VR: Oculus Rift vs. HTC Vive- Just bought both, which is better?

OK, already know I'm going to get called kike, gypsy, and every other name under sun by that one fucking autistic always prowling this board and for some reason tends to single out me , apparently because I burned his ass many months ago and don't recall it.

Today I got Occ Rift along with their 2 motion sensors and the hand controls things. [Another personal note: last week was finally told that at most I have 12-18 motnhs left due to muh cancer, thus the reason I'm spending money lie a drunken nigger on a Tues night now. Some fucking headstones cost $60k (!!!) and above). Fuck that, much rather spend what I have now and have my ashes in an urn).

Now that I'm finished with that nonsense, my observations: the HTC headset is definitely much better made. It FEELS like it costs the extra shekels they charge for it. As for the hand tool/trigger, have to say I prefer the Occ Rift. It does what the Vive wands are designed to do (and, incidentally, would would function far better as a gun in a first person shooter if the Jews ever let us have one one of those…yeah, I know the "Arizona" game," but I mean like a real COD-type shooter.

As per the motion senors, have only have about an hour to fuck with the Occ Rift, but I see no major difference between the Vive and having to get up on a ladder and screw the fucker into the wall vs the 1 foot tall Occ rfit motion detectors.

As already said, just got the Rift so maybe the differences will become more apparent soon enough (right now downloading Jewggle Earth for Occ Rift, since I don't think they let you purchase Rift games from Steam (could be wrong) which would be a MAJOR fucking pain in the ass.

Anyway, these are just my initial impressions. Supposedly, I got a good deal since for $400 I got the headset, hand things, and motion censors. Which could be horse shit, but then I recall a year ago this past Christmas when I was about to buy an OLED TV, 60 inches, for about $1,600. M yolder brother told me not to, to wait for boxing day to pass and price would drop like a rock.

So, I did that. And the next Day, I woke up to find the fuckign price sellign for $4,000, more than double. It turned out, it had leaked out that fucking apple would be using OLED for their newest iphone, and the price on every OLED TV doubled and tripled. So you never fucking know.

Can't give a tun-down on the games until I've tried a few, which is gonna be a fuckig issue since I have all my spare shekels in goddam Steam, and as I understand it (might be wrong) Occ doesn't use Steam. So I guess will see.

Will try to keep you faggots updated since I'm in a somewhat unique position of owning both of these fucking things and not indebted to either company so when something sucks, can tell you it sucks since I ain't getting paid one way or another, ain't some 22 year old shekels whore begging for gibs on Pateron an agonizing over how to look "cute" without looking too "slutish" so I can be more effective at ripping off guys (seriously, how do you dudes who give shekels to hookers like that (or any pateron whores) live with yourselves? and what are the Jews gonna do, kill me?

If anyone interested, let me know and will keep updated. Even if not interested, fuck you, just might keep you updated on what machine is superior anyway.

N.B.- I guess it sould go without saying, but if you expected to really get the most out of your Vive (can't really speak for Oculus yet), you better have a PC that costs ~ $3,500 shekels and has a fuckload of USB and preferably a Titan XP unless you can afford a NVIDIA Quadro M6000 24GB Card and run 4 top monitors at the same time.


Can you test which protects best against shotgun shells aimed at the skull?

Don't know what you mean. Are you implying Im making shit up and LARPing Would you like to see a picture of both of them next to each other?
Motherfuckers on here, a good chance to get a legit opinion fro a motherfucker who can afford to run through shekels like a nigger since he's soon to be dead, and still have to compete to the biggest edge lords. 2 fucking hard-ons "oh, look how cool I am!" when meanwhile, both of you are probably dreading the days until your asses start high school again and the niggers start beating your fucking asses.


Should've asked that question before you bought nigger. Now fuck off and find out yourself since you have the two with you.

Nice faggot headsets for faggot.
I'll be content with my $45 Huawei in a cardboard box and 7.1 headphones that gives the same experience for less than a fifth of the price you dipshit

Then you clearly have not tried either the Rift or the Vive.

Honestly, why are people such fucking edgy retards on here? He explained why he bought both of them but I guess you autistic children can't read for shit.


I've tried both
And they're not impressive.
I'm sorry if you wasted $400 on a glorified cellphone

I own neither of them, but you are clearly retarded if you can't tell the difference in fidelity. But each to their own I guess.

Get out and take this (you).



Oh whoops I'm sorry, let me slap another Huawei in the cardboard box when dual support comes out
That'll truly complete the Experience TM
And it'll still be several hundred dollars cheaper.

