
The new Link System: yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Link_Summon

Where to play Yu-Gi-Oh!
For online: YGOPro Percy - pastebin.com/m2e9Dzt1
Archive with all games playable on PC (mostly through emulation): pastebin.com/0SHfUYyj
Tag Force 1-6 are the best if you want a story (2006-2011, 6 has only the first 25 XYZ monsters).
Tag Force Special (2015) is the best to play for learning the game with many of the new cards.
The World Championship series (2004-2011) and Duel Academy (2006) are pretty good too. Definitely check out Dungeon Dice Monsters.
All are fun for pet/archetype non-meta decking. Legacy of the Duelist is shit.

Useful Links
yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page (Wiki with information for players, new and old)
yugiohprices.com/ (Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market)
ygodr.blog.jp/ (OCG decklists)
yugiohtopdecks.com/ (TCG decklists)
ygorganization.com/ - blog.livedoor.jp/maxut/ (TCG/OCG news sites)
yugioh.party/ (Probability calculator)
yugioh-card.com/en/limited/ (Ban list)

How to get better
Read the cards.
Playtest and try suggestions.

Other urls found in this thread:




Hmm, guess which one I'm going to go with?

Nice bait, faggot.

I'll go with the one with adorable cuties like OP's pic.

When is OP going to be updated with information to use that english patched chinese YGOPRO with link monsters?


(translated to English by spics)

Updates, if any, will be posted as a reply to this post.

It is buggy and other shit, so it is not like it is exactly perfect to play with.

So how do characters spawn in the world as battles in Duel Links? like whats the trigger?
I need one more Elegant Mai win and the event ends today.

Getting back into the game. Pic related were my favorite cards when I stopped playing as a teen. Anyone got advice for making a deck around them?

Is this a joke? Were you ever supposed to actually USE this card?

This isn't even that good all things considered because once it's out you're a Black Hole and Raigeki or ANY fucking card away from losing it and having nothing but wasted everyone time getting it on the field.

Better play Nekroz or something. Or the Blue-Eyes Ritual monster.

Is there a single cuter monster in the entire game?


Get fucked, buddy.

That shit looks aweful

A shame that it banishes your shit too. I don't they were thing about its practical use. I am pretty sure that is another Lore Card.


So, is YGO doomed yet? in any case certain decks can bypass the Link limitations pretty easily, like classic and future Lightsworn.

No everyone figured out tokens can be used for link summons so everyone just runs a scapegoat or that one blackwing card.

Well, not all links can be summoned with tokens but yeah, I mean, I summoned First of the Dragons with tokens using Dragon's Mirror too.

They more or less can actually, just takes another step. You turn them into Link Spider or Proxy Dragon first then into whatever you actually want.

Still, scapegoat doesn't let you summon anything else the same turn, so you have to do the typical opponent end phase setup, I usually prefer Dandylion for that.

Theres been buzz about zombie/vampire support FUCKING FINALLY on the way so maybe its finally Scapeghosts time to shine!

Much too slow, nobody is going to run book of taiou to make this work.

I will have to wait for a while before I am able to turn my Lightsworn Cannon into Twilightsworn.

Also zombies have a ton of support, they just got some generic cards and a whole new archetype in the last set, they only got Gozuki recently too. It'd have been nice if they got a link but they seem to be going a different route in this era.

I think its mostly about saving the old stuff from redundancy.

Like pic related, she was a fucking solid 4 star back in the day with a fantastic effect, but the GY aint the graveyard no more yknow? shes not nearly the threat she once was.

I see people already using it for Firewall, no idea why unless its a zombie/red eyes deck

so is ojama actually viable now through the new Link format?

The link format slows down decks that can spam Extra Deck summons mostly, you either find a reliable way to summon a link and then more extra summons or you rely on summons from hand, deck and GY.

Oh boy the merchants are on this one. Thank fuck i had to gofus and a scapegoat and scapeghost lying around.

Scapegoat is 300 dollars?

That's not possible, there isn't a single salvagable Vampire card, if they did that it'd be a complete teardown like with the Agent or Monarch decks.

inb4 bullshit field card that banishes the cards sent to the GY or something.

average is $148, goys gonna get goyed

and no Vampire Lady was never viable, she was 1550 attacker with a negligable effect released deep in the era of Chaos decks where the minimum attack for a beatstick was 1800 with Kycoo or Exarion Universe. Even zombie decks wouldn't have dreamed of running her.

Okay, outside of Bad Reaction. What does Konami expect out of this? The fact it came out the same time as Links only adds to the salt due to how ridiculous the restrictions are.

There is like a ton of reprints if memory serves me right.

i saw her when there was a big resurfence in ritual shit. Everyone was dusting off their relinquished and so naturally everyone was using any anti magic bullshit.

There is an E-HERO that does that, also, Macro Cosmos, Banishers, etc.

Burn decks probably, sacrifices, etc. mostly to setup a defense for a comeback.

