Losing control?
Whats your favorite RPG from the 90s?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite RPG from the 90s?
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System shock 2
Double shift today. Started a new playthrough of Penny Arcade Adventures. Need to get my mind off some shit.
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
Watched the Thing with a couple of buds like 10 minutes ago. That was pretty comfy. Never seen it before.
I need to find a game I can play windowed while watching shit on youtube.
wtf is that?
The Thing was great. Also, just play an old game.
despite working out for 2 hours today i ended up eating a lot of junk food and now i'm drinking a lot of beer so not very in control today, still a bit depressed i guess
chrono trigger i guess? i'm not a huge rpg guy
UnReal World
Try commander keen with joy2key. The window is pretty small so you can watch whatever and not block much of the screen.
How goes user
I'd ask but that would go against the point I guess.
NES games are hard when tiny. And I'm sick of pokemon and yugioh which are the handhelds I usually play windowed.
Depressed about what?
What kinda junk food?
boson x monica?
penny arcade made 3 jrpgs ova da years
ff6 prolly
I meant, games from early 2000s dummy.
Super Mario RPG, maybe Gen 2 pokemon, since gold and silver came out in japan in 1999, but that's pushing it.
The 90s were like 40 years ago oniichan and exist only in your dreams now
sleep snug, smug
Whatcha all playin? Hope its fun.
Well, i had another dream where i got rejected by a girl, but i got farther this time. We talked and i asked her "i never got your name" and that worked. Then i said "do you think i can get your number too" and she thought it was cute then i woke up. Couldnt go back to sleep. I think my brain is trying to tell me somthing.
Whats good in the hood montana
Whats that? And its cytube so it needs to be REALLY small. Need to be able to see chat and vid.
The fuck is that
Which ones would work in a tiny screen exactly?
I'd allow gen 2 pokemon.
Hows your day going user?
RPG based on Penny Arcade. It's on PC and 360. It's pretty fun, but simplistic by RPG standards.
Just felt kinda depressed today. Over something that I probably should't have gotten depressed over, but I did anyway. Was on Prozac for 9 years, been off it for 4. Maybe that was a mistake.
Commander keen 1 runs SO fucking tiny. Its rediculous. Its an old platformer from like i think '90. Its really good.
Fine, I guess. I just gotta work one more day and I get the next two days in a row off. then I don't get another day off until next sunday.
Some little samson. Some randomized pokemon.
Who was the girl?
Yeah scrambled your brains most like.
How old are you?
The fuck is that?
Really looks fun tbh
Some blonde college liberal. I think it was a good idea i got rejected. she was cute though
6 levels freee give it a whirl it take a lot of focus tho
I can't play that on my craptop and I'm sick of it anyway.
When you quitting?
What system?
You going to try for a 3dpd?
23. Started taking it at 10. Stopped at 19. It took them a while to figure out what was wrong with me. I took Ritalin for about a month back when I was in grade school. That shit fucked me up something fierce.
I'll quit when I have nothing else to like for, slowly drain the money I've saved up, and kill myself once I have nothing left.
Who the fuck gives prozac to a 10 year old?
Looks fun. I'll have to try that thanks montana
lotta self loathing lately and being concerned about being like, a novelty to people i consider friends,its whatever
rainbow six siege, i can't fucking put it down anymore
Why do you think im trying to get a job that can support a family. i think my dream was triggered by this one girl i saw while yard sale hunting. I regret not talking to her
PC. It runs in dosbox and windowed i think is like 100x200.
What's shakin guys?
More or less in control. Work has kept me away, and probably will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. I got off at midnight tonight though. Haven't really lost any more weight, sort of plateaued on that front.
er, does Pokemon Yellow count?
Hey Soritsu, how close are you to your Japan trip now?
Picked up a Switch a few weeks back, played the shit out of BOTW and had a blast. Going through Splatoon 2 now while having FFXIV on the side.
I feel you user. Last week and this week both have been 6-day work weeks. The other day I had to come in on an off day and they just paid me in cash at my regular rate. I was pretty miffed I wasn't getting at least $10 or so an hour for coming in on a damned off day.
The only 10 year old who got bullied so fucking bad he tried killing himself more than once.
I was fat, socially awkward, and liked video games. The phrase "easy target" comes to mind.
Thats been going on a while now. How long does your depression usually last? You might go on the upswing soon.
No thank you!
And yeah when I was into 3dpd, those few times I didn't try always hurt the most.
I quit my job about a week ago, and I leave for nippon in 22 days. Its going well!
Hows your life been fam?
source on the artist? or is it that same guy that makes the mifl doujins?
How ya doing Yoza?
Can you at least try Deus Ex or something like that?
How did you try to sudoku as a 10 year old?
Can't play that in a tiny window while watching cytube.
i hope so, luckily it didn't knock me out of my workouts this time but I'm socializing less and its reached that frustrating point where i want to make friends but don't know how and also can't fuckin' relate to anyone anymore it seems
How goes user
Try making good online friends.
The artist's name is ibanen.
You're missing out on the best of pc gaming.
On the bright side i applied for college. Its possible i might make this fall semester. I hope i dont so i have time to prepare. It starts in like 10 days.
Mother or daughter?
Been looking at getting a switch when more games come out for it maybe. What class you running on XIV?
Lomg time without coming here. I thought Mark killed 4am.
