Losing control?
Whats your favorite single level from a video game?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite single level from a video game?
I always enjoy going through the forest temple in OOT.
This ones hard. I'm just gonna say Witcher 3 Battle of Kaer Morhen until I think of something better.
Double shift today. Shipped off some stuff I sold on eBay. Still need to figure out lodging for PAX.
Can't think of one, so I'll say the Moon level from DuckTales.
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
Planning out my nip trip more. Does anyone have advice for shit I should bring with me when traveling overseas?
I need a new game to play too. Can't do DaS2 anymore.
deception in bw monica rollin round in a creepy ass base idk monica sumn bout dat shit
Then you'll never make it to level one
sleep snug, smug
What systems do you have?
Hi everyone.
After thinking about it, I decided I'll wait another time for getting a PS2 and get an OG Xbox instead. There's more games on the Xbox that I'm interested in than the PS2. Also I can just emulate PS2 games anyway.
There's no worse sleep schedule than going to bed early and waking up really early.
I guess the train level in Blood. It's pretty cool.
I've lost control.
favorite level in vidya is a trick question faggot. since you can always find an open world rpg and just say that name. But I will play you're tricks, so Demon's Souls world 4-1 mainly because it's a soul farming level, and the git gud level.
I just played OoT again last year but I can't remember what the forest temple was at all.
How goes user
Hope everything isn't booked user
What you do once you got home?
ay yo montana, whats good
I can play emulators on my craptop up to snes era
Vidya that never comes over.
Aw that sucks. Xbox has good shit but PS2 always pleased me way more.
I found a guy who was willing to sell a modded Xbox for $50 with a few games and all the cables. The only thing missing is the controllers. I don't have many friends who I hang out with regularly nowadays so I'll probably only need 2 controllers.
What games are there on the xbox 1 anyway?
Waking up early when you aren't used to it is comfy though. Everything feels so fresh.
Even most open world rpgs have definable levels in them.
What you do today user
No like take with me to nippon for my trip.
Made dinner and watched some shit on YT.
Left hand doesnt hurt anymore, So i solved that issue. Played more grimoire.
Fuck these oreworms. Fuckers can spit acid and destroy my weapons and armor. That shit isnt easy to find. They dont even give good enough exp for the trouble. try final fantasy 2 or some of the early dragon quest games
Mother or daughter?
all these are considered decent.
I hate being up early. Especially this early. When I start college I'll have to be up early, but not this early. When I'm up this early, I just know I'm going to be laying down again by noon. And when people see you laying down at noon, they don't assume "he woke up early and needed a nap" they assume "he still isn't up" and you get treated like a lazy faggot.
Og xbox has:
Doa volley ball
Grabbed by the ghoulies (a personal favorite)
I think one of the castlevania games i liked
Jet set radio future
Its basically the dreamcast 2
Ara always.
I've been browsing cuckchan Holla Forums and Holla Forums, for some reason Holla Forums got me scared of estrogen. Also I'm thinking of calling the doctor to get some painmedz, I've been thinking of playing some vidya but I don't know which.
My buddy I cytube with all the time posted a good channel called epic history today. That was pretty neat. If you are the other youtube guy who gave me advice you might like it.
Whats combat like in early DQ games? Aren't later ones like pokemon?
I saw so many fucking mason rings while working. I'd do a couple of mason hand symbols I knew if I saw them walking by and I'd always get a sale. Was funny.
Just skimming that, a bunch look like multiplats though.
got dubs tho monica das ryt
Gotta get those digits, man. Dubs make everything better.
I havent played the later ones but the early ones are really fucking grindy, but its good to play music and shit in the background though.
Still thinking of my favorite level. I guess I like big battles and shit. Or when something big happens.
Maybe a handheld or something.
Who cares what people think if you are comfy.
I'd like to play this
Thats why you use nicotine montana. It fights off the artificial estrogen jew. Its why jews fight tobacco so much these days and brainwashed all the kids into hating it so much.
