But, didnt he leave forever because he is a cuck?
he's posting in a tranny general because it's the easiest bait game in existence
Boo is a fucking trans waiting to happen, the poor little urchin.
thing is he'll pass too
I'd let boo wear a skirt and some stockings for me
No more you would be the best
Needs more Asuka in that great plugsuit
Hot damn, we should sk her for a before and during chart
hows you, scoob?
not bad, you?
I worry, she is too down with the youth
what if she decriminalizes memes?
just watching jojo with sword and sipping a mug of the good old yorkshire
hahahaha its too spicy
zing zing
You fucking wot mate
Memes, not even once.
Sounds like a productive morning/midday
im just dying from illness
Wew laters then
goodnight spoilers.
hey neko neko, how was work?
It was shit like always
I'm glad to be home now
capping more toph atm
toph is great. one of the best characters from that show, easily.
Wait, Sci left?
too much bullying :(
hahaha what did this really happen???!??!?!
Link me. I have to see.
I hope.
I also love tai lee
I will probably go back and cap her sometime as well but for now I'm focusing on toph
he posted all last night
wasnt he here just like an hour ago?
All I saw so I want to be sure.
I just got here man.
yeah another good one. shame she didn't get more screen time, it was cool having a character without bending powers who could still hold her own against benders.
that and she's insanely adorable lol
There goes the dream I guess.
We should go visit Boo.
youve chance to be more spic than I am
pls fam
she is pretty cute, yes. not to mention really flexible which is always a plus.
or, or. here's a crazy idea.
we don't do that.
But I want to bully him.
well then you go find him and bully him. I don't have nearly enough consideration for him to even bother.
Being so Irish.... Oh the tragedy.
Frankenhole was too pure
Too good for this world
There are a billion trannie boards.
I don't know what one he goes to.
Where did you get your dna tested lol
I'm pretty curious tbh
Oh yes that is also quite lovely :3
Just like me
Can't you just be content with the knowledge that he has to chase after some of the easiest bait in the world so he can continue lying to himself about being a "troll"?
Like he chases himself off of animus because he couldn't look at himself in the mirror.
what makes ireland any different form the rest of England?
rip scoob
Fine, but if he comes back I get to do as I want.
He shaved his head?
Its a site used mostly by/for people wanting to trace their lineage, but this whole DNA thiny is a new development.
took 2 months but is worth, its worth it to know what makes me..... me....
got inspiration from watching thios vid, I eman its staged but its pretty profound.
try checking like, the trap one maybe? I know if you search for a board you can see how many total posts the board has had so you'll know the ones that are active at all.
quite lovely indeed do ho ho. neko you perv
stop being a bigot towards mirrorphobic people smiles holy fuck.
That would be the most pragmatic approach.
I don't want to click through a billion boards of special snowflake cases.
My word is law. What I see fit to do is because it is the will of Allah.
yeah he looks like a fuckin Egg
How did they get your dna?
You are the one who brought it up
I hope its glorious Northern Irish.
Sent them a sample in a seealed package. a big fucking vial of spit.
if you guys are looking for boo
instead of searching any random of the endless trannie boards
it's simple
just send null some hearts on steam
I literally just suggested using the board search and only bothering to check the most active.
plus I doubt he's around here anyway. he probably went off to 4chan again or something.
yeah but you're the one thinking dirty thoughts now.
haha I'm gonna nut in a container
It is a lot nicer without him here at least.
I'm gonna nut on a girl in a coma
if you go find him somewhere else he might come back. keep that in mind.
You're only making them stronger
now I can't help but wonder how often this happens. I've seen enough people talk about it to know that cumming on a sleeping girl is a weirdly common fetish, so now I'm just imagining some poor nurse constantly cleaning up dried cum off some coma patient and trying to figure out which of the visitors to blame for it.
me? but I would never do something like that, neko.
what the fuck is with new jojo?
You do it all the time
It only gets gud around ep 20
I'm kinda triggered now
that's quite the accusation.
I have a whole day before work and I'm anxious.
I'm kind of glad I don't watch Jojo.
