Sequels that didn't understand what made the original game fun


Other urls found in this thread:

who are you quoting?


Interstate '76 and '82 respectively.



So, you going to post a source or what?

They understand faggot, but they want to sell more copies so it doesnt matter as long as they make the games "more acessible" enough that even a weabboo sperg can play it

not vidya BUT STILL

Good non vidya

god fucking damnit its too early


They fucking blew it with Burnout Paradise. I can only assume that it was executive meddling that made a racing game into a fucking OPEN WORLD game. What a joke.
The car variety sucked, the takedown and crash sensitivity was way too high. You used to be able to do all sorts of crazy shit and get away with it and then Paradise has your car treated like it's made out of paper.

literally who

this POS


Updated version

I got almost ever gold medal for every event in Burnout 3. The only single gold medal I was missing wss the 30 minute drive across the entire china map with the formula 1 racecar. That shit was fucking impossible.

Dead Rising

Dead Rising 2

Dead Rising 2:OTR

Dead Rising 3

Dead Rising 4

Gunz 2, though I still found it fun as a TPS.

DR4 was pretty fucking unforgivable, when will (((they))) leave this series in peace.


Doesn't fit with the thread because it's pretty clear it was done on purpose out of spite.



I can tell you didn't play enough to get to beat Amorbis.

They stripped out all the alternative player activities and ways of interacting with the game world and focused solely on the shooting. PS1 knew that the MMO in MMOFPS can mean more than just "persistent only world."

Saints Row 3 and onwards.
To this day it disappoints me how the series went.

Just Cause 3.
Thinking about it, it was probably rushed.

Supreme Commander 2

persistent online* world

I fucked that up

Oh god. I guess we can't hope for a sequel where everything after the third game is a comatose drea, right?

I never got to play PS1, what did it do differerntly?

Light Suit perfectly End Game OP.


Highjacking this thread. I didn't use Holla Forums for like a year and I remember that Holla Forums used to have threads where they upload games to a bunker like website. Is this website and/or thread still around?

How about some games that didn't even understand themselves?
The barefoot system is nice but should be for exploring tiny platformer areas that your tank can't reach with weak ass enemies there, with the eventual tank enemy as mini-bosses of sorts.
No sequel or remake fixed this too
They focus even more on the character (now multiple, DLC ones, goy) and their shooter skills.

The bunker got taken down because of faggots posting links in facebook and other shit. It's dead.

What? what a bunch of cunts. Thanks anyway

I never got that vibe from Desperate Struggle as I did in Deponia Doomsday game.
Was it really done in spite? That makes a lot of sense and, if that's the case, then I'm in my right to not consider it canon.

I hated this till I got the darkarmor, and then all the goddamn backtracking,

I didn't. I consider SR3 the superior game, not to mention that it still have serious moments and the best soundtrack. 4 was crap because it was wasted potential to the max. SR2 was just "wacky san andreas".

Not like Cataclysm was any good
Points for them for wanting to do something different, but it was unnecessary

while funny, it's grossly inaccurate

not that guy but I played ps1 a lot back in the day. It was the first mmo I ever subscribed to exactly because it didn't look like all the other shit.

You had properly massive battles with 300 people on one map.

Each faction would have a command cadre made up of the highest sp players, but if you were just an xp whore ppl ignored you, so good leaders were respected/listened to.

These leaders who organise raids, prolonged battles etc, while some of the smaller/leetfits would do backdoor shit to screw over the enemy factions.

It was so fun to be in a battle, be losing ground only to have some outfit on a fun-night show up with 10 bangbuses just tearing a big hole in the enemy factions.

Honestly don't know whats different in ps2, I tried the beta and it just didn't feel very psidey. Where the first game made you feel like you were in a warzone, ps2 made you feel like you were playing just another team death match game.

It's hard to miss the point more than Actraiser 2

What the fuck is Shantae doing in Blaster Master?


I liked Blaster Master and Zero just the way they are, but it is kind of unfortunate that there's not more meaningful tank combat. All the tank powerups you get are really cool, but barely used.