I'm fairly well. After the whole shit show with my sister I left all that behind, I had a girlfriend, she was my first love from highschool, years later we met again, as in now, and I ended hp dating her, but she had to leave the country and so we ended the relationship. I've never been more happy, and I'll make it worth it. I'll work extra hard for her, and I'll be a better man so she can be proud she dated me.
So far, I'm doing good on Japanese.
Basically tried committing sudoku with a steak knife. I was kinda stupid back then.
Neither. Im no pedo and the mother has gone to landwhale levels of fat. I would rather be a virgin.
I should probably learn just in case localizations ruin everything.
i have a few luckily but i feel like i might of distanced myself from a lot of them with time
I think that pc gaming from that era looked terrible and have zero interest in playing it.
Weeeeew. Should have waited to apply. That would suck being thrown into it randomly and all the good classes will be full anyway.
Sorry I don't remember anything like this.
Glad you are happy user. How are you working hard?
Did you stab yourself? Do you have any cool scars?
Tried to stab myself. No scars tho. Couldn't get through my ribcage.
Fixed it. Seriously user, this is like buying gold at this point. Prepare yourself for the future where you will only be able to enjoy good games on japanese. Not even new ones, but old obscure ones from PC-98.
Yeah it takes constant work to keep those kinds of relationships close. I'll admit even I have a bad habit of doing that with a lot of people.
I'm lucky in that I have one true best friend I can always talk to though. You should find that person for you too.
Neat tbh
It did its job. Ganbatte ribcage-chan
I could probably use some practice on my math anyway. I dont have to sign up for any classes though. Im just gonna wait. I dont even have my grant.
what do you think about naginata's. I kinda want a long weapon, but i dont know if i want a spear or naginata
Have you ever had a day where you don't have any fucks to give and probably do stupid shit because your inhibitions are gone? I had one today. They never end well. Might just watch some Steve. I hear he put some new videos up today.
Grandia all the way. Loved that game.
Never say never.
It was incest related and it was months ago. And well, I'm working harder at my work and making plans to leave this unsustainable country on my own. I have almost all the paperwork ready, plus making exercise and having a better diet, which is hard here.
It's always comfy here, but I'm only this late here because of my jap reps. I'll sleep now. It sure is nice to know 4am haven't changed.
How are you now?
I forgot.
You can change the video card from ega to vga for better colors.
I'm really not a fan of spear type weapons. Always just loved one handed swords in fantasy/medieval games.
Did you do something dumb user?
Fat, 95% less socially awkward, and have a crippling vidya addiction. 1 out of 3 ain't bad.
Couldn't handle hard or harakiri could you?
Its not about graphics. I mostly like platformers and they all look like they handle awfully in the vids I've seen of stuff on pc at the time.
Cya user.
4am has changed a fair bit but at least I'm still here always.
I did a lot of dumb things. Drank way too much and ate a lot of cheap fast food until I threw up and some other stuff.
jesus wept
what did you do to overcome it? I could use some help myself.
Nah I just played through the thing 10 different times. Its style of replaying the same short game a bunch got old fast.
Thats not all that bad. What fast food?
If tiddies are shakin it's always a good time
Nice! Getting everything finalized and ready for the big trip eh? Make sure to take tons of pictures for us! What's the first thing you're gonna do there? You're still going by yourself, aren't you?
Life's been pretty all right. Can't complain much. Still loving this job I've got. Just kinda taking life one day at a time. Wake up, play some games, eat a bite, go to work, come home to shower, play more games, sleep, repeat. I don't mind having this sort of routine though. Although monotonous in a way, I've come to find it pretty comfortable. I need to get back into working out though, dieting has only done so much for me.
I've tried to be more sociable with normalfags, in an attempt to make something resembling a friendship. At work it's just with my coworkers, and trying in various online chat groups hasn't really worked out. I also got into a relationship online for about a month, then realized I hated being in (an online) one so I broke it off.
Doing well Yaku, hbu? Sorry I never came to wrestling night in the CyTube.
neither. Lolishit can fuck off forever and the mother isn't "thick", just disgustingly obese.
Yeah, I probably should've waited another few months before getting one myself, but I've been holding back since March too. BOTW is a lot of fun, and Splatoon 2 is too. Haven't really been able to get into ARMS, the controls are funky. Got Mario Kart 8 on the way though.
I'm a BRD main.
Im thinking practically rather than stylish. When you're 5 feet away from someone, unless they have a gun they cant hit you.
Commander keen has some solid mechanics, though the ice levels are dated af. Keen 1 has a "knee bending" stage to the jump, and i think i like it more than a standard mario jump.
No muscle either apparently. Be a man and work out until you get strong enough to be able to, then join a gym and beat people up in the ring to feel something again.
That's just the stuff I remember most vividly. I did a lot of dumb things.
BK. Not really my thing but I saw an ad somewhere about 2 whoppers for $6 so I bought 4 of those and some fries and a drink and cheesecakes and ate it. I was warned not to eat that much by the girl I'm seeing but I didn't listen.
There wasn't one with all the bitching.
I'm on to you.
I still need to join that brazilian jiu jistu class. I need to learn to fight, and fight well.
Now more importantly, who is this artist?
Get a cash register job.
Yeah I've got to iron out some details and fill out my itinerary more but I've ordered all the shit I need and I'm ready to go mostly.
