More often than not, they don't know they shat themselves. When you're that fat, it gets harder for your body to keep the shit backed up inside of you. It's because you're sphincter muscle fails. Now, a lot of that may just be sweat. There's a lot of moisture coming from the anus and it has nowhere to go with all of those jelly rolls keeping it trapped.
That's disgusting, but it's something that was created out of tradition. It's also only done once a month from what I've read on it. If you lose all of your gains from a few slices of pizza then you have greater issues to deal with.
You aren't fit. At best, you're skinny fat. If you don't stress your body, you aren't putting on muscle and that only works for moms and teenage girls.
You change both. A healthier diet is your new lifestyle. If you can't do that, then you're going to remain a lard ass. Eating like a rabbit isn't going to stop you from being a fat faggot either. You need to work out to gain muscle. That doesn't necessarily mean lifting weights in the gym, but I doubt you're doing heavy lifting at work.
You don't need to stay there for hours at a time (more than 1-2). Unless you're doing cross country, most of that is going to be wasted.
As soon as they get home, they sit their fat asses on the couch and never get back up for the day. 30-60 minutes of exercise a day ain't gonna do much good if you aren't active throughout the rest of the day.
This is true. A sedentary lifestyle is awful. Working out does help them, but they aren't getting the full benefits if they just sit around all day. They need to get moving throughout the day as well.
That's not going to help much if that's all they do. People are going to have to get more active. Kids will have to go out and play more often rather than staying indoors on the couch. You don't need to keep them out for hours at a time like some hobo, but they do need to get out. That includes the faggots in this thread. Just because you aren't a hamplanet doesn't mean that you're in shape. If you have no muscle, then you're still a faggot.
Digital prices are still high, because enough people are willing to pay those prices. Just look at mmo expacs. They charge the price of brand new game game for what amounts to a new patch. Just look at mobile games. mobas and mmos. They can survive by turbo-jewing their players because there are enough whales to keep them afloat.