Any games or mods coming soon that you're looking forward to Holla Forums...

Any games or mods coming soon that you're looking forward to Holla Forums? Take this opportunity to shamelessly shill that indie game you like. Some I'm hopeful for are:
>Far Cry 5 for the salt mine

Other urls found in this thread:

-Total WaWa 2
-Sonic Mania
-Firepro Wrestling
-Serious Sam 4
-Ace Combat 7
-Ni No Kuni 2
-Pathologic Remake
-Outcast Second Contact
-CS3 and the PC port of the first two
-Tokyo Xanadu
-Spellforce 3
-Sudden Strike 4
-System Shock Remake
-Monster Hunter World
-Mario Odyssey
-Xenonauts 2
-Ultimate General Civil War
-Shenmue 3 and the remastered ports Sega has been teasing
-Baldr Sky hopefully this year
-Sea of Thieves
-Ori and the Blind Forest Will of the Wisps
-Forza 7
-MechWarrior 5
-Grimoire : Heralds of the Winged Exemplar
-Red Dead Redemption Revengeance

Also Ray of Hope and Gunslinger mod.

Also Ray of Hope and Gunslinger mod.

Thanks Ronald

I don't think I'll get it since I'm having fun with FH3 but I want to know more about it)
>Far Cry 5 to see the journos lose their shit
The numales at Dice seem to have finally learned that season passes and DLCs divide the playerbase, so I might try the beta.

Get on with the times, old man.

Raiden V Director's Cut

That's about it, honestly.

Why do you think the journos will lose their shit over Farcry 5?


It seems, you have accidentally posted the wrong image, but don't worry, I am here to help.

they made the ebil, glombard glomberglomp supporting, white supremacist cult have token niggers, and also the protag has nigger female companion, left is historically known to cannibalize itself too.

Because they think that it takes place in "Drumpf's Amerikkka".

>Ori 2 because the guy behind AM2R is working on this game now
>Death Stranding if only to see what the hell Kojima will do in terms of gameplay now that he's unshackled from Konami, other than that it looks like a trippy piece of shit


But I thought that's why they liked the game? It'll let them live out their sociopathic fantasy of shooting all the ebil right wing christcucks, and that's why they love it? Am I wrong?

Both Sonics and Cuphead. That's it and I'm not a weeb nor a nintendrone.


Apparently a translation for Captain Rainbow is almost done after years of work. It looks interesting at least.

Fighting EX Layer/Arika's Mysterious Fighting Game
Senko no Ronde 2
Everybody’s Golf PS4
Yakuza Kiwami
Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 4 Plus: Summer Memories/Disaster Report 4
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Acceleration of Suguri 2
Gundam Versus
Toaru Majutsu no Virtual-On
Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin
Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection
Etrian Odyssey V
Ys Seven PC
Samurai Shodown V Special: Unfucked edition
Raiden V Director's Cut

>Zelda DLC

Spiritual successor to Descent by the original crew, currently in Early Access. Very fucking promising from what I've played, manages to still add some new things while staying true to the original gameplay. For all the despairing people here do about there no longer being any games with classic 90's FPS level design, I'd figure this would get more attention.
I've played it on my PSP, but I like it enough that I care to buy and replay it with 60 FPS.
A shmup-fightan with the best fucking music. The PSN demo shows a lot of promise.
I'm a huge fan of the Raiden series and can't wait for this to longer be an Xbone exclusive anymore. They promised new stages and maybe new songs to the OST as well, so I'm getting my hopes up.
A new doujin isometric shooter by Siter Skain (ALLTYNEX Trilogy guys). What little gameplay we saw featured a lot of bullets and mech customization. Hopefully a publisher picks it up for Western release after the game gets released.
A new Astro Port metroidvania game which strongly resembles Turrican in terms of gameplay and look, and you have eight weapons and a jetpack which lets you rapidly zip around in combat. If you don't know who Astro Port is, play Gigantic Army and Satazius immediately. It actually got released yesterday now that I've checked it. Get the demo for Rocketron here:
Official 90's FPS shooter prequel to Bombshell. We've only seen some screenshots and I get the idea that it's just an official Duke total conversion, but seems cool irregardless.

Oh shit, I completely forgot about this game

The main character of Far Cry 5 is allied with a pastor, and the cult not only resembles Scientology more than it does Christianity but it has niggers in it as well. Not saying the game isn't cucked, but there's a good chance that SJW journos will find something in it to get mad at.