Yep still going alone.
Oh shit. Was shit cute fam?
Depends on how fast they are really. I mean back in the ye olde day, yeah true. But it'd come down to skill in the modern age where most people aren't trained in hand to hand or armed combat.
das ryt
where u been at monica
I'm thinking of doing Muay Thai myself. I hear it teaches about every which way to brutally disable your opponent with kicks and punches. it's all about taking the other guy down, no-holds barred.
Holy shit thats a lot of fast food. Could really go for a whopper now. Good job BK marketing shill. You earned your sheckle for the day.
I have no mental disorder at all.
How goes user
Now those are well done.
With those dubs you have no excuse for not saying hi in the cytube.
I already work at a movie theater. I'm looking to develop above average social skills.
they striking game is on point but da practice seem brutal fam tbh
If i could, i would do judo, jiu jitsu, and muay thai. That trio of fighting styles sounds like a fucking deadly combo.
Im pretty sure i might be mildly autistic, but im not sure.
Do it. Every day you wait is another day off from you being a proficient fighter.
That isn't actually possible.
They're not great but they're okay. Didn't care for the onions or pickles on them. The oreo cheesecake I got with it was pretty top-notch. I don't know why I got so fucked up today. I go harder than this on the liquor now and then without it being a problem. I peed myself and I said dumb things and I threw up and damn.
I alwayz be not here n thursdayz n fridayz n now I'z gotz work n Saturdayz 2 at night so I miss then 2
I getz tuesday off
All right, had fun seeing the shitstorm of which Pic related was a part of and the later shit storm where /ourcar/ did some work
Oda Non. Had many a great wanks to his shit.
wuz yo pic about?
that's oda-non, i recognize them milfs anywhere
Then drink at bars and talk to people like a normalfag would.
Whats the symptoms?
I have no diagnosed mental disorders at all
Onions and pickles make a good burger though.
The fuck user
if u booze u lose monica
cocaine weed masterrace tbh monica
wuz yo pic about?
it's fake. he bends his like that on purpose.
I think I'm gonna go to bed. I wake up at 2:45pm normally and have to be at work for 4:00pm. see ya fags tomorrow.
Money and a means to drive myself there is the main hurdle. I think its 80 bucks a month plus equiptment. Im gonna get like 120 from the knife im selling so thats a little twords it.
Immersing myself in my vidya a little too deeply. Maybe a bit too much fascination with bladed weapons.
I had just gotten my rocks off and I drank a whole big soda and it just snuck up on me. I can count on one hand the times I've gone hard enough to do that. If you think that's bad, I also proposed to her but she laughed it off because I wasn't sober and was having one of those weird days. I don't know why I have them. The kind of day that causes suicides because you finally hurt enough to actually do it.
I like booze. If I'm drinking something this late though I usually mix a bit of hot chocolate into some coffee. It's pretty nice.
From what i heard, mark got an early copy of sonic mania, streamed it, and proceeded to suck shit at it and get 12 game overs in a row.
I know I'm shitting on your suggestions, but I don't drink. I only go to bars for karaoke.
Cya next time user
Who doesn't do that though.
Are you the knife guy?
Ram knife guy yeah.
It was Sonic himself mocking Mark for having 12 game overs in a row when Mark was streaming a copy of Sonic Mania he got Early
Here have another set of picks from a rustled cuckchanner who thought Mark was hotwheels, despite Mark not being Admin and Hotwheels being dead
Do you got a job? Sounds like this needs a constant pay stream to be viable.
Ah, I gotchu fam.
Did you commit suicide today too?
When you actually gonna propose?
Wew thats great.
You can drink soda the whole time you know, nobody will know.
When you getting a katana?
oh. Sad to hear it wasn't as comfy as the idea sounded. I thought the others were for it at the time though.
Sounds nice! I'm sure you'll find ways to fill your time. I mean it's not like Akihabara doesn't have a thousand arcades to visit or anything.
Not really. I was blinded by my own lust to begin with, and then she was very sexually aggressive so I sort of just caved. It wasn't until nearly a month in that I realized I wasn't really happy with it. Also as time went on I realized she wasn't really that attractive to begin with. Once again, my lust/thirst had blinded me for a while. I learned a valuable lesson and a few things about myself from it all.
that's pretty fucking hilarious
Blame Pepsi.
No, I was too drunk to care. Instead I bought Burger King and peed myself and asked a girl to marry me.
Not this early, that's for sure. Thankfully she didn't take it seriously.
No, but i do get quite a bit of money from selling shit on ebay. Bought a knife for 20, selling it for 180. Getting like 140 back. Also have some sega laser tags and a jap zelda dvd up for like 80 each. I think i have about 400 dollars of inventory.
das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite
Yeah akiba is only like 10 mins from my hotel too by subway.
At least you got some experience talking with girls through it I guess.
Already have a katana. It has lights where the hilt meets the blade and lights it up
What did "she" say
Yeah but you planted the seed. Now her vagina is going to think about it all the time.
When you getting a rapier then
When i can find one and i have the extra cash. I want a spear or naginata first.
mah mark?
She laughed and said "You've definitely had too much." and told me to lay down for a bit.
Drunk or not, I wouldn't have said I wanted it if it wasn't true. I just don't think now's the right time.
Yeah, jew BO Mark.
