Losing control?
Whats your favorite game with a lot of customization options?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite game with a lot of customization options?
Saints row 2 is basically the king of that.
Oh fuck forgot about that one!
Double shift today. Did nothing the first half hour of each shift because the fucking dishwasher repairman was there. No work tomorrow. Gonna go to the state fair.
Idk The Stick of Truth.
I just want a girlfriend to rp with me just for sex. Why cant I have just this? Oh and too read exhentai with, that would be nice too.
Hey guys.
I ended up sleeping in until 2pm today, and ended up spending my afternoon doing chores for the rest of the family and running errands. I still have tomorrow, but almost every day off feels wasted by the time it's over.
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
Planning out my Nippon trip on google maps turned out to be perfect. I filled in a couple days for my trip. Found neat shit to do for other days. Found an area of tokyo I had ignored so I can focus on finding shit to do there. Connected shit I had researched and found out they were close to each other. It just worked.
Played some little samson, randomized pokemon, gta5, and arkham origins today. Feels good to be NEET again.
Laughing pretty hard at this discord shit. It just further proves that online gaming is dead and old single player games are left.
How goes user
I haven't been to a fair in years. Seems comfy as fuck but too related to the tourist shit I did so I might hate it.
Why would you rp with her and not sex her?
Whatcha all playin? Hope its fun.
Saints Row 2 by far, just because of the enormous amount of freedom it had in that department.
Who you gonna make her dress up as? daisy?
Sonic mania is looking to be pretty good. So far gaming isnt dead. There are like 3 more games i wanna get this year and ive already bought like 5.
And good new single players, as good as those are.
Why be a weirdo?
What happened now?
You better enjoy your second day off user. Play your favorite game, watch your favorite movie, drink a little. Do something fun!
How goes whatcha playin user
Im offically regestered at the college now. Gonna wait until winter to start classes though. I still have to go back and do tests and talk to the counseler and shit. i really dont expect to even go to classes because the civil war is very soon
Good time to have a ps4
Besides always being data mining shit program, they are virtual signaling for commie shits.
As always.
Honestly I only really make jews so all I need is a nose slider.
Why not real sex?
That one guy who was constantly advertising his discord with some retarded poem is eternally butt-blasted about it too which is fantastic.
what country, are you white, and can I come?
Not really civil war. More like various rebel groups fighting amongst themselves while the government fights both.
Its gonna get really comfy soon.
Thats hilarious. Glad I always stuck to IRC.
Wheres my (You) user
I hope your plane gets shot down by North Koreas.
rp sex, like have her dress up as girls from manga and stuff. Anyone 2d girl I consider fucking or whatever.
Nothin' much. Getting comfy and playin' RPGs today.
night shift sucks, I can't get myself to crawl out of bed if I know in the back of my mind I don't NEED to so I never end up getting out of bed before I need to head to work and all I end up doing is going to work and coming home and not being able to do anything because everyone else is asleep and there's nothing to do out of the house because I live in a small town with no night-life so I jut end up on the computer until late in the night or early in the wee hours of the morning depending on how you view it and repeating this cycle of shit. I hate it.
I haven't played anything with too many customization otions lately I can only think of maybe Hyperdimension Neptunia
cali. Yes. Sure, but get here quick so you can be in the center of it too.
I think it might be full blown war. They are already destroying statues and flying flags.
No, and it was only Huey who said it, and that was just a shitpost.
So that means I am the only one that does that instead?
Don't be jelly user. You too can go to nippon if you just work for it like I did.
Which ones? More grimoire?
Sorry user. The work life always sucks. Are you saving to move out? Or plan on quitting or anything?
In an attempt to fill the void by deciding to not risk getting killed over an OG xbox yesterday, I tried DoA Dimensions on 3DS. It's pretty good for a handheld fighting game, Also while most of the roster needs to be unlocked, it doesn't take too long. I'm kinda liking Hitomi out of the characters I've tried so far.
Ritsu, you'll get your (You) when I'm done drawing guro of your waifu.
No wonder you dont have a gf
Bought rum today, first time I have bought alcohol instead of having someone else pay for it in forever. Drinking, thinking about my ex, listening to sad songs and being unemployed. This country is fucking dying and there's no place for white men anymore.
What a life, huh? Also, Dragon's Dogma.