Getting the devs money.

I like the tank parts, the top down parts are stank as fuck and clearly take the spotlight over the tank gameplay. The best blaster master game was super mario crossover where you controlled Sophia on actual plaftorming levels for the entirety of the game.

Open world destruction glory was raped and turned into a linear amusement ride of "some" destruction.
Fun part guess the series.

I haven't played the games in a long long time so I might not remember right, but could that be destroy all humans?

ActRaiser, the thread


Bases had generators (not like they do in PS2), and if you blew the generator it cut the power, disabling everything like spawns and terminals, any link benefits that base generates. So if you wanted to deny your enemy tanks and advanced aircraft, you'd send a gen team to another empire's tech plant, blow the generator, and hold on for as long as possible while the enemy tries to flush you out. In PS2 you have to have a link to an enemy base in order to mess with it, and you have to capture it to take its benefit away from the enemy. You can't even interact with the shield generators unless you have a link to a base.

Bases had silos which stored power. Everything you did in a base drained power, and you had to refill it with energy transported from a warpgate using an ANT, which in PS1 was a giant battery on wheels. You could starve an enemy out of a base through prolonged fighting just by blowing up the ANTs they try to send. The base power system effectively meant that territory had upkeep, so you couldn't just take a base and forget about it. This also meant that an enemy could send saboteur types to silently "drain" a base. If a base went to 0% power then you lost ownership of it and anyone could try to capture it. It also meant that bases had supply lines, requiring supply logistics, which was a support-based playstyle. If you wanted to play PS1 without ever firing a single round you could. You could drive an ANT or fly Galaxies (Galaxies in PS1 could transport light and medium vehicles) or Lodestars (heavy air transport that could transport any vehicle other than Galaxies or other Lodestars) and deliver ANTs to where they need to go all day.

There were things like viruses, which messed with base facilities like disabling all door locks (PS1 bases actually had doors with locks - an entire MAX crash could be defeated simply by not opening a door for them), disabling its link benefits, disabling spawns and switching terminals, and probably the most useful virus, causing the base to drain inordinate amounts of power. This would force the enemy to divert forces to purge the viruses and also try to find the person who installed the virus.

There were things called "modules," which were items that could be installed in bases to generate "ancient tech" benefits, like ancient tech weapons or vehicles. If you installed a module in a base, and then an enemy came and blew the generator in that base, they could steal the module for themselves, which you didn't want to happen. This allowed for small-scale squad-based fighting, not just frontline fighting all the time.

The best thing PS2 has to measure up to PS1 MMO-wise is the base-building system and generating VPS.

Red Faction?

SR3 was such a massive step back compared to SR2; half the content, half the mission/activity variety, worse customization, extreme DLC jewing, you can go on and on listing what SR3 did wrong.
The only thing it did right was better controls and a PC port that wasn't ass; which is the only reason you got faggots pretending it was any good. I thank god that Volition basically lost all their rights to their IPs outside of SR because they clearly can't make a good game anymore.

NMH1 was style over substance
NMH2 was substance over style
NMH3 will probably be fucking complete trash since Suda has been sucking NIS's dick lately.


Himeno Mikan



red faction did the opposite. started off linear with some destruction and went to open world wreck everything

And later went to liner cave maps

Came here to post this. That said i do think it was done out of spite considering Suda 51 and what NMH1 was about

Also SMG in general. SMG2 was objectively worse than SMG1 what with the even more streamlined level design and useless level hub, but SMG1 already had missed the point of the open, medium sized levels that Sunshine and SM64 had. Not to mention simplified controls and no need for exploration whatsoever aside from searching for Luigi

I had issues with just the sheer volume of stats that could be on your gear. You have condition damage, condition duration, buff duration, critical strike chance, critical strike damage and I don't think that's all of them. They basically take gear, the thing that your character uses to become more powerful, and water it down into a ton of different stats that barely do anything. Oh, and gear only has three stats on it before you slot upgrades into it so good luck getting meaningful amounts of anything.