Since that is an ANIME CARD, I don't think it has a purpose outside of what it did on it. Namely, fuck up Z-arc so Ray could win. Important to notice is that Z-arc/Yuya is the one who activated that card.

Cannot normal or special summon monsters means using them as tributes/sacrifices wouldn't exactly work outside of Spells and Traps. I mentioned "Outside of Bad Reaction" simply because I know it can be used for burn. As a defensive card it would only really work if the pendulum monsters had high DEF but low ATK and while that could be useful due to it being a quick-play, it's pretty much just fodder.

They could've just added another Supreme King support card instead of making Meme Universe a actual thing.

Shit, forgot about that, then is only useful for burning but still, no effects, they can only work for graveyard triggers maybe considering effects should not be negated in those cases.

Pendulum monsters go back to the extra deck, no "graveyard" triggers. Outside of that nitpick that's probably the only real use the card has outside of gimmicky cards that use the difference between your life points and the opponents, but the ones you would want to use would want your life points HIGHER then the opponents, not lower.

Dammit! I keep forgetting the specifications, also, I assume the card will be useless during link format since you can't Pendulum Summon from the Extra Deck more than once unless you have linked zones available.

Someone give me a fusion deck to build

Legit if you wanted to play them I'd recommend improving on the old combo of Armageddon into Doom Dozer.
Work with demise and not ruin, ruin sucks, and try to work off of advanced ritual sending needed material to the grave, you could make some radical otks with that. If I were to recommend a basic idea try Demise with plenty of chaos cards and low level light and dark vanillas

I've seen someone build it with Heros, there was even a combo to get a draw with it afterwards so you'd be plus
Also Tierra goddess of rebirth

Everything on the opponent's end is banished. Obviously you just need one more card to make it a OTK

Pretty much no deck fuses as much as this, haven't really updated it for VRAINS but toss in a Missus Radiant to use with sheep and it should be good to go.

I do love me some fluffals, I'll build them again but I think I'll splash something, I've done pure fluffals more often than I can count
And not to be a dick, but why do you run two sabres and not just 3 patchwork?

Sabres was in there in place of something but I couldn't remember what, this one was set up for play with real cards so no Patchwork yet. That said I found 3 Patchwork tends to lead to dead draws because of the once per turn clause.
I'd recommend splashing Zoodiac, I don't really care for them but they were very effective when I tried them with this, that was before Norden got banned though.

May have been when I was testing Rabbit or Octo but neither one helped much.

Link Dragon and Supreme King Dragon Link when?
Make them both generic support for pendulums


Maybe sometime I'll try those out, but wanna start where I left off.

Why not?

I'm not familiar with that.
Yeah I quickly dropped her after messing around with them.
Not sure what you mean by this
I'll look into chaos cards and try them out. Pic related is what I've made so far. It works fairly well against the AI.

Advanced ritual art is an amazing card for demise.
Advanced ritual art uses normal monsters in the deck as tribute for the ritual monster instead of monster from the hand or field
So what people would do with this is they would send 2 insect vanilla monsters to summon demise, and then banish those two monsters to summon doom dozer, a level 8 beat stick insect-type monster
So what I mean is you build the deck using level 4 light and dark normal monsters, use the high attack ones, so that you can then summon other shit from your hand that requires you to banish stuff in your grave
I'm gonna just start recommending cards to you to look up that I think would work well for you, this game is all about the knowledge you have in it, so you'll need to try stuff and fail to get better
Alexandrite Dragon
Shell Dragon
Rescue Rabbit
Black Luster Soilder - Envoy of the Beginning
Chaos Sorcerer
White Dragon Wyverburster
Black Dragon Collaserpent
Advanced ritual art
Chaos zone

Finally, I'm gonna have to say you need to learn how to use XYZ monsters, mainly Rank 4 monsters. I hope this helps you improve whilst keeping the idea you want for the deck

Time to post this, Lightsworn Classic, I own 95% of the cards, I would need to buy Imperial Iron Wall.

Oh wait, is not Classic, is Lightsworn Timelord Cannon.

Well for one thing you get a free shot at 3600 of your opponent's life points. They would still need to actually draw the Raigeki/Black Hole since they couldn't have stored it anywhere. It's basically like starting again from the first go except you have a high level monster on your side of the field + free damage + your opponent is probably missing a few of his favorite cards from his deck.

I tried both but i've ended up using scapeghost and two gofus over scapegoat. post pendulums theres way too much spell card counter going around and having to wait a turn and hope they dont get their shit pushed in has been far more unreliable than a flip effect monster that also doubles as a tuner for synchros which are quickly becoming the dominating style of links. Even my BB decks can become 'i win' early game by just getting buster dragon out without needing a link monster at all. Having something that can serve both masters was way more effective in irl duels than scapegoat that everyone is paranoid about right now and just holding a twin twister or something for it.

So far my current successful build has been

Because at the absolute height of it's power it was a second tier one turn kill deck and that was 10 years worth of power creep ago.