Should have clarified. Have HAD the the Vive for…4 or 5 months, just got the Rift today. I fucked up by not making that more clear in intial language, but if you read what I wrote, it's obvious that I have owned the Vive for several months and thus far only the "Arizona" game and the google earth have been worth a fuck.

Nut today is first day I have BOTH. My fuck-up, should have been more clear in the initial few lines… Also, really, really roping they sell occ rift shit on Steam because I'm really fucked if they don't, should hav e checked efore hand but bought the fuckig thing on implulse when I saw it down to %367 w. my amazon credit…

Are you just a mouthbreathing retard who forgot to do his research, or a mouthbresthing retard who bought one as a gift?


You should fucking go back to leddit, because if you'd been here more than 1 days you'd know that's a term leftist scum use to try to degrade people on the right.

Also, if you HAD AN IQ OVER 80, you'd see I'm offering to give input over the coming weeks and months while I'm croaking for people trying to decide which (if either) they want and if it's worth it. That one I DO NOT apologize for, as it as made very plain in the context of the post. You're just a fucking asshole.

What a coincidence, thats exactly what I was doing

he's just a kike trying to get Holla Forums excited for already dying pc vr

I'll also roll, no sense in letting it go to waste.

No one gives a shit you're dying. Do us all a favour and just kill yourself already.

Ahahaha please go back to a site more suited for posters like you, for example, Reddit or Blacked.com.

Requesting a sauce on all those panties

Various other thoughts for those 1 or 2 reading this who actually have the shekels and are considering getting one of the two:
A. "Steam" now has games for Rift available on it. Much as I hate to put a shekel in the kike Zuckerberg's pocket, wasn't it founded by a Gentile (Lucky Palmer?) which makes ot more palatable.

B. Also order for ~$110 shekels a device designed to make the Vive more comfortable and I think it comes with built in headphones, because trying to use the Vive with the fucking headphones underneath and the contraption squeezing your skull was torture. When I set it up tomm and try it out, will post results for few who care. The hard-ons with nothing better to do who think they're bothering me, I don't even read it, don't care.

C. One of the reasons I went with Vive over Rift in the first place was because Rift didn't have google earth. Well, Rift now has google Earth but it's a very shitty version of it, har d to zoom in and get the right angle on what you want to see, just odd.

D. Going to have to check game selection, since it seems like Rift has more games including a number of flight simulators (was training to get my recreational pilot's license before I found out I had cancer). Would love to be able to use a flight simulator next 12-18 months.

E. A lot is going to depend on the fucking thing designed to make to Vive more comfortable as it sits on your skull, and if it has headphones. I know, I should know recall this stuff but I'm half out of my mind on fentanyl patches and diludad a lot of the time anyway, so will need to check.if it came with headphones. The hedphones that come with the Rift are awful, but still beats the hell out of trying to squeeze a pair of Bose headphones under something already way too fucking tight. The thing I got from Amazon, as I recall, seems in design at least a lot like the Rift, just not sure if it has headphones.

F. If any of you all have a Rift or Vive and can give a recommendation, would appreciate it. There's a Batman 3D that just came out, but I have absolutely no clue ince GG exposed the gaming press as even bigger hookers than I assumed they were.

G. Lastly, should mention, if you are a computer retard (unlikely or you'd not be on here), Rift is a lot easier in terms of setup ad basically sets itself up for for you. The Vive can be a pain in the fucking ass in various ways even if you know what you're doing. If you don't…probably a bitch to set up/use…

assholes== save your talmudic hatred, which you aptly express like kike money changers being driven out of the temple with a bullwhip. Don't dead it and don't care. I was dealing w. trolls on the chans when you were still sucking your uncle's dick for a candy bar

What is it with all of the Reddit OPs lately?

Should have bough an AR-15 and bullets to mow down a synagogue instead of buying the glorified horseshit that is VR twice.

I don't think any of you niggers have any right to get mad at other people for being redditors, it's like a midget making fun of a toddler for being short

-VR Kanojo
-Custom Maid 3d
-Honey Select
-Gal*Gun VR
-Pavlov VR
-Star Trek: Bridge Crew
-Raw Data
-Arizona Sunshine
-Out of Ammo
-Descent: Underground
-Robo Recall

That's just about every game on VR that's worth playing.

What are you doing?

