Though I know no-one on Holla Forums actually likes video games, let's have a thread about funny stuff in vidya that made you laugh.
Bonus points if it was unintentionally hilarious.
Though I know no-one on Holla Forums actually likes video games, let's have a thread about funny stuff in vidya that made you laugh.
Bonus points if it was unintentionally hilarious.
Other urls found in this thread:
I can't laugh legitimately unless someone else is laughing hysterically.
I can't remember the last time I laughed at a joke, movie, internet video, comedy show, etc.
I miss laughter.
You dumb nigger. That's Baldur's Gate.
< cover ya
It's actually Fallout 2
wtf markike where is my image
good thing i can trick myself into laughing, fuckin retard
I was in fucking tears.
I actually had a very similar scene where that guy promptly stomped onto a landmine I had placed to kill the Sarsawhatsitsname collectors.
It's kind of hard to describe so I'll draw it out
You blew a brick into the face of a combine?
Multiplayer games are an easy way to laugh if they have voice chat.
Isn't laughter itself a way of socializing?
That made me laugh, thanks user, wish i could see it.
west of loathing made me laugh a few times
torment had some good dialogues that made me chuckle
No like, I was holding the brick against the ground, and when I opened up the chat it let go of the brick and it bricked some guy who was trying to talk to me.
Best recent laugh I have.
Another thing I had recently, although it was more of a "Come fucking on" rather than a genuinely amused laugh
My summer car is a great experience.
I started laughing a bit last night when I rushed into the final boss of Chrono Trigger way before I was ready and died before I got a chance to do anything.
Man, I've really got to play P5 but I'm too poor for a Bloodbornestation and my PS3 is at my mom's place, not even modded yet. Can't they just put out a Vita version?
I laughed during my first run of P5. Near the end of the game, I finally maxed the last female confidant. For the christmas and valentine dates, I didn't put much thought into my choice because I didn't think it would matter this late into the game. Plus, I was planning on seeing the other dates on youtube; however, I was NOT expecting All of the girls you did NOT spend Valentine's day with would come to your house and start asking questions. I laughed hard. Half of it was because of second-hand embarrassment. Not to mention Ryuji's text after the whole ordeal.
Did you get votekicked shortly afterward?
No, we finished the campaign. I think it was Tour of Terror.
P5 had a lot of lovely, fun moments.
One of my favourites is when both you and Yusuke pose like Orobas, in a church. And the pastor finds you.
Although if you date Futaba alongside other girls Futaba breaks down and starts crying during the confrontation scene. I can't handle it
What's it like literally being the target for shitty studio audience comedies?
We escaped and I asked him if he wanted me to drive him somewhere, he told me to go to some place and I went there. He exited the car and carjacked me.
Mass effect autism was pretty funny.
Two fellas baneposting with eachother is always a thing of beauty
Got a chuckle just reading that
Still turned out to be useful because the point was that a person has to have sadness within their heart for the player to be able to possess them (and having his wallet stolen prompts that), but the way that lazy little sloshed shit handled it made me think of that "genie" from ATHF.
At this point, I'd doubt it. I'm honestly a bit impressed Atlus stuck to their word about bringing BOTH the PS3 and PS4 versions west, instead of just the PS4 one (the way companies like Namco have taken to over the last year or two). Especially since I'm pretty sure Sony would likely prefer to be giving more people reason to get PS4s that don't have one already (which to be honest, I don't consider the "multiplat gets made system exclusive in west" treatment a good reason).
Surprised noone posted this
Looks like Loss
Most of the NPC dialogues in Oblivion and the AI behaving weirdly (which is 70% of the time) made me lose my shit more than once.
But there was this one situation while i was exploring:
>Accidentally made a loss
You don't even need voice or text chat for that, any unpredictable, spontaneous once-in-a-green-moon hilarious shit ingame can work. That's the plus of multiplayer.
You pissed into shit, then someone showed you the middle finger, you threw the shit at him and he died?
Oblivion is still to this day the most unintentionally funny game ever. FF10 is also a close contender.
