They can't do anything right it seems.
Tameem-poo-in-the-loo is like the M. Night Shyamalan of video games.
They can't do anything right it seems.
Tameem-poo-in-the-loo is like the M. Night Shyamalan of video games.
Remind, that Spanish mods makes DmC worth playing.
Very bad.
This is glorious!
I jumped between six streams to see what the gameplay was like. They were all at different points of the game and each one was just walking simulator through the environment while whispers never stop in your ear. The only gameplay I saw was one janky fight and some thing where you match symbols. It was awful. Plus she is the ugliest female game character in history.
she looks like a downey
the game is transphobic
Who's dumb idea was it to turn a succubus into a disgusting abomination.
I really don't know which company to hate more, Ninja Theory or High Voltage.
That's also the impression I got and that's why i don't think it's even worth a pirate.
pic very related
What'd High Voltage do?
They ruined any chance of ZOE3 ever being made.
Did you miss the part while in hell, you have to fight a wave of enemies for 15-20 minutes? Not sure who thought that was a good idea, especially with a combat that is just press 2 different buttons, maybe dodge and activate slowdown mode. I think I can understand the reasoning behind it that it's suppose to be your character pit against insurmountable odds and triumphing over it but it becomes monotonous.
That is also not help by the fact that the game is puzzles followed by waves of enemies and you'll fight a boss. Even if you liked the game and the story, I don't think anyone can ignore that the gameplay was stale. I don't think nobody expected high octane action but the gameplay was definitely a low point for the game. Might have been better suited as an adventure game with actual puzzles. Probably might not work since they were heavily on track to displaying psychosis based on that 25 minute documentary they had. They at least portrayed the insanity visually well, probably from Tameem's own experience to get authentic experience from an insane person.
I think it comes all down to the fact that its a glorified tech demo just like Rise of the Tomb Raider is. A nice looking game with little to show for it. The sad thing is that Indie games should do the exact opposite and nowadays, sometimes you cant differentiate between AAA and indie crap
that's nonsense
Explain? This interests me.
I was checking around YT and it was interesting how journos haven't actively defended the game, BUT as usual there were some shill reviews from independent channels that basically kept praising the game and only blamed the embargo.
Buzzwords all over the place
A friend from this board has been streaming the game, in the first round I fell asleep, I didn't make it in time for the second but the first 3 hours of the game was just walking, looking at things, scripted combat scenes, etc., what you see in the trailers is literally the gameplay.
As usual another western developer who isn't even part of the usual clique and still manages to make a horrible looking female.
Tameem doesn't know what the fuck a succubus is.
I would have worked wonders as a puzzle platformer, not a walking simulator.
They were responsible for the HD remaster of ZoE1 and 2 and the thing was basically unplayable on release, it wasn't until some other company came in like a year later to patch the PS3 version that it became playable but the 360 version is still garbage and the damage was already done.
There are far worst, user.
That is a pretty big fuck up. How did Konami keep fucking up re-releases.
Because they are cheap assholes.
We already have a thread about this shit:
MKiceandfire has a walkthrough on jewtube, I usually watch all of these walking simulator types like a movie or show and skipping the walking around parts. Some games do have an interesting story and I enjoy seeing them instead of slogging through, such as Last of Us.
I watched the first two parts of Hellblade (roughly two hours) and it was just so fucking boring. The only interesting thing in the game seems to be that if you die enough times, it erases your save, but it seems like if you tap fast and hard enough before dying, it doesn't count. It seems like an interesting low budget game, so I think this is what Ninja Theory should have been doing from the start, I don't know how and why theyy got into the PS3 launch mess with a massive budget and known actors, but it's not like it was downhill from there, it's all been the same since.
fuck man, it fits too well. Hell, the game might have been far more accepted this way.
Wait, wasn't that one locked?
Someone posted it above, you can die 50 times and nothing happens.
thats so accurate it hurts
Jesus fucking Christ…
Is there really a mod like that? It definitely looks to be more fun that way.
Basically a texture and mesh mod in the case of sombrero, I think you can also change the music but requires some more tweaking, I wanted to change all the soundtrack and replace it with DMC1's but the tutorials to modify unreal game's music looked too complex.