Their class design also lacks any real coherent direction. Since they dropped the trinity, they made it so that no class really fills any specific party roles. In fact, most skills don't even interact with your fellow players because everyone was designed to be self-sufficient. The new super classes they added sort of fix this by being more group-centric. Finally, every class gets the exact same buffs and debuffs as every other class. Remember GW1 when those were unique? Mesmers put up a health drain debuff that was different than, say, a poison, but both were damage over time. That's not how GW2 works.

SR2 was just worse San Andreas. SR3 hat it's own uniqueness although the world sucked in comparison to SR2. SR4 was complete trash though.

If you found all the secrets the first game explains it's plot too and it too is fucking horrible. Both games should never have had a plot to begin with.

All this bionical shit makes me remember the lego toys that came out before them.

Called scizors or some shit. There were desert, city, jungle and whatnot too. They all had disc launchers.

Does anyone remember this shit? THere was also a millenium version that could be a motorcycle or a humanoid shape

Psyche out takedowns made the game as easy as grinding into another car's bumper for more than a second.

I have to plow into cars in Paradise.

Would you rather have superpowers or no superpowers? To many, this makes SR3 worthless.


SR2 was San Andreas but with competent world design and actual gameplay variety

Yeah, I loved the duality of those.
All conditions were equal, say you already bleed, you can't just get another bleed and bleed more. Bleed would always be the same. It could only get overwritten by a longer bleed.
Hexes on the other hand were unique. All hexes were their own symbol. So the degeneration of hp might come from a hex and a condition.
Also no fucking ticks, but real time degeneration that counts down continuously.

There is nothing worse than this.

Dark Souls 2, and 3
Call the cops, I don't give a fuck

Different game focus entirely; Galaxy is a love-letter to the shitters who thought the Bowser levels in SM64 should've been the entire game. Hence Odyssey going back to 64 and Sunshine's approach to level-making being treated as a big deal.

System Shock 2
Bioshock 2
Dead Space 2
Age of Empires 2

Empire Total War and every game afterwards.

What were they thinking?

Uncharted 4. The subtitle should've been: "NO FUN ALLOWED!"

Saints Row turned into shit once they've added the super powers. It killed the whole open world system.

I just dont get it. Why would they change it like that?


How so?


In yuroland they were called Slizers, in the US they were Throwbots. They were fucking cool. I had some as a kid. After that they had roboriders which were those motorcycle ones. The top of the plastic can it came in had a technic hole so it could be used as a hugeass wheel. Both of them were the predecessors to Bionicle

It went Slizer/Throwbots then Roboriders and then finally Bionicles

SR2 > SR4 > SR3

SR2 had a good balance of serious shit (Aisha's death) and goofy shit (Insurance Fraud) as well as a city with a lot of variety and content.

SR3 went full goofy, made a city that was pure industrial cityscape with some small subdivisions on the side, and the entire map was like half the size and most of the main quests were just assignments to do specific sidequests, which you would skip if you already did the sidequests not knowing that was the case, making the game even shorter.

SR4 used the same shitty city but gave you superpowers that made it fun to traverse, and the story was just easily ignored nonsense. I would have preferred that they update Stillwater, but it's better than SR3.

But the first two were fun, but I never touched 3

I agree. On the other hand, Dark Souls and Bloodborne were worthy sequels to Demon Souls.

Dark Souls ~= Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2 > Demon Souls

Saints row 3
Every dragon age past the first
Deus ex sequels
Dishonored 2

Shit I had that Ice one, that thing was fucking cool no pun intended. Fuck, I should see if I can find someone selling one of those.

I could go on, I think.
The entire dynamic of the series has been completely disturbed.

SLizers thats it! Thank you anons

Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword. I hate when people say BotW is missing "that Zelda charm." There are plenty of valid complaints about the game (weapon durability, the sense of survival only stays the first few hours, the dungeons are lackluster), but goddamn, the "charm" just isn't shoved in your face like previous few games. You aren't forced to watch cutscene after cutscene and led by the hand to each area as soon as the story requires that you're allowed to access it.

