WEEKEND GAMENIGHT: Project Reality edition

PROJECT REALITY Gamenight pt 2
Starts Saturday 12th @ 5pm GMT


Where can I get it?
You have to create a player account once you've installed the game but there is no email activation.

How do I play online?

1. Start game
3. Join the serber that has been chosen in the thread (latest post by OP in REDTEXT)
4. Press CAPSLOCK to access the spawn menu
5. Click on SQUADS and then JOIN on a squad that has players using the [infv] tag

How do I host a game?
TL;DR: you cant learn japanese.

[Edit: changed date at the request of OP.]

Other urls found in this thread:


Project Reality is a long running milsim like modification for Battlefield 2 (now standalone), that while not at its peak, still
has around 400-600 people playing at all times.
The game takes a niche between full blown military simulation of the Armed Assault series and actual fucking games, with the
tacticool aspects of a milsim without its simulation related clutter, and an expanded upon battlefield-style battle for objectives on XBOX FUCKING HUGE MAPS.
The most populated servers usually support up to 98 players on conventional force vs conventional force conquest-type maps, or asymmetrical warfare type maps which have an organized conventional force finding and neutralizing weapon cashes of the opposing guerilla force, consisting mostly of rag-tag teams of allahu akbars and a BR with 120 ping.
Project Reality heavily emphasizes teamplay and intra- and inter-squad cooperation. It uses an inbuilt mumble client that, depending on your position in a squad, transmits faction tied proximity chat [welcome to the jungle intensifies], squad chat, commander chat, as well as individual squad leader chats.


Q: Are the admins really as rabid as they say?
A: Being retarded is a bannable offense in this game. That is a resounding yes.

Q: Yellow text in the sky tells me to get the fuck out of an APC, what the fuck?
A: Most popular servers have an "escalation" rule that only allows to use "heavy assets" when breaching a certain player threshold. Heavy assets include most APCs, tonks and aircraft. Theres also a "claim" rule that binds certain assets to the claimants squad. Ignoring claims is considered griefing.

Q: I cant switch teams what do?
A: Write !switch in all-chat (J) in order to request a teamswitch from admins.

Q: Why was I kicked from an [infv] squad?
A: You did not set your tags most likely.

Q: Im on server X where is everyone?
A: Check the thread for the latest post by OP as servers may have changed due to external reasons.

Q: Im in a vehicle and my screen is black.
A: Youre not using the appropriate driver or pilot kit, or in a seat youre not supposed to be in.

Q: How do I use ingame comms?
A: (H) for proximity, NUMPAD[0] for squad.

Q: How do I use ingame chat?
A: (J) for all-chat, (K) for team-chat, (L) for squad chat.

Q: Why is this vehicle so loud?
A: Turn down effects volume ingame to 20-30%.

Quick tips:

Vehicle tips:


how 2 medic

how 2 automatic raifuman

how 2 light anti-tank

how 2 tow

what server, you cuck?

how 2 gurnade

As soon as we finished rallying up the SLs.

Otherwise the server is

PRTA EU Modern Conflict

This server doesn't show up on my server list. What's the IP?

did you click on coop instead of deployment like a dunce?

You didn't forget to "update list", did you? Or you went described?

I'll be in in a few hours, have to go out.

will join back later tonight currently doing stalkan

aight commencing dumping webbums from yesterday as they come out the oven



Oh that one's great.




Still on this server?

yes until stated otherwise

Yeah fuck the server I will join in later.

just report them nigger

Or I could just play something better until there is enough anons playing so we don't have to play on a server full of faggots? :^)

The actual fuck? That wasn't the webm I uploaded?

here's an image with how i think the gamenight are going so far i cant tell if they're getting betteror worse

Just like, make your own infv squad

Only thing I would add is children larping as soldiers and Indians pooing in the loo.

It was at squad limit otherwise I would have made one.

aint you a cute one
boy you sure do sound like youre fun to be around aintcha

Gee wonder why? :^)
Only real appeal of this game is playing with anons. It's trash without it.

plenty of space left user
git gud

you must be one of those clinical retards Ive been warned about
well all I can say is that I think otherwise and you can suck my chode if you disagree

It was at 98 when I joined, what the actual fuck just happened?

The mentally exhausting nature of the game does not allow to play it for prolonged periods of time so naturally every match end around a quarter of players drops out.
Even our regulars rarely play more than 3 matches in a row because a) they're long as fuck with the average being 1:20h, and b) even the downtime carries incredible tension with it, arguably more than the combat itself.