The link was in the description, but I think its been some time since it was posted and might have been taken down for "obvious reasons".
Not true at all. Shamalamadingdong has actually produced something good, Tam-Tam hasn't.
You'll have to make an account and ask for the mod at one of the DmC fan forums I believe.
Why the fuck does this shit game have two threads?
Its more of a Ninja Theory General. And the old one was locked before I think. Tried to post something in there before. I actually check the catalog beforehand.
Shyamalan made two decent movies in his career, Tameen has produced nothing but mediocre trash and even then it's mediocre because the team around him fixes his retarded mistakes.
They don't really fix anything so much as they cover it in so many sprinkles that most people can't tell the difference.
I fucking hate you.
Did you hear the story about Tameen where he wrote a scene with one of his OCs was walking around slaughtering innocent people which he thought was badass. And that a writer Ninja Theory hired from outside the company had to explain to Tameen and his writing team that this action wasn't badass and made the MC look like a villain.
That's the sort of shit Tameen comes up with.
Close but not quite user. It was for Journey to the West and the scene was Monkey walking up to an escaped prisoner and rather than helping him up he kicked him down the pit instead. Tameem thought this was the coolest fucking thing ever.
Maybe Tameem is a teenaged master of disguise that loves pretending to be a failed game developer in his free time.
Holy shit it explains everything.
Also pic related
One of the common complaints for Journey to the West is that the heroes don't really feel like heroes or even characters at all. They managed to turn something potentially offensive or bad into something that's as good as nothing. That's hardly a fix.
Isn't he suppose to be Greek?
Anyone want me to dump this?
Any source for that image friendo?
That's hilarious but also unsettling. Tameem sounds like a sociopath.
Every time I see DmC I feel obligated to post my experience with that shit game.
I got it day 1 on PC (at a discount thanks to GreenManGaming) and I played it for a stream I was doing at the time. I was going through some rough patches in my life as well so I was drinking heavily. Very heavily.
To completely encapsulate just how shit this was as a game, it not only made me throw up at one point but the difficulty at the very late game was a joke.
And that's really all you need to know about how shitty this game was on a mechanical level. That a drunk, that isn't very good at games to begin with, was wrecking the fucking thing.
Shit, pic related. The game outright tells you what its all about.
I think it's Upotte.
He never grew out of his "Linkin Park and self harm with safety scissors" stage
So you bought that shitpile
I told you. I was going through some rough shit in my life at that time and was also a drunk.
Honestly, I have nothing against the game, besides sullying the DMC name. Every medium needs trashy, shitty stuff to numb the brain, and there would be no issue if Ninja Theory stopped trying to make everyone think they're some artistic prodigies reinvesting gaming with each new title. It would also help if they stopped behaving like the teen edgelord audience they are pandering to.
This actually doesn't look so bad for a walking simulator. I'd still feel ripped off if I payed more than the price of a movie ticket though.
You lose, Holla Forums.
I had said that without the DMC names/themes this game would probably be a passtime of perhaps 6/10 quality. Worth the time to pirate or maybe find it used or in a bargain bin for 20 bucks.
The updates to the game that made it better really came too little too late. Had the game come out with all the enhancements that were made months after its initial release it would have been decent. Not DMC name worthy decent but it would at least not piss people off on a GAMEPLAY level as well as all other levels.
That said, it was a strange weird time in the promotion of this game, wasn't it? And the complacency with which the game jurnos/media ran with it despite the fact Tameem's main point about the game was how "gay" the old DMC games were. How macho and cool the main protagonist is with his heavy drinking and bedding of women. Such things would be seen as "problematic" today by those very same game journos.
Goes to show what some marketing money can do, doesn't it?
Fuck off- Holla Forums never loses*…
* Because Holla Forums never plays any games to lose in the first place.
Yeah, because reviews from pussies who buy mental health awareness walking simulators mean anything.
Seriously all those threads and people in the chans still came out of the woodwork to buy those games. This is why Ninja theory won't be dying anytime soon and why the videogame industry deserves everything it gets. It's true when they say you can't convince a person of anything they have to convince themselves.
