Female Competitve Gamers

Do you think it's fair to make females compete against men, or should they have their own leagues?

Other urls found in this thread:


There is not one female on the planet that can beat a man. There simply is not.

Yes, if girl isn't a feminist and doesn't constantly scream about her gurl power.

The Xonotic thread has a girl that's actually really good and plays at the tourneyfag level.

Give me an invite to a tourney she plays at and 5 minutes of prep time, and I'll put her down.

No girl is a match for my gaming prowess.


Make a girl tourney and put the transfags in it so they can beat the girls in games too. Then the actual tourneys that are all male will be slightly better.


I'm not her.
Go in their thread and ask to play with her.

It's fair, because, unlike physical sports, there's no huge genetic difference that justifies putting them in a different league. If they suck at games, that's their fault, not the second X chromsome's fault.


Well, according to these random bullshit articles I found on Jewgle, there tends to be a 20-30 ms difference in reaction time between men and women, even at the professional athlete level. That's a lot.
Maybe you have a point.

men have faster reaction time

They are at disadvantage mentally. There's a reason why there's no female chess masters, and all the most professional players are male. Female brain has its own limits.
Although fighting games and arena shooters are quite different from strategy games and assfaggots. So i guess there could be some genre they would be able to get gud at. Assfaggots probably.
That's talking about competitive gaming though. I used to play co-op vidya with my girlfriend and she wasn't complete stupid piece of shit. Until we had sex.

And is smarter
Better at strategy
More inclined to be good at team-based competition
etc, etc, etc.

Okay there, Batman.

Are you saying you fucked your girlfriend until she was so stupid she couldn't play video games anymore?

For what purpose? At least in real sports you get to see sweaty girls. Why would anyone want to watch a league that plays all the same characters and strategies, except less skillfully?

No i didn't expect her to be into femdom. I am still a virgin.

Shit, this guy also has a point. The best point, really.

It's currently both. Females can theoretically play in main leagues, but very few of them can git gud enough. Most just stick with the female safe-space leagues and then complain that they dont get paid as much as male players.

You do realize tourney level female players will never ever beat tourney level male players right?
first pic is a dude, but only got 3rd place at best

She's #2 in the region. Regional #1 is still male.

I'm sure there are actually female players that have skill and can beat a decent amount of both males and females, but they will be outliers.

The only thing would be for the comedy aspect and seeing them fuck up, though it isn't worth watching hours and boring and less skillful play for those few moments.

okay actually, I thought about this one before. The physical requirements are just to have working eyes, ears, and hands so that means men and women would be on the same playing field right? Correct me if I'm wrong but since the aren't physical limitations couldn't a girl be just as good as a guy in a video game if she sat down and dedicated her time to it like her male counterparts did?

Wasn't the first female tourneyfag some slag in the Starcraft community, who then proceeded to get her shit pushed in by the shittiest male player in the bracket? And then she started crying?


You also forget females are all about social life, they care how they look and how to apply their cosmetics and do hair. A man can sit on computer 24 hours without sleep or food and start sweating and smell, and don't give a fuck about it. A window of play time is much smaller for bitches. And if they start attention whoring its all over for their career in this shit.
It truly requires autistic asocial NEET girl who hates other women and how they spend their lives to achieve anything in this shit. Like a dedicated lifestyle to supress womanhood.

No, because female and male brains are different too.

Well if you hire diversity agents they will forbid women from qualifying. Just like they lowered training in army for them.

Video games are probably the only sort of game, pastime or "sport" a woman could be proficient at in any amount. It's all repetition and memorization.

But user, do you even have a 10 megs pipe on your PC?

Also, mixed tournaments are already a thing because its illegal to discriminate based on sex. All this time females could have entered these tournaments if they wanted to

The average man has a greater mental capacity than the average woman, the most important of which being reaction time. Keep in mind, the key-word here is "average"; there are exceptions to the rule, they are just few and far between. Also, like and said, women are just wired up differently, plain and simple. Whether or not this would have an effect in-game is up for debate, though I imagine if you recorded the comms of an all-male team and an all-female team during the course of a match you would end up with two VERY different styles of communication.

that would be pretty interesting actually.

I'd like to see a video or something where they get men and women with absolutely ZERO video game experience and see what kind of people gitgud the fastest

Does it count if a man gets his dick cut ?

of course not

A male tranny still has the mind and body of a man, they are only fooling themselves.

It's not vidya, but you definitely get a similar experience watching Hell's Kitchen.

Yes, it is fair. Video games do not require the kind of physical prowess that sports do. A considerably more probable explanation for lack of skilled female players is a cultural one. Women simply do not gravitate toward skill-based video games at the current rate that men do. With such a smaller pool of players to choose from, it is no surprise that the majority of top players are men.

Well, technically if a man with a vagee goes in a man competition, it's a female with a male brain that plays with males with male brains, so it's fair to say she should play with other females.

then why is the NBA allowed to exist?

thats just a man with no dick. not a women

Men and women are different mentally and physically. If we weren't then there would be far more women in vidya.