Everyone kind of ruined it for me.
hey you brought it up.
so stop being anxious, duh.
i miss old jojo
fucking same
It cannot be fucking helped fam
Yes because it's true
( ) . .
Cuppers you're being bigoted right fucking now. Control yourself. Holy shit.
tbh if probably got a majority celtic blood too, my dad was originally from scotland before he was adopted
I want to go see people.
2 weeks 'till I get paid though is going to suck.
even stardust crusaders was better than this
( ) . .
I don't get this.
of course it does
w kutib 'ann rasul alllah ( sali alllah ealayh wasallam ) 'ann alttaqsir fi 'ada' alwajib min qibal 'ay rajul hu eamal 'athim hu min tilk alllahzat murtadd . kama qal nabi allh, w aleuqubat alty katabaha alqatlaa .
then don't watch it
smiles, senpai, how do I see god?
Atleast the Eastern european is to a minimum lel
And aloha snack bar to you too, young lady.
This makes me hard.
Hard for senpai
please see
you're being silly, neko. I am pure and innocent at all times. there's no way I could cause you to think improper thoughts.
I literally cannot believe this right now. calling a gay person a bigot. gays can't be fucking bigots, smiles. clearly you are the bigot here.
yeah, the first paycheck is the hardest to work for.
cant help it, its still jojo
Hopefully it goes fast.
Jeez, I have to think, how else am I gonna mke erotica?
I prefer my kebab friendo
well time flies when you're having fun.
posting feets
With words, Scoots.
Time crawls for me.
feets are only lewd if you're a pervert.
oh my.
Bellies > Feet
oh senator?
But you need brain work for that, and brian needs blood, it cant have blood if my massive penor is hogging it. Jeez. Simple anatomy.
both are nice. neither are particularly lewd.
Then you are wrong.
Just steal enough blood you can have both working at the same time.
One is just better.
Allahu Akbar~!
Don't become an apostate.
See above
I follow the one true religion of Islam.
If you're going to call me a bigot that makes you immediately Islamophobic and bigoted.
That is a dangerous game to play squash, you are being lax and a renegade.
th-thank goodness
the most ATTRACTIVE features are clothes
You don't want Senpai to notice everything you goof.
oh right my bad, I forgot that it's perfectly fine to bash every religion on earth except the one that is actually the most intolerant, barbaric, backwards, regressive, and hateful.
girl clothes on boys is most attractive clothes.
Shut up cupcake
Naturally! thats what makes senpai senpai
I just woke up and an horny.
I like mine on the floor.
flat tummy boys > other tummy boys
hahaah WOOAHH!!!
flat tummy boys they make this rockin world go round
so bossy.
shredded, or on a stick?
legs + feet > *
That feel. I woke up too lethargic to be horns. Suffering. Its too much effort at this point. I wonder if I have an infection again. Or if its the AIDs playing up.
do you really have aids
Deus Vult
either or, but more like shredded fam
even as a joke it honestly makes my blood boil.
You have AIDs?
you're too much fun, neko.
Close, probably the closest that we're gonna get from Christianity, but Deus Vult is much more direct.
Inshallah is more cowardly because it's like a question that the believer asking God if he wants it.
Deus Vult is a believer saying that it was already commanded.
Did you watch the Masked Arab yet?
Is neko being a girl again
What makes you say that?
oh, no I haven't. I added him to my watch later but that playlist is ridiculously long. I'll try to remember to just scroll to that video and watch it when I get to work. well, listen to it. I didn't realize how much I would love youtube red. I don't give a shit about the original content, but the ability to turn my phone's screen off and still have the video running is amazing.
because you're cute
if it's for the Lord why not go all the way
I would recommend you at least try to watch the video along with the audio.
The audio will give you enough information, but he actually shows the scripture, and exactly which parts state what with all his sources being apparent. The visuals helped me.
I don't get it.
omg no
its common joker here. if your ill.... its aids.... but never lupus
maybe i'm getting a lil sleepy sorry i'm just kinda ramblin
and house DIED
I can kind of watch videos while I work, I keep the phone down on my chair and I can glance down at it easily enough. if it proves too difficult to get the information properly without watching it I'll save it for home.
shh. be a good kitty now.