I don't understand the joke.
And people dare say oblivion's character creation isn't the most realistic to date.
I didn't much care for Fallout: New Vegas
His fourth pic explains it pretty well.
It's a called a "fuck that".
Are you telling me the madman fucked with his pants on? That's farcical.
Mage hand is a spell
Perhaps Mage dick is also a spell
It amused me, videogames aren`t good vehicles for comedy I guess
I was kind of suprised that the pastor was chill about it and actually told you about the whole crucifixion thingy, i bet it triggered the goons that couldnt localize that
P5 made me laugh quite a lot and with some rather simple mango references
Is Jojo worth actually watching?
Part 1 is a drama between two rich brothers.
Part 2 is Castlevania.
Part 3 is Castlevania 2, With Superpowers.
Part 4 is Twin Peaks With Superpowers.
Morrowind MP here was the last time I laughed - and I laughed quite a lot over that shit.
When does the Steamroller happen?
user, I think you misunderstand the mechanics of TES:
End of Part 3.
You can start at either 3 or 1, but 1 and 2 give you more of a hateboner/respect for the villain in 3. 4 is almost completely standalone, but the powers in it are explained in 3. Pretty sure 5 is standalone as well, and I'm very sure that Steel Ball Run is totally standalone.
Part 1 is Castlevania
Part 2 is Balls to the wall cuh-razy in WWII europe
Part 3 is "Around the World in 80 days"
Part 4 is Scooby Doo
And just because I am curious dub or sub?
I remember watching the 1995ish one at some point.
Because I'm an /a/fag, I always push subs. But that's because I haven't seen or heard the dub, for all I know it could be great.
If you're watching 1-3, watch the fucking sub, because the main villain's japanese voice is fucking outstanding.
Thanks Wally
Yeah. It's a very good shonen/seinen series that manages to stay fresh even after 30 years of serialization mostly due it being composed of 8 largely self-contained parts, each with their own cast,story, setting and tone. A lot of the fun also comes from just how creative and fucking weird the writing gets.
currently, sub is the only thing that goes from part 1 to four.
Right now, Toonami just aired episode 2 of part 3 this saturday, so it'll be awhile for a full dub.
I've watched both sub and dub for parts 1 and 2, and I have to say I like both. Dub does a good job translating the spirit of some of the jokes they can't do literally (Gratuitous Engrish is now Gratuitious Italian for the italian characters, and there is plenty of cheesy Victorian-era British-isms from the limey characters.
Also, Part 2's protag is voiced by Numbah 1 from Kids Next Door
English voice actor is pretty darn great, too. He actually can say "Useless" at the speed he has to.
Spoiler for part 1, obviously
Most clergy members aren't easily offended especially if someone flatout doesn't understand, like Yusuke. So they'll explain their religion or quietly ask them to stop if it's something seen as inappropriate instead of immediately beheading them as goons want you to think.
But yeah, P5 was a really fucking enjoyable experience. Makoto is the best party member waifu. Fight me. Best overall is probably Tae, though.
Subs, the engrish is part of it's charm
What one thing?
Tripping over the chair, that wasn't intentional. I think.
SS13's No Mans Land server
I would also like to add I had to kill my corpse when I respawned as a german later that round, which had became a giant fighting for the soviets.
This was after they patched out a bunch of shortcut exploits like that, too.
There was another time where I apparently pissed someone off by driving into them too much, so they made it their mission to try and drive into me in every single race after that, sabotage me and knock me into pits. He never once managed to catch me, he always oversteered and flew into pits himself. Just race after race of this guy sitting still, waiting for me to come by so he can throw himself at me and just completely fuck up each and every time.
You don't really need exploits in mario kart
The pants had a button fly, duh.
I came to this thread to respond to Persona 5, and I completely forgot this game. P5 even references this series (as Like A Dragon) at one point.
This game is a barrel of laughs. Everything outside the main story is insane. All the Yakuza games are like that, but since this is the most recent one (in English) I'll focus on it.