If you have a modded xbox, there are nude mods for it.
Maaaaaybe. Not huge on turn based combat.
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeet. I own a 3ds I haven't set up to pirate games on yet. That'd be the perfect thing for the flight. Thanks for reminding me user.
I've never owned a single xbox product before. Can you emulate that?
If I'm living with them, I generally care. It was really bad when I lived at home, because I would just get laying down and then get woken up and yelled at for sleeping in so late. At least living with a girl, she just calls me a bum (but not too much of a bum since it's my place). I wanted to be up around 11 for some announcements and stuff but I'm going to be back in bed by then probably.
Nope. Cant emulate that shit, and somebody reddit decided to commit virtual murder and destroy a
that we could have used to help emulation.
Why don't you just tell them what you do?
my nigga, I smoke and use the quit smoking gum not as a replacement but because I like the taste.
I can say that the new Dragon Quest 11 is bretty good, I got booth the ps4 and 3ds versions, I prefer the ps4 only because it's a true showcase of the unreal engine.
I love to mess around in this engine from time to time.
Also a rare gore image.
This. Stop being a beta bitch and take charge like a man.
I had the day off and I spent almost all of it sleeping in. Every time I get a day off of work I feel like I wasted it by the time the day is over. How do I get better at time management?
The damage is done by that point, generally I'm already getting yelled at or called a liar. It's not like me taking naps is a rare thing. Every job I've had with a morning shift, I would take a nap when I got home, usually after dinner.
Are you the goy with that one girlfriend you said you'd never date and then did?
Why the hell did they do that?
How goes user
Then you are fine.
Tell me how to hack a 3ds
By quitting your job and sleeping all of the time.
Stand your ground, my dude. Go apeshit on them. That'll shut them up.
I dunno, the extra sleep sounds comfy af. Its not wasted if you enjoy it.
Oh you are not gonna believe this shit.
they did it so they could use the case for a gaming pc. Not only that, but he WIPED THE FUCKING HARDDRIVE to use it, and it was only 20 gigs. Who knows what was on it. Im still fucking mad
ninja gaiden
jet set radio future
halo 1+2
splinter cell 3
i hear da bioware shit for og xbox, kotor + jade empire r prety gud fam
Yep. Truth is I say a lot of things that are wrong. I lie a lot too. Not so much when I'm anonymous, but I have to check myself from time to time when I realize I'm lying.
I don't have any apeshit left in me. Maybe 5 years ago. I used my apeshit up too fast and now I just want to take naps and smoke and drink in bed and play video games.
I had a beyond fucked up dream and I don't want to go back to bed until I can see the sun.
That one Medal of Honor where you're trying to fight your way out of Arnhem and that PanzerIV just comes outta nowhere and fucks shit up.
Whatcha all playin? Hope its fun.
Is everyone having nightmares lately. I had one last night. Couldnt sleep until like 4 hours later.
Did he pay a fucking ton for the thing just to do that? I mean someone would have bought the guts for a decent amount of money if he just wanted the fucking case
That ain't a thing
Lying is fun though.
Hows that all working out for you is why I ask
Tell us the dream
Trying to do thighs and it's giving me an aneuryism.
No, he got it from his uncle. I was so fucking mad ive lost all my anger for this year.
Keep it up, well drawn thighs are god teir. Thighs > hips > tits
I guess. I don't really do it for fun, it just kind of happens and I don't think about why. I started lying habitually as a kid because I had a bad day at school and just didn't want to talk about it. Then I kept doing it.
Fine. She doesn't yell at me for sleeping in because my savings pay the bills while I wait for college to start. Just kind of pokes me awake (this probably takes several hours, I am generally a heavy sleeper) and calls me a bum.
I played some RDR. It was ok.
This user gets it
Wew I hope he realizes how much of a dumb ass he is now at least.
What happened on the bad day?
Nah I mean in general montana, do you love her?
It was so bad the collective of reddit was yelling at him for how much of a fuck up he is. It was great.