Feels a lot like 1930s Germany. Despite my want to crush commie skulls I'll probably flee to canada tbh
What country?
What you mixing with your rum?
the money I make is too good to quit and I'm saving up for a motorcycle so I can have something to do outside of the house; I've lived the neet life before and I don't want to return to that hellish waste of time
how much will your trip cost?
Yeah, its pretty bad here. Never come to cali for any reason.
Naw man, if a war starts im fighting. Im not going to cuck out and going to a different country that will probably be in war when civil war breaks out here.
its so fucking degenerate here i legit think that SF is the new sodom
You know, i might be autistic, but atleast i know how to take care of myself before thinking of dating.
So anons decided time.
If you had a chance to go into a basement, have living shit stuff taken care of, internet and a pretty comfy space to go back to full blown NEET mode with your parents? would you? I am 30 years old, married, house, pets and thank fuck no children yet.
G'morning. Sitting up playing Smash 4 on my Wii U pad while I watch some Steve. Gotta go help my mom weed her garden later, which is going to be a pain. She can barely walk, though, and my stepdad's got a bad heart so he's supposed to be taking it easy. Girlfriend offered to come with me and help. That'll be nice.
Saints Row 2 all the way. All they had to do to make 3 perfect is polish the game up (more bug fixes, better animations, stuff like that) and improve the enemy AI, particularly when they're in cars. It would have been a goddamn masterpiece but they shit all over it.
Oh nice. What kind of motorcycle?
About 3500? Maybe a little more.
Depends on what its like. If its bombs and shit I'm out. Not going to get allah ackbar'd by some commie. If its fists and some gun fire maybe I'd stay.
What the fuck are you doing? Whats the point of being married if you dont have a family?
That's been my goal my whole life: money, vidya, food, drinks, and just one room with everything I need to get by in life. That goal is probably why my parents ended up dissapointed with me now.
I dont want to go to the my physican and say "Oh excuse me miss 29 year old cute doctor, I have a rash on my ass and it wont go away! I dont know why! Honestly sometimes I like scratching my butt and then smelling my hands, it always imagine the smell in my mind before I do it and the smell never ceases to surprise me
I want a girlfriend to jerk me off while I watch porn so I can stop masturbating already.
Oh shit, it's been ages since I've been up for these threads. How are y'all niggas doing?
If you mean character creators, which I am a huge sucker for, I'm going to have to say Dragon's Dogma for the sole reason that it's the only game I know of that lets me be a cute little girl archer with a customizable fuckhuge bodyguard dressed as guts no less
I imagine tanks coming out. I'd rather die on the battle field than die in my house afraid. maybe i can find a qt around the end of the war
How not to lose control over everything? I think i lose it every day.
Morning. Training and bored as fuck today.
I feel you there, its a trap. Too tired to go out job hunting during the day although I desperately want out of this shit gas station gig.
Ain't really going to be a war but quite entertaining nonetheless.
Nigga Canada is unapologeticly socialist. Fucking sucks here
Do they sell Ritz packed like in your pic? I go through Ritz like chips, and something like that would be great. Or is it a japan only thing?
No fucking clue, its been 6 years, we wanted kids and now that we have a good setup I despise her now, she would be a fucking terrible mother.
Yeah, pretty much if I move back home I would be in paradise. My parents are fucking awesome.
Of course. NEET life is the best life when you embrace it and have plenty of hobbies/friends/etc to keep you occupied. Its not the kind of life for everyone though.
Its nice you are doing that for your mom user.
Did steve post something today? Too lazy to check.
Ay satan fam, how you been?
No thanks. Enjoy dying the first day.
Why the fuck are you here?
well considering history repeats itself all the time with different names, don't forget that sodom was wiped from the face of the earth by a massive pillar of fire after one dude and his daughters got advanced warning and left.
I'd rather be married with kids than live like a neet again. Two years and I wanted to kill myself.
living the dream man.
Where are you in life user?
Yeah but I have NEET connections up there so I can chill in a basement and watch anime the whole time.
Yeah try sam's club or something.
No, I'm just not caught up.
Haven't really got a choice, even if I was inclined to say no. I just want to sleep and have sex and play video games.
Im not really surprised. The stuff i see in SF is worse than you so i guess you get a pass just from being not SF.
Rip. I guess you werent meant to be a dad.
Im smart enough to not go near tanks.