Ninja Theory are likely part of the clique of good goys, so it's less marketing money and more nepotism and collusion.
I was trying to drink myself to death at that point.
Surprisingly, the alcohol didn't seem to make me any worse at that shitty game.
And I think I also felt a slight duty to Holla Forums at that point to let them know what sort of shit game it was so they wouldn't get curious and waste money buying it or time pirating it.
Thanks to the people that watched that stream though I did end up getting encouraged to play through the whole DMC series (I had only played parts of 1, 2, and 4 at that point) and ended up playing games like God Hand, Vanquish, Bayonetta, and a bunch of other good ones.
Just hilarious that such an edgelord middleschooler fuckwit like Tameem can be defended by those people. He's basically every bit the manbaby they accuse gamers of being.
If it weren't for the DMC name and the contemptable main character, it probably would have been remembered like El Shaddai or one of Suda 51's games. Not a masterpiece by any means, but something that gains a cult following, mostly due to it having nice art direction and some cool gimmicks.
She's a realistically depicted Irishwoman. AKA manface.
I guess I can't totally shit on a person who is at the brink of suicide. But seriously you should have been addressing your personal issues instead of your duty to Holla Forums. If you haven't realized, Holla Forums's tend to go to shit with not much redeemable
Okay, so the same people who think it's totally rad for the main character to randomly kick a helpless and innocent slave to his death apparently worked with neuroscientists, mental health charities, and diagnosed psychotics to make this game about a Dark Ages-era Irish girl who was traumatized when vikings raided her village.
Is the game some survival horror psycho trip? I mean, I fail to see where they are going with this.
If by "survival horror psycho trip" you mean "a psycho goes on a horribly boring trip as disappointing as Metal Gear Survive will be" then yes.
what is horizon zero dawn
Okay, so what is the point of the game? The premise could have been a very cool revenge story that did what nuTomb Rider set out to do, but do it well. Naturally, that would require a developer that knows what they're doing.
You are both wrong.
Saw some gameplay in yt video and it looked painfully average. It was about the first half hour and the only thing that happened was a boring rune puzzle and some walking.
You have to expect something to be dissapointed.
It truly is a breathtaking and genius masterpiece by the men at Ninja Theory I hope you like walking.
The point is to signal how cool and deep Ninja Theory is for understanding mental illness and being brave enough to make a game about it, and using that signal to push themselves as some kind of "indie AAA" studio in the hopes big companies like Capcom will look at them again.
Did you just assume zir's gender? I'll have you know that zhe prefers gender neutral pronouns like most Asari.
Did you just assume zip's gender? I'll have you know that zop prefers gender neutral pronouns like most puddin' pops.
Did you just assume Apache's gender? I'll have you know that Blackhawk prefers gender neutral pronouns like most Attack Helicopters.
>Utility Helicopter
>Not AH-60
I shiggy.
Okay, fuck it, time to suffer.
and Holla Forums be all like
theres an echo of some of the sentiment present in gamergate, the devs wanted to create something that wasnt a cookie cuter clone of call of duty and so Holla Forums gets butt mad for some reason, even though noone is making them buy it, even though its fairly priced for what it has to offer.
Go back to twitter or stop typing like a negro.
There have been better stories
There has been better gameplay
There are games with better settings and atmosphere
It's time for you to stop crying and fuck off Holla Forums
Should have made a movie then.
For a shitty 10 hour Game (at most) its blatantly overpriced
(((If you dont like it dont buy it)))
(((No criticism allowed)))
Youre an a-grade goyim
Criticizing something doesn't mean that you cant enjoy it. You still have to call devs out on their bullishit. Especially overpriced bullishit
The hate for me at least stems from Ninja Theory starting out as an ok dev team with great game concepts and backing, but time and time again produce lack luster disappointments, Heavenly Sword is still by far there most promising game after a decade of time and multiple game releases. It dosnt help Tameme is a total retard and shows it proudly
It's sad that there are people who seriously think this. How insecure does someone gotta be to think people dissing a game they liked, or were told to like more often, are trying to stop them from liking the game? How do you take it that personally? Do they really have nothing else in like and like vicariously not just through the game's content but the game itself as a product, equating sales figures to some personal success they were a part of, and the people who made it? The fuck's wrong with these people?