Well I'm sure you'll get it just fine.
I just think you'll enjoy it.
I watche the finale of re zero and felt nothing because I hadnt seen the series
like a 5/10
doesnt even have sad music or anything
felt prettty sad when the cat trap startedd crying though
Alll in time of course of course
enjoying things is for nerds. but we'll see. have you ever watched any videos by sargon of arkaad?
good boy
Been watching since 2012
well no need to sound so smug about it, missy.
This is really hard to cap
Toph isn't getting any decent screen time
*smugs even harder*
Yeah, I like the guy. I don't agree with a few things, but overall he's pretty cool.
felt like she got a pretty good amount to me.
he's one of the best I think. very level headed and keeps things based in reason and with actual facts and evidence. another great one is tl;dr, though he doesn't talk about islam very much.
Not in these last few episiodes
Hi my name is Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that’s how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don’t know who she is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Gerard Way but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I’m a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I’m also a witch, and I go to a magic school called Hogwarts in England where I’m in the seventh year (I’m seventeen). I’m a goth (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside Hogwarts. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
her time will come again.
hey, sorry I read your post and I just thought you sounded cute, I really wanted to tell you that)) It's really rare to see girls playing video games haha! I don't know why its a guy thing honestly im like really against misogyny and like ill be the one in the kitchen making sandwiches. We should really play l4d2 sometime its a really cool zombie game with a lot of scary moments, but don't worry ill be there to protect you ;) sorry that wasnt flirting I swear Im just trying to be friendly I really like your profile picture sorry was that too far? Really sorry i'm really shy I don't go out much haha add me on skype we should talk more you look really nice and fun xxx
The next day I woke up in my bedroom. It was snowing and raining again. I opened the door of my coffin and drank some blood from a bottle I had. My coffin was black ebony and inside it was hot pink velvet with black lace on the ends. I got out of my coffin and took of my giant MCR t-shirt which I used for pajamas. Instead, I put on a black leather dress, a pentagram necklace, combat boots and black fishnets on. I put on four pairs of earrings in my pierced ears, and put my hair in a kind of messy bun.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little rape apologist? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Social Justice 101, I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on 4chan, and I have over 300 confirmed instances of saying “check your privilege.” I am trained in being overly offended and I’m the top SRSer in the entire social justice blogosphere. You are nothing to me but just another shitlord. I will call you a neckbeard with persistence the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the internet? Think again, cissexist pig. As we speak, I am contacting my secret network of differently-abled, ethnic, transqueer womyn across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the AC360 investigation, *aggot. The investigation that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your erotic Internet. You’re fucking privileged, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can complain about you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in arguing with shitlords, but I have access to the entire arsenal of and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your privileged bigotry off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “sexist” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will passive-aggressively type fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, cis scum
I can't wait
Life is like a cabbage: Sometimes it is green and crunchy, sometimes dad stabs the cat with a knife because his foot ball team lose again
Life is like a cabbage: sometimes it is green and round, and sometimes mom wish you were never born
If you throw a cabbage in the air he will alway come right back down to you because he is lonely without you.
If there is a fire in your house make sure you save all the cabbages before you even think about finding your children
A cabbage does not wear a watch but he always have time for you
Instead of drinking coffee in the morning try laying down with a cabbage on your stomach and you will be wide awake trust me
If you push a cabbage under water he will alway float right back up to the top because he miss you so much
A cabbage does not have ears but that does not mean that he is immune to your lies
Some time you think about a cabbage and you get so excited that forget to go to sleep again for five days
Sometimes you hate your life and dont want to be alive anymore but then you think about cabbage and know that everything will be ok
You can paint a cabbage green but that is a waste of paint because he is already green you idiot
If you run out of pillows maybe try using a cabbage
You can tell a cabbage has gone bad if he is wearing a leather jacket
if you are sad put a cabbage in your back pack and carry him every where so it feel like you have a friend that want to spend time with you
A cabbage is so pretty but you are real ugly
You can ask a cabbage for financial advice but he will not say any thing because he is a cabbage
You can put a cabbage on the hood of your car. People will not under stand what you are doing but at least you are doing some thing
If you put plastic eyeballs on a cabbage and take him to the movies it might feel like you have a friend I hate my life
Dr. Suess did not ever make a poem about cababge And now he is dead
A cabbage can not get pregnant believe me I tried
You can put a cabbage in a baby carriage amd take him for a walk and people will say "who this" and you can say "he is my cabbaby"
If you want to trick your parents put a cabbage on your pillow at night and they will think you are sleeping but you are actually crying
the fuck am i reading?