You mean get a coke and if anyone asks I can say it's a rum and coke? yeah that would work.
Its so edgy and stupid and i fucking love it. I would use it in battle ironically. the handle is shaped after a lightsabre
Nice. So long as you can keep the revenue stream up, you should be set then.
that fucking autist I swear to god.
fucking prime. Don't forget to hit up some maid cafes too!
something like that. More like it just reconfirmed my desire to lead a single life.
i like bars but people don't meet new people in them most the time, at least not in my region. you just go there with existing social circles to play pool and stuff and pretend you're gonna go talk to chicks or some shit
I'd go for the spear. Naginata seems hard to use and harder to stab with. At least with a spear you can back yourself into a corner and poke people. With naginata you gotta swing it and shit.
Hell I'd just make my own spear honestly. Buy some wood. Carve some neat shit into it. Tie a knife blade to the top. Its easy.
RIP fam.
Yeah. And nobody will ask anyway.
I'm iffy on maid cafes but might go to one. Going to at least one strip club
Ohhh well thats good too. Get that waifu brah
Today wasnt the best though. I only spent 2 dollars, one on some kerosene lamps i can sell for 25, and a copy of riven, which i might keep. Found a really nice mehanical usb keyboard, but i already have a ps2 keyboard.
Spears are also shorter and more expensive. I might just get the spear though.
smdh monica
It could be worse, I could be in Vegas right now sleeping in a wedding suite instead of talking to Holla Forums and getting ready to settle in with some Steve.
I ain't clicking that shit nigga. Can't upload images to mock you further.
Yeah but he just wants experience in a social setting anyway so.
Theres no way a spear is more expensive.
Unless you have two specific ones you are picking from or something
How is vegas worse?
How long have you been at reselling?
Vegas isnt as good as you would think. Its all gambling and pretty lights. The only good things there are thr pinball museum and this one pay-per-hour arcade.
On ebay spears are like 60-100 and naginatas are 40-90. I dont really have a brick and mortar store that sells those either.
You should go just for no other reason but to experience it before you die. Good shit. Never been to one before since I figure they're pretty disgusting on the hygiene side of things.
good 2 kno
Year and a half. I dont really take it too seriously. I just half ass it and it works
Really ritsu.
I still say just build your own spear. Find a nice knife with the right tang for it.
Thats true. But I'd rather learn nip before doing one and I want to go to nippon again eventually.
The one I'm going to is more like a show rather than sleezy and throwing 1$s on a stage.
Vegas seems kinda fun tho
I've never been.
I just said Vegas because that's where you stereotypically go to get married on a whim.
Does it ever go wrong?
If you're good at blackjack and wanna play some pinball and arcade games, it might be a fun stop on a cross country trip. Its not worth a weekend though.
Ive been there twice.
You could dump a ton of money into somthing that wont sell.
I figured that out right after I posted tbh
Shoulda done it brah, shoulda done it.
I really like stage magic so I'd love to see that there.
Well you may get a chance soon seeing as the Norks are about to nuke Guam, China and India are close to having a war and you're starting to see White nationalists retaliate against the lefty cucks
I'm starting to think there is a chance this september bullshit could be real this time
I guess you could see some shows too. There really isnt anything for me though.
i completely forgot the gun show was this november, im gonna hold off on the spear and see what they have there.
I would join the civil war. No better way to die than on the battlefield. I might make my grandpa proud.
Are you legally allowed to purchase a firearm?
What kind would you want?
Or are you going just for knives?
You should of went on about some weird existensial rant about she is your destined lover as dictated by the cosmos and you're 100% serious
That'd suck. Hopefully it'd at least be something you could use at that point.
I can only get rifles and shotguns, im almost 19. Unfortunatly, the left utterly fucked us and now we have to have a background check before we can buy ammo. guess the fucking state
I want an m4 and a 1911 or deagle.
open question, how the fuck does one learn how to talk to other people better, fucking around on tinder with no success is making me think i can't hold a conversation worth shit
also i'm drunk so ignore me if thats retarded
I think you need to find a group of enthusiasts.
Well shadilay to you brother if the fire rises
Move to a less cucked state Unless if it's a national problem like here then you're fucked
try chatous.com, hook up a webcam
just keep skipping all males until you find a grill
you can average like 3-4 conversations with surprisingly qt grills on there an hour (they're usually asian or foreign though)
Im stuck here until i finish college, and even then im probably stuck here cause i might land a really good job. I think im just destined to be here.
Maybe think about transferring to a different Uni
Oh yeah that sounds better tbh.
I have SEVERAL educated guesses:
New York?
there's your first mistake. People don't use Tinder to find a boyfriend/girlfriend or to get a relationship or make friends; they use it to find other people to fuck. So unless you're exclusively trying to get some, might as well delete Tinder.
do what said. If you're like me and can't find something like that though, look to your coworkers. If they're irredeemable normalfag trash you loathe, then try going to a local bar or restaurant and consider maybe making a habit out of going there. After a few visits maybe try chatting up some of the workers or a waitress maybe.
I've played some Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei and it was pretty fun.
Do you have to do that every single time you buy ammo? Are you allowed to buy it out of state?