This is a walkie talkie, a mechanically light game built as a vehicle for the story.
I miss the old DmC mockery threads.
No, it is not.
On a related note, sometimes I wonder if companies do shit to ruin games on purpose, as a way of creating justification to not have to bother with making more games in a series they don't really like/isn't profitable enough to them when sales naturally tank. It might cost them a chunk of money to do, but then they get an example to point at to say "well, we tried in the past and look how that did in sales".
You know, I want to give credit where credit's due: they can make games that look good. DmC had some decent style direction when it felt like it (the Fox News boss, the limbo areas in general), and Hellblade from what I've heard actually manages to run 60fps in 1440p. And the monster design in that one's pretty good, even if the main character is ugly as sin.
Like, I want to believe they're capable of making a good game, if they just had a good concept to work with and someone with actual talent in charge.
If you look at how Mass since 3 and onwards turned out it wouldnt be hat outlandish to assume that Devs fuck up so they can leave quit something.
Then again look at Valve. They made good games and then just stopped.
There's a simpler explanation, they fuck it up by not putting enough budget into the game, they do it because they are unsure if they'll make their money back. This creates a self-fulfilling prophecy where the game can't make the money back because it's too shit because it didn't get enough of a budget. The problem here is that the company lacked the balls to make a good product and would rather tank their reputation for a few bucks.
You realize the whole "screwed up on purpose" theory is used by feminists to justify why products aimed at females make less money.
I posted something akin to this. There's no point in creating an empty good looking game as it ends up being more of a tech demo if the gameplay is pretty much non existent. Just like that one game that was released some time ago. About some vampires or monster hunter bullshit something. The one with the massive amount of QTEs.
The Order 1886?
The Order 1886? Didn't it also have a mode where the game played itself for you?
Yes thank you that*s the name.
top kek is this really an option?
DId they ask Hamburger Helper to create it or what.
I remember seeing a video of it, where the game aimed and shot enemies for you with perfect accuracy. We should name it "Games journalist mode".
I don't mind if a game has the ability to play itself, it's fine but only if it does so in the most patronizing way possible to poke fun at the player.
See, the problem here is, modern western devs don't seem to give a shit about gameplay anymore. They looked at graphics and they looked at gameplay and framerate, and they decided to go after graphics to appeal to the normalfags who are easily drawn in by that shit. It's no coincidence that this became real prevalent right as games started to become "cool".
Even here, they're not trying to sell a "good game". They're trying to sell a game on the fact that it looks fancy and it has a story about mental illness.
It's a little more than that.
Graphics are easy to advertise, you make a few screenshots.
Story is easy to advertise, you have characters say a few one liners in the trailer.
Gameplay used to be easy to advertise, back when demos still existed. Now they don't so devs concentrate on shallow stuff they can show to retarded normalfags.
That reminds me of a thing I read back when, by the guy who created Gunpoint. Apparently people were telling him not to make a demo for his game, because he'll lose sales from people who buy without trying and end up not liking it. But instead, after he released the demo he got so many pre-orders in that one week that he was able to quit his job entirely.
Heck, here's the story right here.
>“No, you don’t understand. You’ll have less sales.“
That's nothing new. See pic related? Sega almost passed on it. Before one producer realized it was a masterpiece, twelve people rejected it, simply because it had small sprites! It actually had some of the best visual effects on the system, but those sprites wouldn't look too impressive in screenshots.
The sad part is the game still sold like shit.
More proof to add to the ever growing pile of evidence that marketing departments and marketers are a filthy parasite on the gaming industry
if you want to focus on a narrative centric medium there are these things called MOVIES or those other things called BOOKS which have existed since forever
And Holla Forums is certainly not against digital versions of these, however, these are not games (which are by definition, a mechanically centric medium), they are visual novels.
