Vidya Experiences that are so pleasurable they are borderline erotic
Whoaaa I played decently in a well-known multiplayer game look at how big my dick is can you please validate my winning streak on an anonymous imageboard
Music gets me man.
Mine is kinda related
Is that whole slomo thing in Tekken 7 when a player is on low health actually fun- or is it a distraction?
See where it isn't a downvote? Or do I have to spoonfeed your dumbass more basic information?
Shut the fuck up already
now i truly know, please forgive me
It's actually pretty fun since Tekken doesn't use square hitboxes but instead uses actual 3D hitboxes, so you'll never know if something will hit or not.
this thread
Then ignore the thread you fucking idiot.
attaching goyim to things doesn't instantly make them sinister.
Its that what we tell people who don;t like the anime tiddy games?
Just ignore it goyim, it'll go away eventually!
Let me save this thread.
Mind telling me the last time she was relevant at all, first off?
Second off, in very fast imageboards like this one, or old Holla Forums, yes - if everyone ignored something, it DID go away, often in the space of a fucking hour.
Its just some autismo being retarded
oh fug, didn't pay attention to IDs
you're still a gay tho
kuudere, kudasai!
Where the fuck are you from?
Yeah, man. Us Gamergaters have to fuss over every single person who says something stupid about video games, or else they'll keep doing it! Remember to shitpost in the daily
threads and get angry at liberals on twitter! Also traps aren't gay.
Wait, where the fuck is that from?
I used to love that one and can't find it no more.
The way Reddit downvotes works means that something that gets downvoted stuff while be shuffled to the bottom and can be buried while upvoted material will be up top and always seen first. Sage is treated as if it does the same thing, when it does nothing.
1995-2000's era cuckchan originally, then here in the mass exodus. What about you?
Even in its current hat-fucked pubby bullshit no good community server having form, TF2 still retains some of the bones it had originally so its fun to go back every now and again and play for an hour or a few, but its not something I would play extensively Im wary about TF2V because it still has a lot of the security exploits that were fixed over the years. Go ahead and type ";quit in chat and see what happens. Yeah its a minor shit but there are still major shit that remains
1980s 2chan, newfag
Ah, I see, your method of dealing with tripfags was to constantly give them replies, I guess.
If you were actually here during the exodus then you'd know Anita is working in the background to bypass the US legal system entirely starting with the UN stint. And that most activities of hers is in the shadows, and also her connections to antifa.
Fucking poser.
If you don't like my methods then feel free to just ignore them
Woah what the fuck is going on.
I had typed
Loaded out with some LMG I think, a Loco loaded with slugs, ICTV, and most Importantly the Flagpole (Spear of Freedom)
Get to about 130+ kills Focusing mainly Melee, got the most kills or second most kills
Felt damn good
But an even better one
Felt so good to do that. Sure it's just bots but still 300 bot kills is a lot of work.
Rip fun PAYUP2
I know i should have never used my teammates as meat shields but when they can't play well you have to take matters to your own hands and by the end it was worth it in the end.
And another thing, the time it takes for a thread to disappear around here is generally measured in days, not 1 hour this isn't halfchan.
Surviving a nuclear fallout between other players is always a special feeling, especially if you are somehow in their line of sight.
It goes to show how cancerous the "competitive" fags are and how they runned the game into the ground by complaining to Volvo to nerf everything on every update and when they use plugins to literally make the game the most unfair gameplay and still beat them at their own game the rage so hard and ban you.
Felt pretty good.
Thats what pisses me off the most about TF2. Its not meant to be play "competitively" and especially not meant to be ONLY played with 6 teammates. It was made from the ground up with 12v12 in mind, yet you have these fuckboys who try and force the 6v6 cancer on everyone despite the fact that its like the worst possible representation of TF2 short of iron 4v4 or MGE. Like half the classes are useless becuase they arent enough of a jack of all trades to be able to defend and attack or they simply dont have enough of a utility to warrant being 1/6 of the team comp. Engineer is completely fucking useless because suprise he relies on his team, which there aren't enough of and theres no point in having a dispenser when theres already a medic doing his shit. No shit they have to ban like half the fucking weapons and keep spouting "CTF IS A BAD GAMEMODE" because its not fucking designed around 6v6 and needs both attacking and defending at the same time, which is near impossible with only 6 players to a team. Yes Im fucking mad
Fucking steam shovelware, even comics based on it are pure dog shit.
I just think it's funny that they increase airblast delay on pyro in 6s because soldiers can't spam them out
I thought it just meant he said it before swigging the bottle.
I guess they thought having 3 panels (Disbelief, agreement, drink) wasn't as funny as 2 (Disbelief, agreement and immediate drink to show how little the character cares).
As shit as PS2 is sometimes, it feels great when things work out.
Oh, and also
Wolfenstein 3D for the Super Nintendo. It's hard to explain what happened, but it was like my vision was cropped off to everything that wasn't the TV screen. It was like my vision had zoomed to a specific area like a camera or telescope. I had no vision of anything outside of the TV screen.