I went to get a drink from the water fountain, had a coughing fit before I could swallow it, and got yelled at by a teacher.
Oh, yeah. Things are pretty good.
Surprised other devkits haven't made their way out into the public this late after the xbox has been out anyway honestly.
What you like about her?
Maybe you're just tired.
I think there was less than 20, and i think a good half of them are probably in the hands of the emu devs.
I'm not really good at picking out traits, but she's a sweet girl and pretty fun to be around. Doesn't mind not going out and likes to cuddle up in bed.
both obviously.
Ohhh well thats not quite as bad as I thought if emu devs already have some. Still sucks though.
She cute brah?
Thanks, I've contemplated zettai ryouiki grade A/S to compliment it too.
The xbox has a notoriously hard graphics card to work with, thats kinda why its taking so long.
I fucked up the spoiler, but i got sweet trips.
nein. learn how to ghost it before you lay the line down and use complete strokes as much as possible.
Pretty qt, yeah. She's got a bunch of freckles. Not a weirdly high amount but enough that it's noticeable and pretty fucking cute.
Still working on the latter. Should probably do it soon since I'm not getting any younger. Nice digits by the way.
I don't know what that means
Ahhh weird.
She redhead?
Make sure you do it before she reaches 27-28. After that the birth defect rate skyrockets.
While we're talking about dreams, I had a weird one recently.
I woke up at that point, but I don't even know what my dreams are anymore.
You missed the spoiler. Nice trips btw.
i herd dat if certain games ran str8 offa da windows dlls dat da og xbox had it emulate near perfect but if dey added shit on it dun work so good?
das ryt das ryt das rty
thigh high stuff.
I know its a dream, but what instincts tell you to walk alongside your truck unless you're black
Sort of a light brown that's almost kind of reddish.
She's 23 right now but I'm turning 27 in a month. I'm not sure how much autism gets passed down through sperm as you get older.
Ooohh right. I always forget what that means.
It takes longer for a man to reach high rate of birth defects. Its mostly in the woman.
I'm not even black. I'm autsitic, but that's not the same as black.
It's an old piece of shit that guzzles gas that nobody else wanted to drive. It's ok for getting around, I guess.
I dunno man, even my Ivans are up all disturbed. They shouldn't even be drinking at this hour.
This is where it gets fucked up.
And this is why I'm up at 1:30am.
Favorite single level would be mario kart double dash's rainbow road. Estrogen is natural to have in your body. The jew just wants you to have wayyy too much of it to be weaker and feminin. Everything in moderation.
Hack 3ds, buy mod cart, hacked. Or use web-browser exploit, hacked.
Now how do you dump SNES carts since your computer can run them? I honestly have no idea how it is done.
That's alright, then. I don't want a kid before I can support it well. Got cash saved up but I need to pay for college and bills and get my toilet fixed and a million other things.
that reminds me.
On the bright side, it's how I ended up going into self-imiprovement. She was a redhead and I lost my thing for redheads after that whole stint.
Didn't you have her abort your baby like months ago?
Thats fucked up tbh
holy shit, what is that for? legit autists?
I don't remember.
I dunno how to hack a 3ds. I bought several because jewtendo regionlocked them, so I've got a PAL,NTSC and 2x JNTSC plus a new 3ds jap version.
I fucking hate jewtendo but at the same time I kinda like the Switch because it's regionfree.
I can't support a kid right now. I grew up poor as dirt so I'm pretty against having a kid when I can't give it a decent life.
Do I have to buy anything for the 3ds hacking? I'd rather save money for nippon.
Never felt that way about a girl I didn't date but at least you learned something I guess.
Me too
Doesn't hacking them make them region free though?
Now that's some creepy shit.
I had a weird dream like 3 days ago i can still remember.
Says stuff about alien clones
If you get a romcart yes. If you go the browser based exploit and downgrade firmware then no but it is alot more work.
Howdou dump snes rom?
Better hurry up then
25 days
4 pets normally monica
If she isnt pregnant by 26 i think your chances are out the window.
