I can't wait to play super meat boy for the switch!
I can't wait to play super meat boy for the switch!
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so, when do we get a Nintendo approved BoI or RoR clones?
Super Meat Boy is already on the nintendo switch though, isn't it?
You seen, its called "slime-san", which meens its for the weebs. That means different audience, different quality and different approach. Japanese approach. This means its million times better than super meat boy and i don't even need to watch the trailer to prove it.
Super Meat Goy is getting a port anyway.
Well, you can already buy it kinda:
rip thread
So who's art style are they knocking off for this, or are they just doing generic pixelart.
i know it sucks, OP
it must really suck to put a political joke in a console where the president of pizza said
Looks vaguely more interesting than SMB itself.
BoI is already up as Rebirth on the 3DS eShop and Afterbirth+ on the Switch eShop. 3DS Rebirth is notorious for being stripped down in comparison to the PC game because Nicalis can't optimize to save their lives.
looks unabashedly lazy and unfinished, but they'll just excuse themselves with "it's stylistically designed to be that way and you can't undo that"
I'm somewhat surprised that no one posted vore yet.
Yeah, but I'm saying, in general, does the linework at least look like they pre-arted their sprites, and to the extention of that who's art style are they mimicing.
Because I can't be fucked to compare concept art at 2 in the morning
Nigga this isn't fedex, so why are you expecting delivery
I've seen more impressive gameplay from a tool-assisted speedrun.
Its just his hair, chill.
And it is some pretty good hair for his age tbh.
So it's babby mode Meat Boy?
Don't worry, there's also Non-TAS fuckery like IWBTG fangames that hold more entertainment value as well.
It actually looks fun, but why the fuck are all these games that are essentially N ripoffs not including stage editors?
N was great, and the very best part was making and sharing stages. I'd play Slime-san, but I wouldn't buy it unless it included a good stage editor and a way to share user stages.
Well, he's cuter than SMB, anyway.
Super meat boy is shit
But user, they use Kotaku enjoying it as a selling point.
I don't recall N being not fun.
Meatboy had a level editor though.
Microsoft were shitheads and wouldn't let people use it on xbox though
Granted it's never been updated and runs like shit now, and the "rerelease" for the steam version also runs like shit but still
He kinda looks like a booger with those colors.