I honestly want to start having kids until im 35 minimum, cause I wanna have some stability and be wise like the dad from to kill a mocking bird.
All my friends I made in 4am though.
What video games?
I'm starting to draw again. I draw one object and one self-portrait a day, so I'll see where I go if I can keep it up.
I can also hit the middle c note more easily with my voice. I can almost sing Bastion - Home Sweet Home pitch.
I start college again a couple weeks. I'm gonna see if I can get my books from amazon for cheap because college can go fuck itself for overcharging for new editions of oldbooks where all they change is a couple capital letters and add a new citation at the end. Fucking money-pocketing admins can suck it.
And here I thought we were living in boring times until this whole civil war 2 event kicked off. Gonna be a real few interesting years ahead.
Way of The Samurai 4.
Discord banned some neo nazi group on discord and made a statement they won't allow rightwing hate groups on their platform. How havent you seen? Been all over the net.
Not too bad my man, can't really complain save for some impending personal bullshit that came up in the past few days. How go the preparations for your trip to nipland?
Eh, all I can say from my vast experience with women. Unless they were raised with parents that are still together and in love, they will turn to absolute dog shit at the age of 20 no matter what. Fuck broken home cunts.
I am also not giving up on having kids.
It probably won't be as bad as I think it will, at the least. I'm glad she gets along with my parents but I just hate gardening. Even the stuff I grow myself, I hate doing it.
Just video games in general. I just want to be rich enough that I can lay in bed all day, have sex with my hot wife right before she goes to bed, and then sit up all night playing video games on my huge tv with my top of the line computer. Maybe take a shower once or twice a week. I'm finding I don't shower much anymore. I don't care enough to.
If it gets bad enough for the US to use the military against citizens. They will be using drones. You won't need to worry about a tank getting near you. You will be sitting in your base one second jerking off to anime, the next you will be in a million pieces.
Can't you just pirate your books?
It hasn't filtered through my kiketube channels yet. I mostly just watch youtube and play games lately.
You gonna get banned montana
Check out my first post. Things are going really well. I leave in 20 fucking days. Its amazing.
What kinda personal shit?
Im workinf twords that, but i might have to go through hell to make it work
Well, more accuratly, SF is the new berlin pre ww2
Male fertility drops as you get older, and birth defects rise when the mother gets older. The younger you have kids the stronger they are.
Its gonna be a fun war, i can tell you that. Never though i would see war, since i cant be drafted.
Yes, my life sucks.
We have the advantage of not relying on technology to kill
I no avatarfag sir. Imma good boy. Dindu muffler.
When did mark turn anti-K-On? Not like it'd matter anyway. Not much going on now anyway.
Sounds like some real (((Science))) you got behind those claims.
Who said my wife will be old? I prefer to have the mother be around 18 and then die from child birth, but I'll have twins or tripplets. So its good, on the other hand if she doesnt die, I wouldnt mind having around 7 kids or more.
Been playin' some Chrono Trigger today and been considering finally touching my DS copy of FF4
Ever since I got my job and started making money, I realized that I can finally buy things I want but don't feel like it. anyone know why that is? There's nothing wrong with saving money, but I keep on feeling this urge to spend money. Am I the only one?
Too bad, you will be banned just for posting Ritsu!
Eh, no, there is nothing worth buying anymore.
Whats up user?
Why would the US use emps when they hold all the military tech and we only have small arms?
Some dumbass mod will just assume its me probably.
I've never played chrono trigger. I thought it was a shooter back in the day tbh
And you're saying that people should wait until they're 35 before having kids?
Oh wait, until 35, not when 35.
No, we use emps. It cant be hard to talk russia into giving us a few emp grenades. That shit will devistate the gov.
Yeah until I am 35 or older. But yeah I get your point.
After a while that happens to me too. Being NEET means getting 50$ is a huge treat and you can spend days trying to figure out what to buy. Having stable money coming in makes that lose its appeal. Save up for a trip or car or something like I did.
You need full size nukes to do shit though.
I mean, Ritsu is annoying but she's nowhere near as bad as to warrant being banned? Is this like that shit with /a/ and umaru?
I doubt they're so stupid as to not realize
No, have kids whenever the fuck you want to have kids. Just make sure you can support them and raise them mentally and physically.
Its a real good RPG. One of the very few I've played that lived up to the hype. Its a bit to get used to with how unique the combat is, but its definitely worth it. I'd say if you can, give the DS version a try because its by far the best.