Ok, gonna log out for a while
Shame on that last round. Fucking 12 year olds.

my fucking sides


I died


I was told by a guy at some point that all they did for the PR standalone was package BF2 and they got away with not being sued by EA, and there's these old instructions for running the game with the BF2 dedicated server:

Anyone want to test if they still work?

worth a shot to see if we can get it working.

We should switch after this round

I'm trying this locally right now. Everything seems to be the same, no idea if Mumble would work with it though.

Did the server just die?


fuck you slander argentina best country



I forget who made these emblems from way back in the day, but we need more of these cause they are top tier

we exist in the shitposting realm between then and now

Columbine is still full? damn. I'l try next game i guess

All this game made me think was that we need another Joint Operations night.


They're certainly getting 'different'.

The more rounds you play, the more the cancer spreads. Holy shit, squeakers as commanders, never ever.

Stuff from the last thread.

You arent missing anything fam, these 3 hours were pure shit. Yesterday was far more fun.

if anons feel like hosting that on an offweekend, sure. last time it was pretty slow yet comfy. The big problem that JO has is that goyranger makes it impossible to play sometimes and the lack of dedicated servers is a pain, if only THQNordic/Novalogic were kind enough to throw us a bone in that department

It was pretty shit but Im still having fun seeing the team be completely incompetent

I think yesterday only really peaked at about 2am BST (2-3 hours from now).

We've been talking about getting JOPs running with dedicated server but it's a bit of a dick to do. One user has an idea of how to crack it but he'd need a few weeks to work at it.

I actually have an idea with that, what about the demo of Joint Operations? Is that still available? I heard it may still have the server browser and on top of that it actually has proper bots and not just for the co-op mode.

Yesterday there was about 4 full squads at peak. Today we barely filled one. The truth is anons won't stick around for shit games even if the bantz with other anons is good.

There used to be a mega link with all the shit. Dunno where it is now.

fug, all the files for JO and the other delta force games used to be on a pastebin. ill TRY and see if i can hunt it down

They're always at 9/9 squads by the time I log in.

Did you get it fixed user?
Do we still need an extra squad?
I'm a terrible SL but I'll make one if we need it. This is kinda supposed to be the PR user's job though.

If you have any info please post it in a thread on /radcorp/, we'll take a look.

We didn't peak yesterday until ~2-3 hours from now. We might need to swap serbs for some fresher gameplay, shall ask.

I'll try and contact the PR anons but I don't actually have any of them online and they don't check the thread while they're ingame. A bit of a problem.

Post here, they're lurking.


report locked squads with !r or !rp in allchat you fuckboys

We still need other squads, if it's full report a locked squad or have veteran PR anons invade an existing squad (new anons can just look for a squad with fags with [infv] tag). Currently we have all the veteran players in one squad and a bunch of new people lost by themselves, we need the competent players to split themselves up. Also can't we go on Arena 94? That server was comfy.


could it be this? >>>/radcorp/1371

By which I mean even if anons report a locked squad and make one of there own it's useless without at least one experienced PR user to lead it. The best matches last night were the ones where we had two squads each team each with a mixture of wwew players and new anons.

hey guys we're still doing the gamenight, but at the moment we're down to like 3 players, any burger anons want to join?

t. reb

Not a burger but I'm coming, give me a sec. There's normally a lull in players between EU and USA times.

Not sure, I'll have someone take a look once we're done with this weekend.

Would still play but Idk what to do here

nvm, leftover squad left

Restarting the game might help.

I'm confused as to what exactly is going on. I've been away for ~6 hours and cannot see any of the PR anons I recognise: please explain.

Well people left after our teams have been defeated bad in two last matches, so we were down 4 people and decided to call it quits. I might take a ~1h break from PR and come back if american anons are playing by then. I will squad lead and shit

I'll hop in

well i mean, if you guys will hop in momentarily then give me 5 mins, will join PRTA and sq lead

Newlad burger coming in, we're still on PRTA EU Modern Conflict correct?

We're still on PRTA, we have a squad on each team now. Please join up.

I'll come be silent shovel bitch after I get some lunch into me.


shit something just came up i might not be online for a few minutes

Ok, see you soon user.

About 16 anons now on
This shit map is going to end soon and we're going to play Gaza next (the great IDF vs Hamas map from last night). I'll post when it's changed.

Server is PRTA EU Modern Conflict. We might move to Arena 94 later (or maybe a US server for better pings for burgers).