Fuck, all the games after LttP (OoT and MM less so than the later ones) just get so fucking linear that it's refreshing not to have to wait for someone to let you into each region in the game, and to do it all at your own direction.

On a different note:

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and Advance 2. FFT has a great dirty, shitty world and some wildly variable difficulty, depending on how you set things up, but FFTA and TA2 shat on it with the judge system that randomly blocks parts of your team from being able to do their jobs. It was better in TA2, where the judges just granted buffs that they'd take away if you broke laws (some of which were crazy overpowered), and the story and main character were better than TA, but damn, I just want a proper FFT2, just as broken and wild as the first one. Tactics Ogre is great but it's just not as breakable.

No superpowers, or at least make them optional. There was a mission in SR3 where you had superpowers, which was the basis of SR4. SR4 is just recycled assets and storylines, hell, it was supposed to be a DLC for SR3.

Even though the gameplay was marginally better, it didn't improve that much from the original besides of making minigames enjoyable and better motion controls. I wouldn't say is substance over style, is more like a drop more of substance.


Dunno, not to mention that the biggest appeal of DoW was the huge armies and vehicles. DoW3 tried but ultimately failed to appeal ASSFAGGOTS.

I always thought that SR4 should have been bigger and bolder, including not only stolwater but stillport plus a mock of DC since you are now the president. But fuck now, let's do it in a virtual reality. Fuckers. Also, the fact thay they dropped the 3 gangs factions for a single enemy faction is beyond retarded.

Nigger, you have a whole sea to explore. Is kind of empty because it's the sea, but the small little things you can find are neat as fuck.
They might as well be considered a different thing from the original one.
That's the point, having different options for when you couldn't use one. I don't get why people like breaking the game, is like sequence breaking faggots.

I agree about the factions but I don't mind much on the virtual reality/matrix front. I think the gameplay going full ham along with the story instead of the gameplay being halfway and the story being stupid goofy (Professor fucking Genki).

Wind Waker was linear at the beginning until you finish, IIRC, the first real dungeon. I disliked it because the combat was a great evolution of OoT's combat and there was so fucking little of it that I had to write a note to myself of the islands with the hordes of enemies and had a separate save in Hyrule Castle for when you fight your way out of it after unfreezing time. The other islands were mostly boring stuff.

You and I are not going to be able to agree. Breaking games is fun, sequence breaking is fun. It's a harder struggle than the game intends for a greater reward than the game intends. Just because you want to stay inside the rails at all times doesn't mean everyone else should too.

Genki isn't part of the story per se, he is just an spoof of japanese shows plus violence. Also, the game went progressively wacky, zombies appeared mid game along with titans and things like that. The first half is fairly normal unless you don't consider lucha libre thugs and futuristic japs normal.
I do agree that they were usually reskins of other islands, but discovering a new island fell fantastic back then, throw in some variety and the game would have been 10/10. It's not like breath of the wild wasn't tons of reskined dungeons too anyway.
Probably not.
Sure, but bitching you can't get out when you are not supposed to is retarded. The game wasn't made and never will made that way. There's no way a developer will or should fulfill that need because that would mean purposely breaking his own game.
You're actually lucky autists can find ways to break the game because some developers try really hard so that doesn't happen. That doesn't mean I don't like doing stuff that can break a game, but the game becomes so easy after that that I just lose interest.

Also, the LOL SO RANDUM humor. Fuck that game.

Breath of the Wild.
Christ, i hate that fucking game.

3 was still bad compared to 2 and 4.

Same. I forgot all about it until I saw that pic.

Zelda's been lost since Ocarina

Nuts & Bolts

I should have clarified - I see Genki as an illustration of the weird half-assness of the goofy/serious stuff. You're shooting people in fursuits, but the gameplay doesn't change from the normal over-the-shoulder gunplay. You've got Burt Reynolds and zombies, but absolutely no change to the actual shooting gameplay whatsoever, just an inferior version of SR2. That's why I like the powers in SR4; they actually change the core loop a bit. I admit this is a weird argument to be making, honestly. But all of SR3 felt like I could and should be playing SR2 instead, because SR3 just felt the same, but worse.