Shit, I'm glad to hear that everything worked out perfectly you lucky bastard. I swear I'lll make my way out there some day!
Long story short, apparently my family is super close to bankruptcy. In a crackpot attempt to stave this off, my mother wants me to go on welfare (while she herself goes on disability), then move with her halfway across the country to the Canadian version of New York where we can apparently get cheap housing due to us both being on government assistance. From there, we get high paying jobs, I can go back to school, and our money issues get solved… somehow.
Any expression of something even remotely resembling dissent is met with her going on about how I'll be a loser for the rest of my life unless I do this
You never know
What makes the combat unique?
divorce when.
Yamaha FZ 07. I hear it's a good beginner bike and from all the reviews I've read it seems to be exactly what I'm looking for.
Who know if russia hasn't been developing small handheld emp devices?
Good luck canada user.
Running low on smug?
sleep snug, smug
Aren't you in school there? Do you have friends and shit you'll have to leave behind?
That sounds terrible if you have reasons to stay and awesome if not.
That actually looks really nice. How much it cost? How much HP?
But all that does is knock out electronics for a building. IF THAT. Not all that great. Its definitely not knocking out drones though.
Plus getting russia involved would be terrible. They might take over.
Either Dragon's Dogma or FO:NV; NV waifus are pretty cute with mods.
I hope not; I'm stuck here as well.
I'm thinking tomorrow I'm gonna go out and stockpile a shitton of snacks either for tomorrow night or for my next day off which is sunday and monday next week. Any suggestions for what I should get?
I want to know everyones deep dark fetish, I want you to admit it! Mines femdom and I visit the board daily but its been pretty dead for a while.
Eh, we never legally signed the papers for marriage. She can have the fucking house, pets and car. I would be leaving what normalfags would considered "It all" but going home would provide me with a real house, better job and an amazing place to live/start over.
Its positional. Enemies move around during combat and some of your moves can have different areas of attack depending on where they are. For example, Chrono has a spin slash move that if you wait till the enemies are close enough together, you can get all of em in one attack. There's also combo attacks between characters and shit like that.
reading shit on a computer is a bad idea for me. I get distracted too easily and end up on places like this all day instead of studying.
My summer was awful, and this was my last summer break before becoming a wagecuck.
How goes user
And if theres war in commiefornia you can just fight your way out.
Get some of those reeses trails mix things. Those are amazing.
femsub, stepfordizationd, hypnosis, mind control, mind break.
I wouldnt mind having russia as an ally. I'll let them have cali if they dont take anything else from us.
Hello cia
Get a weapon and pray, you'll need it. I have a sword, but i might get a spear.
Can you move around? Like is it real time or what
Just use the school computers to print them
That sucks user. What went wrong?
PSO2 isn't too bad.
Ubisoft's Ghost Recon wildlands actually has a pretty in depth character creator as well too bad the game is mediocre.
Spiral knights actually has a good deal of customization and it lets you wear one set of armor while showing you wearing another. For free.
as far as my favorite game…not sure if I could pick one.
Hanging in there. Started reading Dracula today. I got just past the part where Jonathan left Bistritz to go to the Borgo Pass.
New Vegas
What am I gonna do with your fetishes? Hire some girl to fit that image, make her marry you and then divorce you and take everything from you?
Press F to pay respects.
Fucking a girl in the ass through a hole cut in her jeans.
My grandfather died, I totaled my car, and I had a surgery for a problem that came right back the week after I was recovered.
Alright fine
imgregnation and araand holding hands
I thought his shit was alright.
F for for Fuck mark.
Thank you presumably burger user
I'm not sure my body can handle this much concentrated smug. It's glorious though.
I mean on one hand, I'd love to go out there. I'm actually from Leaf!NY and have always wanted to go back. On the other, I have a life here in the middle of nowhere. Sure I'm a NEET and my friend group is well into the process of drifting apart, but I'm extremely hesitant to just relocate like that, especially to somewhere that will be far more expensive. Plus, I think welfare fucks with your credit. Either way, shit's fucked but I think I still have some time to kick back and relax with my filthy weeb cartoons until shit really comes to a head.
Wait really?
Plus cali is a really beautiful state. It just needs to be cleansed of its citizens.
How goes anons
How does dracula hold up?
