Any game welcome as long as its worth playing. Multiplayer shooters as well.
What are you playing? Played recently?
Any game welcome as long as its worth playing. Multiplayer shooters as well.
What are you playing? Played recently?
Is there a collection of community made maps for Serious Sam anywhere? I played through TFE and TSE and there were some fun levels but others were meh.
Its 6DOF baby. Think Doom but in every direction. It was made by Parallax (who half of which would split into Volition) and published by Interplay.
A sourceport made for the two games that allow shit like a gentleman's resolution and support for modern gamepads as well as M+KB
>Where can I buy this?
You can't. Interplay fucked up and didn't pay the right people when it was up on digital storefronts, so you pretty much can't anymore unless you hunt down an original copy, and then you gotta get shit working. Just use the links, faggot.
Stop being a fucking pussy.
Ballistic Overkill, a shooter made by Brazillians. Its on sale on steam so I decided I might as well pick it up because I wanted to see if favela monkeys were capable of making something good. Surprisingly enough its quite good, so I would guess South Brazillians made it. I'd say plays a bit like Dirty Bomb with less MOBA shit and less content. The only microtransations the game has are skins.
its a shitty proto-bioshock rpg
The paper said that there are two methods that the brain might use for navigating a 3D environment, which are spacial and memory based respectively. Using one tends to result in atrophy of the other. However atrophy of the part of the brain associated with spacial learning is associated with degenerative neurological diseases later in life.
Even then I only read the abstract, but you should be wary of any studies with clickbait tier titles/conclusions. Vid related.
Very interesting video, explains a lot of the flavor of the month health advice you hear about.
Why is the best FPS released in the past 3 years?
Been playing the first FF lately. Why is it so hard to evade the fuckin ghosts in this game?
Played through Just Cause 3 on PS4 and it was fucking unfinished trash.
Don't buy it. Not even for a dollar. It's still fucking broken and makes Bethesda look competent when it comes to patching bugs.
Gotta replay the single player for the upcoming 20th anniversary.
Playing Clive Barker's undying. It has to be one of the most boring games I've played. Just killed ambrose and I can't continue. You can really tell this was a ps2 port too. Who actually likes it here?
Been playing Doom 64 on my CRT TV with the lights off and wearing headphones. God damn did they do an amazing job making a run and gun like Doom spooky and nerve wracking.
Yeah, fuck off.
It's PC and Mac only dumbo
In the wiki. I should of clarified it was cancelled.
This is legitimately the fastest FPS game ever made. Kyle Katarn runs at the top speed of about 35-40 mph without force speed.
The fuck are you talking about? It plays like a shitty BLOPS 3 clone with maps the size of postage stamps. Seriously every single game boils down to spawn camping or getting spawn camped because of all of the maps shitty design. Even comparing this garbage to Dirty Bomb is insulting.
I started Power Slave on the Saturn. Gorgeous game and it's a ton of fun too.
You fuckers ought to get hyped for Overload.
>get Ziggurat during Humble Bundle
>Binding of Isaac with the Gameplay of DooM/Serious Sam but more specifically, Heretic/Hexen
>it's actually good shit, tho figuring out ammo for each Item Set is a bit confusing.
>I'd say there arent enough potions layin around, but you guys would call me a bitch or somethin so fuck off
OP clearly says FPS. I dont think Fatal Frame counts, unless every MGS since 2 counts as well, or Dark Souls when using the Bows
Taking a photograph or filming is called shooting, you dummy.
GTA is an FPS then?
damn i'm so damn close to finishing serious sam on serious but as soon as I get sandwiched and I let a few kleers, werebulls or whatever it's spawning, it becomes a fucking nightmare.
Don't act retarded, mate. As far as I know Fatal Frame is first person game where you take photographs of ghosts (i.e. shooting ghosts). I think the person who posted it might have posted it as a joke, or not.
great campaign, great movement system, titans are all fun, multiplayer is nice if you care about that kind of gameplay. community is a bit lower on pc, but you will still always find games and they regularly brought nice and free contentupdates. you'll get good value for money here.
surprisingly great campaign, don't care for the multiplayer - didn't even try it
best sounddesign i heard in years, you will never come closer to actually shitting your pants under virtual heavy fire. being largely reliant on team cooperation, an incompetent squad leader can break the round for you - although those rounds are surprisingly still good fun for reasons i don't know. it's just a competently made game. vehicles are well made too. community seems nice from what i've played so far. this one could become really great with all the stuff thats coming down the line.
the meme game. didn't expect much, but it's actually good fun. i never play solo because it's so much better when you have at least one partner you know in voicechat. in comparison to squad still very buggy, prone to crashes now and then, largely unoptimised, but it's in an overall good and playable state. if you don't have a partner your enjoyment will be substantially lowered.
Desync, tough, enjoyable, feels like a rough blowjob
I'm playing Doom The Mercenaries for Doom and was wondering if anyone else had made levels built for it.
As fun as that mod looks, wasn't half the fun of RE4 all the body part reactions when you shot them. Like kneecaps causing them to go on one knee, shoulders cause them to jerk back that same side, ect. Doom doesn't have the ability to account for that, does it?
There is a stun system in place which I don't quite have a hold on as far playing Doom like The Mercenaries. The key assignments are a little wonky, but I want to like it.
I think Brutal Doom does take limbs into account.
I really like DOOM but its weapon loadout is limited compared to other classic FPS. I always wanted it to have a railgun, a grenade launcher and a flamethrower to round things out and take up the other 3 number keys it doesn't use.
Overrated game. Movement inertia to such a degree as descent does it isn't fun in a fast pace shooter.
Its looking promising so far, but I'm not touching it until its out of Early Access. I mean I backed the fucking thing
Hype is the first step on the road to disappointment.
Woah it's like Heretic…
Nothing but sidestrafing while shooting
The whole "3rd person in 1st person" view like that feels 'wrong'.
It works perfectly, what are you on about?
Woah it's like Doom…
Nothing but sidestrafing while shooting
Don't even try it with a keyboard and mouse or a gamepad. Descent was designed for a proper joystick and any other control method is barely functional. If you don't have a joystick, buy one. Descent alone is worth it.
I've literally seen one single movie that had a spaceship that did instant 180 and 360 spins with a human pilot. What you speak of would completely break the immersion of the piloting experience those types of games are specific built around creating. In other words, you're a fucking retard.
2nd rate games need not apply.
what? guess you are hanging around homosexual sjws that think the north of the country is homophobic
are we talking about the same game here?