Bunch of autists decide to make a meme game sequel

I love this timeline, yall should try this out

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Post a gameplay webm first numbnuts

All the videos I can find are from streamers talking over it
So that would be a huge waste of time and effort

It reminds me of PSX era platformers. Pretty cute

They gave the textures massive distortion like on the PS1 just because they could

i see you were watching vinesauce as well

I downloaded the game he played it and forgot to post about it until I watched it again

Anton and Koolpecker never ever

I like simple textures on 3D games because everything is very clear and clean. Places are more memorable, everything stands out.

It may be nostalgia, but for me this shit is the most beautiful thing ever.

vinny just beat it, gotta love that boss fight tho

I played the alpha, it played like shit
I've done better with close to no experience in unity tbh

That's because most devs these days just clutter their worlds with shit with zero regard for visibility. It doesn't mean shit textures is a good thing.

I take it they go for things that look good on screenshots.

Good. That game looks like shit.

Yo Noid 2 is an actual platformer. You have to run on walls, wall jump and grab ledges and swing across gaps and shit. Anton and Warmweiner just looks like another Banjo Kazooievania, which fucking sucks.

So it will never come to be then?

It might, I'm just saying it IS just Banjo Kazooie, which kind of plays like shit

It can be the better yooka-laylee, It had itself more spirit than that… forgetful shit

I wanted to post the smug Laylee, but it turns out I purged my porn folder a month ago

Wheres the download link, might try it out.

found you porn

you're welcome

Th… wow. That is a nice fucking touch.

fuck off e-celeb cocksucker


I only barely pay attention to the thing and no fucking shit-

Ah I see. Yeah I agree then, Banjo-Kazooie and Tooie kind of control like hot ass left to dry on the roadside.

It's that kind of aimless sperging out without actually bothering to fact-check that got us half the rules on the list and mods don't like to fact-check either, hence videos get replaced on non-profit channels because MUH WEBMS and the like

Oh god guys play this game. It's fucking awesome. I just got done playing some of it.
The platforming is tight and fun.
It doesn't hold your hand at all outside of one guy telling you what a button does, you have to figure it out yourself most of the time.
The camera doesn't magically point to where you have to go, you have to move your ass and search around.
The music is fantastic.


Honestly the only likable mods are from /wooo/, because it seems to me like it's just one BO having fun with his powers and wordfilters rather than needing to enforce any level of "quality" posting.

Watched a friend play it. It seems like a legitimately good 3D platformer. Shame it's not a full game, but it's extremely impressive considering it was made in a month for a game jam.

We broke out laughing when he arrived at the NOID VOID. And then once again when we saw the old ad and realized what the level and trap doors were based on.

They could have create some original characters so their game won't be disregarded as a joke by everyone.


They did, Mike Hatsune

Some people just want to have fun and aren't autistic about MUH IMAGE

I guess. Speaking off, whatever happened to that user who was making a sequel to Plok using Unity?

I'm wondering if some of the people behind this also worked on Petscop.

Pretty sure it's just one cunt that needs to have their powers revoked.

First off, porn dumps are defined by the rules as three or more posts of NSFW. It's vague enough that it could mean three consecutive posts, or consistent porn posts across the thread, even in a large span of time
Second, I'm pretty sure I know what thread you were talking about, and your posts were regularly reported, I guess one vol felt more draconian than others

Better game than Jewka Gaylee.

I think it's by the same people who are also doing Burrito Galaxy.

I was having fun until the boss battle
I hit the boss multiple times and then spent half an hour trying to hit the boss, never hitting at least once.

Was the logo meant to look like Jumping Flash?

this really isn't saying anything substantial

Holy shit that was fucking ride.
Olivia is waifu.

Logo's supposed to be Yo Noid, except with a 2

Looks like some WIP for Steam shovelware. First of all I just want to say how fucking tired I am of these bandwagoning hipsters always jumping onto the next "retro art style" like the pack of unoriginal morons that they are. First it was so called pixel art and now PSX era low-poly aesthetics. Secondly, this is hot trash and the crappy camera and terrible everything are not excusable just because this is little more than a meme game like the new Bubsy or because this is free. So yeah, you are gay.

Nice generalization. Not every pixel art game looks like something San Fran hipsters shat out. And PSX/N64 era low-poly isn't trending, meme poly is. See pic related.
What a stupid way to say absolutely nothing of worth.

Holla Forums's mouthbreathed about quality posts in varying prevalence for years (while doing nothing as a collective to actually enforce it, I've seen several people espouse the idea that self-moderation is shitposting and saging in any thread they don't like) unfortunately so that attitude's probably engrained enough here that it'll just never go away. I can agree about having fun with powers and wordfilters though, boards always need a good shake-up to keep the community on their toes, otherwise they just stagnate into the same tired crap and autist savants start dictating what is and is not the board. Rather than making it an official thing that he's hunting down Holla Forums shitposters for instance he could probably just wordfilter the latest buzzword that isn't seen outside of Holla Forums crossposting and bait (take "cuck" or "fenceshitter" for instance) into something funny for a month and accomplish the same results with way less effort on his part, and with it being such a buzzword go-to insult they'd be hardpressed to even complain about him in a proper fashion.

