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Battle Chasers: Nightwar
How about >(You) tell us just what it is before making a god damn thread you stupid fucking obvious shill.
Just watch the webms mp4s, faggot.
If you don't have a download to the beta/alpha there's nothing to discuss, it looks okay and the publisher isn'tttoo bad so it might turn out okay.
I did, those told me absolutely nothing about its gameplay AS USUAL with current year +3 games. Until you come up with something that's legitimately informational, please ask your superiors for a more modern infosheet on how to shill and fuck off from my board.
Ree, and goodbye
Just get >>>/out/
shit looks like torchlight as a jrpg.
looks neat but I don't have a switch and that isn't going to change in the foreseeable future, so it's a moot point.
that being said at least the switch actually is going to get games unlike every other console at the moment.
It's on all main platforms though not just the switch.
I love the style of the game, still don't feel like I know much about the gameplay other than "it's a jrpg" though.
ready to not give a shit? sure
I hope it's good
Isn't Battle Chasers the D&D series by that weaboo artist Joe Mad who is so lazy he missed the deadlines of HIS OWN FUNNY BOOK?
Oh well then I only watched the 2ed video and saw it start with the switch logo, this changes things
Why? It could have been good god of war/musou/DMC clone. Or even a diablo clone.
Why waste assets on turn-based trash?
Woah lay off the ebin here, fellow anonymoose.
When is the release date and how are the comic books?
I thought the same thing about turned based when I was underage too
Funny, because when I was underage I liked turn-based games. They were great for wasting all my free time without putting in any effort to win.
Holy shit is that a stupid statement, turn based is implemented in a shitload genres, might as well say every roguelike is a shit tier game.
You're that fucking retarded.
It's fine to like inherently easy games, but don't go adhoming people who like challenge.
Yeah you have no idea what you're talking about.
Oh I played plenty of them. You only die a couple of times while figuring out the rules, then if you just don't do stupid shit, you'll win.
It is an easy genre.
You mean like Pokemon or early final fantasy. Sorry to hear you are an idiot who hasn't played a game that requires some form of strategy yet.
Ow, you guys are sure hyper defensive.
Maybe I should point out that between JRPGs and roguelikes, the second is obviously harder, since it requires you to actually think what are you doing at the moment.
But since there is no pressure of time or manual dexterity as long as you're not mouthbreathing retard you won't lole.
In JRPGs you just spam attack to win though.
Yeah you have no idea what you're talking about.
Elaborate then, what makes roguelikes hard.
What is even "hard" for you?
By that logic Chess is easy because it's turned based. You are an idiot.
It is? You just learn combinations and use them accordingly.
It may be time consuming to learn all of them, but it's not hard.
Ok, you are just pretending to be retarded.
You're a fucking retard discussing "hard" when that's a fucking meme born from the dark souls generation.
I'm guessing you were 14-16 back in 2011.
The point isn't for a game to be hard but to have a large amount of mechanics that relate to each other that build a game of depth.
Roguelikes, dominions 4, strategy games, RPG's all use turn based systems that allow mechanics to be built around a players understanding of said mechanics.
When you design a game around being "hard" you get shit like DaS2, or Hotline Miami 2 which often make the game worse for the sake of pleasing retards like you.
You're like a liberal who sits around in wine mixers flaunting how much you supported illegals and refugees.
No thought actually goes into what you're discussing, you're only bringing it up in the hope others view you in a better light.
Which is only MORE pathetic seeing as this is a anonymous board, no one is going to give you a merit badge faggot.
If you don't understand this but are posting on a imageboard comprised of people who've been posting here for years, discussing why mechanics and depth is good, but through ignorance declare all turn based games casual, only exposes you as a know nothing child who is more willing to close off opposing opinions instead of actually discuss their hobby.
Do you have sub-100 IQ?
Where did I say that.
Or are you saying DaS2 is complex?
Stop acting like a nigger
This thread got autistic really fast.
Mouthbreathers collapsed under the revelation that their braindead games were never hard and try to damage control it.
What arguments?
You're clearly a retard if you believe you have the experience to pass judgement so broadly based on a single mechanic.
Game looks like shit anyhow. There really wasn't much gameplay shown in those videos, what was there looked like a shit tier JRPG trying way too hard to be stylish.
Agreed it will probably be a typical dragon quest clone with no mechanics to seperate it.
Missed by many months, at that.
Is the darksiders guy on board for this?
They aren't random if you can see the enemy before you fight.