Men disgust me. I’m a lesbian and I’m sick to death of you ignorant bastards. For starters, no, I will not show you my tits. I don’t see how any of you have the right to tell another woman to get naked, you dogs might see women as flesh for your pleasure but NOTHING gives you the right to take advantage of a woman just because you believe that you’re ‘stronger’ or ‘better.’
What gives you the right to think that you can tell us what to do? I will never be ordered around by a man. Actually, I’m so passionate about this I managed to get this asshole guy suspended from my work for making sexist comments about me and ordering me to get him a fucking coffee every minute. Now he’s learnt his lesson and is making ME the coffee.
I weep for a world without men, a paradise. Without men there would be no crime, no wars and everyone would be treated equally.
Unfortunately, I can’t see my utopia happening anytime soon but I warn you, women’s rights groups are still fighting for equality and in the future society might not be quite so lenient on you misogynist bastards.
''My friend, Willow (AN: Raven dis is u!) woke up then and grinned at me. She flipped her long waist-length raven black hair with pink streaks and opened her forest-green eyes. She put on her Marilyn Manson t-shirt with a black mini, fishnets and pointy high-heeled boots. We put on our makeup (black lipstick white foundation and black eyeliner.)
“OMFG, I saw you talking to Draco Malfoy yesterday!” she said excitedly.
“Yeah? So?” I said, blushing.
“Do you like Draco?” she asked as we went out of the Slytherin common room and into the Great Hall.
“No I so fucking don’t!” I shouted.
OCEAN MAN 🌊 😍 Take me by the hand ✋ lead me to the land that you understand 🙌 🌊 OCEAN MAN 🌊 😍 The voyage 🚲 to the corner of the 🌎 globe is a real trip 👌 🌊 OCEAN MAN 🌊 😍 The crust of a tan man 👳 imbibed by the sannnd 👍 Soaking up the 💦 thirst of the land 💯.
“Yeah right!” she exclaimed. Just then, Draco walked up to me.
“Hi.” he said.
“Hi.” I replied flirtily.
“Guess what.” he said.
“What?” I asked.
“Well, Good Charlotte are having a concert in Hogsmeade.” he told me.
“Oh. My. Fucking. God!” I screamed. I love GC. They are my favorite band, besides MCR.
“Well…. do you want to go with me?” he asked.
I gasped.
girls kissing girls in a kid's cartoon? lewd af
night night sweet thang
goodnight bard.
no fukken thanks.
night night bardo
They also really like focusing on toph's feet
yeah everyone at nickelodeon is a fucking pervert. this isn't really a secret.
I love TD;DR.
I just wish that he put out more videos that aren't group chats.
How's Kitt'n today?
yeah true. the livestreams aren't really the same, though they can be moderately entertaining. I prefer his actual videos by a long shot though.
Kisses are for gays.
no kisses for squash
On the night of the concert I put on my black lace-up boots with high heels. Underneath them were ripped red fishnets. Then I put on a black leather minidress with all this corset stuff on the back and front. I put on matching fishnet on my arms. I straightened my hair and made it look all spiky. I felt a little depressed then, so I slit one of my wrists. I read a depressing book while I waited for it to stop bleeding and I listened to some GC. I painted my nails black and put on TONS of black eyeliner. Then I put on some black lipstick. I didn’t put on foundation because I was pale anyway. I drank some human blood so I was ready to go to the concert.
I went outside. Draco was waiting there in front of his flying car. He was wearing a Simple Plan t-shirt (they would play at the show too), baggy black skater pants, black nail polish and a little eyeliner
Is Scoots transcribing My Immortal?
Goodie, I've never read it before.