Get a more practical pistol first user
Conversations are like a river. You just gotta keep the flow going really.
okay well talking to enthusiasts about anything makes sense but its making a little bit of small talk that i consistently fail at before finding what aperson is enthusiastic about
well i proabbly need to learn how to flirt cuz whenever i get a match i try to make some talk about hobbies or some shit i guess
i'm a big idiot i think
Unless they're 2d In which case they look white as Anime was inspired by the works of Walt Disney and Adolf Hitler then that isn't a thing
Not a uni, just a small college. Im not touching any unis.
Got it on guess 1.
Yes, every single fucking time. I might as well drive the 3 hours to nevada and get ammo in bulk. Any suggestions for a practical pistol? Maybe a snubnose revolver.
how does one recover flow if you reach a block, generally if i feel the conversation is stuttering i assume that i'm just gonna be annoying or creepy if i try to give it a push
Terms for tertiary shit between countries always confuse me
No, you're talking to whores of no value.
Im gonna tell you that there are some surprisingly cute asians here, and they also are tan enough to hit that delicious brown fetish i have
I have enough money to go to a soapland if I wanted but eh
Revolvers aren't really all that practical either. And this is coming from a guy whos pistols are all revolvers.
Just get something in 9mm with double stacked mags. Don't really read about those much though so you'd have to go to /k/ for a decent rec on those.
Don't allow yourself to be backed into a corner really. Always have outs. Be good at kinda being one step ahead in the conversation.
Leading questions help a lot. People like to talk about themselves.
sometimes the things you find annoying other people find charming. Maybe you should just say it and see what happens next. You seem self-aware enough to gauge when something has a bad reaction to it.
The pawn shop near me has some glocks, though those are known as 'hand'grenades for a reason. I'll talk to the guys at the gun show later and see what they say. maybe i might find a qt there
it's not that you're an idiot user, just naive and well meaning as I was. Bitches on tinder (or just about any dating/social app really) aren't looking to discuss your hobbies or interest and have meaningful conversation. They just want to tell you about their day, for you to listen and give your own two cents, and then tell them "aww it's okay baby" and shower them with more love and affection than they're deserving of, and also fuck them whenever they're in the mood. They' aren't interested in anything meaningful or lasting, they just want a toy that makes them feel good emotionally and physically.
As for tips on flirting I got nothing for you there.
You have my condolences user.
a what now?
Please stop you're making yourself look worse and worse
Never thought I would hear of a easier place to get STD's than california. I have been proven wrong.
The whole glock thing is just memes. They are fine. And have a huge aftermarket too so thats nice. Plus a lot of neat shit uses glock mags these days like weird carbines and stuff if you ever want to get something like that, owning a bunch of mags already would be nice.
Basically you pay to take a bath with a nip gril and definitely won't have sex with her because thats illegal but if you happen to slip inside her during then its just an accident.
Speaking of war and shit, did anyone feel a burning rage when hearing about the march yesterday? Like a really deep burning passion?
my dick cant help it man
I guess thatsa good example of my naivety because I always figures asking "how was your day" or something similar wouldn't get a good reaction out of a stranger
and yeah i know tinder is fulla bullshit but i don't wanna take the plunge onto a full bore dating site yet. I don't even like using tinder but meeting people 'naturally" is really hard since my work and hobbies aren't social
Your dick is a fucking faggot
The liberals crying about how the entire right is terrorists is infuriating. I'm really hoping proof comes out that it was in self defense.
Kinda strange it seems like the Antifa Hordes are only being violent in America and Germany atm
I might talk to the pawn shop guys. The glocks are like 200n though i need ammo and a safe.
i would visit japan just for that, though im too afraid of stds.
I dont get hard to dudes except for the pillar men
that sounds pretty nice. I wonder what it'd be like to have a girl's boobs washing your back…
Soritsu, you can't die without having experienced that, i'm sure of it.
what march? Which one is this now? I'm getting tired of hearing about a march for the death of so and so or marchign for womyn's/black's/LGBTQIA+?!ZWLMAO's rights
don't, period. They're a waste of time. Arguably an even bigger waste of time.
i feel you there. The only reason I'm remotely sociable is because of my job/the general atmosphere of my workplace.
Whats happening in germany?
Do you legally have to own a safe?
And yeah that is a concern.
300$ is a lot of money for an hour of entertainment though. Would rather buy video games.
No, this time is was the right marching to protest the removal of the robert e lee statue in va. It was great. The commies tried to counter protest and they got BTFO so fucking hard. Then it went on the next day and like 20 commies got run over and one killed.
The only people who want asian "women" are gays who want people not to know they're gay
There was those G20 riots a few months back
I have my sisters kids here sometimes, i want that shit locked up tight. I dont wanna be responseable for a death. I might like guns but im not stupid.
Asian women are more attractive than western women, except for everyone that isnt jap.
i'm slightly envious. My work is just me and 1-2 guys in the 40s plus most of the time, and my hobbies are all stuff i can do on my own at home, so i'm all fucked up socially now into my mid fucking 20s cuz i've been doing this kinda stuff since highschool
whats moreso frustrating is i know that this makes me strange to other people and i don't necessarily blame them for not clicking with me. ah well hopefully i get hit by a fucking lightning bolt or something one of these days
ya know, so i can stop existing but not have a guilt complex about suicide right
Ahh yeah but those happen every g20 summit though
Why are you alone with a little kid you pervert
Reminds me of when my older, super liberal, cousin said that i think too logically.