We are talking game tournaments here not sports where there is a seperation of sex.

I'm a female competitive gamer. We should have separate leagues because we really do suck men.

*compared to men

videogames are sports

also tits or gtfo


I'm not the user you replied to, but I think cultural pressures are a much stronger influence than raw mental and physical capabilities. Men and women have a cultural heritage that pushes them to behave in certain ways and engage in certain activities. Men mostly seem to just go with the flow, but feminists push hard against traditional female roles. Those roles would usually preclude them from having enough free time to get good at video games. Outside of work, they're preoccupied with stupid social shit. Outside of work, single men can do pretty much whatever they want.

But I also agree with the idea that women are just worse at video games, in general. Given the same amount of practice, men will always outperform them. Because men are wired to handle it better. Women are wired to handle social interactions better.

thats one hell of a slip

Makes sense. Sucking off the right man is an easy way to get higher.

Is this the new Tifa's dicks?


Forced as fug.


She looks like she'd be fun to fuck.

God damn, this this hits me right in the heart and dick. This is my one weakness.

No they aren't.

Next you will say Bowling is a sport!

Dont bother, he is actively trying some bullshit. Just look at his earlier posts

My heart.

Those are the biggest glasses I've ever seen. Is she trying to be a shitty anime character?


It's a woman, what do you think? She didnt accidentally choose those glasses


I understand why one might think that's a good idea. I think the idea that showing women that women play a game is appealing to both the marketing of the game itself and the people who want to get more women into competitive gaming.

The issue is if you look at the percentage of people of each sex playing a game even in an extremely casual game trying to be competitive it's going to be less than a fourth. In most games with a competitive scene it's probably less than a tenth. In that fraction a fraction of those women are interested in competitive play.

So the solution of giving them their own league becomes a problem because they're basically lowering the bar so women can participate. Which, I don't think most competitive players want to see. Since women don't really play competitive games to begin with I don't know who is going to watch it to begin with. In some of the worst cases it just turns into a way to advertise women who are models or something like that to the men who are watching competitive. I remember that happening a few years ago at a Dota 2 international.

So, short answer no. I think if these competitive games want female pro-players they should work on getting more women playing their game period. Not just shoe horn women in as a vain attempt to get women who aren't even watching interested.

I bet you haven't even memorized your oil patterns, pleb.

tbh, it's pretty fun to drink a pitcher of beer and bowl a few games. I couldn't imagine taking it more seriously than that.


See above, kek.

There are Jap girls that get cosmetic dentistry done to have fangs like anime girls do.

I agree, user. There definitely aren't enough women even involved with competitive gaming to make an exclusive league. AND no one would want to watch it. I can hardly imagine something more boring. I don't watch men's competitive gaming either, or even Let's Plays… I'd rather just experience the shit myself.

What's next, calling Curling a sport as well?

She's perfect.

Chink chong bing bong
Also all these mongoloid fetishists.


women have lower IQ, and perma lag in the reaction time, so own leagues

Seems familiar.

This is exactly what women's sports leagues are. All sports leagues should not factor in sex. If a woman is good enough to actually compete, then fine. If not, tough shit. But feminists complain because not enough women (including themselves) give enough of a shit to get gud at anything in life. Then they scream "muh genetics" at the same time they say men and women are exactly the same and wearing a dress makes a man a woman, or simply asking to be called a man makes a woman a man.



Some chick wrecked me on bowling once.
After getting a 30 point lead on me, sheepishly admits she bowled in highschool.
whats a matter anons, does a chick being better than you in something threaten your masculinity?


That chick probably gained her arm strength from daily vigorous masturbation.

how's your sluthole feeling?

Fixed. Only men and traps play bowling

looks like a man


She's so cute, goddamn. Who is she?

It has never happened to me once, so I never have to worry about my masculinity being undermined.

No, that's what most asian girls look like.

t. grew up in Vancouver.

I bet you think shot-put IS a sport.

now that you mentioned, they probably haven't DNA tested her..

Not really…

On IEM Katowice there was a separate tournament for women because nobody wanted to see the pro guys or even slavkids stomp professional gurl gamers 16-0

Lmao, no.
even in LoL there was a female pro team like 5 years ago with koreans, then they went to be ""coaches"" or rather couches (^:

But eunuchs live 15 years longer than real men on average.

asian grill pls go

That fucking shit was hilarious, they got absolutely stomped by random pros in a pub game. The pros were actively fucking around too

They lasted less than one week. They got completely shit on in regular ranked matchmaking, and one of the members slept with their manager, the ensuing female drama which naturally followed being what ended the team.

You're literally making bullshit up without fact-checking anything you're saying.

Don't forget the Dota 2 variant with the all female dota teams. First match was postponed when a girl kicked her computer so hard it broke when she got a multikill. They then proceeded to spend 30 or so minutes just texting on the phone and talking to each other. The whole thing was like a trainwreck you couldn't stop staring at, wondering when this will end.