Ahhh its you user. At least it can't get much worse probably. When do you start work?
My stomach hurts, and I haven't been drawing even though I said I would; I'm doing all right otherwise. Hey have you learned moon for your trip or are you planning on hiring an interpreter?
I'll just hole up in my apartment if anything happens.
Everything sounds good when you can't have it. Nothing sounds good when you can have everything.
After I get my degree at the end this coming semester.
Spend time with your friends if you think this is really going to happen.
And yeah at least you will have fun shit to do there maybe. Plus you could always go full NEET off the gibs maybe.
I'm going to learn some basic shit like asking if they speak english or where the closest toilet is. I should really do that soon.
Have you already got a job lined up?
It can be gorgeous, but the people that inhabit it make it ugly. Even here i see shopping carts all over the place, and one neighbor literally take one back to her place and uses it to secure her dog to.
Im ready though. Might die but i can try.
Not technically, but if I'm applying every day several times, I'll at least have a shitty job by the time summer rolls around again.
-XXX Spicy Cheetos
-Sour Starburst Gummies
-chocolate pocky
-milano cookies
-kit kats
-chocolate double decker moonpies
You can't move around but its pseudo real-time. They use that active time system like they did in some of the Final Fantasy games. While you're waiting to attack, they move about and can attack you and shit. You can also set it so they don't move when its your turn. Its a lot better to see it really. The vid should give a rough estimate. Its of the DS version so you won't see the UI, but you should get the gist.
There's a lot of wetbacks though. If we give it to Russia they'll have to liberate it from Mexico first. With smart phones ant CCTV you really can't line people up and shoot them in front of a ditch like you used to.
Sounds awful.
I miss having no neighbors. One group is fine and seems decent enough people. The other neighbors I got a few years back are trashy as shit.
Maybe. Maybe not! Maybe you will get a little time off while looking.
If mages have nice AoE spells it could be pretty fun.
They have to go back, they just have to.
fucking and a mother and daughter at the same time while the mother teaches the daughter how to do things properly. also anal sex reverse cowgirls style while the girl holds herself up with her hands while I drill her asshole relentlessly like a jackhammer in the middle of broadway ave.
how did you go from loving her to hating her?
I probably will while I get another fucking surgery
Don't bother with Chrono trigger and go with Star Ocean the 2nd story. It's small enough for you to do a DD from rom sites of it for PSP emulators. Emulation is 100% so you can play the SO1 remake and SO2 remake at 99.9% quality.
If you can't find it let me know and I'll see about hosting it for you.
I like the mother and daughter part but I prefer my blood related ones The ones I come up with in my head not irl ones but also femdom and cbt.
The same neighbors literally left their trash out right infront of their door instead of taking it to the dumpster like just behind the building. They are black and probably druggies too. Dunno how they got into this apartment complex.
My nigga.
I'll send em' back in a helicopter
What was the surgery for again?
Which one is that? I played one back in the day and it was kinda neat
wew thats gotta really fucking suck.
oh and brown tomboys with tanlines and plump asses who like to show off their thighs.
dick cyst that's probably not actually a cyst and almost killed me once
Low income apartment. It was alot of work to get into too. How these people complete the paper work and shit i dont know.
Dark skinned tomboys with short white hair is god tier.
what do you like to draw?
Dick cancer?
Yeah, there are AoEs and shit, from small scale kinds to whole room kinds. And as I said, there are also those combo moves and sometimes when you unlock some of the ones that involve all three characters at once, you can use shit like twister to pull off a huge AoE attack for a lot of damage
No, some kind of infection.
if only such girls existed naturally. I could die a happy man.
It's very detailed. If a new character is introduced, even if the character has no function other than to be part of the setting, Stoker will give insight to every single feature of their outward body from their clothes to their facial hair to their demeanor. It sounds excessive, but when you read through it it doesn't feel like it. So far, it's a great book to read into to get yourself completely immersed in the story, but I haven't read through it enough to give a complete insight. I haven't even finished the first chapter.
kissing and anything that involves the mouth or teeth. not vore or gross deviant shit though
Honestly if shit really did hit the fan, RWDS will most likely become a thing fast anyway.
Ohhhh right. RIP user's dick.
They black. That shits built for them.
I'll remember that if I ever need a JRPG to play.
This is the biggest shame of humanity. Short white hair to contrast with delicious brown will never exist.
