Jesus fucking Christ
Jesus fucking Christ
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He was taken by normalfags years ago, something like this comes with no surprise.
I didn't know normalfags could go this far
I havent seen so many dank maymay in a game.
pepe has been a normalfag meme for years now
i am sure Holla Forums will generally love it! haha
B-but, Holla Forums told me Pepe was a racist hate symbol now and we had reclaimed him!
Did Holla Forums draw this?
Is Holla Forums just /furry/ now?
What a bunch of losers!
No the first pic was some libcuck meme to push trannies on kids
The other pics got a furry banned from FA, just today.
What sort of mental gymnastics will Holla Forums come up with to defend this?
I bet that the ADL is behind this
Kill yourself furfag
What did this have to do with Holla Forums then?
Normalfags are racists now. Racism is mainstream.
I made a thread there :^)
Here's your answer:
Its meme magic, praise kek!
funny enough pepe does have some ties to the egyptian god of chaos. And up until months ago thats what Holla Forums sort of worshipped before the christcucks started yelling at them that they weren't "white enough" and not following a "White" diety
If anything 8ch seems to be blessed by some aspects of the Egyptian pantheon. Kek, Ammit and a few others seem to have ties to mannerisms found here.
On another note, kekistan shit is chanology tier and if you or a loved one seriously think it should be a thing consider suicide.
Normalfags have never been less racist, ask anyone above 30.
fuck, forgot the kikestarter link
I wonder how Holla Forums can get outta this one?
Compare /zoo/ and /fur/
The userbase does tend to overlap a lot though.
Post Mrhands
Yeah, and traps aren't gay.
Ain't got much, not a fan of keeping this shit in my computer.
Holla Forums prides itself on getting its information from inside its own bubble only, the rest being kike propaganda. That can lead to some misconceptions.
How about you take a step outside of your cave?
The media told you this, because they saw people posting frogs on Holla Forums because they had to do another bad researched sensationalist article.
I did that once and all I saw was this
Alright, how about take another step and this time out of your college campus?
I threw up a little in my mouth at all those artifacts and shitty execution.
I was compelled to take your idea and do what you clearly couldn't.
Spend a week and learn how to actually use photoshop, faggot.
Removed a leftover section of a frame and brightened it a bit.
man this is some weak bait man. I get that the left cant meme but this is just pathetic.
I don't know what you're talking about.
.jpeg is perfectly fine.
nice work
How did they get the copyright to Pepe?
SJWs are a minority, 'ironic racism' is the popular attitude. Whatever trends begin in the dark web spread to places like Holla Forums and then to 4chan/reddit/facebook/9gag
I was living with my brother in a house full of normalfag university students last year after I ran away from my wife.
Fixed the compression.
One has to be insanely stupid to think a meme is something you can own exclusively or hat it's something that can be "taken".
You can only loose it by willingly abandoning it (not using it). And if you doing that, you prove how WEAK you are, since you let others dictate your meme usage and tastes, like some hipster.
Somebody contact Matt Furie, he can probably send them a C&D for using his character without his consent.
Everybody talked like that on 4chan pre-2008, it wasn't just newfags.
It's the only thing I don't miss about the old days.