This interactive narrative medium has been around since the Sega CD as far as i'm aware and it has as much right to exist in the free market as any other piece of digital media
Tath said, if you sell a visual novel as a game you are falsely advertising your product and shoehorning QTEs or the most basic of P&C puzzles to justify the "game" label on your visual novels (as Telltales often does) just makes your subversive deceit more insidious
Add to all this the fact that (((SJournoWs))) reeeeeaaaaaaalyyyyy want to normalize the "no gameplay game" meme so they can further propagandize vidya by turning it into another tool for cultural marxist indoctrination and also likely cus they fucking suck at playing vidya and of course, you can't critizice them cus "games have grown up and become (((art))) and (((art))) is subjective" never mind that they are also a consumer product and an electronic toy first and all those who dare hate the (((mature themes))) or (((progressive content))) are biggots, trolls, nazis, etc
>There is a (((push))) to reduce the amount of gameplay in vidya and falsely advertised VNs are part of the issue
>(((They))) sperg out whenever we call them out on this bullshit and that just makes the shitstorm stronger
All of the above said
Gone Homo, Sunset, all of Telltale trash, TLOU, and their ilk are objectively bad and boring overhyped memes who get rightfully crapped on and (((SJournoWs))) and their goons throwing praise at them is actually harming the industry by steering it towards becoming Kikewood 2.0 in the same way CoD dudebros and WoW nerds fucked it up by getting the market flooded with shitty ripoffs of shit games from a shit genere
They do it so they can increase the demand for positions as lazy parasites, they don't give a shit about sales.
Why live?
I fucking hate you too. We should make 2 threads for every shit game out there. That will surely fix up the board.
Every single time I see someone make a serious attempt at defending DmC, They never know what the fuck they're talking about, and always resort to shitting on the original fans for not liking the game.
This Webm came from a video made just a week ago. It's been 5 years this shit is still going on.
I hate this fucking game but I could do a way better job at making it sound appealing.
Why the fuck do DmC apologists think that shitting on people with a different opinion, will somehow make the game look good. as if insulting people will somehow enlighten them and make them change they're minds.
I watched part of that one episode for the context around the DmC discussion, and you are missing the best part where they all take turns saying "Yeah sure, the combat was dumbed down, but I was never very good at DMC anyway so I don't really care".
glad this faggot got fired
Further proving my theroy that the only people who like DmC are people who suck balls at action games. DmC requires no efort but hands out SSS ranks like candy so it make them feel good about themselves.
You know what I want? A fucking Mexican mariachi assassin with a sword hidden inside his guitarra.
Total Overdose came out years ago for PS2, Xbox and PC dude…
I unironically think the spanish dub is great
Reading about the development of that game is more interesting than playing the final product.
Didn't Ninja Theory do that with another one of their games?
Much older than that, my friend. Eroges existed on the PC-88s and a few prior computer models.
I've literally read CYOA novels with more gameplay than these modern walking simulators. At least the CYOA novels had inventories where you had to conserve your resources by making the right choices.
Shit man, they should hire Garland, maybe they'd actually make some decent fucking games then.
CYOA novels actually have consequences and choices that impact the story. Telltale games still can't do that, despite their entire game being about 'choice', I've gotten more interesting choices and consequences out of fucking Goosebumps CYOA novels.
The vid guy just takes people's subjective feelings about how NuDMC was shitty and uses his own subjective experience to shout 'Nu-huh it was gr8 you fags'. Everything he has to say is as valid/invalid as the detractors of the game (except for the parts where they're right), so he might as well have just shut the fuck up and said nothing especially as no-one cares now anyway.
They definitely should not have called NuDante, Dante, he was a faggot edgelord (also that face) who's attitude shat on the original incarnations. I've not even played NuDMC but everything I've seen of it repels me, not because of incompetence on the devs part but because it looks like the story of an eternal asshole carving his way through Edgeville so he can write FUCK YOU! on a piece of paper.
If I get enough money, I plan to purchase the rights to the DMC franchise just so I can call NuDante gay and to replace him with Not Important. "This old Dante would be laughed out of a gay club, my new Dante is edgy and dark".
The amount of people defending Hellblade is absurd. Seriously, I posted about the combat being janky and slow-time is the only ability they use because that's all NT know how to do, and most of the responses were "YOU HAVE TO EXPERIENCE IT MAN" and "Well you die anyway lol" (at the ending, as if that makes it better).