Why do brown girls have white hair? And why does it make it so good?
How does this make you feel?
I honestly have so little focus when reading, that would drive me insane.
the funny part is that I can't even really feel the thing anymore due to nerve damage, and its probably the only reason I'm not in excruciating pain.
This is technically the first game in the series. SO2 actually works as a sequel to it but SO2 can also work as a stand alone game.
I think SO2 is the better game either played 1st or 2nd but both games are good. My biggest problem with SO1 is the story can get kinda confusing. Keep in mind it's based off an SNES game that was never translated into english. Also it has a skill system where if you fuck up you can really gimp your character in the middle part of the game.
SO2 has a fucking ridiculous post game dungeon. I would say it's still the best post game dungeon any game has ever offered.
stop it
I ended up planning a decent chunk of my trip, and then I realized I don't know a bit about the language. I think I'm gonna skip out on it after all.
I feel like my poor social skills and shit eye-sight would end up getting me killed if I tried going out to fight; I'd probably end up running into someone, autistically mumble some dumb shit, and then get a new hole in my head.
Naked grills and scary monsters; my anatomy is shit so most of my drawings end up looking off, but sometimes I can half ass a shitty spook out of it. I really want to make something in my life.
Stomach hurts like hell; those peppers were a mistake. See you guys later.
it's a natural contrast that's pleasing to the eye. it's why white people look good in black suits or clothes and black people are better off wearing white suits/clothes.
Yeah, I'd definitely say its worth at least a look
a little turned on but also disgusted with myself.
It was hell to get into for us though. Its supposed to be a good complex too.
Ive played enough vidya to have a somewhat compitent grasp on how to fight, and i have a natrually fast reaction time.
Mmm, I see.
And this?
Here's a colour version since I'm still here
Kinda turned on.
Can you even feel the rest of your dick?
No thank you!
Also I played the ps2 ones now that I think about it.
Its tokyo montana. You really don't NEED to know the language unless you want to go to like brothels or some shit. Most places have english food menus and all the info is online in english. A translator app for text and voice will go a long way too.
I just have trouble playing non action games for a long while.
anatomy is hard as balls. Even doing a holocaust is easier than drawing the human body in a pleasing way.
I'm sure they had some public figure payed for by taxes help them sign up and everything.
That reminds me that I also just want to grab a woman and inspect every single part of their body and play with it in a way a tight wold walker would hold their composure. In a serious but fluid manner, not a playful manner, and vise versa they would do to me, I want them just to play with my dick and balls for hours on end while I just lay in bed, maybe reading a book. Not that I want to disect a girl or anything though that would be cool too, I just want to learn every little location of their body, not that I have anything for hands, but I wouldnt mind licking their eyeballs and staring really hard into them, maybe even with a scope of some sort, I just really want to mess with her eyes.
You know what? That's not bad at all.
I can only feel the deep inner muscle, the surface is totally numb. Never would have thought that that would turn out to be a good thing.
longing and loneliness because now I want a cute girlfriend in a woolie sweater and glasses casually holding out her hand and opening her mouth getting ready to receive my cum all over her while she looks at me lovingly.
I always think of black people in white looks like poop on toilet paper type of look. But I guess thats just me. Also black people are greasy so i always think their white clothes get yellow really fast.
I can believe it.
Mmhmm. And this one?
Excellent, thank you.
I will say to get the most out of it, its definitely a game you need to spend time with, but personally, I can definitely say you don't really need to grind all that much or anything. The game doesn't really waste your time if you're beelining for story end I mean, they give you a way to fight the final boss pretty early. Though he'll obviously pound you into mulch if you aren't ready but it has plenty of side shit to tide you over and build your skill as well.
Sounds awful honestly. Would ruin onahole experiences.
Why you all in public housing in california anyway? Just move
Hows the item hunting? I always enjoy gathering neat equipment.
Not enough emphasis on the mouth. Also I'm not gay.
There is no experience, you have to learn to live without.
valid point. it's also why black on white interracial always looks like scat to me. I'm getting sick of the black on white shit too. for some reason, it's been popping up more frequently whereas before it was very scarce.
No money to get a house. Why else would i be in an apartment in fucking cali?
too ambiguous. I've been tricked too many times before, so it's probably a dude.
Its them telling you that you're gonna be replaced. Of course im not going down without a fight.