Did you miss the fiasco when that one female chessmaster refused to go to a iran-hosted championship because she didnt want to wear a hijab?

not them, they're a fucking joke, (kitchen bandits was it?) had something resembling success in season 2 in Korea

testosterone affects reaction time as well as competitiveness. Women as a group can't overcome this. But they'ld also shy away from an all female competitive scene just like they do with sports too so there's no point in wasting resources to spin off a league for them.

#1 female chess player is 2 Elo below #100 male in international rankings.



a tenet to the claim of social equality is that sexual dimorphism does not render an inferior brain in either sex
gaming is a mental pursuit. They don't get their own league

She never entered the country, you dip.

You dont have to be in the top 100 chess players to be a master.


not my webm, downloaded it from one of the previous webm threads.

Wow, I'm a Chess master!

They were so close to winning the world's

Ye, by wearing burka she'd be protected from rape.


got a vid of that?

do you want to shove your tits between tifa's dicks too?

"Master" isn't an arbitrary term, retard. It's a discrete rank, there are female players ranked higher than master.

Can we just all agree that this is the dumbest fucking ever conceived? GJ at being able to press buttons faster than anyone else I guess.

At this point I think it's obligatory both to prove you're actually female as well as a service, for you to flash your tits while sucking on something phallic. Maybe a controller.

Can we just all agree that this is the dumbest fucking ever conceived? GJ at being able to run faster than anyone else I guess.

Sadly, no. This was before the second international tournament so it seems that the whole thing got memory holed and it also doesn't help that it wasn't a prominent tournament so the only ones who would really remember that were people who were into the dota 2 scene around the time the beta invites were semi-rare.

You sound seriously autistic.

No, you do. It was clearly worded that way intentionally

Competitive sports actually requires you to do something physical and train your body to perform better at it.

Also, competitive sports is also dumb but at least you have to make more of an effort than sitting for 8 hours a day.


Do you think those cultural differences appeared out of thin air? They have biological roots which will influence them regardless.


I think he means effort as in physical exertion. You can push yourself trying to stay up or keeping a sharp mind but that's a bit different from the average guy training for a traditional Olympic sport like swimming, running, or pole vaulting.

Taking an SAT doesn't require any effort at all either. You just sit on your ass for a couple hours.

If you want to get good at pressing buttons faster than anyone then go work a assembly line job. But if you really want to sit and be competitive then play chess since that actually requires thinking and strategy.

have you just never played a video game before?

He's just baiting at this point


one of you is salty, the other one thirsty. Both of you are total faggots.


How do women do this?

You can be ugly as sin and still be cute; it's not just a physical quality.

Sure, absolutely perfectly good that they don't get a separate league. Let's filter out the weak and pretenders.

The SATs are a fucking joke though, a shitty standardized test that measures can you answer a multiple choice question, unsure how that relates to competition though.

Internalize the height of everyone so you can position your mouse over their heads.
Remember the shortcuts and click fast.
Memorize animations

Honestly would be interesting to competitive turn based games or anything that actually requires thinking beyond pressing WASD even then "competition" in video games is a hilarious joke.

Because if you have to take it on and off a lot your hair will get tangled on the damn hinges on the side of the headphones. At that point i'm sure it's just easier to deal with the slight loss of sound than dealing with having autism and getting your hair tangled in front of an audience.

t. some guy who had borderline Triple H hair at one point

nah if she was truly ugly no one would want her either.

also women don't have "types" they just want genetic alpha so anything below that is just settlin

I think it's ok for them to have their own league, so long as they organize it.

hit a ball with a stick
hit a ball with a stick
hit a ball with a stick
hit a ball with a stick
hit a puck with a stick
hit a ball with your foot
throw a ball with your hand
be a nigger

Congratulations, you caught me with your b8

But the headphones slip off my head, and jam my hair in my ears.

t.guy who looks like Yukari from girls und panzer +30 kilograms

As someone who had long hair I call bullshit

Weird that you use JOOSTEN as an exemple when she has a MGSV and a FFCXVIIIwhatever playthrough on her youtube channel

KOJIMA wouldn`t pick a girl that sucks at videogames duuh

this as well.

buy some hairbands you silly bastards.

t. guy who also wears his hair long

get a haircut you faggots

I tie it in the neckbeard ponytail when I have headphones on.


They only really slip off if you wear it for extended periods of time. In a competition you won't be wearing it for more than 5-7 minutes.

Might just be the type of headphones I got. When I grew my hair out and put headphones on every time I took my headphones off some hair would always get plucked off my head. My hair is kind of wispy and likes to blow around even when the fan is on so that might account for some of it.

*tips fedora*

in all seriousness, you are a fucking retard

Fuck you, I was fucking metal.

Probably, I remember using some headphones that ripped off my hair too once. Luckily never had that problem with the headphones I bought

You have autism.

What is it with that Sonic Boom show? Everything i see from it seems off-color for something like that.


