What are some fun games where I can mow down undesirables in a car?
What are some fun games where I can mow down undesirables in a car?
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GTAV, lots of faggots in LA to pancake.
For the life of me I can't remember that stupid old game for the 3DO where you mow down 2d sprites of people in a crappy car in a poorly rendered environment while hilariously bad music plays. I think you eventually mow down a football team on their field.
Sleeping dogs and watch dogs I think
You do understand you're making fun of dying people?
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Sorry, I didn't understand your sentence.
Why you need to be so inhuman, that you think people following different ideology are no longer humans for you? Have you thought that maybe they are misguided in life and need your help? Do you really think killing them will teach them anything except respond in same way? Violence only produces more violence.
You know what. I think you're completely right. You've shown me the light.
If you kill the enemy, they win.
Why do you assume an idiot dragged into poisonous ideology, who can't responsibly judge his actions against the country and other poeple needs to be considered a vile enemy that needs to be slaughtered? You can't control crouds with fear. They will turn to anger. You can only become enemy of everyone with violence, and change nothing.
Better to suffer and tolerate suffering, just to give a chance for those people to redeem themselves.
I think he's more or less saying that no one will will win, and in the long run he's likely correct. Being a reactionary faggot and driving your car into people just because you're buttmad just makes you look like a nigger.
These people want to subjugate and ultimately destroy whites, brainwash your children, destroy and replace your history and culture, inject moral decay into every facet of modern existence, etc. etc.
And they think it's hilarious.
If you don't consider that an enemy, I would hate to see what kind of person you would consider one.
As for the misguided part, some people aren't capable of being turned. That's the result of decades of indoctrination. Sometimes it's just better to tear the roots of the weed out of the ground and start fresh instead of routinely cutting it.
In all seriousness, the car incident wasn't even per-meditated. Eye witness, video recording, and even police testimony all show his car was being hit with baseball bats and so he freaked out and sped up in self-defense.
Oh shit, really? I actually had no idea… Most of the news articles I clicked implied he just went out of his way to run them over.
Yes and violence is a good thing, it filters out the weak.
I enforced a strict no-smoking policy policy when I played Sleeping Dogs. Hong Kong was never cleaner.
OP you cocksucking master of faggots. You only made this thread to talk about politics, I was right on the money. Kill your self fagbot and return from whence you came
user, you're making same mistakes of unconditional hatred towards large groups of uneducated, spoiled by modern cultural norms, people.
You're resorting to claims that that whole mass of liberal protesters are same people with exact same lives and goals, without embracing the fact its just an ideology, fashionable one too. You think like they are big hive mind with no weaknesses or human feelings. Childish maximalism. In reality indocrination wasn't that big of a deal, from 100 of them only 5 or 10 will be really zombiefied and lead the rest of the cattle, that's there just for the company, false sense of justice, money or attention. At least some of them can be redpilled and their lives restored. Ramming them with the car only makes them more indocrinated and gives them motivation to support their ideology stronger. Because violence will only motivate them to fight.
Stop posting gay shit
Sparing an idiot will only allow them to come back and kill you later.
If you can tolerate an idiot and then spare him once or twice, eventually they may overlook you and become open for discussion. People rarely overlook a murderer.
I guess I'd throw in the Road Rash games, considering you can ramp off of pedestrians.
Shame the newest one is fairly well trash.
You haven't changed, and I'm most certain you will never.
I haven't heard anything about this since the early days of its development. It still looks really boring, honestly. It just looks so slow.
Reminder that one of its devs storytimed a lot about it in the comment section of its game dungeon episode.
It's almost like there's an entire game series that allows this. Made by a bunch of limey bastards named after a Memory function.
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