But I love onaholes. I get turned on just holding the things now.
I mean if you are on gibs already, why not get gibs in another not shithole state?
Not on gibs. We're actually working. Dunno about the rest though.
You're lucky. I can't even normal masturbate comfortably anymore.
I see, I see. It's a girl, for the record.
Thank you for the information, it has been filed and the proper people have been notified.
I think I'm gonna go to bed. Same time tomorrow, guys?
It starts off kinda eh, but gets much better once you get further. There are bunch of special chests strewn about the eras in the game that keep 'mysteriously closing' if you just try to open them up. They only open properly once you get past a certain point in the game and they typically hold pretty great loot. But the best loot you get from side quests and shit, especially towards the end when you're wrapping up the side stories of your characters.
Ahhh my bad. Are you in a city or something?
Why not? Is your dick all mangled or something?
Do you still get horny? Can you not do anything about it?
it's not just that, it's gay shit too. I'll specifically put "girl(s)" in my searches, and lo and behold, gay shit shows up on the first page anyway. this is some really fishy shit. I'm not one to go deep in the jewish conspiracy stuff, but now I'm not so sure.
goodbye titties
Cya next time user
I can fap, but since the surface is numb the payoff is much less. It really takes the fun out of it.
A smaller city. Kinda a shithole but there are a ton of churches. This ond road has like 3. There might be like 20-30 of them here.
I look up shit like milf so i never have that problem.
Why so many churches? And why mention it
Do you at least sex the women good
Yeah, I admit its probably one of the weaker parts of the game, but once you get past a certain point, the enitre game is your oyster. This is especially true once you finally get yourself the flying time machine.
This is why you get off to pure anime stuff and not shitty 3d porn. I don't understand how anyone could actually watch porn, it's fucking vile. Watching black dudes plow landwhales and lesbians peg each other isn't exactly healthy for the brain.
I appreciate this appeal to my fetish very much, FBI
Its a small bible belt. Its supposed to br very religious, but that kinda changed because of an influx of blacks.
Going to bed. Night.
Why do jrpgs do this
Aren't niggers generally really in love with jebus though
No. There's not really much point when I can barely fap.
I can't be arsed to go that deep into the rabbit whole. the constant stream of politics is in life is grating enough.
Wouldn't say 95%, more 60-70, depending on if you've done side shit at this point, its definitely a good chunk I will grant you, but it definitely gets better. But I suppose it isn't for everyone.
I mean at last 3dpd are fun to touch and lick and stuff
I need a good video game thats open world and lets me grab neat gadgets and shit to kill shit with. Why is that so hard to find.
I think asking any of them to deal with me is a bit much though. Most women can do better.
Got banned. Rule 8.
Makes me want to go on a campaign of anti-bullying.
Ffffucking hell.
log: pastebin.com
I just asked if the claw was drawn correctly for fuck's sake. I'd sooner expect more well thought out criticism from here of all places.
Are you a wizard user? Did your dick explode before it ever got to see action?
I warned you montana
Are you fucking serious?
There does honestly need to be more games like that. Imagine shit like Ape Escape with how gadgets are distributed but in a majorly open world setting like the original's time travel theme.
Yes. Have I ever mentioned how much I love booze?
Yeah, i'm feeling a bit sad now. I'm gonna go lay down and hold my legs for a bit.
I'd kill for a game like that. Tired of 99% of gadgets in games being "heres an item you use in two puzzles right after getting and never use again"
Damn user.
Whats your favorite booze?
Beer, but beer is expensive so I settle for anything cheap and strong.
Beer gives me a crazy hangover. I don't know what it is about it, but just two beers and I feel like death the next day. Sad too because it can be refreshing.
Well I think I'm gonna go chill and pass out soon. See ya guys tomorrow.
Cya next time user
That legit was really stepping over the line tbh.
Thats odd, since its also some of the weakest stuff out there. Does whiskey and vodka do the same thing to you?
They just look for any excuse really.
Nope. No clue why it does that.
I suppose I'm late, and haven't even bothered to show up here the last few nights. Friend had me marathon Serial Experiments Lain with him, and I honestly have little idea of what the fuck I saw.
Anyone else planning on competing in the Nintendo World Championship qualifiers.
I'm not sure how I'll do it yet, but I just want to beat the shit out of those greasy speedrunners that ended up winning the last one two years ago.