I only had 150ish on that EU server. It should be fine for anyone with a decent connection.

If anyone needs technical help post ITT.

For the love of god would the experienced anons stop stacking a single squad on a single team, it's like you fuckers want everyone new to ragequit.

whyisthe respawn timer so long?:^)



Rulecucks all.

Did anybody ingame see this shit?

Rebdo stop being SL.


Don't be a bully user.

That's certainly new. I've never seen anyone float like that before.

make your own squad then, cuck. i make squads because no one else wants to play tardwrangler.

Even when you aren't SL you are a titanic fuckup.

Better a bad SL than no SL, to be fair.

Updating to current version now. See you soon, faggots.



Faggotry levels rising.

Don't be a faggot user.

Yeah, for some reason I thought the most up to date version on the website would be the most up to date version. Silly me. Currently at 7 updates remaining and cruising along at around 800kb/s, so who knows, maybe I'll actually get to shoot something tonight.

Yeh, PR has always been retarded with installing/updating.


Yeah, I remember trying to get it to run back in like 2010 and having to give up because my potato internet couldn't handle it. And my computer was a toaster anyways.


Kebab team now has a random romanian for a squad leader.




ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_GIEscape IDFKeyboard IDKey_Escape 10000 0

ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_GIEscape IDFKeyboard IDKey_Insert 10000 0
and mark the file as read-only unless you're going to be making other changes

This kept me from suicide

Ignore all Slabposting

Aight fags if any of you liked the game and want to continue playing it in the future, we got a permanent chinese botnet set up for that occasion.
Just join /4AFtHRS and ping if you wanna play.

Welp. I managed to play for 10 minutes, and then the map rolled over and I get this whenever I try to connect now. Any idea what the fuck?

How much RAM you got user? PR tends to run into RAM issues at 4 gigs and under when swapping maps.

8GB. I managed to connect to another server running a different map. But I'd already successfully loaded the same map I'm having trouble with before, too. So I'm not sure what's up.


i finally have an excuse to post this image that i saved many moons ago

I see. I've had the same issue years ago when I had a 4 GB toaster, it only happened when switching maps. If it happens regularly, you can always leave the server and rejoin it after the map changes.

Sounds like false advertisement to me. However, not everyone had this same issue at 4 gigs and under.

Yeah, I'm watching the process in Task Manager, and the loading screen sees all kinds of insane swings. It actually drops below its idle consumption for a while, then explodes up to +800kb towards the two-thirds mark. It consistently crashes at "62% Geometries".

thats what you get when you code an entire fucking game in PYTHON

I got this piece of crap right here and it runs just perfect.

It doesn't seem like a RAM issue.

Apparently it can be a problem of RAM, follow these steps and see if it helps


Interesting. My C drive is just about full, too. I've emptied out some stuff I don't need and am trying again. Maybe it'll help.

we were the true jews and controlled opposition all along




Also noting here: we aren't doing Sunday.


lets do JO for sunday instead:^)


You're free to run it as a non-/radcorp/ thing but we don't want to flood Holla Forums with stuff. Also there are fags doing things like ZM that shouldn't get flooded out by us. Also also I want to play ZM.

Did the server crash? I suddenly got a connection problem message and timed out. Unless I got the servers confused the player count went down to 1.

I only got to play today and i don't mind at all

same, looks like it did. 5 peeps in now

we should all play ZM tomorrow and i do mean all of us

The admin's cancer obviously overloaded it.
I don't think today was quite as good as Friday but at least you got some fun. I'd say peak fun was both times we played Gaza and that late Basra helicopter-operating shit.
Reminder that anyone who wants to play in future (also they play arma) should join the PR fag's (((Discord))) at /4AFtHRS.
Chinese botnets are cancer but that's what those fags use, feel free to tell them they're cucks.

I'll be playing when I'm free.

I got back on and made the infv squad but i have to go soon anyway and i have a gay spergvoice

Are you the 'man' who wants to lewd roof-user?


We're winding down now so I'll point you to this reflections thread: >>>/radcorp/1375
Please post suggestions, feedback and OC here.

Let's see how /argentina/ feels about that bit of OC from last thread: >>>/argentina/320067

absolute madman

They did not seem to like it. Oh well.

Let's ask australia instead.

Also this.

I missed everything. How was this for newcomers?

Not a newcomer but an user who hadn't played for years and it was fine for me. I think some got put off by the clunky mechanics though so you'd have to ask them.

Happy birthday, iButtocks

British grass.

Was asleep and forgot to respond to feedback, have done so now.