I have pretty early firmware from getting it and never updating so??
And no clue famalam
You want some more fucked up, try having your waifu to tell you to get up because the neighbor way down way has spent the last several hours walking to my house with a pie that smells nice and she'll be at my door in fifteen minutes. Guess what, from the time I woke up to when my door got knocked on was exactly fifteen minutes and there was pie.
I don't even fucking know anymore.
I wish I had tame dreams like that.
Yes, but there is some fuckry with them being in a certain updated version. Also I'm so used to just having the 3 there 3ds around all the time when I want to game a 3ds or ds game.
Also what is worse to come off from when it comes to the pharmajew is it a benzo or pregabalin(lyrica). I'm getting the shakes and paranoid as fuck. God dammit I need some bainkillers.
It started to get lucid at the end and i was going to shoot him with my own nerf gun. then i realised it was probably a bad idea to shoot an alien with a nerf gun. then i realised it was a dream and woke up.
Well the course (I don't know if that's the right word) I'm going to be taking is pretty short because I guess you do 3 semesters pretty much consecutively. Should still be in that under 26 range by the time I get out. If not I can pick up a part-time job on top of classes and get to it. Even having money problems I would probably keep it if there was another accidental pregnancy and she didn't mind.
jus sum prescience manifestin monica nuffin 2 worry about
Our psychic powers are growing and will come to full power at the coming eclipse. Be ready user.
Why were you using drugs anyway user?
das rite
When is the eclipse anyway?
ix xxiii mmxvii
Like 2 days before my birthday. is that a sign?
A few months ago I would have a button in front of me that just said abort and I would be slamming on it but I would probably keep it now. Shame any babies we have will probably get my boring-ass dark brown hair instead of hers.
August 21 Ritsu's birthday
Its on my waifus birthday. More of a sign for me tbh
the benzo are for anxiety so using them as little as possible.
The Lyrica is for kidney pain, got a nasty case of something they call for ckd, so pain all the dam time, can't work out or do shit without being in mindboggling pain.
I don't want to use hard narcotics for pain, so I'm just using the minor pharmajew, not the hardcore ones.
If it was legal I would wait until a month before my child's 18th birthday and abort it then, just out of spite. I don't even like kids and am polishing up on my dad jokes just in case. Every time my kid wastes my time I am going to waste his or her time with a terrible dad joke.
Its been happening to me for years. As a child it drove me mad to the point I stalked 50 acres of woodland looking for the forest of giant reeds I'd later learn were bamboo.
Ok, those roman numeral arent correct. Never mind about my birthday shit.
good luck making ritsu real. I believe you can
i b wrong fam mah bad
Whats the kidney pain like? Are you the guy with chronic kidney stones?
What was in the bamboo?
I'm hoping a wormhole opens up and I leave this world tbh user
got mah dates mixed up
Going to bed, night.
Cya fam!
Not a word of a lie, picture related circa 97-98. I lost my shit in 05 when I finally got to the extra stage in IN. I've been honestly questioning reality since then.
If they're at that level of brainwashing, there's no way they can willingly break their conditioning.
I'm so confused
2hus b tripin moncia
das rite tbh imo montana
Being a bumfuck rural kid I figured there must have been a forest of giant reeds near my home because I dreamed of them and someone was wandering through them. I didn't learn what bamboo was until 02. Hell I woke up once with a first degree burn on my arm after one once in the middle of winter no less. That woman saved me from whatever the fuck lurks in them bamboos.
You should go back to there
Idk why im nervous about going to a lake house with some of my really good friends Also I downloaded deadly premonition directors cut anything i should know before playing ?
ye u need to 2 kno dat ppl w/ social anxiety don't come back from campin
Do you go hang out with them often? Whats different about this?
This is actually my first time seeing them after a couple of months that's probably why
well shit
I don't have the kidney stone but got chronic renal failure(it's just called chronic kidney disease) so the pain is like, imagine you got constant pain in the back and sometimes under the ribs it goes in a constant vibes, so you can't walk without pain under the ribs and back. When you pee it feels like barbwire goes up under the ribs trough the penis hole.
