Why have zombie games become worse over time? Dead Rising 1 is still probably the best zombie game ever made. It's yet to be topped even now because it got the formula right
The threat of zombies isn't that they have special zombies that explode or jump and shit, it's that there are so many of them that swarm and overwhelm you
So what gives? Every zombie game now has around 3-4 special zombies that have the same effects between games. You have:
Why can't devs make a good zombie game that follows the old formula? Did L4D poison the well with the special infected?
Why have zombie games become worse over time?
its a low effort genre where you don't even have to put much consideration into how enemies behave in certain level environments and can pretty much just give players a cubed off series of rooms to huddle together in and send them wave after wave of fast zombie, slow zombie, strong zombie, hopping zombie, and AOE zombie. First Person games breed low effort results.
There has never been a good zombie game. RE1/2/3/CV had interesting zombies, with absolutely trash-tier gameplay. RE4-5 had good gameplay, but no zombies.
Dead Rising was an arcadey joke.
as far as Dead Rising is concerned it became about killing tons of zombies with wacky weapons and pandered to casual audiences that didn't like the first game because of the time limit.
even though they didn't even give it a try
Cataclysm DDA is pretty good, too, but it requires some setup to de-faggify.
That's the closest you can get to a proper shambler zombie apocalypse simulation. It's pretty good, it's just apparently got a lot of furfags and lolsorandumb tween contributors doing everything in their power to turn it into a dumpster fire.
Mods can still fix it, but probably not for much longer. Best to download a version now while it's still salvageable.
zombies are too overused to be taken seriously, thats why memestic franchises like Dead Rising, which was always the same shit, exist
Zombie games? What genre of games has not gotten worse over time in the last decade or so?
Zombies are actually too underused to be taken seriously - by which I mean that the number of zombie games that demonstrate actual effort from developers is about 0.1% of the total number of zombie games made.
There are maybe three zombie games ever made that are actually made well, and I might be overestimating.
It has become the easy way out of: *but your AI is retarded*.
which would be? Dont you dare say Resident Evil
Open world games?
I would argue that State of decay is one. Fighting hordes on foot is stupid in that game and will almost assuredly result in a dead character if underprepared
The game has a lot of problems however and judging from the gameplay trailer of the second one, not many of them were fixed
played it years ago, i thought you could only mutate into anthropomorphic animals, any pics?
Yikes. I guess it means that the game is too accessible.
If your game is too easy to play, then you'll have an overwhelmingly furry following like TF2, Undertale, and Overwatch.
Everything has become worse over time
not porn
Goddammit you're right
Oh yeah ? Explain the enormous amount of futashit on rule 34, or the mods bannig shittalking in the comment sections on trannies and traps.
Explain the downfall of erotica in standard porn and it's replacement with retarded humping and yelling so fake it even a child could recognize it as such.
the D always win in the end we should focus our future civilizations on the D will from now on then they will last forever
The same reason why zombie movies became worse overtime.
Someone has a nice idea, other companies copy it and run it over and over, adding more and more shitty stuff, then someone else has another nice idea, mixing it with the pile of the shit that was already infesting the genre, then memes are involved and finally hipster faggots who don't even understand what the original stories made them interesting gives the last shot, killing the genre.
I have a friend using that same argument as an insult to some games and I have to say Fuck Off. Go play arma or some autistic shit.
Because normalfags love zombies because geek is chic and geeks love zombie shit. It's not that hard to see the road from A to B. It's the same reason why dlc/amiibo garbage took off. These are type of people with more money than sense or critical thinking.
Is this still a thing?
You know what it would be fucking clever? if all that zombie survival thing is actually the derranged delusions of soldiers with PTSD.
But of course they wouldn't be clever enouth to do so.
so Deadrising+ The Line?
I guess so, and the final boss is a massive horned beast with one eye… who you can't win.
And then you wake up and is Big Boss saving you from wanteding through the deser.
Yeah. It brings back some of MGS3's injury/medical system and maintains stealth as an option by making half the zombies headless.
Try these
good zombie games are hard to come by
you have to dig for them
get it dig..
because zombies
For fuck's sake, today I'm being retarded.
Congrats, whether it's hereditary or you learned it you have a serious case of shit taste
Why don't you tell him to buy dead island while you are at it.
Is there a strategy game where you're up against an endless horde of zombies? The idea in mind is that the zombies never stop and eventually you need to start pushing back the zombie front and taking over more territory, resources and manpower otherwise you'll be overwhelmed. Anything like that?
I unironically enjoyed dead islandmostly because of the dropkicking but still
Aren't you talking about Dying Light here?
I have no fucking idea, I played it at a cousins house.
If it had parkour and a cool ost then it's dying light
It was dying light.
You are talking about Dying Light. That is a pretty good zombie game if you can pick it up for less than 20 shekels.
that's always been a dead genre
Get back in the hole carlose.
a while back I did find a mod for XCOM that swapped all the enemies with those spider things and made all the missions terror ones so squishy humans were in stock. It made it stupidly hard to beat the game because you could only get weapon frags from story dependent enemies like the orange thing.
How did you get out of your cage?
How did some low budget release title for the 360 do so much, so right?
I think it was at one of the last cons which you could play it for a bit. Apparently a lot of the team that helped make MGS3 and PW are still at Konami so a lot of the mechanics and gameplay are the same, just not Kojimas plots.