Every video I've watched of the combat is the most janky, button mashing thing I've ever seen. Other than that it's walking simulator with simple puzzles. The only thing they have going for it are the atmosphere and "story". If NT went into horror games or Uncharted movies they could probably give them a run for their money with how their games look aesthetically. They just need to stay away from combat that has any kind of depth. But I think even then they'll have filled their game with pretentious, edgy bullshit.
Fun fact: the game was originally going to have a hotter, fit/muscled female protagonist. When people LIKED the design and thought it was hot, NT changed it to the one we have now.
Fucking worthabuy hailed it as a benchmark in immersive gaming, in spite of the fact that he never stops ranting about third person games, walking simulators, shallow combat/gameplay, short length, repetition and games pretending to be art. I'm fairly sure that dick's on the payroll, or is trying to fuck one of the dev team.
I watched Pat & Woolie play it The game looks pretty, and the surround sound works well. Some of the effects are clever (enemies quickly fade in out of the ether right in front of you and unless you're looking for it you won't see it). The atmosphere- for the most part- is very well done.
It's the best walking simulator so far- in that there's some actual challenge and ability to lose via the combat. The puzzles (from what I've seen) are looking at the environment for a specific object at specific angles to make a rune, to open a door. Can't see that being tolerated for long- even if you enjoy the Norse mythology in the background.
The way this game has succeeded is people forgetting who made it. "Oh, the Heaven's Sword guys?"
Yes- and the guys who did DMC and shat the fucking bed. Sure the game puts up the mental-health advisors as the first thing in their credits before game designers and fuck putting opening credits in your game. That's when you can tell they're really pushing the "movie-experience" when they try to emulate opening credits- but do you trust the guys who made such petty arguments against the community and the guys who wrote Donte's dialogue to be people who can be trusted to handle anything that's serious and needs gravity? Hell, I'd even argue the devs did this so they had a shield to criticism or to bait praise.
That's not even touching the stuff mentioned in this thread; the save-erasing game over being fake if you throw a big enough tantrum on the controller or a screenwriter having more game design knowledge than them.
It's a step in the right direction for tone, graphics, and restraint in narrative. But will they apply what they've learned when making their next game with actual gameplay? Will Tameem change from a grown man trying to act like & sell to edgy teens to some evangelical type whose trying to "send important messages" to sell it to people who want to support virtues?
Never hold back your opinion outside of Holla Forums.
Tell people what you think, and it can change minds. Show them the emperor has no clothes. And is a bit of a cunt.
When games made money, people invested in companies.
Those people demanded maximized profits.
To do that, you have to trick people into buying a product they don't like- and the product has to be as cheap as possible.
Again- complain, complain, complain. And it will stick.
That because it is.
It's Bioshock Infinite all over again. Pretentious hipsters latch onto the newest "deep" game and pretend the critics are just uneducated plebeians that can't enjoy the "genius" at work.
And featuring female characters, because they tend to make them look like shit, though I remember some inkling of competence in modeling females when they made Enslaved and Heavenly Blade.
You mean, when heterosexual, white men said they liked it the mystery meat in charge got upset. Leftists will shit up anything, even their own product, if they believe white men will like it. They are mentally ill.
It was as "intelligent" as bioshit infinite was and i can already see people defending repetitive combat with "lol u r stupid u didnt understand the plot".
At least it's step up from donte playground fick dich edition
She doesn't actually die. She hallucinates being in hell for the final boss which you don't even fight, instead you fight three waves of enemies then there's a long cutscene talking to the final boss, she comes to terms with the fact that her boyfriend is dead and somehow that cures her insanity, and then she just walks the fuck away.
I've learned my lesson with that shit. I played DmC several times and beat on the hardest difficulty, not because I was having fun or enjoyed it in any way, but because I wanted to give a detailed synopsis of everything wrong with it to the faggots on various comments sections who'd spout out "you have to experience it!"… and you know what? After refuting all their bullshit in detail they'd magically forget all the negatives in the next comments and revert back to "all the haterz just don't like it cuz the hair! LEL!!!!"
My conclusion, NT fanboys are willfully ignorant and will defend anything they release as a cult classic.
Last panel should be "if you don't like it why did you eat it?"