Games that aren't VR focused and only have it as an option aren't worth playing if your only goal is playing VR games

Motion sickness
inb4: lol just get over it
No, ive been using these HMDs since the Rift kickstarter 5(?) years ago. Motion sickness can be controlled somewhat but i shouldnt have to endure a fucking migraine just to play a video game.

Apparently Mark attracted a whole bunch of newfags when he was streaming Sanic.

nah, this guy has been shitting up the board for a week or so now

Well sucks for you, REZ in VR is pretty fucking neat.

The Hi-Point you'll be jamming in your mouth due to wasting your money on gimmick goggles.

have you tried adding something in to simulate a nose? i've heard that that's pretty much a guaranteed fix for the VR motion sickness everyone is getting, just add a super thin piece of foam or something on the eye-side of the goggles roughly where a nose would be, just so you're not so disoriented

That's a good idea I might try that.

This post is a meme through and through. Also, there are FPS VR games. Pavlov is exactly what you were looking for.

Listen, I know you're retarded, but could to try to be a little less? Just for today?

Do people even care about that shit? Isn't it just another gimmick?

Fuck all y'all edgy retards.

Sick of this contrarian bullshit that chans have.

Oh god, everything here is just full of hate. How can you live with yourselves? Just buy the headsets for yourselves and see what you're missing out on.

Get a job and a life.

Accidental sage, was mad at the rest of you.

Bump for OP.


Good, leave then


whats up with the shit threads as of late ?

Cuckchan and reddit.

Your desperation is showing.


We're getting popular.

Go back to cuckchan, then. You'll fit right in along with all the other 13 year olds.


You'd fit in better there, if this is your idea of quality.

Post both headsets next to each other with a timestamp, you lying nigger.

The OP has some shit grammar but this thread could have discussions if anyone actually stopped to talk about VR titles. Instead it's mindless shitting caused by the likes of you. The quality of posters has decreased dramatically but you're a part of that. I won't be surprised when this place goes the way of 7chan.

This is called automoderation, VR is gimmick shit and has been talked to death on this board already. The OP is a Redditor or other filth and doesn't get tired of reminding everyone in this thread of that fact. These threads deserve nothing else

There's nothing to discuss. All 12 of the games are average at best, and few people here even have headsets to play them on.

So you've tried it? It's very useful for depth perception and being able to control the camera with your face at a bare minimum.

The only way it's been talked about to death is everyone who doesn't own it shitting on it. Not sure how that's talking about it to death.

Most games are average these days, why talk about any of them? Might as well not talk about video games.

There's also quite a few games that work well in VR, cockpit sims especially but even some productivity like basic 3D modeling programs are available too. As for good VR titles: There are plenty like EVE: Valkyrie, PCars, Elite: Dangerous, X Rebirth VR of all fucking things, Knock-Out League, VTOL VR, WarThunder, Pavlov, Hotdogs, Horse Shoes and Hand-Grenades, Battlezone, or there's mods to make Doom 3 or Quake 2 in VR.

There's actually good content but nobody wants to believe it because they're too focused on trying to feel superior to someone who just wants to have fun with simple mechanics.


Played Elite Dangerous in VR at a friends place. It's pretty cool but nothing to write home about, just like 3D movies. Any game where you move on your own is shit with it, it cripples the controls to the point of Kinect-Tier garbage.

When looking at the first couple of pages, i don't see a single thread talking about an average modern game.

We dont.
4am is usually the most active type of thread, and guess what, it happens every day.
No, and even if there were there are so few people who have the headsets to know if they were good in the first place. What do you want people to do, talk about how games could be fun in theory?
I have a Vive and i can say with certainty that the only thing I'll be using it for in the future is VR Kanojo.

Oh no, user. You were born much too soon for proper vr prawn. One thing you should do is be concise because even my time is gold and I'm not reading that wall of text. Anyways, good luck.

PS. You should go to Russia and hire hookers of the illegal kind. Live the dream.

Thanks mate, saving these. As for all the assholes on here bitching "VR is just a gimmick," they're the ones who can't afford it. I worked like a nigger in the fields in Law School and then 10 years after, luckily no alimony or child support (though came dangerously close).

Same assholes here saying "VR is a meme" were ipon cuckchan before Holla Forums harbor saying "4k TV is a meme, "smart phones" are a meme,etc… It's the same script: anything I can't afford is therefore a meme.

And what do I get if I'm indeed telling the truth? Do you promise never to post here again?

Here you go asshole. Now what?