Fucking greatest literary pirce in western civilization since the printing of the Bible in german
this to be quite honest, family.
Actually, the only fanfic I have read was a Fire Emblem one where they used a RN Generator to decide on the ships.
y even post anymore
“Hi Draco!” I said in a depressed voice.
“Hi Ebony.” he said back. We walked into his flying black Mercedes-Benz (the license plate said 666) and flew to the place with the concert. On the way we listened excitedly to Good Charlotte and Marilyn Manson. We both smoked cigarettes and drugs. When we got there, we both hopped out of the car. We went to the mosh pit at the front of the stage and jumped up and down as we listened to Good Charlotte.
“You come in cold, you're covered in blood... They're all so happy you've arrived... The doctor cuts your cord, hands you to your mom... She sets you free into this life.” sang Joel (I don’t own da lyrics 2 dat song).
“Joel is so fucking hot.” I said to Draco, pointing to him as he sung, filling the club with his amazing voice.
Suddenly Draco looked sad.
“What’s wrong?” I asked as we moshed to the music. Then I caught on.
“Hey, it’s ok I don’t like him better than YOU!” I said.
“Really?” asked Draco sensitively and he put his arm around me all protective.
ya`ll need to join #ProudBoys
“Really.” I said. “Besides I don’t even know Joel and he’s going out with Hilary fucking Duff. I fucking hate that little bitch.” I said disgustedly, thinking of her ugly blonde face.
The night went on really well, and I had a great time. So did Draco. After the concert, we drank some beer and asked Benji and Joel for their autographs and photos with them. We got GC concert tees. Draco and I crawled back into the Mercedes-Benz, but Draco didn’t go back into Hogwarts, instead he drove the car into……………………… the Forbidden Forest!
I'm good just doing some cappan
hbu, lovely?
kuro neko huh
you must be japan or some shit
for Rin,
I think it ebst not to drown the threads in too much awesome
Would it be uncouth to go back to bed?
Yeah well normally prepared videos are at least 100 times better. Like I know that it's easier to do those collaborative group chats, but they just aren't as entertaining. I really wish he picked up his pace a bit.
Like admittedly one of Sargons most well known series is easy to produce, but maybe TL;DR needs to do something similar.
I don't think so
If you're sleepy then sleep
Obviously you're just a bigot.
i am white
i am male
i am thus automaticlly better than anyone of them disgusting fleshcreatures
boo's not cool
have you ever heard of computing forever? he has a similar thing to the "this week in stupid" called "regressive news" and he also talks a lot about the same kinds of topics. he's pretty great. I almost didn't find him though because his channel used to be all about tech reviews and stuff. he still does those but focuses more on sjw and regressive left topics now.
Yeah I watched a bit of him, and recently picked up his channel again. I then saw that he called Sargon a Marxist, and Sargon made a 40 minute vid responding to him I think. I didn't watch the full thing from either of them, and just took a break from both their channels because I fucking hate youtube drama infighting.
As soon as possible. We fight for white rights.
wait really? I'm a bit behind on videos for both of their channels. was this a recent thing?
The WHite Knights do not accept the besmirching of white values.
White rights are the most important rights.
As the majority, they matter most. As the most civilized and decorum class they matter most. After all, how can a baboon or a gorilla or a rat claim rights? They have none.
what a shame. but they're both just people too, it's not like it's odd to see people making mistakes and acting childish now and then.
Fur rights when?
Never. Get rekt queer beast scum
205 from plat.
Holy shit, I forgot how pretentious the title to these videos were.
"Debunking Marxist Sargonism"
"The Mark of an Educated Mind is the Ability to Entertain an Idea Without Accepting it, Dave Cullen"
Yeah it's childish, and I tried to watch both of their videos, and it was nothing but assumptions, self praising, and theory. These videos is one of the few times that my field of work (finances and economics) got a video to talk about the different stances and I couldn't even sit through the videos.
Both of them are getting tons of flack for it though, at least.
I feel like I should quote Mien Kampf or something.
Do it, senpai, make it whole
I might have to play later, if I have the energy, try and lebel up wew
Rebaru Ap.