I think that's fair. We can't account for how we enjoyed things when we were younger. And like I said, BotW's dungeons sucked. Hyrule Castle was great, but the rest was "eh" at best. I'm hoping if they do a Majora's Mask-esque sequel (same assets, new story and powers), they'll focus on the "underworld" a bit more - fewer shrines, but bigger ones, some of which maybe even bleed over into other ones so you can open up dangerous but useful dungeon shortcuts to different places in the overworld.

Mostly because, when taken as a sequel to FFT, which was breakable as hell, it makes sense to have that expectation. Hell, FFTA2 was pretty ridiculously breakable itself, it's just FFTA that doesn't fit the mold.

This game was made for this thread.

NiGHTS into Dreams:

NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams

The actual core game stages were still great, but they make that like only half of the fucking game, with the rest padded out with horrible filler. Getting through the cutscenes and plot is like pulling teeth, and the atmosphere is fucking stomped on.
I can't believe this game was designed by the same guy that did the first game. I was looking forward to a sequel for a goddamn decade and this is what I got. It was such a letdown.

I always wanted to play NiGHTS but now I don't feel like it.

Play into Dreams then.

You're gross too, except not funny at all. Leave.

LttP and OoT were linear as shit. If anything, the only real Zelda games that emphasized exploration and non-linearity were the two on the NES, BotW, and some of the handheld ones.
Really, plot and cutscenes aside, Wind Waker was the secondmost open and non-linear 3D Zelda (behind Majora's Mask) until BotW (and BotW's dungeons were really mediocre. I loved the game in general, but the titans were probably the most disappointing part for me. I would rather have had the game with 60 shrines and the puzzles from the other shrines used to make good dungeons instead).

I would recommend it. The first game is a lot of fun, and has some fantastic music and that old early 3D charm. I can't speak without nostalgia, though, as I played it for the first time when I was 5. Definitely give it a download and emulate it if you can figure out how to get the Saturn emulation properly working.

Journey of Dreams is worth pirating and loading up a 100% savefile off GameFAQs or something so you can just play the fun stages and skip the bullshit. The good stages are still really good, despite losing a lot of the atmosphere from the first game.

The medieval ages were not a logical step forward in the series. Not to mention the simplifying of unit stats. The point of the original games being you play as antiquity civilizations.

You're not supposed to be big daddy. That's not the point.

Fuck that shit got tired pretty fast
First arc resolved everything
But no we got to do more so we can have a new ninja who was the kid of the bad guy last arc, and bring on snakes that get relegated to them all living in a dungeon less than half way and that the ice guy was a robot and everything was stone people, and even all that was left fin by the end
But no they had to keep going making it about the ice guy and his cyberfu now

You're right that it's not the point, but it was fun and I liked having a little sister.

Star Ruler

Star Ruler 2

um no sweetie

if you had played it when it came out as a kid it would've blown your mind



Even without playing the first Planetside, it was very apparent that PS2 was just Battlefield 2142 with microtransactions. I still kinda like it, but the game is too clunky to be great.

Jesus fuck that sounds amazing




tits or get the fuck out.
get the fuck out now!

Pic related is the textbook example of not understanding what made the previous games in a series good. Fuck Miyamoto.

Do I even want to know how bad it is?
I remember some of the comics from when the originals came out those were all right.

You can have just as much fun in real life by beating your sister, not playing half-baked System Shock knock-off's.

Which brings me to the gimmicky junk that was System Shock 2.

DJ Atomika still needs to die with toothpicks hammered between finger and nail, toes too.




Not to mention just plain fucking easier. Playing as rosa redeemed everything for me

deus ex fans impress me with how they delude themselves into thinking deus ex is an "intelligent" game in any regard

We've been over this. Its only partially miyamotos fault. Its more the directer for having no spine and misunderstanding miyamotos words.

i forgot:

I quit after Japan tbh, it was far to boring and casual. It's basically Skyrim for people with a trans-humanist fetish and who where emotionally stunted in the 90's.

These words are always found in bait.