Are we doing this now?

You said

What a homo

But sports actually requires you to be physical, which in turn requires you to do something more than sit in moms basement until you can click a button faster than anyone else.

Also sports kind of require thinking beyond memorizing the geometry of a map, how many milliseconds it takes for an animation to finish loading, or knowing the typical locations people do the exact same thing everytime (almost everyone crouches in that corner, almost everyone shoots from that ledge)

Lets debate about video games being art for the sake of arguing video games not being just media time wasters ;^3

Video games will never be art, the only real 'emotions' that can be portrayed by video games is anxiety and depression which is bottom of the barrel when it comes to art.

Computers are trash at chess, the only reason deep blue won was because they kept modifying it to account for changing strategies, so essentially that match was 30v1

If they had let it try by itself with no modifications between matches, it would have lost every subsequent game.


Yet you use Chess as an example of genuine competition, despite it suffering from the exact same faults that you claim invalidates video games from being played competitively.


DotA 2 eliminated Dire-bias some time ago, chess still have blacks playing to not lose.



how about you fagface post archives? What kind of a nigger are you?


I know fuck all about chess but I know about neurons. Those are gender differences (environmental), not biological ones. It even says so in the references. The number of synapses/neurons are not set in stone, they are constantly changing based on the information you gather. For example, basketball players will have very high synaptic density in the regions of the brain responsible for hand movement.

Just saying.

Eh, I do not much care for chess as the whole strategy of it is mostly doing dumb bullshit that should not be possible. Such as, castling. LOL IF U MOVE THE PIECES HERE THEN FUCK YOU SOMEHOW YOU CAN JUST SWAP THEM AROUND.

Anyway, I am done arguing. 8cucks still beats the dead horse that is gamers gate (hahhahahaha oh my fuck when will this dumb meme die) so there is no point in arguing with manchildren who legitimately believe video games are on the same level as sports or things that require thinking.

Though clearly this thread was started with the assumption that women are inferior to men so that should have been the clear sign to avoid a boring echo chamber. Oh wait, all of 8cucks is a boring echo chamber ;3

the first time i played fifa i was beaten by my friend's gf. i was leading for a while so i started screwing around then she just wrecked me and i couldn't come back. i was speechless

Thanks for finally admitting you're not from here, now leave forever

I fapped about 9 times a day for over 10 years, does it mean I can play basketball with the porch monkeys and make bank?

I told you he was baiting dawg, I told you!

I thinking shooting and stealing 9 times a day would be more beneficial than fapping in that scenario.

hello, (((John money))).
Shame you can't mutilate and molest children anymore so you come to an anonymous Taiwanese Trump: The Board Game discussion board


they sound like solid qualifications to me

i told you bro

Someone post webms of female pro cs players being completely retarded

What? 8cucks came into popularity from 4chan/711chan after 4chan banned gaymer gayte shit and 711chan shutdown mostly due to hosting costs and orchestrating "raids".

How does it feel to be on some shitty unoriginal imageboard that only got popular for allowing child porn and whiny white males getting all ;_; about their video games getting threatened ;^3

>Someone post webms of female pro cs players being completely retarded
What's the difference?

here >>13220260

You didn't even quote me properly, you subversive autist. I said gender differences, not sex differences. Learn to biology

If playing basketball in your country means closing your fist and moving up and down in the same direction constantly, then yeah

No, but you can join Saruman's army.

Go away (((John Money)))


They realized that sonic's reputation in the west is fucking atrocious but the sonic twitter account was very popular for being self aware about its shitty history and shitty fanbase.

So they decided that the best way to market it in the west would be to be self aware and constantly poke fun at itself.

That kind of mentality must have leaked into everything else.

I mean, feminism and self awareness of any form are mutually exclusive, so it's pretty likely that the writers are shitlords.

You're a retarded nigger, kill you are self.

i'm fine with that, christopher lee's a pretty cool guy.

this man slit throats during the war.

Quads confirm what we always knew.

You did that on purpose.

8/10 post. It would be a 10/10 if you were actually a grill and posted tits.


Regular cs players dont drop their gun in the middle of a fight and run around panicking

There, I missed them

nu/v/ is so young, they don't remember pre cs:go games.

plase go back.
your level or stupidity is off chart. you don'teven understand the meaning of tits or GTFO nor the user explanation in your shitty RevXdev voiceover webm and just trigger it like a retard as soon as you hear the word "female" . Tits or GTFO isn t relevant here .

i know it's summer and i know you want to fit in, but still try to at least understand what you post .

is Yuko “ChocoBlanka” Kusachi any good at street fighter ?

i dont see why you would want to make a separate league . its not like physical attribute will count in regard to E-sport …

There was only one woman who had #1 on Unreal leaderboards, and she had an IQ of 157, was a part of MENSA, and was generally spergy af

the best of what womankind has to offer may compete, but a majority of women simply lack the rigor for competitive play

I mean male cs players, christ

I hate this world.

inb4 this happens again. Post in the xon thread, I'm sure she'll accept any challenges. (You won't challenge)

There's literally nothing wrong with women browsing Holla Forums. We all are equal. Sexism will not last.