That reminds me of the Hitler quote for some reason. We really are becoming Weimar Germany.
Unlike Tameme, Shyamalamalamadingdong was liked at least at one point in history.
it's because the Jews would do the same thing when he would publicly speak and refute their points.
though that tactic isn't exclusive to one group of people.
Firstly, I couldn't give a shit if the bad gameplay is intentional to push your message, it's still shit gameplay. Even Spec Ops the Line had simple but enjoyable gameplay, and you were supposed to feel bad about killing people in that game.
Secondly, Nier Automata's later half is also a story about going batshit insane, and getting revenge, but these fags don't really talk about that, now do they. Nier also had better gameplay, more interesting and better looking characters, worse graphics, sure, but much better design, and variety between areas. Not to mention that it was actually fun to play, even for a subpar Platinum game.
Lastly, I'm pretty fucking sure Grimoire outsold this piece of shit, so I doubt it's restarting anything.
If only I could believe the world was this just.
one would hope. I have some normalfag friends and the game is all on their radar. I had to try pretty hard to convince them to watch a bit of a playthrough before buying it.
It would be good if it proved to developers and publishers AA games can be profitable and experimentation can reward them with shekels, though I doubt the people in charge of the industry today are smart enough to figure out a moderately budgeted game that tries something new is worth the effort.
I was very fucking wrong.
This piece of shit sold 96k copies.
Outsold by:
And almost outsold by Foxhole
How in the fuck is this game AA? I guarantee you even larger and more skilled development teams wouldn't be able to afford the production costs of this game simply because they don't get as many subsidies nor do they own a motion capture studio.
I was never thinking that this characters was too ugly but now I think about it.
Making her hot succubus and later turning her into this vulgar monster breeder instead of demon caterpillar is much better idea.
She is a breeder and you are making game for adults, do something not toned down.
please use
It's less than a quarter of an AAA game for half the price.
I'm calling bullshit here.
I think she's cuter now. Vulnerable mentally ill women are my thing.
You can't win, Ninja Theory. Someone's going to sexualise her, either way.
Does the game actually have that, or does it just have guitar cases with guns inside of them? Because whenever I ask about mariachi assassins, all I get is "guitar cases with guns inside of them".
fyi i tldr the rest of your post
so you are saying that narratives can only be exclusively these two mediums, movies and books?
so a narrative cant be
television programme
comics / graphic novels
spoken word
role played
smoke signaled
attributed to natural phenomena
morse code
signed language
news paper
dream anlaysis
and how ever fucking dare you EVER make a fucking narrative based video game
sorry but if you think that you are an ignorant retard
If you're not gonna bother reading the rest of that post, which should take you all of a minute, then you should just >>>/out/ and stay >>>/out/.
Nigger, there is a degree of separation between "have a story in a game" and "have a game that's just a story being told to you". This is what the entire JRPG genre is built around, and god knows Chrono Trigger has a more emotional and engaging narrative than your average walking simulator.
why we need 3 thread?
I really should just play all video games with the Spanish dub.
Publishers know that Holla Forums hates everything, so even bad publicity is good enough for them.
So they just spam their shit.
Report duplicates.
I mean I fucking pirated and played though this shit, and it wasn't even as terrible as I expected but come on, shills, have some decency.
1 thread is enough.
its not, they're calling it AA to get brownie points and so the game isn't judged to harshly
Did you just assumed their gender you fucking shitlord?
Reposting from other thread.
I can confirm this user is correct having just finished it. Definitely worth a pirate. It looks and sounds great. While I was playing it I wished that someone would make a cool game like it in a Zelda style or similar. Real puzzles and dungeon exploration. Hellblade is dripping with atmosphere. It has a very boring start (a 10 min boat ride with corny voices whispering in your ear) but it picks up significantly as it goes. I found myself getting drawn in, looking for faces in markings on the walls and wishing the voices would shut up and give me some peace at points, ie. like the main character. I'm glad it didn't go totally corny in the story either. Stuck to a pretty classic hero venturing into the underworld to save their love. No SJW nonsense, no tutorials, no HUD. It was a refreshing break from the trash of modern vidya.