Either this is weak bait or you're retarded and either way you need to kill yourself.

holy shit, they put skullomania into SF5? That almost makes me want to look up some gameplay vids on youtube.

Capcom wishes. This is that spiritual successor to the Street Fighter EX games by Arika, using their own characters that, for whatever reason, Capcom doesn't actually own despite them appearing (and debuting) in the EX games.

No. Why would a character capcom doesn't even own be in SFV? Why would a good character be in SFV?
Arika is making a new fighting game and Skullomania got confirmed at EVO with Darun Mister

oh, well then I'm definitely more interested than I was before. I'll have to keep a note of it.

Overload brings up a point to me that is important, namely, I remember that game Strike Vector came out and was just a modern Descent clone, and I thought that it was a nice thought, but why bother with almost a straight clone? I like that someone (in this case the original devs) went back and said "No, we can change this". I hate games that come out as 'long-time successors' only to be carbon copies or worse, cheap references/nostalgia grabs.

Armed Dragoon looks cool too.

I'm mostly just waiting for Mario Odyssey, once I beat that I'm selling my switch and waiting for the inevitable redesign and/or price drop.

But I am working on my own game so hopefully that will go somewhere

Where do you guys all go to find out about new games? I feel like outside of big releases for modern consoles I have no idea what's out there. A cool new game from a small dev could come out and I'd have no idea unless it ended up on here.

If you couldnt see that the game would be on the level of NMS I feel sorry for you. You will have seen everything the game has to offer within 1 or 2 hours.

Sorry, I'm not really a fighting fan and don't follow fighting games very closely. I just remember liking him in EX and figured if skullo was in a fighting game then it would be SF.

Wasn't Strike Vector a multiplayer-only game? Descent is the kind of game where a sequel would work if it was just new levels with new enemies, some new weapons, and some other new doodads like what Descent 2 was to Descent 1, and Overload shapes up to be to the first two. It features a bunch of new mechanics like being able to ram into enemies in order to deal huge damage and stun them, luring enemies by having them react to the lights of your headlights, missiles are more prominently used, and even in Early Access it is Challenge Mode which receives a lot of attention aside from the campaign.

That might also be true, and while I agree, I always appreciate when a new sequel can manage to be more than just a level pack. It tells me that they still had something more they wanted to do with the game, rather than just rest on their laurels and pump out sequels for some dosh.

I think you need to leave, buddy.

Sky Rogue is nearly at 1.0 release, it's a good time if you like short bursts of arcade combat flight gameplay. Supports HOTAS, gamepads and has local co-op. Also supports mods for new planes and custom missions.

Not really sure of anything else that's coming out that I could shill for, a lot of games are only "meh", can't really recommend as a universally fun game.

I just look at the first few pages of IGG and see what catches my eye. Also I don't think Strike Vector was a descent clone, are you talking about Miner Wars/Retrovirus?

wow, I forgot about this game

you're right, I goofed. Dunno what game I was seeing but I remember one coming out and it was basically Descent but on a modern engine. Saw something similar but for Quake 3, I think it was called Reflex? It was literally just Q3, I don't know how people think games like that are a good idea.

I got few things with hope on.
>TU Sorry, not going to shill what is that.
>Pathologic the remake one kinda wished they remade old executioner models, not as bone birds.
>EDF5 on PC

Now for less hopeful:


Yakuza Kiwami
Etrian Odyssey V


I'm spending $27 bucks on this, so I hope it isn't shit

These are the kinds of people who just look at things at face value and get offended that it exists. They don't care about the context. Something they don't like is being depicted, so they're mad about it.

Thanks, I didn't know about this.

They're making slow and steady progress and the Discord is still active. I play Exanima a few times a week because I really like the combat system, nothing to complain about.

I'm looking forward to Yakuza Kiwami and the next Siege operation which both drop on the same day this month, the rest of the year doesn't have anything I'm super hyped for.

my nigga

Are you guys excited for Fallout 4 and Skyrim mod on Xbox One?


I was looking forward to Fictorum, which was made by one dude who kept posting updates on imgur let people know about it. It finally came out last week, so I torrented it to try it out.

As for unreleased games, looking forward to Monster Hunter World and that's about it that I'm hyped for.

Shit taste tbh

New operators when?

Sonic Forces mostly. I want to see if someone creates more options for the custom characters. Like to the point of playing as Ren Hoek or Raiden and have actual Sonic characters interact with them.