Holy shit really? I didn't even notice, christ they really casualized it for the wiiu crowd didn't they?

its not bait when its true kiddo. Drseuss Ex is not a very good game. Its basically just a meme at this point. and correction the level was Hong Kong

Even if it wasn't, it is nothing like skyrim you mongoloid.

What are you talking about its totally Skyrim. Its LARPing but in a futuristic setting with 20% more stealth and 40% more pulp fiction written by David Icke.

This is the last you I'm giving you, spend it wisely.


That's not even half of it

It's not without its host of redeeming qualities but god damn my opinion of that game only gets a little worse the more I get into Bayo 1


You know I tell the truth. You are just in denial.


Prey 2.

fallout 3

Even though I still liked FO3 a bunch, you probably have the winner of this thread. No other game I can think of completely disregarded the previous games as much while pretending to be the same.

got me feeling some kinda way

>All these people talking about Paradise changing everything
>Not realizing that the series already "changed everything" with Point of Impact
What is with you people?

Didn't JoD have a sudo-"Chao Garden" as well?

The first Bioshock comes off as angry as shit with it's world, and it become tiring after the first few hours.

It had a better story and much graphics than the first game (Everything looked like you were viewing it through a glass of tea). Hopefully they can bring back the gameplay from the first, but keep the better story and graphics from the second (If Bayo 3 is more than a meme, that is).

Not even this?

Echoes' worst offense was beam ammo imo, but it was a perfect sequel otherwise.

Reminder Al Lowe was ashamed of Magna Cum Laude and Box Office Bust he refused to associate himself with any of those games. And here's the obligatory SFV.

So does the Necro's dialogue have any retarded sjw-shit in it? I got a feeling Nu-Blizzard would try to implement genderfluid into the Necromancer.

I liked nu-syndicatebilly me

Bosses at the end of a level? How archaic!

He isn't lying and he's actually a very powerful interdimensional wizard that needs to fuck that little girl in order for her to acquire eldritch powers and save the worlds

Missed Gameplay Opportunities, Decent Story

Why? Everyone has shit tastes (Though, very few like to admit it).

I quit after speaking with the "terrorist" on liberty island and agreeing with everything he said, which left me with too much of a moral conundrum to continue working for the state.

Yes, but it sucked. At least the Chao garden gave you a reason to raise your Chaos and level them up. JoD's "My Dream" shit was mostly dropping furniture and shit into it. I don't even remember how the artificial life thing worked in the first game. I'm not too torn up about that, though, because it's a bonus feature that you don't even have to use.

I actually liked how ridiculous Diablo III was at release. It would have been better without the item store.

I don't think there has to be a counter-argument when no argument was made.

You mean how only Demon Hunters and Wizards were the only classes that could have fun and exploit the item store?

I'm gonna start using this phrase myself if it is this powerful


I only played a Wizard and Demon Hunter. Maybe that is why my experience was good. Once I got through all the difficulty levels, I was done. I get bored of games easily.

Like, Diablo 1 to 2 was an actual improvement, a building upon greatness. There's such a total lack of… freedom. Selecting a weapon is important, but your DPS from that weapon is not the only factor - sometimes you might find a weapon that improves a stat such that your spell basically becomes your standard attack, especially with energy leech and whatnot. God knows that building a Zealadin wouldn't work without life-leech or some ungodly regen, right? There was ways to build fucking crazy shit around a good item, or a powerful legendary, runeword, or weird skill combo you discovered works.

But in 3, there's no freedom at all. You pick the highest DPS weapon. You pick the highest stat equipment. You select the most recently unlocked skill/rune/passives, and so on.

You can't copy too much from the original game into the sequel or people bitch that it's a rehash.

This is reddit speak

Streets of Rage 3


You end up working with them literally two levels later, stick with it my man.

>at the end of the game it's revealed the entire universe (this includes 1 and 2) the game takes place in is actually a video game

Some nights I still dream about the non shit path Star Ocean could have taken.

I blame the square part of squareenix.