What helps makes this series so fun is the disconnect between the main story and the side stories. The main story is a serious twisting crime drama, while most of the side stories are comedic and sometimes zany. It's this disconnect that puts these serious characters in non-serious situations.
Like giving pointers to a dominatrix to be more dominant. Or infiltrating a silly, exaggerated cult to find a missing girl. Helping Micheal Jackson film Thriller in Japan.
Ever seen a grown man, hardened Yakuza celebrating beating kids at a racing game?
Seeing their dialogue, actions and reactions outside the seriousness of the main story expand on their character and makes them feel more human.
Kazuma Kiryu is the main reason why I play monk in tabletop games
Majima never asked for this.
Randy and Tio bullying Lloyd.
>>>/cuckchan/ and stay there this time
when finding this
broken triad fm if you're interested
atelier firis made me most recently laugh. theres alot of strange moments but what never fails to make me laugh is how the cute girls in that game casually make high powered explosives and sell them to random people or use them to kill "monsters".
but they'll say something cute, then throw a bomb at a wolf or something and it'll just explode and be left without a trace followed by silence.
it's like the game is full of cute moe soft hearted sociopaths.
this game has so much comedy gold even outside of the obvious stuff like bowling a turkey. or helping a kid buy porno from a vending machine.
i love when majima and that guy from the club are spying on an employee and asks majima "do you think we're crossing any ethical boundaries here?"
or the way those side missions would start playing that sappy music and get all sentimental out of the blue.
the pizza mission was easily my favorite. a pimp and a hooker where you had to do to free her from his ownership, and forcing you to bring pizza, then he confesses his love for her and they get married and the sappy music comes on, then you all sit around trash cans and eat pizza, with the pizza guy in the background looking on in approval like he brought them together with pizza.
sagawa is my favorite character. the way just all that crazy shit going on is just run-of-the-mill bullshit that he doesnt want to be bothered with like its some standard 9-5 job he couldnt care less about.
You're amused by bioware writing?
I feel sorry for you.
I've been playing through god hand for the first time. Usually I'm against localizations, but Elvis being a fatass mexican just werkz, especially since the first level is wild west themed. Localizations can be good in comedy, particularly when there's a culture and language gap that would make a joke incomprehensible (see: changing the things that needed removed in a punny way in earthbound to pencils and erasers so that you need a "pencil eraser" and an "eraser eraser" to get rid of them), and the english dialog/dub is good for what it is.
The main thing I was laughing at was the barrel roll kick before I took it off my loadout. It's a shame it's not that useful because it has one of my favorite attack animations in anything ever. I'd either start laughing or make some sort of decisive gesture since it was incredibly satisfying to land.
bloggy sidenote: slowly learning gene's rock-a-bye on my acoustic
Man, if you steal that artifact, you had better make a run for the border.
Also yes, that took two fucking weeks to finish.
Postal 2's DLC made me laugh a lot actually. I don't know was it because the DLC was actually funny or because of the nostalgia factor. I played the original game more than 10 years ago and it has lots of references to that, shit made me happy for some reason
He was a good man. *SMACKS LIPS* What a rotten way to die.
Too bad it's PS4 only. Would love to try it.
Another one from Oblivion
The Atelier series has been on my backlog for a while now. Where should I begin?
i started with sophie and went to firis. sophie was fun and simplified, firis is too big for its own good but not a bad game if you enjoy the gameplay.
Morte was a gold mine. Party member interactions were god tier, too.
Nordom: Attention, Fall-From-Grace. I wish to address your body.
Fall-From-Grace: I beg your pardon?
Nordom: Your body. Your form. Your reason for selecting it. Why?
Fall-From-Grace: Why..? I suppose I find it comforting. Besides, I rather like the wings.
Nordom: It would be more practical for you to assume the form of a modron. It is 13.27% more efficient; give or take +5.2%.
Fall-From-Grace: (gently flirting) Why, Nordom… are you trying to court me?
Nordom: It was not my intention to initiate legal action against you.