Women shouldn't be competing in anything. They should be in the kitchen and raising children. It's the men who are suppose to compete with each other to reap the riches of their victories, learn from their failures, use both to support their families properly and ultimately build societies.


it's fake. UT was very popular back then, someone probably just gave her a script and she read it off. She says that she uses her own mods, but other people don't see your models unless you made them yourself. So her topless model wouldn't work. It's fake as fuck.

Their own leagues, girls suck at games and are based on emotion which can fuck up the group dynamic. Men butt heads but don't hold grudges and can handle teamwork better. It would be more unequal and unfair to let females/female teams fight against males than to put them in their own leagues.

She's a drunk pastafarian now.

No it's real. She played piano at Carnegie Hall and taught English to Japanese kids. She's threw it all away though.

There is no girl that has won any competitive gaming league ever.
Also, no girl has topped on EVO, TI, Quakecon, or any other massive gaming championship.

How is playing piano or teaching japs english a prove of her playing UT? The bullshit she said was wrong, she is not playing it.
it's more than just that, men have testosterone which makes us better.

Also, it wasn't 157. It was 156 before she became retarded.

I didn't think you were talking about vidya, but I could believe it.


Best Puyo Puyo Tetris player is a woman.
They're better at puzzle games.

nigger are you retarded? She said she made models for that game that she uses. She says that she joins a server and the guys are stunned by her topless model, but others cant see your custom model unless they have it installed too, which they can't unless she uploaded it to a modding site and they happened to run into it.

Because it's not very appealing to women to get into a community where the norm is to act like you're an eternal 14 year old. Whenever that's good or not is up to you.

Probably because men don't want to waste time on such shitty games.

Didn't UT introduce automatic server-side mods and models downloads? I remember Quake 2 didn't have it, but not so sure about UT.

Sure you can upload mods to a server and people who join your server download them, but what are the chances of that being the case there? SHe probably meant that she was playing on a random server.

Yeah, in a random server somewhere among the thousands sounds like horseshit.

This is normalfag mistake #1. All the newbies think others can see their mods when they join a server. I assume that's what happened here, some guy who played UT once probably told her about modding.

Won't let me embed timestamps. youtu.be/4VIo-s3PFfA?t=335

Either that or it was just a bullshit line made up by the producer because it sounded good on TV. Not like most G4 viewers were anything but console fags anyhow.


Why am I alone

If that were true, makes me wonder why women are better than men at sorting items faster at the sorting center I work at. I think women have better reaction time for CERTAIN things, such as sorting by type and looks, so if any games used that mechanic, they would be better at it with practice. Most women aren't into games so that typically never happens. It's all anecdotal, but every man who gets put in sorting does terribly compared to women there, I think that department is 90% women and their quality rate is near 100% consistently.

Hahaha. Equality was a joke all along! Men are different than women, whites are different than blacks and so forth!

Brings me back to what I said. Women are good at matching colors and shapes as well as sorting items. It would be no surprise if a woman was better than a man at Puyo since that's the entirety of the game. If there are other games with similar matching mechanics, women would easily do better at processing and matching by color and type much faster. I saw the same shit when I played with the Simon electronic games at school, girls usually were legendary at color coordination and memorization. This further lines up with women being able to see more shades of color and less prone to color blindness than men, and being able to react to color changes more quickly.

I'm having Tifa's dicks flashbacks.

I can't tell if you're trolling badly or really this stupid.


Pure gold.

Depends if if women actually have some sort of biological disadvantage from males when it comes to video games, which I have no idea if they do or not.

Women have better colour differentiation, men have a better grasp of space. Also for some reason men thrive in competitive environments while women thrive in co-operative ones. This is a noticeable problem in my country's schools now that "everyone wins" and shit like that is becoming the mainstream teaching method.


If people can watch ASSFAGGOTS competitively they can watch anything.

You ever watched the female pro scene? Female cs:go players suck, female dota players suck, even female chess players suck.

Men and women should never be in the same competitive leagues


This is a real life example. Everyone is allowed to play in those matches, there are no entrance barriers but yet the best female players suck.


Did they all get banned for what one chick did or did only she get banned?

Yes, but men will dominate those as well

I'm starting to understand where TERFs are coming from now

The group in thiss video disbanded almost immediately because they barely won


Trannies in the video game communities are the new asexuals. These people are so desperate and lonely to be touched, they resort to playing dress-up to get fucked by other dudes as desperate as them.

It's well known that women are better at maintaining focus on boring jobs, but if there was a hypothetical sorting championship it would still be highly likely some autistic dude would win it.

