Overworld vs Open world

You know how in older games like Final Fantasy 7 or Fallout 2 you had large world maps where you can go mostly wherever you want after some point, well right of the bat in Fallout's case, and you either get in combat or predefined enter locations.
I used to call that open world before stumbling upon Morrowin and realizing the difference.
I was huge open world fan ever since, but got tired of it by now.
Can you recommend me some recent~ish overworld games with a lot of optional places to explore, and interesting combat/customization system? Japanese or wester, real-time or turn based, doesn't really matter, it just have to be good game and free of sjw bullshit.

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Elliot Quest, but it's a Zelda 2 / Kid Icarus style Metroidvania. There are different builds and you can permanently fuck yourself for end game and be too weak to kill the optional super bosses and there are no respecs.

I agree, OP. There's nothing like that feeling when you gain a vehicle or go out into the world after the starting area and suddenly have 20+ new places to explore.

That's a tough one. Maybe an RPGmaker game?

What about an openoverworld like Zelda 2 or Tales of Symphonia?

That looks like one of thousands of retro indieshits from steam tbh.

Please no.

I have no interest in zelda anything, but tales of symphonia looks cute. It was released on PC recently wasn't it? How does port compare to emulated version?
Does games itself have shitton of optional content? Like dungeons, super bosses, minigames, maybe even recruitable characters?

You asked for a recent game. Overworlds have been extinct in non-indie games for a long time.

There was an influx of PS3 ports on PC recently, maybe some of it was good?

Witcher 3 did it right, I think. Beautiful vistas pockmarked with little interesting things here and there with real huge fucking places like cities and dangerous locales without looking like a theme park. I mean it isn't perfect but it's the best open-world game I have played to date and that's with the stale gameplay mechanics it had.

Overworld nowadays just seems like a chore to me, specifically old ones like in FF games. All the maps had were randomly generated encounters but without the spectacle of actually traveling or seeing pretty graphics at the very least. I'd rather it be like FF Tactic's or Dragon Age: Origins' map traversal system. Unless of course if the overworld is part of the gameplay, like in Convoy or, if it counts, XCOM 2.

Apparently the original NGC version of Symphonia runs at 60 fps, while every single other one, including PC, runs at 30.
This reminds me when nintendo was good.
I heard that GC emulation is pretty good, so I guess that's what I'll do.


Think Chrono Trigger, except when you travel to a different era, the graphics and gameplay shifts.

What exactly is the difference between overworld and open world then?
Morrowind is open world?
Which is Golden Sun 1/2?
Which are the Zelda games?

Dragon's Dogma maybe?

I played it and wasn't impressed. I particualrly didn't like the combat and the "chest in a very difficult place to get contains generic worthless items" thing.

Overworld visibly transitions into exploration areas, while open world is one big exploration area. Usually overworld offers much more in terms of exploration but is pretty abstract, while open world gives you complete immersion into the world, but the world itself is much smaller.
Stuff like zelda or Dragon's Dogma is neither really, since you just have a bunch of interconnected areas.

An Overworld serves as a representation of your character traveling the world, and gameplay occurs in distinct instances separate from this representation. With an Open World, there is no abstraction, and gameplay is not instanced.
A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, etc, are all open world.

Dragon's Dogma is open world.

NieR: Automata fits the description.

I don't consider it open world if to get from one area to another you need to enter a narrow pathway rounded by artificial walls and watch a loading screen for a while.

I am still unsure which Golden Sun would be. The second game especially added gameplay elements to the overworld even though all the main gameplay happens in other instances.

That means you are getting tired of playing the same fucking type of games. Expand your tastes, pleb.

That's what I'm doing itt. I haven't played classic JRPG since Mana Khemia on PS2.
I'm currently looking for TOS undub torrent, but everything seems dead in the water.
Does sequel even have undub version?

I honestly don't recall that happening in DD:DA, but if your definition of "Open World" is that there are no distinct area transitions, I don't find that a particularly useful definition as it's far too exclusionary for such a well-established phrase.