Im not alone with them. They just like to get into things.
we wuz komputah kangz n sheeeiit
Dudes already been charged with aggravated assaults and shit. They're throwing the book at him.
I don't believe that crap.
I don't even have a passport. Can't get into the US. Last time I went was in 2008 when you didn't need one.
I went to Florida once. Didn't like it, too rainy. I liked Kentucky when we passed through it. Was pretty.
okay since i'm drunk as shit and this is anonymous and all. ever have a fantasy about like, just fucking dying heroically? I guess a fucked up part of me wants to be a hero but doesn't want the long term responsibility.
to collapse in the snow after a valiant act, that would be my ideal way to go
What the
Is that hair?
conversations with people you don't know are sort of like a casual interview. you're basically sifting through the information they provide you & then finding commonalities with which to build a rapport that can be the basis for future conversations if you fuck this up and don't get enough out of the first conversation, the second one will be really fucking awkward
basically just be interested in the things they talk about even if you have to feign interest to some extent, people are whores and they like talking about the things they like
if you're really and truly conversationally retarded, create an user account on grindr. you'll get swarmed by honry dudes who you can practice tech on until they block you
Ive been to florida twice. Its the 5th worst state. My favorite is probably wyoming so far.
Bullshit Asian women are weird looking pidgeon people who sound like them too
I don't remember Riots happening when there was one In Australia, which was right as Tony and Putin were at odds with each other after MH370
If you do get a safe. Get one of those fast open ones.
He could always get off
Wait where the fuck did you live.
Kentucky is like the fucktarded cousin of TN btw, its much better here.
Of course. To die in battle is what every man should do.
Neither but that's why you should of said it
Especially in an Australian shitpostery way
He's a Kang
oooof. That's pretty damned pricey. I could see $300 for maybe 2 or 3 hours. But one? That's just plain jewish of them.
oh. I guess i shouldn't be surprised the lefties wanted it removed because "muh raycism". Oh is that what that car plowing into a crowd of people was about? I saw the video on twitter. One of the libtards at the protest pulled out her phone right after the car sped by, recording herself, and said "FUCK!" and then immediately put it away and carried on. Then the car went into full reverse and almost ran a few other libshits over. Whatever all came of that?
I mean it's nothing glamorous, I'm just a line cook in a bar/restaurant. But I have to talk/interact with my coworkers, and once every blue moon or so a customer. I feel you on thyat hobbies thing for sure though. All I really have is videogames. I was into building gunpla for a bit as well, but in a fit of depression I had a few months back, I threw away all my completed models. I can't even recall what my line of thinking was. I remember feeling embarrassed or something by them though. Whether it was second-hand embarrassment from my parents every time they'd see me assembling or maybe it was just my self esteem bottoming out hard. Regardless, I'm just plain mad at myself for that. I have an unopened Sinanju box but can't bring myself to do anything with it.
i feel that
yeah. I don't think I could actually ever commit suicide unless it was a desperate situation. And even then I probably wouldn't do it.
It was a Malaysian Airlines plane that Russia was accused of downing a few years back
I think in the end it was possibly some Ukrainian rebels backed by Israeli weapons
haha no thanks, at least regular dudes i can bullshit conversations with because even the most normalfag of men have fucking hobbies you can get them started talking about. women are obviously more difficulty because most of them DON'T FUCKING DO ANYTHING, NO HOBBIES OR INTERESTS OR ANYTHING they just live fucking transiently and then i gotta try to crack open this safe that is filled with NOTHING in hopes they provide a little bit of fucking human warmth i want so badly
Unless you want to take a bath with grandma, thats what you gotta pay.
Ohhhh right
It's too hot and wet. I like my drinks and showers and women hot and wet, not my towns.
I live in Canada.
I don't think I could have said it with a straight face.
I hope i can get a key based safe.
I mean, if i did die i would want it to be memorable, but i also wanna live to i can start a family and shit.
Commies beating on car scares driver. Driver steps on gas to GTFO. Commies are too stupid to realise that if a car is moving, you dont get in its way. People get hurt. MSM calls it a terrorist attack.
**older jap women are really hot. 300 doesnt sound that bad for a one time thing*,
fucking ouch, i can't bring myself to even toss the second kit i made which i really fucked up and broke its arm
but i'm in a similiar slump, i got this mostly finished kit on my desk right now i keep trying to throw touch-up hand paint at, fucking up, and retrying for awhile now and i just haven't touched it in weeks at this point
I do enjoy hot and humid though. I hate all the swamp land and tourist shit.
I always thought you were American for some reason.
I'm not talking milfy. I'm talking like 60. Thats gross.
Ooh, thats out of my range. Maybe they have one for 25-35, maybe 40. Anything older than 40 is a nogo.
Yeah. Thats why you gotta pay a lot more to get the younger ones. Personally if I'm paying for something like that. Anything above 21 is a waste imo
fucking hell. What's worse is that the driver will probably get sued seven ways to sunday and back again for running over people. Can't say I would've acted any differently though. Some group of motherfuckers come up banging on my car and windows, trying to open my doors n shit? Hell nah, they're gonna get run over or get out of the fuckin way. It's not like people haven't seen what these libtard protester assholes do to people they get ahold of. I'm sure most people by now have seen videos of the Berkley riots and shit like that.
Yeah I even threw away my MG Char's Z-Gok and HG Qubely. I'm still kicking myself, and that was months ago.