Gotta love those bus drivers that ride like Japanse kamikaze fighters.
Once you can do ranked I don't mind teaming up.
Better than the ones who are slow as shit and fucking take forever
he hates his life. And yours. Snackbars.
Cup wouldn't play with me so I am alone.
“Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.”
― Adolf Hitler
I thought that affected their salary or something
Good evening.
Damn, that sucks. *pats*
Glorious! Daddy Adolf always knows the right things to say.
I would rather walk tbh
the bus is a horrible place
It's ok. I only need 180 more 'till plat.
Then my rank can tank and I won't give a single fuck.
gonna give my tracer play some love and attention, gotta get good with bae
Ye lemme just walk 4,5 hours to Amsterdam every morning and afternoon.
the bus is rarely a choice for people I think.
as well they should. no one really wants to hear this, they want to hear the stuff they are supposed to be talking about.
lrn2drive and get a car
Get the emote that you can get up on a wall when you get potg and flash her ass at the camera.
Like this, Scoots.
ahahaha for the win
Only nutjobs drive through amsterdam.
there's no parkingspace anywhere and they all have tiny streets.
and I can't effort a car.
whilst public transport is free.
Efforting a car does sound pretty hard
it is.
like, a car in america is pretty essential so it's worth it to get one.
but I can travel freely anywhere I want if I put up with public transport.
Neko, log into steam, I have to ask something.
going for a walk, pray I dont die
I don't pray but I hope the odds are in your favour.
I was trying to make fun of you
Buses that are late should be fucking free here anyway.
but there's so many other ways to do that
This just makes you chill.
That match was a slaughter.
I can't do damage as
Like how?
cupcake calls me a sissy a lot
Maybe it's because you are one
how dare you
That's hilarious coming from him.
don't you daaare laugh
but it's funny why wouldn't I
am alive
He is a sissy. But you're like a mature sissy :^)
Welcome back.
cause.. reasons?
Yay I'm mature ^ ^
Not gonna stop, sissy.
Yo, Clocker. How's it hanging?
You're 'like' one. Not actually, though.
Hey.. homie.. it's hanging pretty.. radical.. yo..
That was the most adorable thing you've said all day.
I tried so hard to choose my words when I started posting but it slipped out slowly and now it's so obvious.
You forgot gnarly.
But for real though, your day been well?
you bug bully!
how's that work?
bugs are gross
they deserve to get bullied just as much as you do
bumblebees are so cute
I had dreams of bumblebees on flowers today
i don't deserve bullying!
and wow lewd
bees are the worst
only thing good about them is their vomit
Thanks, I think. Sorry, I'm not sure who you are.
I am trying to be a bit more constructive in my words so the least I can say is that it's definitely been a day.
You're like a red apple amongst green apples. Red being maturity and green being immaturity. Though it's only skin deep and you were still just an apple the whole time.
There was a song I heard on the radio, I was going to ask you if you've heard. Let me find it.
nothing wrong with lewd my dear
Constructive? What do you mean dude?
Like in real life or just here?
I dont get this apple meme
I have an android
It's Rin.
You asked me if I was lovelive the other day.
Whoa nice flag
Perhaps positive is the term I should be using. I am just trying to bring myself out of a mood dip I've been in for some time.
Nevermind, I think I've made my point~
Oh right.. but then.. wait.. Was that tokai?
I'm so sad I lost that folder
rip urabe ;~;
Hey that sounds pretty rad, dude. Is it working?
Hopefully you'll perk up soon if it isn't.
ohw okai
an entire tits folder?!
No, the folder of that girl you just posted.
The saliva goddess
It has continued to stop before it really gets going. I have just tried to keep at it.
That's a really good picture, nice.
What's keeping you down dude? From what I've seen lots of people like you and you seem pretty rad.
when you gg but it wasnt a gg but it was 2ez
From my perspective, I've felt it's been the other way around.
It's quite lovely, yes.
A lot of people think they're much worse than they are, I am just guessing that you're one of them, you seem alright to me, dude.
Got any more like that?
It's cuppers
and now I see the kinds of things said about me when I am not here. very eye opening indeed.
also I'm going to work in like just a few minutes. everything is the worst.