If you want to look like an extra on Flavor of Love, knock yourself out

That's a really cute loli, not gonna lie.

you're not getting your 10bux back you worthless nigger

umm no sweetie you dont want to do that

I always wondered if EA Syndicate was even worth playing. The art direction and premise sure looked neat.

lol that voice, it was trying way too hard. "HEY, I'M NIGHTS!". They wanted that kids audience so badly. I remember reading a long time ago that it was originally for 360/ps3 but they were forced to put it on the wii. I also remember getting my autism triggered because i couldn't find out what Night's gender was.

Xenosaga was an awful sequel/reimagining of Xenogears. The only thing worse than Xenosaga, was Xenosaga 2, 3, and the people who bought them.

Cataclysm was indeed trash. Its raids had decent atmosphere (BWD's fights were fun on 10 hard). Northrend was pretty trash too. The desperation to recover subs was pretty thick.

WoW's only good full xpac was probably TBC (which old fogies will follow up with saying "arenas went downhill after season 2 or 3"). The whole cheevos system didn't help either.

I tried playing whatever the "Let's go back to Draenor" xpac was called. Just… wow. All the fucking dailies and Foreveraloneburg you are mayor of. Dumpster full of cold ashes.

SR 3 expanded on the 'fun' things in SR2, so big agree. Better radio, better auto shop, better mini games, fun cast of characters.

4 just went full retard. Refined character creator? Super powers were fun, I guess, but it made driving less than useless, and car collecting/modding boring. They changed the driver physics too, so weird unrealistic shit happened when you and your car crashed or whatever. I dunno. Felt more like playing Assassin's Checklist. Wasn't memorably 'fun'.

NiGHTS was designed to not have a gender since the first game because they didn't want to distance the girls by making NiGHTS male or distance the boys by making NiGHTS female. They came to the conclusion of making NiGHTS genderless because all the character was is an "avatar" into the dreamworld.

I remember the levels in 3 also being way too fucking long.

But mom, if I play it now it's shit, it just means that it was always shit but you never noticed.
Doesn't matter in the end, the tank played much better back in the day and right now.

How exactly is Xenosaga worse than Xenogears again?

Besides Kain, all the other bosses were gimmicky puzzles, so in the sequel you just had more complex puzzles, instead of boss "fights". Plus what made the first game fun, weren't the bosses or the combat, but it's story which was improved in it's sequel(the combat is also better).

Although, I think they "fixed" the story for the DS remake of Episode 1 and 2.

Play the original, pass on the sequel. I'd recommend emulating the PS2 port since PC is capped at 30.

Fun fact: It was originally going to be called Interstate '77. Then Activision decides to get rid of the I'76 team and replace it with the Heavy Gear team, giving us the abomination of Interstate '82.

You also forgot, that they tried to turn the game more into Twisted Metal.

I'm fairly certain it was more like

Nights never had a gender, even in the first game. Making the voice androgynous was a mistake though. Nights should have simply been voiceless like the first game.

Is that really the reason why? I always figured that it was because the children "became" nights to overcome their fears, so Nights having a gender wouldn't make sense (at most, Nights would be the gender of the kid that became Nights).
I never read the manual though. I got the game used and it didn't come with one.

Interstate '82, right ?

Joke's over

Objectively wrong, considering that Thi4f exists.

The reveal of the true plot in HM1 always felt like a meta joke to me

>much better graphics
You liked that oversaturated HDR look? I really liked how ethereal the muted color palette from the first one looked, it matched the angels. I guess if you're talking about more technical things like polycount or the complexity of the particle effects it's better on a technical level. The animations were a little better too, more exaggerated enemy response.


Prototype 2

NEVER play Prototype 2

Isn't the whole point of playing Skate 3 making the physics engine shit itself as hardd as you can?

Wasn't Just Cause 3 shafted for Mad Max? I think heard it somewhere, and would explain why it felt like that.

WEW LADDIES. PoP: Warrior Within is probably the worst example of this ever. Sands of Time is so fucking fun and WW is so fucking hard to sit through. It's not fun, it's not funny, nobody's likeable, and it comes off as an emo kid trying to sound edgy in video game form.