I never did my gunpla in spurts. I always finished them on the days I began them, even if it took me 8 hours in a day. Maybe I should've broken the sessions up, but I didn't/don't have anywhere to really keep an incomplete set either.
You need to learn to be an Aussie Shit poster
Idk, if i was going to japan, i would pay 500-1000 for a good soapland just once.
If i was forced to runover people that were attacking me and my car, why not go for a high score?
Where are you getting this money? It would be faster and more effective to work on a relationship than fly to japan to waste so much money..
Nip milfs are great but I wouldn't pay for it.
1000$ would buy you like a foursome or some shit.
This is a once in a lifetime trip. I probably would have the money and i would want to try it just once.
Maybe the 1000 is for like "perfect" women. 500-700 is probably around the perfect milf/cake age.
i think he means if he was already there sorta shit? Building relationships is so fucking bonkers anyway i can sorta appreciate just paying for the god damn sexual part. but take intro consideration i have such incredible social and trust issues that my words are meaningless
its so hard to trust women though man, that can do such horrid shit and get away with it
I just hate hot weather.
Nope. Near the border though.
day of the rake when
I don't even know how to lose a war to emus though
This too. My greatest fear is having a woman cheat on me. Im saving myself for marrage and i dont want to just have my girl just leave me because of that. Finding a girl who would be willing to not have pre-marital sex is going to be impossible here.
given the chance though i would totally go to a soapland
Hot weather is great.
Typically older women sell for less than young ones you know.
Whats something you like aboot Canada?
That's ok you can be a Queensland Aussie shitposter rather than a West Aussie shitposter
Yeah, but an attractive older women? That might go for just as much as a younger woman.
Very few niggers.
I don't know how to aussie at all though.
It's fucking miserable.
Maybe im just a masochist.
eh, i'd be more concerned about just getting the fuck away, regardless of how many get run over.
aye, just another reason why i've resigned myself to never getting married or anything of the sort. A woman, even a total stranger, can absolutely ruin your life if she had the whim to. The legal system favors them so hard it's agonizing to see. Women are scary.
Not unless you have some kind of lactation fetish. Found a place for that too in nippon
For now
Well git gud cunt
You have a car and they only have baseball bats. Who wins?
Its a hard existance, man.
Nah. I just like the aesthetic of mature women.
They got shit feet though. Plus nips generally have bad feet so its double bad
Faggot, you dont look at their feet when fucking them.
I know what you mean also have a thing of having no idea on how I'd even meet a woman
The only things I see suggested are go to a Supermarket, which to pick up women sounds weird and Church which is a no because I'm not Christian and most Christians here would probably be niggers or cucked as fuck
Never ever.
Non monopolized internet.
I got my internet back two days ago, have done nothing but play Team Fortress 2. I genuinely enjoyed having no internet more as I was actually playing the games I have hoarded over the years and accomplishing things I had only planned to do like learning programming or working on my romhacks. Too bad we paid for the month
Have fun with your shit women then.
Of course you look at them during sex all the best positions allow for that. Plus footjobs.
Do you even have internet there?
Break the addiction user. Delete your steam.
hands are better
Sort of. I'm actually communicating with you by talking into a hollowed out mooses horn, and my internet service provider types it out for me. Then they fax me everyones responses.
Right? I'm envious of my parents. The social climate they grew up and dated in was totally different. It actively encouraged girls and guys both to go out and find that one special someone, get married, and live happily together. Now the social climate is just "fuck whenever and whoever you feel like regardless of any consequences because it empowers womyn but if you say anything against it you're just a sexist prude."
Granted, it's not nearly as likely as with a non-Christian woman, but still a very real possibility. Not to mention most just go to church for the social aspect anyway and aren't really into the religion itself.
as long as she doesn't have some sort of hideous smelly infected tumour hanging off their feet, I couldn't care less. I'm not a foot fetishist.
Cya user
They have pretty fast moosenet up there
You have to learn to appreciate the female form from head to toe. Literally.
it doesn't feel that easy, I am already a pathetic leech on my family. the only time i have no desire to play online is when i have no online and therefore no desire to get a job since i am content with less. i can't just delete steam, i would redownload it. i have tried to kick addictions that way, i have deleted my hoards of porn and everything from games to notes doesn't matter i just start recompiling it. the problem is i have a choice
I believe in Kek and 40k's Chaos
That moosenet setup sounds very comfy. Is it real?
Their not really christian women then if they go to get fucked/to socialize/gossip. I hate dealing with those bitches as they are much more rebellious due to their upbringing in this lawless society. /endrant
Tell your mum to reset the routers password and to not tell you what it is.
Kek posting is all well and fun, but you seriously believe it? I guess I can't really shit on you. I'm not too sure myself what I actually believe. I know there must be some sort of god though, there's no way in hell everything that exists just HAPPENED to be like atheists like to say. But considering I believe in the existence of an infinite number of similar universes, and also the existence of multiple planes of existence beyond our own, I can't say it's not entirely impossible. Just doesn't really strike me as likely.
right. Just another reason I stopped going to church: most of the people there don't really give a shit. It's just part of a routine for them. They get up early sunday morning, put on their nice clothes, go to church and listen to the pastor and pray and give some money to the church before going home and going right back to whatever it is they do, none the different or any more enlightened. Because they don't care.
yep. Went to school with a pastor's daughter; turned out to be a total slut. And the missionary's daughters? Lesbians. Well, one lesbian, one bisexual.