Fallout 1 and 2 had funny moments, especially during the low Int runs.
My penis remains fully soft.
This is about as cringy a practice as *action*
Truly the way it's meant to be played.
Oblivion had a few
I laughed way too much for what's healthy and considered mentally stable at the great mighty poo in Conker.
I honestly bought a PS4 at the end of last year just for it. I don't regret it one bit.
That and Yakuza Kiwami is coming this year, while 6 is coming in 2018.
There's also stuff like Nioh. In order to stay on topic; Nioh got a chuckle out of me when I realized that the story is basically William's spirit waifu gets kidnapped, the kidnapper runs off to Japan. So William travels to Japan in order to kill the man and rescue his waifu. But in doing so, he becomes a samurai, a major character in the sengoku period and ends up saving Japan, taking part in almost every major event of that time period.
Nothing pumps blood like fucking your wife right next to a dead body.
Wow, thanks for showing me up.
>moments before hitting the ground, STOP, YOU'VE VIOLATED THE LAW
>resist arrest
>didn't fly so good
This mysterious warping happened two more times before I got through the game. By that time, I had thrown together my favorite spell, so fall damage wasn't an issue anymore: self paralysis.
yeah, it's hard to deny that a ps4 is the best investment to make this generation. You can get the console for like 200 bucks these days anyway.
Oh jeez
Shivering Isles actually had this type of punishment for when you were stupid enough to directly attack Sheogorath.
He basically gave you a helicopter ride without the helicopter part.
stop talking about this when you don't even have a physical market
Witcher 3 where drunk Geralt dresses in Yens night clothes and calls random sorcerers.
10/10 moment in any video game for me.
I was playing Red Orchestra 2 and was about to shoot a guy in the head, but the millisecond I shot my gun a teammate ran in front of me and I shot him in the neck by accident and the bullet went through him and into the guy I was shooting at. It was only after I checked the shadowplay clip did I realize he actually bled out at the end. I keked when I realized what happened.
this thing?
Yes that thing!
The game was super serious until I found that and I about shit myself.
Just watch some YTPs user, i promise it will work.
Aren't you forgetting that one also has to buy one of those large, low dpi monitors with built-in speakers? I think they're called "tee vees" and add substantially to the initial cost of acquiring a console
Trails in The Sky 1 & 2 made me laugh (and feel) a shitload of times. If it weren't for the abortion of part three, I would've viewed the series as near perfect. Everything works, the dialogue, characters and what's going on is damn enjoyable and funny to boot. I'm not too familiar with "tropes" shit but it just felt like a very real experience, complete with honest laughs.
For what I heard you can just play with the PS3 Emulator and it kinda works. Not perfect, but it works.
just use your existing monitor since it likely already has dvi, hdmi, or display port in. surely you can afford a $5 breakout cable for audio, unless you're too poor for that? If that's the case, why are you even playing games in the first place?
a certain street in silent hill 2 will literally throw those weird double legged monsters at you
they just swoop over, completely silently, in pairs, and it's the funniest fucking thing I've seen in a video game in a while
This game is the best and worst shit ever. I love it and I hope Swery's upcoming game can be the same.
The game does this shit in like multiple areas, it's fucking hilarious.
Played 1 month ago, must finish this one, must have other funny things
I bought this game for a cheap price in a store from curiosity. It's so fucking bad that the devs actually misspelled the name on the side of the box. Instead of "Spellcrafter" it reads "Spellcarafter". Everything about this game is so fucking incompetent, it's literal comedy gold.
I was not expecting this also I swear if the image doesn't fucking post.
The Rance series in general is amazing and filled with funny shit.
I've been chuckling for a good 15 minutes after having some crazy moments in this thing.
I fucking love it.
Atelier Totori. It has the best gameplay and the cutest girls.
Have you tried Borderlands 2 yet? It's the best written game with the funniest jokes.
2>1>shit>all other seasons.