Quick question mate (I know, samefagging but about different topics, give me a fucking break only got ~8,760 hours to live.) Is one of these games the one I same..I think on a Nipponese show on VR where you are fighting with "guns" but they somehow resemble alien guns?

I KNOW I;m gonna be long fucking dead before we get a VR game in the mold of the early COD: MW type games where you got yo blow away sand niggers you chased through Paris and such.

Next Purchases is going to be a logitech steering wheel with gas pedals and clutch for racing games, because some of those do look fucking bad ass. Have a 34 inch NVIDA monitor that cost me a shit load (not trying to be a dick "look at all me shekels!," but since I'm dying anyway not exactly a need to worry about the 401 k and saving for a house).

Anyone taken the dive yet and bought a logitech steering wheel with gas pedal and set up 3 monitors and can tell us how it is? Thanks..

The fucking irony is that I've never been on leddit in my life because I refuse to sign up for anything to do with signing up and then upvotes, downvotes, etc.. I'll go further– I'm one of the originators of what is now called "leddit spacing" detection. Not that it was intentional, I just had never fucking been there and thus typed all in single space. The first 5-6 months, I got sit for it non-stop. Now every- fucking-one does it.

And I have to sit here taking shit from some little bag of festering feces telling ME that I don't belong here. Hot fucking shit. LEt's have your evidence "I am a ledditor." Was already accused of fucking lying about having both sets, put that to rest. Should I post my x-rays and diagnosis next? For whatever kind of piece of shit that I am (og, and I surely am) I can at least accept when I'm wrong and have made a mistake and will own up to it. 99.99% of motherfuckers on here will NEVER own up to it. I can GUARANTEE YOU the motherfucker who accused me of lying about having both the Rift and vive will come up with a theory that the photo is shopped.

Anyone else recall a few years ago when this fucking place used to actually be FUN and people talking games, new technology, etc…? And VR is NOT a fucking gimmick. Sony has already adopted it, Faceberg, jewggle has some sort of set they use with their phone, the Vive…it's well fuckign past "gimmick stage" at this point.

In last 1-2 years, place has become full of vicious assholes. Example– would love to have the exra shekels for a QLED right now, but not high on my list of priorities. Obviously not in this section, but id ther eis someone that has it, would love to hear about it, if they guy thinks it's worth the shekels, would be asking to see pictures of it, how blu rays look on it, etc.. Instead, when someone has a new technology (let alone a motherfucker who will be dead within 1-1.5 years of cancer) all a thread like this brings out (with some notable exceptions) are the most vicious, jealous motherfuckers….

JEsus, has this fucking place changed. I'd go so far as to say it's worse than cuckchan Holla Forums as far as sheer level of scumbags.

I'm fairly certain this is going to sink to bottom without anyone else seeing, but anyway, this is the fucking audio thing I get to make it more comfortable and so don't have to squeeze headphones under the Vive and feel like my head about to fucking explode. And with that, will shut the fuck up

If anyone has this or has a Vive/Rift and can give any additional input (greatly appreciate lads who posted the games), would really appreciated. Later.

Hey, thanks for some of the stuff you posted here, I have an HTC Vive and I'm interested in getting the full racing kit out, but not sure it will fit in my flat. To do it properly, you need to have the very large seat that mimics a racing car set-up no?

And not sure I agree with you about Logitech as far as best wheel. Ferrari makes ( or at least sells their brand) to a company that makes inctredible, REAL racing wheels, shape and everything. To do it proper though you need to have all the right gear and I'm a ways off from that. Good luck with your health mate and don't skyways trust doctors. They gave my grandpa 6months to live 25 years ago if he didn't have their heart surgery and he's still alive and kicking. Cheers.

Fuckin thing just showed me as havin same ID as poster above me. Not sure why or how it happened.

Last try. Anyone else in three UK using a VPN having same issue? I fuckin give up ifvthid turns out badly too.

kek, maybe we were on same VPN mate, one based on east coast ofthe ZOG (assume you were too?) Anyway, doesn't matter. Trying to figure out how to put on the fucking extender for my Vive and then am going to get the one game everyone on here has been recommending: Kanojo.

Then again, have to read up on it since everyone here was telling me to buy…some fucking nip game that was ~$30 shekels, I played in for 10 mins, then closed window but apparently didn't sign all the way out and left the fucker open for 6 hours, so now am tuck with it. Fuck me.

kek,OK, just from seeing a few clips, I'm sold on it..

I don't know what to say, this is some of the best bait i've seen in months.