I think you could comfortably call them JRPGs with an overworld.

ChaosEsqueAnthology R 117H - Malum-in-se Edition.

lgdb.org/game/chaosesque-anthology , moddb.com/games/chaosesqueanthology

R 117H - Malum-in-se Edition.
This update features new weapons, and new Romanesque areas for DarkHold and the building system.
Two new weapons: A brutal new spiked mace that is quick to swing (being hollow and light)
Sai: these can interdict weapons far above their own weight class (similar to the special ability of the quarterstaff and elven staff)
New building: Romanesque Belltower - A tall belltower in the old pre-13th century style.
Map update: The Darkhold Dungeon got more complex: A Romanesque area modeled after an 11th century church has been added to the crypts below.
(Thought Theme for this release:)
_"Fight to the end"_
_"Conquer the enemy"_
"Far as the eye can see"
"I see my victory"
"I'm not afraid"
"Never afraid"
_"Never give up the fight"_
_"I'm a solider in a battle"_
_"Never ending, Never ending war"_
-Yngwie J. Malmsteen
NOTE: This game now has over 140 weapons and has expanded to 2 DVDs (Download both!)
"How can less be more, more is more"
"Out of the darkness the voices are calling…"

I found DD to be a tedious grind devoid of FUN, replete with a shit save system and OOPS KILLED BY PHYSICS BUG. Now fight these bandits that are borderline fireproof for no reason.

fuck off retard. Did you not get the message first time?

It's not that they have high fire resistance, it's that defense in DD directly subtracts from the damage you deal. So if they have 100MDef and 0% Fire Resistance and you deal 110 Fire Damage, you're going to deal 10 damage. This also means that, say, getting a new staff that "doubles" your damage so that you're dealing 220 Fire Damage is in fact an 1100% increase in the amount of damage you're dealing after defense.

Do yourself a favor and play some quality games that are out of your tastes.
The list goes on but be varied, you needlessly smug anime. If you really were smug then you would not be in a rut like this.

Your tastes are pretty shit
It's meh.
It's shit.
The fuck is even Vanquished? You mean Vanquish? It's an ok game.
Total shit.
SJW shit.
These ones are good, ok.
This one is too.
Lol what?
So yeah, improve yourself.

Bored shitposter or underage b8. Either way pic related.



It in fact is.

Learn to speak English and more people might give a shit about your opinion.

Where my english is incorrect, you braindead monkey?

user pls

I just came here to laugh at you.


Hernandez go and and stay gone

The Symphonia PC port is alright, it's based on the PS3 version though. So it's got some extras compared to the GC version like everyone getting Hi-Ougis.

Golden Sun is expressly overworld. The Overworld map of Weyard behaves exactly like Overworlds in Tales and Final Fantasy games.

It's shit, don't even try it.

user, I…

user, you're killing me, man.



Please tell me it's porn.

i can't tell if i think that gimmick is clever or if it panders to "gayyyyyymers" in the worst way

Probably not, she makes that face all the time.

Damn son, you failed English.

how long have you been using google translate?
it takes about 3 years or maybe 4 in order to get a hang of the language and formulate your own sentences
with fucking google translate
kill me

How about Neverwinter Nights 2? One of the expansions, the Storm of Zehir campaign has an overworld map.
Game is from 2005 or 06, made by Obsidian. It's an rpg running on DnD 3 or 3.5 e rules, with gameplay more similar to Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale, instead of first Neverwinter Nights. It has a GOG release.

How about the Expeditions Series? So far there is Expeditions: Conquistador and Expeditions: Viking

In both games, you play as an explorer in a new land in search of profit which you can attain via looting and pillaging, building alliances (and maybe breaking them,) and finding hidden areas. In the overworld various events, both after camping and while traveling, can happen like finding extra food, being ambused, etc.

This is why JRPG's are dead