I wish
that seems to be the only one
Ello' luv..
Thanks I guess, that aside there have been a lot of private issues that have been affecting my mood. I think I need to think about taking a step back and just chilling out a bit.
this slight against my character will not soon be forgotten, goggles!
What's wrong?
he wants a cute girl to spit in his mouth.
$100 and I could have my DnD character cast in bronze.
Anyone who doesn't is a fucking plebeian
or you could have like 150 candy bars. think wisely before you go wasting your money on dumb non edible shit.
You could get a shirt that says "I'm autistic" for like 1/10th the price
good point.
sneks are not for that
What are you going to do? Slap me with your sissy hands?
I didn't know you played. Also that's rad looking.
they are big manly hands and you would feel much pain if I were to slap you!
I don't have to take this abuse! I'm going to work. hmph!
bye thread.
nothing nothing..
don't look!
Tokai is the one using !MYdoe/Rin. at the moment.
It would be something I get for myself. Plus having an actual figure for games instead of a paper scrap with a dog on it would be nice.
Yeah, but I'm getting me something.
Not you.
Use to. The bronze casting looks sick as hell.
I really love this folder holy shit
What are they for?
you must
And bronze is easy to paint too.
sneks are for cutes
shameless firs tplay of the game ever
< < im learning
that's so mean
nuh they are for sexual
Bye, Cupcakes.
Too confusing, you should regret this decision.
Unless you are going to get it a nice varnished maple base or something fancy to display it, there is no reason to spend that much.
Apologies, I couldn't find the song.
I wasnt recording..... I wasnt expecting it >. >
I should of maybe
considering I pinned an enemy reinhardt and proceeded to smash said reinhardt, a bastion and a hanzo in quick succession
I bet you're getting a little sissy boner aren't you?
All the other plastics and casting look meh at best.
The steel has this cast iron look to it that is bad, and all the plastics are either bad to look at and paint, or too brittle.
You can't have both. It would be a splurge purchase for my birthday or something.
If you haven't closed the game it should still be in your highlights.
But they're true~
Seeya when you get back.
Shame. That one's pretty interesting too though, the snake looks a little too happy for my liking though yo.
Ah alright then I don't have the full picture. I think taking some time off the computer and just doing anything like reading or whatever yo would clear your mind up. or at least closing all means of communication until you figure things out.
Ooops ^^'
braum was pretty mean
I probably have more spread across my folders but I am not going through each one to find them
Picture made me laugh. Love Slavoj.
Though again, why do you need this done if you're not going to be playing.
When I'm not doing real life things I'm sort of on the computer at all times so I'm not sure I can do that comfortably.
I use to play until I moved away from my brothers.
I plan to get back into the game with them.
I've stopped playing pathfinder since I ruined a friendship with one of the members of my group.
I will have to try super hard and get another one woo!
They take it too seriously?
Play Mercy and wait for the pity timer.
That gif doesn't even move.
No it was an interpersonal issue between me and them.
Pity timer?
Healers have been getting shit potg because Blizzard feels sorry for them.
why'd you say it??!
I'm not colbs...
Improve your quality, scrub.
Sorry, did you want more lewds?
Oh boy!
Are we posting lewds now?
but this is my gay trash folder!
but that one is just cute
hahaha poor critters
my bad
Absolutely not.
A gay trash folder for a gay trash poster.
It's happening.
where is vagoo
I think I posted my best ones already
I haven't used this in a while so I don't know where everything is
It's not happen. I'm filing a cease and desist.
ew fur shit
that's the best one
What makes you say that?
Turn that anger upside down.
but then the blood goes to my head and ill get dizzy
Those are always nice
..that too
this folder is making me hard
I hope I run out soon
Turn that anger upside down right now..
you don't wanna be like that? want me to sit on my head? I gotta
not all the time
Sure, go nuts.
good one
but its not all the time! huurts
it's always temporary
oh great now I gotta have dinner
thats awkward
I'm pretty much out anyways
I bet no one here could give me a boner.
so many jokes to make with this
I don't know which one to choose
does it have to be yours
That's my middle name
Something like that