In a perfect world, I wouldn't mind women's leagues. They could be a cute novelty. But in this world, you know it would turn out like this

I'm just annoyed women keep demanding to be part of mens leagues, but then get completely butthurt the second they completely fail at it

Men's reflexes are far faster than women's by biology, we simply have far more grey matter to process input than they do, not to mention far more grey matter for area's concerning co-ordination, creative thinking, spacial awareness etc

They've proven this time and time again, at least in the realms of most competitive video games men just have the biological advantage, so unless Match 2 becomes a competitive game they will always be far behind men

And that's fine, games welcome all players who can't play worth fucking shit, but demanding to be on the same bracket as other men just because you're a women? That shit is fucking terrible.

Remember Team Siren who disbanded literally a month after the video they made aired because their leader was the hottest one but played the worst but because she looked the best everyone had to listen to her?

Remember then had a win/loss ration of 70%/30% IN FUCKING BRONZE, and what was the first thing they did?

Asked to compete in the LoL grand finals "Because we have vaginas"

And then they got mega butthurt because they said "No" and "You had to earn a spot" etc, which they found "Sexist"

Nobody has a problem with women in gaming, it's when they demand to billing without doing any damn work and then freak the fuck out people get upset at women gamers

Like bitches in chat games who they get insulted once they start screaming "BAN THEM THEY'RE MEAN!" when not only could they just shut the fuck up, mute that person and keep playing, they could trash talk back like all men have done since fucking forever

But user, what if the autistic dude has to compete with an autistic woman?








Of course, this is explained by evolutionary psychology. Look at a woman's traditional role in a tribe (cooking, socializing with other women, caring for children, creating garments/baskets/other basic tools and quality of life improvements) and it's no surprise that they excel in low-stress repetitive tasks. Stress is important, however. Women are far less capable of dealing with a high-stress workplace, which is why female depression rates have skyrocketed since they "liberated" themselves from such disgusting and degrading things like motherhood, and started taking high-stress wageslave jobs traditionally filled by men.


Men have a much wider distribution when it comes to IQ. This means there are far more very low IQ men than very low IQ women, but also more very high IQ men than women. Oh look, we just accounted for the "gender gap" in STEM. This has been mainstream knowledge for decades, why do you think we have male and female chess leagues?

All-girls leagues should probably exist, given all the evidence that there are some sexually dimorphic factors in play regarding video games. That said, even if all-girls leagues did exist, I wouldn't mind if a sufficiently skilled girl entered a regular league. I know the notion of an all-girls league and a coed league with no all-male league sounds kind of cucked, but be realistic. The "coed" leagues would be so dominated by men that the difference between it and a hypothetical all-male league would be negligible, so creating an all-male league would be pure politics, unnecessary. If a woman has what it takes to compete in the coed league, let her, but also give her the option to compete where she's not at an inherent disadvantage.

do you realize how stupid you're making yourself look
more importantly, do you realize how stupid you're making all of us look simply by being on the same website as you? i'll bet some fucking kotaku shill is going to come across these posts and write a whole article about it

Is that cumshot really Stefanie?

Are talking everyday ladder or tournaments? They do have all women's "e-sports" tournaments, it's just that no one cares they never get more than 1% of the viewership if its being streamed at all. If you are talking about ladder, there is no way to enforce that.

Sure the MTV-style bullshit was there but at least it was easy to see through. And actually centered around videogames.

I'm with him, you're fucking retarded

You cannot make a brain better through "Training", all you do is train the brain to react to certain simuli faster/better

This is why a player who is shit at a game after 2 years will always be shit at the game no matter how much they train, they just cannot process it mechanically as somebody whose brain is more suited to doing so

Women are even more held back from the get go because they have a FEMALE BRAIN, and as such even the cream of the crop selection of them when it comes to games that require fast reaction speed/timing/coordination/spacial awareness etc they will never beat a man who is simply above average at those area's


is full of fucking shit, men excel at single tasking because men's brains by design execute one task at a time and do it with extreme precision, women execute tasks far slower but can multitask to the same degree men can complete a single task

This is why area's such as applied sciences etc where men have to sit around all day doing calculations of one thing are dominated by them, while things like marine biology etc are dominated by women because they are suited for cataloguing the massive array of shit they'll see daily and putting it in order


Aren't those like the cheapos of the glasses world?

You cannot possibly be this new or this retarded.

Congratulations you tricked me into replying.

then one more reason to let them compete amongs man league. if they are bad they GTFO, tits wont help them

i am a bit disapointed by the video.
the title imply it will be about intelligence …
1st argument is about tennis, aka physical feat. no shit she can t pass top 200. there is physical barrier.

then starcraft …
well i be damed . i guess its a korean thing :^)

but he did mention hwo sample size matter. i am N°1 SSBM player amongs my friend, but still suck in national/internationnal level.

make them start compete against the large sample size (male+female mixed) and now you will have real result

Wasn't it stabbing someone in the spine?

look a PR fag
he probably buys games too instead of pirating :DDDD

"Esports" is probably the only level playing field. If a girl's life is influenced by gendered rules in society, then she probably won't be very good anyway. But if she's raised in a clean environment with no social factors to stunt her capability, it's potentially possible for her to be just as good as any guy.