I agree. Combat was bretty gud tho.

Who the fuck even wrote this lore? This shit is so insane it makes Metal Gear look tame in comparison.



Wasn't sprinting already in Reach at that point?

Drakengard 2.

Yes, but you couldn't have it and another armor ability at the same time so it was a bit more tolerable.

That would imply Drakengard 1 is fun to play in any way and that gameplay wise Drakengard 2 isn't an improvement so no


It was. Mad Max was developed by the Just Cause 2 team while Avalanche's B team did Just Cause 3. It's why Mad Max has the same incredible optimisation and lack of bugs as Just Cause 2 did, while Just Cause 3 still runs like shit (especially on consoles, look at DigitalFoundry's videos on it) and still has a game-breaking memory leak that's been around since launch.

I think the new designs are pretty cool, fully equipped second form Lewa looks rad as fuck.

Butchered the lore though.



That was more confusing for me because of the way he described characters.
Looking back on it, how the fuck were kids supposed to keep track of that shit? Piecing together the Bionicle movies were tough, let alone the entire series.


I love Japan.
Not even the french could come up with this.

Become like me and call other anons babe or honey, babe.

also applies to Driver going from 2 to 3

I would put 2 after DeS, which at least had the novelty of being something new, but other than that I agree completely.

Persona 3 FES

Persona 3 Portable

I hope atlus never remasters Persona 3 because if they do I know it won't play like the original.

The bosses in soul reaver 1 progressed the story further, were a clear notch in your progression of the game, and gave you a new ability that changed the gameplay.

Without them, Soul reaver 2 just felt like one long treck up and down the same linear pathway the whole time.

Throwing bosses into the game at random parts would certainly not fix soul reaver 2 (see LoK defiance), but having a set of themed boss fights at the end of keye levels in the game and using them as an instrument to progress the story would have made the game so much more tolerable.

Borderlands 2.

It improved over the first game in basically every way: The visuals were better, the mechanics all were fleshed out and improved, the animations were way bette, tons of random quality of life stuff was fixed.

But they fucked over the loot system and made exploring for better guns not nearly as fun since actually worthwhile guns were much harder to find, the level curve meant you had to constantly throw out weapons all the time, and the qay legendary and unique guns got handled was way less rewarded.

I don't think that's a fair comparison, the 3d zelda games may as well be an entirely different series from the 2d ones, what makes them fun just isn't the same qualities.

Halo 4's campaign itself wasn't that bad, it actually arguably did a lot of the things CE did even better, but the story was dogshit and as you say the MP as horribily CoD-ized.

At the end of the day, though, It's still Halo at it's core, just with a few layers of shit over it, if you put weapons on maps via forge, turn loadouts off (even loadouts can be fun for shits and giggles at times though) turn ordinance off, etc, it actually becomes pretty decent, Still the worst halo MP for it's time, but not anywhere close to bad.

5, meanwhile, nails the MP and forge, it gets everything that felt good about halo 2 and does it almost as good or better, but completely drops the ball on the single player


TBF they added Sets and Legends that you can build with and use some of the shittier skills that you forgot about however there still isn't the same scope and breadth. pics 1 and 2 sum it up. (I couldn't find a good image for D2, but I was thinking of a grimdark 1000pc puzzle (PoE would just be a box of Legos)).

3rd pic related.

What autistic scribbling.
About the only point I agree on is the removal of different physical damage types.
When one of my party members made a mistake in FES I didn't imagine they were a fucking idiot. I was reminded that the AI is an AI and a shitty one at that. If that isn't immersion breaking then I don't know what is.
It was an interesting experiment, but being able to control your team's actions directly is a very small concession to make and is very easy to ignore for the sake of immersion.

planetside 2

C for effort. gunplays decent I guess


hahaha so many anons triggered

Halo 5 took everything bad about Halo 4's campaign and made it worse. But I haven't played the multiplayer in 5 because they ditched splitscreen and screw paying for Xbox Live.

At least some of the new weapons were pretty nice.


Burnout 2 was the best Burnout.

Get fucked Revenge fags.