I don't know how long I was playing like this, and I only realized that it happened during a lull in combat when I notized my vision slowly "un-zooming". I was gradually able to see what was behind the TV
Take a look at the third picture I'm posting and imagine if at first what you saw with your own two eyes was just the blue square, and slowly over 15 seconds your vision grows until you go to the yellow square which is what you normally see. That's what happened to me, except the blue square was the TV.
I've never had my vision do anything like that ever in my life except that one time.
I remembered another one.
It's incredibly vindicating to both win a game and effectively give a "fuck you" to rude players, all without getting on a mic or using a chat.
Groove Tube [English] [Fated Circle] [Uncensored] 2
Where the fuck is this from?
Ignore shitposting flag, forgot to take it off.
Thank you.
didn't mean to sage
Which large group would this be? I'd like to get back into "large scale" ARMA3.
I used to play with /a3g/, they floundered after a while and formed AKB, which is also now just a glorified military shitposting Discord. But look up Close Quarters Cuties, just the right amount of fun and seriousness, and a good number of /a3g/ oldies play with them too.
I have joined. The discord requires ten minutes of existence to post however.
Good taste lad, don't recognise anyone in that new group though.
You're fucking kidding me? Are they really that pathetic that they actively try to shut out anything that could break their soldier/demo/scout circlejerk?
Champ. That's my goal for the month.
The fuck is it with you trick jumping noodle legged cunts that let FUCKING MINIGUNS MISS BLANK RANGE.
No, that is some bullshit, you shouldn't be able to work that much outta fucking classes like that, the soldier usualyl manages to one shot you, but I fucking can't even pose a threat, even when pushing, doing an objective, or at least doing my best to ambush people with gun spun up?
Fuck Scunts. fuck you running back and forth and somehow making me easy to kill with you secondaries, fuck you taking up offensive rolls instead of actually being the guy out to get in out and do objectives whilst providing some degree of distraction and offing lesser classes
Sauce? Artist name? Please?
Nothing ever came close to being pleasurable in vidya. They're all shit or mediocre at best. Not even half as good as what they could be with today's massive technology and endless possibilities.
Kids, this is why you don't take the blackpill
+respect, gamer
>Especially when you scare the shit out of them in the process
Winning 10k bucks using a known exploit
Playing Rez for the first time
Reaching the last level for the first time
On that matter, why the fuck are there for honor tournaments anyway? How can ubisoft even claim to have an esports game when it is bogged down by so many issues, including this mess? This is so absurd, ridiculous, and retarded it just makes my head hurt.
Really gets the noggin joggin', doesn't it?
I don't know what's worse: that Bloodborne will never come to PC, or that even if it did I'll never have a fight that satisfying again.
Everyone except the player were retarded in this case.
Holy shit does it feel good to murder that cunt.
Fuck off, I didn't know lads from /a3g/ were on here.
>having FUN with vidya in 2017
>play as hideous destructor
I love it when a good plan comes together.
Traps are gay, liking them isn't
I don't think that I could repeat the feat, it's been a long time since I took hotlapping seriously.
Good luck with it.
As a scout I love it when I hear a heavy nearby. They're absolutely one of the easiest targets besides medics, snipers, engies, and spies. More importantly, they're one of the most fun to shoot because it's so easy to get a full hit on them.
The most fun I had in TF2 was back when HLSS was still kickin' and there were a few decent surf servers with alltalk and manual bunnyhop.
Heavy with KGB, bouncing around at ludicrous speeds, chaining driveby crit punches while spamming Mike Tyson quotes. Being pretty adept at surfing also helped, as I got damned consistent at lining up trajectories to punch folks out of the skies.
And the sandvich was a convenient and easily readable gesture of "let's fuck things up for everyone else", beyond healing.
The general pleasant atmosphere lingered in those places longer than it did in your random pubs.
But my favorite thing will always be fueldump in RTCW: Enemy Territory, sneaking past enemy lines and trickjumping over the wall, planting dynamite at the end goal while everyone else is still desperately trying to duke it out at the first objective. Unless they noticed immediately, lucked out with the spawn timer, knew exactly where to go and you didn't manage to slow them down at all, then the game was already lost.
To the point that there was some butthurt guy on one of my regular servers that always started camping the spawn when this map came around. And usually still didn't manage to prevent me from doing what I did.
You still suck, Clifftor.
Private server stories time? Private server stories time.
that's some good cringe material, if that's what you were going for
Shit son, when you get on my level you will transcend such emotion.
Nowadays I only feel emptiness playing TF2
>had enough after someone got in an autistic rage because I died trying to revive him and didn't drag him to safety first dragging him to cover would have taken longer than reviving him there
Rets go Just in
If masturbation felt as good as that I would do it more
I'm always shocked by how this highly telegraphed move with 19 frames of startup seemingly always manages to hit.
I want 2014 back
i hate what the game has become but it's fun to wipe the floor with twats who act to high
I want to see the full version of that pic but I don't want to delve into the den of horrors that Despicable Me porn will surely be. You got a sauce?
This nigger knows what's up
no problem
Fuck you Magandora you Bad Breath spamming shithead, I GOTS A RIBBON ON EVERY CHARACTER
TF2 runs so silky fucking smooth devs have just largely forgotten how make games like that.
Want to know how I know you're not from around here?