Potentially. The problem is, once you start introducing certain environmental variables, her growth potential and her value start to diminish. First and foremost, never ever have her speak, or if you do, make sure her voice is disguised to sound like a man. The moment a female senses that there are males who want to protect them, for some reason it really fucking affects their mental faculties and they basically embrace that part of their brain that relies on protection from males.


He's right though. It makes the most sense for sports, e-"sports", fighting, etc to have an open league, and a female only league.

Who doesn't want to see the Women's World Champion of X get absolutely destroyed by a low-mid tier male competitor in the 'Open League'? Shit, I'd actually watch sports if that was the case

You know, you fuckers should really be careful about who you look up to. She might have some talking points that appeal to you, but Christina Hoff Sommers is a Jew. Jews are really good at exploiting non-Jews.

When it comes down to actual video games that require more than just twitch reflexes, simply put… Women don't exist in the running. Super Metroid speedrunners, there's no women at the top level. There's no women in the top 20, maybe even the top 1000. Final Fantasy has Essentia, but that's like the guy who speedruns a game that no one else wants to fucking speedrun. You know how fatiguing it is to speedrun JRPGs? How many Final Fantasy runs can you do in a single day? Probably 1, maybe 2… Even practicing for a JRPG speedrun is a lengthy process that boils down to how fast you can tap the A button to skip dialogue .. and most of the time, you're only cutting an hour or two at most out of the play time. It's hugely based on RNG, and it's one of those game types where you actually need to worry about using save games because your run can go tits up in the span of two minutes. Anyone remember Earthbound from GDQ (2011 I think?)? Run was going so well, and then it just went to shit because of the RNG of a JRPG.

So speedrunners aside, look at the top level players. The only time I can think of a good female player beating a good male player was 1997. Katherine Anna Kang challenges John Carmack to a bet. If she can beat him at Quake, he will sponsor an all female tournament. John Carmack agreed to the duel, and he lost. Did John throw the match? Maybe. But he was one of the best players at the time simply because his time developing the game had him spending hundreds if not thousands of hours with it. He was a good player because he'd picked up skill while working on the engine. And he lost. Whatever the case may be, in the end, John Carmack ended up marrying her and they have two sons. I suppose this perpetuates the whole thing about white man asian woman, but who fucking cares.

I can't think of any unisex tournaments where a male player faced off against a female player in the finals, but beta male orbiters think that this should be a thing that we actively try to engineer. Prop the girl up by removing some of the hurdles. Seed her to go into the semifinals so she only has to beat one person in the pre-finals compared to everyone else's three opponents.

It's hard to think of any event or situation where a fair trade of blows takes place between male and female players, even Overwatch where Blizzard is trying so hard to give women every advantage you can see a huge divide between the sexes.

Not really.

Example: Badkho



Are you mentally deranged? That was the 1990s, when Flat Panel monitors didn't exist.

Uh, user.

These images are from the early 2000s/1990s

are you retarded?



yes they fucking did



Flatscreen and flat panel aren't the same thing. Flatscreen was a name given to monitors/TVs that had a flat viewing screen, and they were so shit. The flat surface of the screen meant that things on screen got cut off and even the Duck Cunt gun didn't work right with flat panels.

Flat panel monitors didn't become a mainstream thing until around 2006-7.

i came to this thread for tits and was sorely disappointed

Those are leddit filenames, but pretty much the same thing.

Cunts out

actually, i'd laugh my ass off if kotaku wrote an article about those posts.
still, when morons like that guy post stupid shit, it only serves to validate the retarded SJWs who think of all "gamers" as muhsoggykneestic assholes and validate their efforts to ruin video games as we know them.

Fuck off nigger, kill yourself

I don't need some apathetic sad fuckboy nihilist who thinks feeling things is uncool to tell me women are shit.
Fuck off.

She got top 8 at TGS 2013, but failed to make any splash since then, so you can chalk it to a fluke.
There's Tanukana in Tekken, but she's inconsistent as fuck and in Japan/Korea she has no chance on winning - so she come's here to inconsistently beat inferior gaijin (and even then she got eliminated by an american guy with 1 week of tekken experience spamming hopkicks).
Then there's Kayane in DoA/Soul Calibur, but she stopped playing in her late teens and now a celebrity that fails at placing in competitions. Also, her competitive career took a dive when she started playing games that had actual competition, like Street Fighter.
The only female in the west that does well in fighting games is MillerTime, but she's like one of the 10 people in America actually playing Super Street Fighter II actively trying to improve rather than coasting on the skills they acquired 20 to 10 years ago and doesn't stand a chance against the people still grinding the game (like the Japs, or the other current top 10 Americans - which include her husband).
In short, if a female-looking player places top 10 - chances are "she" has or had a surprise hotdog, if you know what I mean. If a woman or tranny gets top 32, it's sponsorship material because (((muh diversity))).

am i wrong?

Which are you, a leftist, a jew, or both?