The mutation system has some good in it, but it's mostly fucked since they added the threshold system. Basically, when you take a mutagen and get your random mutations, eventually you'll pass a threshold where you're locked into certain paths and can only mutate along those vectors. So yeah, there's a bunch of animal ones. There's also more interesting ones like amorphous, or celatid/whatever the cthulhu-ass one is all about. There's other stuff that's more subtle, too, as well as ways that you can research and target specific mutations, but it's very true that if you just go jam on some mutagens you'll most likely end up as some kind of anthropomorphic animal rather than a post-human or a cobbled-together horror.
Bionics/cybernetics are the safer way to go if you want some post-humanism in your post-apocalypse.
It's about as accessible as nethack and dwarf fortress combined, which is very inaccessible from the viewpoint of casuals. I think it's more that the enormous amount of control you can have over your character and the world has drawn in the most pristinely autistic of the furfags.
I could be wrong, though. Maybe it's just normal furfags that brute-forced it.
Either way, there's options to enjoy the game minus the faggotry, but it might not be worth the setup required; your mileage may vary.
Was the first one actually good? I only played 2 and it was utter trash.
The first one is FANTASTIC.
Still the best game about zombies and werewolves.
I can't believe that normalfags aren't sick of zombies yet. The last zombie game i liked at all was dead rising 1/2 and since then every zombie game just feels cheap or like a punching-bag simulator. There's nothing fun about killing zombies when they barely fight back and you don't even have to give them pain reactions to hits or anything
Dead Rising 2 is very similar to the original except slightly worse in every little detail, completely killing what made the first game good.
is the PS4 version a good port or not?
Didn't the Nam game "Shellshock" have something like that?
Why would he not? Up until RE4 the series was pretty good. It wasn't all about "look gais zombeh!!?! XD" that is becoming a plague on this particular type of game. Why do you SH was just as successful and just as good (if not better than) RE? It followed a similar formula but the story was different.
this is really disappointing
the only disappointment here is you to your parents.
Because good things never last.
Zombies have always been shit. People just like it for the adventure of post-apocalypse.
I hate post-apocalypse zombie stories. I much prefer zombie stories at the beginning of the outbreak, like RE2 and 3, and in isolated incidents, like Dead Rising. That's when zombies become scary in my opinion, when you're watching civilization and structure fall apart and masses of desperate people trying to get out while zombies destroy everything in sight. That's the exciting kind of zombie story that I like. Post-apocalypse is just the same bland dreary shit over and over.
Uh, Jews.
what mod?
Stop being mentally defective. Stop behaving the way jews want you to behave.
I like the feeling of desperation, hopeless and constant threat that comes from a zombie scenario. You know, all of the things that zombie games lack.
Is it even fucking possible to get that game to run on a modern PC?
what fear do zombies represent? vengeful dead? playing god with corpses? corrupted memory of loved ones? humans without humanity? an excuse to kill people in fun and gory fashion?
Vintage porn is 700% better than modern bullshit.
High definition cameras make it too obvious how unappealing the types of 3DPD women who do porn are and degenerate trends such as getting tattoos were less prevalent in the past
Was fun while it lasted.
I think it's mostly the corrupted memory. In a lot of zombie media, the climactic, most traumatic moment is the point where someone close to the protagonist gets infected. The protag has to watch them turn and has to deal with the fact that their loved one is both gone and right there, trying to kill them. They have to deal with the conflict of having to either kill their friend or be killed by them.
There's also an element of "humans without humanity;" the half-human way that zombies behave and their human-but-wrong appearance really evokes an uncanny valley feeling.
I think in some of the bleaker zombie settings (set post-apocalypse instead of during the zombie apocalypse), a fear of being alone also plays in - I Am Legend comes to mind. Surrounded by people but alone, living only for the sake of not dying. The world is empty, destroyed, and only mindless husks of the human race remain.
here i was starting to think zombies were just goofy horror bogies.
now we're talking fear of infection, losing control and suspect alliances, fighting with the unreasonable and innumerable, abominations that manifest a solely destructive mission, the preservation of the increasingly rare and fragile sanity.
then there's social issues like societal collapse and mob mentality, modern alienation despite population density, lifeless lifestyles, brain destroying virulent ideologies, creeping forces of uniformity, etc
maybe op's despair stems from zombies being lazy and not being 2deep4u?
The concept of zombies was first elucidated as reanimated corpses pertaining to Haitian voodoo. But if we're talking about the modern day zombies, the man himself is quoted as saying his depiction of zombies in notld was a critique on the mindless consumerism of modern society and the loss of individuality and community. Obviously this has evolved over time to encompass many of the themes you illustrated, but originally it was one mans angst against the hordes of mindless normal faggots shitting everything up.
Because Left 4 Dead 3 hasn't been made yet.
Fear of the collapse of society and structure, fear of infection and disease, fear of the thought of futility.
There's purifiers for you to slowly chug when you manage to stray from post human and into living furry suit territories. You also need mutagen serums (not just oral mutagens) to pass the threshold, so the old school method of getting everything you need via RNGesus still works. Currently my threshold is going toward raptor, but I have none of the raptor mutations besides reptile eye and IR vision while having +4 str, +4 dex and +4 per, terrifying presence, one rank in pain resistance and the only drawback I have atm is the strong smell trait. I'll probably produce either medicine or alpha serum down the line and take those to lock myself into either one of those trees instead once I have enough blessings from RNGesus.