What is the best frontend to organize your emulation library?
What is the best frontend to organize your emulation library?
A desktop.
I am too lazy to lurk through all the roms by hand.
A folder with shortcuts to all my emulators.
mkdir, mv, 'ln -s'
a shelf with all my legit cartridges that i bought with real legal money. get a job pirate scum.
I tried to emulate Star Fox 64 earlier today. The thing is, Star Fox was never meant to be played on a keyboard. Controls are very fucky and hard to use compared to the original controller, and I can't aim for shit, I miss half of all of the enemies, and I can't avoid getting hit very well.
I have a Nintendo 64, but I don't have Star Fox, so that's why I tried to emulate it.
Don't you have a video to be making, Mr. Game Sack?
Why not buy a controller?
I thought everyone's favorite was retroarch.
Then sort them faggot
Get a N64 to USB adapter, lad.
Mate is nice as well
It is
Are you retarded?
Open emulator folder where all roms for a particular system were dumped, right-click, sort by name from A-Z, done.
I said it was fucky. Get your shit straight.
Feels good man.
1. put in folder
2. sort by ABC / details
3. click rom
For some fucking reason that anime ara pisses me off so much.
Is she drawn to have fetal alcohol syndrome?
Just like add the emulator to Steam, how new can you be?
I never realized how donkey kong's art is made to look like mario is the villain
I liked Launchbox but then I went back to Linux because Windows irritated the fuck out of me.
Lutris sucks.
Personally I use BigBox, but I won't claim it's the best due to its hefty price tag and the fact that HyperSpin can do pretty much the same thing.
I got it for $10 way way back when it first came out though. It's really easy to configure and use so I'm sticking with it.
probably because she's got two sets of eyebrows and this
The thin lines above her eyes are her eyelids, not a second set of brows.
ranger tbh. If you're not using programs that only run on the terminal unless needed you're a fucking pleb with no taste.
Life is truly suffering.
Yeah lets support 30 year old games by buying them from third party scalpers!
Fuck off pirates, real Holla Forumsers hate emulation.
Enjoy your Python bloat.
Get with the times, grandpa.
Play Duck Tales or one of the other Capcom platformers for the NES
You must not love vidya :^)
Always applicable.
DS4 is fucking shit though. It removes pressure sensitive buttons of the DS3 making it just an overpriced generic gamepad
I prefer my logitech garbage every day
Those are some autistic complaints, tbh.
How many games actually used that?
Animated meme shader comparison, now with fancy thumbnail.
This. Just buy a controller.
Sweet satan trips btw
I got you, fam. Fucking emucucks ruining everything.
Oh man Aladdin was wicked. Might play that. Thanks.