No seriously, why are you here?



because i enjoy discussing video games

i don't give a shit that his viewpoint isn't politically correct or it's got soggy knees or whatever, i give a shit about retards bastardizing legitimate non-PC viewpoints with retarded arguments that make the intelligent people among us look wrong and make what's already an uphill battle even more difficult.


Go outside and learn a different word, fuckboys.

Well good thing you're not one of them considering this retarded ass opinnion.

You got triggered by this thread and decided to make shit bait posts to get it go over the bumplimit, got it.

Listen faggot, you are wasting your time with this white knighting shit. Women suck or are just average at almost everything they do and those who succeed are statistical outliers. Most live in a purgatory where if they have a talent they lack the drive or if they have the drive they lack the talent.
Thanks to feminism, PC, SJ et al. they are indefensible since they have attempted to elevate womanhood way past its actual worth.

Get a grip, women are garbage.

Congratulations, you win the zero self-awareness award. It comes with a free punch in the dick at your leisure

You did it again :^)

i can't tell if you think i'm lying for no reason or if you're genuinely incapable of reading. i agree that women are inherently worse than men at video games. i just think that user phrased it in the stupidest and most immature possible way.

does it not piss you off when someone argues a point you agree with but butchers the idea or otherwise argues it in such a stupid way that it makes you look bad for agreeing with such a retard?

sometimes simple is best

What are you homos even acting smug about.

Congratulations you almost managed to identify the joke, you might want to check if you have autism.

Yeah because I totally go outside to argue with people who are generally on the same mindset as I am.
No, I've noticed PR cucks are not only annoying but wrong.
I've had much more succes influencing people by being bold, brash and unapologetic. X group bad for our society? Kick them out / oven them depending on the audience, even danger colored trasndykes laugh at those kinds of jokes when you angle it right.

Just watch this documentary series; every time they bring up that shit they get BTFO so hard they go into Complete Denial-mode.

(it's a playlist, no embed)

You can embed if you delete after "&list" in the URL

Oh shit I remember this. I love that the institution he was investigation got it's funding cut after the documentary aired.

women anything sport is a novelty.


And that's mostly genetic, your point?


Yeah, but I wanted the entire list to be there for people to see. Not just the one episode.

meanwhile men

well, for comparison, same track but this time men.


I love this kind of post, the lack of self awareness is a wonder to behold.

muh dik

Because they look white. Bloody Germans let them breed with them and helped them somewhat improved their genetic line.


They closed it down entirely.

Because you're you.

The men clearly performed better, but that still looked like a shitshow that was falling apart all around.

Super Metroid had Scarlet for awhile in 100% though.

Anyway, I think I know why women aren't as prevalent as men in vidya. There's no incentive to improve. Imagine joining a league only to realize the insurmountable mountain of players who have played longer and better than you ever had in your life. But, suddenly, you get recognized, people give you attention and cheer for you just because you're different than the others. So you can kind of sit in this "good enough" area specially carved for you, so you can still compete and be known and not have to put in the ridiculous amount of practice you'd have to otherwise.
I've seen it happen to some guy speedrunners/pros too. They're appreciated for their personality or something and retain viewers and attention long after their records slip off the board, and never work to keep up with it. It's not like it's a bad or terrible thing, it's just one reason people stop working to rise

Isn't that a tranny playing competetive starcraft? Probably same name but just checking.

Similar name different person. I saw her 100% run a long time ago, before route changes, and haven't seen her since


Probably yes but the problem is there is too few female players to create the woman leagues. I am not trying to be a dickhead but the feminists will ruin that for the women anyway. If you want the girl gamers to play with you then make sure they are deaf.

post autistic girls

Life, uhh… Finds a way.




how does it feel being an even bigger retard than the girl in the webm

The girl is a tard for ruining her vagina. Look at the size of the fake dick.

i bet you've taken bigger bad dragon toys up yours, gayboy

No I haven't shoved anything up my hole yet and don't assume my sexuality as you haven't even asked what my sexuality is so you are a bigger tard than I am.

Where the fuck did you come from?


Nigger the evidence is all around you that women have lesser capacities mentally and physically than men.
Tell me how many female non-trans gamers there are that could beat a top 50 male in any esports game
In fact here's a link to some American assfaggots pros sniping a 'pro gaymur girl team stream' and fucking them up while not even trying/just messing around.

God they talk so much fucking shit. "You got a pussy so big you could join Siren!"

They have the attitude to be pros, but they have no substance.

The only good "female" player isn't even a real female.

What, you found nudes instantly? What a manwhore

Some screencap for 4chan actually

Naw. Any woman can get laid any time she wants. And get paid for it, too. And then be called a victim because she got laid and got paid.

Put me in the screenshot

high heels
female pants


Why are your tard wranglers letting you into the deep end of the pool, kid? Go back to the nice side of the internet.

jesus that was actually kinda hot got any more fam?

That girl is cute not because of her looks, but because of her timidness and the way she carries herself.