsch faux-house look to half the space. That painting is generic meaningless hipster imagery 101


What an absolute clip-art-tier eyesore. Nu-artists cannot even get the fucking boot to blend with the ground. Honestly that shadow looks like some old game engine with "simple blotch shadows" and ambient lighting up the ass. Otherwise the art is fine, not great, just fine. It's just really baffling how these artists have so little actual technical skill.

I mean how the hell is this kind of shitty amateurish bullshit even possible in this level of AAA. World is full of great skilled artists, why would a huge company settle with these incompetent hacks?

Sucks how if you play with the old style graphics you're limited to the 4:3 aspect ratio, I can't fucking stand the new art. Everything looks like it's a children's toy and all plastic. Nothing looks like it should. I'll be playing in 4:3 even if it gives me a small disadvantage.

The real travesty is they turned Jim Raynor into some kind of skinny spic.

the only thing that is shit is the new zealot portrait and the high templar the zealot lost that thing on his neck

It's like I'm really on half

Ghost and defiler portaits look shit too. I'm baffled that the artists didn't understand how the shadows in the images added mystery and coolness to the characters. Subtlety is a lost art.>>13236723


I'll be honest I was very skeptical of nu-Blizz, but seeing my little brother play it, it actually doesn't look bad. It looks like pretty much the same game with a few minor adjustments; the godawful things on their site didn't look nearly as bad.
The main thing I had an issue with is the Artanis retconning the player character as the executor in the protoss campaign; I'll see how that turns out. I probably still won't buy it, but if this actually is good, it's a small sign of hope for Blizzard's future.

Mark is an ecleb but he's still allowed.

A bunch of them look like garbage, the rest are radically unfaithful because Blizz wants to retcon the designs to match those of Starcrap 2. Moist, fleshy-looking Greys turned into crusty blue niggers, lots of units and heroes redesigned for no reason, removed shadows and ominous looks from certain units, Fenix and Zeratul now have dreadlocks like Blizzard had an aneurysm and thought they were making orcs, Jim looks like he belongs in an ad for a Korean phone game, the human heroes look off.