I was playing Fallout 3 when it was still rather new, I was doing the quest where you have to rescue the 2 people kidnapped by super mutants, I had rescued 1 and was sneaking through the building with him following me, I turn around and see him smoking a cig, I thought it was the funniest shit ever, his friend in danger of being eaten, sneaking through a super mutant filled building and the guy decides he needs a cigarette break
No. Read the manga.
Best part doesn't even have an adaptation yet
I thought I was the only one who saw that insanely long poop.
Here's your (you), baitman
I guess I'm that much of a whimp or way to much into the game cause when that happened to me it was fucking terrifying.
I made one of those, and it was fucking delicious.
It's a shame chivalry is such a bad game, I had fun for the first 5 mins doing that.
I refuse to believe that it would taste anything other than disgusting
I guess different spooks for different kooks
Cunthime had me laughing out loud.
Correction: apparently there was never Japanese voice acting for God Hand. It's one of those games like Resi 1 or Sin and Punishment that was always in English but with nip subtitles.
Makes a lot of sense, since the voicework matched the animations, and all the writing more or less makes sense to me as a burger.
Played 7th stand user, and was surprised to get a few chuckles out of it. Play as a guy MC, you and kakyoin can be assholes to each other. Play as a female, hol horse gets all choked up if you chose to take the bullet for polnareff instead of abdul and gets all happy that you didn't bite the dust and other shit. Then of course the fucking boulder that follows you and the senator Phillips ending.
But the second two are actually funny.
I remember that wall-running Prince of Persia reboot where the girl/princess would always rescue you and let you redo a segment when you messed up. Me and a buddy of mine thought that was just the tutorial segment at start helping you learn the ropes until something happens to the girl, and then we met the courtesan boss who immediately took the girl hostage, so we figured the tutorial segment was now over. Then we messed up and the girl rescued us again (while she was still a hostage, and generously returning to her hostage position after) and we broke down laughing at the absurdity of it as we realized this was actually a core mechanic of the game.
Bioshock Infinite did the same thing but even worse, since the implication is that a girl who's never worked a day in her life hauled the body of a 200lb ex-Pinkerton detective to safety, then injected him with secret ooze which magically restored all his health. You can get into some dumb situations like fighting on airships, but the checkpoint is on the ground, so she somehow managed to get you back to where you needed to be, which is often hundreds of metres from where you died.
Dying also makes you lose some of your money for gameplay reasons (don't ask me), so the game accidentally implies Elizabeth steals hundreds of dollars from the main character's pockets every time she has to do this.
You mean to tell me they didn't just make her use her teleport powers to warp you to safety?
It's fun. Since you said "watching" I will say yes, go ahead and watch the animus, but do read the mangas because while the animes are fun enough the mangas ARE actually better.
That's exactly what they did. She "can't control" her teleport powers, so they couldn't do that - except for the story beats where she uses them perfectly, or the gameplay beats where she uses them perfectly.
Bioshock Infinite is a very bad game.
This is the last time I legitimately busted a gut in a videogame just because it was a good tension breaker and the Bad-Good voice acting just sold the whole thing. Then there's the ending.
Playing PUBG with my friend who I've known for years
I don't play it much, but it's fun to play with him.
I'm not very good and he's a tryhard faggot so he doesn't like playing more than a few matches with me, but we've had a few good laughs. Or I have anyways.
I miss socializing.
The animu has always had one character that I wanted to beat the shit out of
I can't stand this faggots laugh.
And then there's Tamami.
Last time I laughed was yesterday when I was playing Dark Elf and I 1 hit killed the end boss by stacking attack + and using the ultimate attack.
I do not endorse or suggest you play that game though. I was using speedhacks so I beat the game in 1/2 hour and got the virgin ending.
Need I say more?
Speaking of Big Smoke anytime OG loc is on the screen I can't help but to laugh at his nigger ass.
fuck you and fuck your fucking shit taste in vidya
I wonder. Consoles are outdated anyway
How does the gameplay change over time? I got a few hours in to Atelier Iris back when it was new and stopped caring. It felt like a really generic JRPG, even though the art was cute.
Now this is something to laugh at.
Why would you even need one of those