Have you even played the game first.

"He" being Mark who I probably should've referred to by name.

You're the cancer slowly killing everyone in this board

For voicing my opinion?

You are also making a generalization lmao

Why are you trying to derail this thread? I really don't get it.

I'm not trying to derail anything, I just gave my opinion on the game and replied to those who replied back to me. How is that derailing? Would you be crying the same way if I fellated the game?

No, for having an opinion that's massively retarded.

Nah, that dude's correct.
Games that are made ironically shouldn't exist - and this goes for using "retro" (a.k.a. shitty) art styles. You can do good modern pixel art or stylized blocky 3D visuals without having to resort to nostalgia-pandering.

Might as well cast out the hook if getting a bite is guaranteed.

Is cave story shitty then?

Really, why the fuck do you even post here. I bet you haven't even tried the game dipshit

But you didn't back up your opinion, you called it shit for no reason other than your distaste. Why are you deluding yourself into thinking you're contributing anything? You're not arguing, you're just starting a fucking shitflinging contest. Look at the last few posts and tell me you didn't derail the thread.
Yes, I'd like you to back your opinions up with something substantial.

How does "irony" detract from whether it's a good game or not? How is emulating the PSX style nostalgia pandering? People keep complaining that modern pixel art and low-poly games don't look like the old stuff or even worse.


Yeah, I only play the MOST REALISTIC shooters! xD

You don't have a clue what an art style is you dumb faggot. Being lowpoly doesn't make it shitty. It's still possible to have a strong art direction despite being lowpoly, and this does it in spades.

So you want "modern" pixel art and low poly that looks like trash that everyone complains about?

Can you respond the rest of my post as well instead of glancing over everything else? Or are you just baiting like I suspect you are?

I don't want either

Then what's your argument?

Seriously low standards there m8

You're probably one of those edgy shitheads who thinks this game looks like trash because it uses sprite art and lowpoly.

Too lazy to webm, get off my ass nerds

Sonic was never good



Feel free to give me your whole list of 3D platformers that are actually good and fresh that have come out after Galaxy 2
I'll be here waiting

How about everything has been shit for a while?

pizza sounds pretty good right about now

here's a (you)

Stop derailing the thread.

Kill yourselves

How can you retards watch this crap? Are you twelve?

what are you hoping to accomplish?

It's really good background noise for when I program, makes me concentrate and work more
Wouldn't be able to tell you why, but it works

I think it's mentally ill anons who have nothing better to do but bait random vidya threads. I have no other explanation.

How can you get so worked up over shitposting?

I'm not worked up, just disappointed.


I think you are right

t. not sure if mentally ill but certainly borred user that finds only joy in his miserable life in baiting imageboards

Look at the thread and tell me if all that was worth everyone's time. None of us came out smarter or more satisfied.

You're not the first I've seen admit this.

From the get go it was a pretty bad OP, with little info on the game and easy bait for the everyone is a shill crowd.

Can we at least get back on fucking topic and discus the game? The soundtrack is great.

well i should have seen that coming.

There's no winning really

That crowd is the same one I was talking about.

the sheer amount of pure flaming and flame baiting going on here (fullchan) is ridiculous. You cant make a thread without someone saying:
Talk shit all you want about how pozzed halfchan is, at least they actually discuss videogames.

They're really not any better.

that is provably false

Why don't you go back if this place is so shit then?

Nah, it is. The gamedev threads there have been shit for years now, as has the rest of the popular boards.
I'm gonna stop posting because I'm not doing anything but complain, as if it's gonna change anything.

Already have. I pop in and out of different chans depending on what I want to talk about. Ive been on full since the creation of the /fiveguys/ board and its really gone downhill over the last year.



I had genuinely forgot about this and got really excited for more monotonous speech and spooky implications. It's been two months and there's still no new video.

well he was already kind of falling out of favor at that point because of some other controversy involving reckless driving. there was a free pizza deal if it wasnt there in 30 minutes, and the noids goal was to prevent things from going smoothly.
i dont know how successful he was as an antagonist-mascot, but its funny how he brought about misfortune when he was originally intended as a mischief making gremlin.
i like him better like this though, a less obnoxious version of tingle who fuckin loves pizza.

All those pizzagate threads from Holla Forums are making me see your post oj a very dark way

>someone made a sequel to a franchise that was so steeped in nippon shit that the only way the west saw it is if (((they))) repurposed it as an ad for Domino's and their mascot
Masked ninja hanamaru was and will always be the superior version of this game. It still makes me chuckle that some retards remade a game that no one would have heard of if Domino's didn't want to make a quick cash in game in the 80s.

>the only way the west saw it is if (((they))) repurposed it as an ad for Domino's and their mascot
what youre saying to me is that once you go full samurai, the only way to relate to you would be through pizza.

Just post your samurai pizza cat reaction images and get it over with.