Though recently i'm becoming more and more convinced that the Bible as we know it has been manipulated. I mean it was just a council of people with agendas a good 1800 years or so ago who decided what books DID go in the Bible and what books DIDN'T. And we see from that we wound up with the Roman Catholic Church. How can I even trust what some old farts (who more than likely had some agendas of their own) to put in the Bible to decide what is the actual words of God?
Sorta, I mean shit like 4U9525 is something you cannot explain
And honestly I think 40k is right that our own ideas are really more powerful than mere ideas but rather a sort of incomprehensible power
Honestly there probably isn't Chaos Gods or Kek but Meme Magic is real
Headed off to bed. Was nice seeing you again fam. Good luck in all things.
That bait. I will bite.
You can't trust those old farts.
But you can trust God Himself who can not lietitus 1:2. God in mark 13:31 said He would preserve his word forever. But that leads to circular logic as it requires you to beleive God exists in the first placealso known as faith.
Indeed the Bible has been manipulated. Fucking kikes did that back when they started publishing different versions instead of following 2 peter 1:20.
literally nothing would stop me from simply resetting the router, i am frustrated and have no self control
What if it was a router covered in thermite that would spark if you pulled the case? Or maybe a router covered in a hard melted plastic as to make it impossible to unplug without cutting cables?
*devious mind intensifies*
Yeah, good seeing you again too Soritsu. Sleep tight!
oh that creepy grin star pattern thing that google's star map had blacked out? Yeah that was weird…
ah so that's what you're getting at. Yeah, it definitely is real. It's effect has been seen way too much these last few years for it NOT to be real.
that implies i'm not being serious. I assure you user, i'm 100% serious.
Right, I know God cannot lie, and that He will perserve His Word. I DO believe in God, but what has me all fucked up is how much is actual stuff and how much is what kikes have screwed around with and changed up to fit their whims? Do you see where my doubts lie now? It's not in God Himself; it's in Man.
Oh well that's easy. Ye will know them by their fruitsmatthew 7:15-20. If they lie inspite of titus 1:2 then it is not of God. A good example would be how you used Word instead of word to describe what God says. In John 1 Word describes Christ. But in Hebrews 4:12 word describes what God says. Such simple things are lost on kikes because they don't believe what God says.
Also there is alot of stuffeverything that is due to john 8:44 the kikes have lied about. What is bothering you?
No not that 4U9525 was that plane crash where there were so fucking many ties to TDKR
Like Crashing in a town called Bain, a Dr Pavel look alike at the scene of the crash, the amount of people who died was the seconds mark where the scene started, 9525 was the frame mark of the end of the scene, the pilot being described as a big guy in a newspaper article and his house looking like Bane
Was fucking weird
No gaijin or dogs allowed, right?
more of the concept as a whole of a bunch of ancient dudes decided what should and shouldn't be in the Bible.
ah right on then. You know, I feel like I may have heard that before too.
I wouldn't really be sure where to start honestly. What are some things the kikes have lied about in regards to the Bible though? Why did the Council of Nicea keep some Apostle's books/letters but not the others? How did they deem what was worth putting in and what wasn't worth putting in? These are just off the top of my head…
ohhh that one.
yeah was a big one Was the reason I'm here today
wait so that event brought you the Holla Forums?
Well it goes back to circular logicfaith again. God says He inspired people to write/say what He says in 2 peter 1:21. Therefore since God exists and He can not lietitus 1:2 surely the fruit of His worksmatther:7:15-20 would be manifest in the inspired prophet/speaker/scribe. But that is a giant circle trapfaith.
Well there's the fact they shill that flat earth shit all the time inspite of it being untrue. It's so easy to prove them wrong too. Just quote Genesis 1:8 that makes Heaven a synonym with the firmament. Then quote genesis 1:14-16 which says God placed the sun and the moon in the firmament. Where are the sun and the moon? In space. So space and firmament are synonyms Biblically speaking.
so it all goes back to faith then…
is THAT why this is a meme now?
I heard about Gamergate and Holla Forums before 4U9525 and went for a small bit but went back to normalfagbook, and then when 4U9525 happened I went to check, Holla Forums had similar taste in vidya as me so I went there a fair bit, then I went to Holla Forums and it was still before Trump declared so redpill threads were common as fuck rather than all being Trump, granted it's not like Trump is shit it's just that you now have Holla Forumsacks who don't know what the Rothschilds are and think 9/11 was done by some arabs, It's also funny that at one point I thought I stopped being a newfag, then realised I will never not be a newfag, just a less new newfag that's assimilated
i came to Holla Forums right when GamerGate really started going good, not long after the 4chan exodus I suppose really. I liked Holla Forums better before the election. Holla Forums is pretty much just /trump/ now, which is cool I guess, but it's like that's all they focus on mostly now.
Anyway, imma finish this episode of FOTNS and get some shut eye.
Been nice talking to you lads again. Catch you all some other time.
Granted Trump is actually pretty fun to talk about so it is obvious to see why it's become /trump/, I guess the issue was Trump also declared around the point where we were starting to think everyone here knows your basic shit, so stopped recycling it and left it in a locked sticky that no one notices or links to newfags
So am I