Jerking off is a good painkiller tough.
there should always be hope like the (((skeptics))) preach.
My family home? I do twice a year just to make sure nobody has burned the house down.
Ahhhh. I'm sure your nervousness will pass once you actually see them user
That sounds fucking horrible user. Are you dying?
I mean the bamboo forest
Oh, most of my dreams are in that forest, I get told to stay away from the manor in there and that the forest itself is for lost and forgotten people.
You have to go save those people!
Hope so ive been knowing them since middle school so all should be well
Why haven't you seen them in months?
it's a failure that is going slow. the kidneys have failed so I'm going to die soon.
So I just want to get something to sleep like a good benzo. or something to keep me calm when I'm going to the hospitals all the damn time. But instead I have to go on a fricken date with a psychiatrist because it will help me with self-confidence which is bullshit..
also what do you think of this anime drawing?
How long you got left?
Face is a bit weird
At the very least it could grow your powers.
dunno, years or something depends on how fast the kidneys fail. It takes longer when it's just chronic if it's acute you might die after days. But you will piss blood so you kinda know something fucked up is happening.
Also should i try to be better drawer or just give up?
Oh at least its not months. What do you want to do before you go user?
Are yours the ones with the nip symbol in the right? That ones pretty good.
The one on the left is horrifying though.
everyone's been busy haven't had time to meetup like we usually do
Well enjoy it then user. What kinda shit you all gonna do?
Just fucking around on an image board. I kinda want to fuck a hooker but it's not pure, so I just am on an image board and doing the same shit I've been doing for years now. Also waiting for vidya is more fun then playing the vidya.
Yes, I'm the ones with the kanji.
well my friends have a boat and some jet skishis dad owns a business and play vidya games. Should be pretty fun.
DO IT. Save up for a high quality one so its worth it. Whats the worst that could happen? You get some std? Won't have to live with it long anyway.
You should draw a cute picture of Ritsu for me some time user!
shiiiiiiiiiiiet that sounds awesome
I'll just let things progress naturally.
huh, never thought about in that way. Just kinda thought about it in a moral Christian way.
Ritsu? Also what kind of cute? typical manga cute or somewhat nudity cute kinda like Senran Kagura?
Choose one and only one faggot.
Moral is a synonym of mores. Mores stands for what society thinks or is generally accepted. Kikes accept homo kiddy rape and drinking blood does that make it moral for them? Yes. Hence one or the other.
You need to conquer your fears before you can conquer the world
Oh man I've always wanted a picture of Ritsu in this pose from this picture. If you drew that it'd be awesome user!
And Ritsu user. My waifu and namesake
holy shit. I was thinking of values kinda like it's dirty to have sexual intercourse with a hooker mainly because it's sodomy within the Christian faith. Not that (((them))) cares about such things, also if you want to watch absolute tvgood the show snowfall is amazing, they actually show negro behaviour all the while trying to propagate you into a degenerate.
that should be easy enough. thought you wanted semi lewds, or pure water filter lewds where one see some genitalia.
Nah just something cutesy. Yeah just put her in her standard school uniform and her usual yellow headband. Plus that pose. Thanks user if you end up doing it!
Kind of hard to pick. Most games I play tend to not have proper "levels". Spyro does have a number of standouts though (Lofty Castle, Fracture Hills, Fireworks Factory, etc), and if counting games with "chapters", I really enjoyed Chapters 4 and 5 ("The Gift of Forever" and "Lurking Horror") in Eternal Darkness. Music in that game is pretty damn good too.
You are really late user
I will draw them user, but It's kinda late for me now or I'm actually tired and wanna go to sleep.
Thanks fam, cya next time. About to head to bed myself
Nothing today. Slept in late, and then went to a friend's place for a while. At least he's been playing vidya for once.
Yeah, I know. Was out for a while. Eating tendies for dinner now.
It's a sketch, though.