Get outta here pendulums! Your time is over!

It's because the new Extra Deck rule was tacked on at the last second to sell Links. You're gonna see cards in the next 2 sets that conflict wildly with the new rules.

Trump witch a best

Stop force memeing.

Those are probably anime cards that they did not bother to adapt to the new rules

Why couldn't they have anything else? That makes them worthless. Hell, even a shitty scale of 5 woud have worked better

There's scale 1 Fluffal Fusionist in the manga but who knows when that'll actually get printed.

So whats the deal with everyone getting excited about zombina and vandreads?

There's no reason to be excited about zombina or samurai skull for that matter. Vendreads show some potential but right now they're a very incomplete archetype that adds little to a typical zombie deck, the most you can reliably get out of them turn 1 is self replacing bait for shiranui style swallow's slash, attempting to give the ritual the secondary effects the lower level vendreads have almost always costs you the chance to make an omega.

for the moment it's easier to just run 3x ritual monster and 3x ritual spell + prepreparations
the ritual monster is good because it can be summoned both from the hand/grave with monsters from hand/grave/field
but it's mostly gonna end up being used with spectralsword for a lv 8 or uni-zombie for the shiranui lv 10 synchro

Which is why you attack the lifepoints before the next turn. Also Raigeki is STILL limited to 1.

I'd say use 2 Houndhorde and 1 Revenants with it, summoning Houndhorde from the graveyard is effectively free.

I haven't played this in like 4 years when the xyz bullshit was still stinking fresh and there were no pendulums. Is chain burn still a viable archetype? Back then I used to run a 40 dollar one I made myself and steamroll most of the so called "meta" decks at several local tournaments. Tears flowed, salt was harvested. I'm not interested in the newest retarded game mechanics but I just wanna know if I pick up my old deck and tech some of the new cards, would I be able to bully children and make them weep yet again?

Pants on head retarded.

So you're saying that you can't even play a children's card game?


Thanks famalan. Using ritual arts and level 4 light and dark cards made my demise deck a lot better.still need to look into xyz stuff though

Also made a a gishki deck which I'm having a blast playing with, dig the art style and the play style. Any advice on it?

I don't really care much about tiers though. Just wanna have fun.

That looks like something from digimon.

I happen to love ritual monsters so It's no worries

gishki zeal giga nigga is the winner of the deck by a long mile, so search him more often and then splash in "Ritual Forgone" it allows you to SS a ritual monster but it can't attack, allows you to use giga nigga to draw and maybe return things.
You can also use the flipped deck strategy, Convulsion of Nature, Gishki Diviner, and Archfiend's Oath alongside giga nigga to draw a fuckton and then confirm when you spin return to the hand your opponents stuff
Also with gishkis, XYZ isn't so important, synchro is actually more important, since you can use the level 2 tuner Red Resonator to summon Abyss and then search with Abyss then synchro into Herald of the Arc-Light, who works great in ritual decks due to searching ritual cards
You can also use Deep Sea Diva to synchro, or use Gale Dogra to drop Herald of arc light to search without using synchro, but it costs 3000 life points.

As for advice on your deck and not just gishkis
Photomirror sucks, the life drain is way to harsh
Tetrogre is also bad, the effect isn't worth the while and the stats are only so so, run foolish burial if you must send something
You also really need to learn to extra deck
Consider looking at the limited/semi limited list and just reading what's on there, some of those guys will help you soul charge nigga

You could probably still chain burn
Nurse burn is probably a better choice
Oh and there are Kaijus now too, could be useful for chain burn since it deletes the opponent's board and then you can just ring of destruction it

Gishki Beast is a good XYZ machine. Also, I can safely say I have won a great number of games swinging with two zeal nigas then gustav for game. Also, Moray of Greed is shit. It's a +0 and is often a ridiculous dead draw.

it works just fine, especially if you mix it with paleozoics
nurse burn has gotten better now though, since darklords can work with her

UPDATE August 10th

It is the whole thing again.
Also there is a TCG sever. It works if you put OT,TO# in the password field. Not sure how many people used to be viable to play on.

finally, i'm sick of feather dusters

I think it existed before too, I just didn't pay attention and forgot about it. Not my fault you didn't find it on your own. And as I said it seems dead, as most people probably don't bother.
Also, just stop setting five, you nigger.

opinions on this? netdecking it from youtube to the best of my ability
i'm really not comfortable with only 2 genghis considering that i'm running the new caesar
executive genghis when

Okay, just checking in on the new rules, but using a fusion variant of Red-Eyes with Claw of Hermos>Red Eyes Black Dragon Sword and it's worked pretty well.

My main strategy is to swarm the field with Red Eyes and use revival cards to keep the field full, while also adding in fusion monsters using Red Eyes Fusion, bypassing the summoning restrictions by using the red-eyes trap cards to summon during my opponent's turn to keep up the momentum

Normally I would summon my Archfiend or my Comet and build on him using more summons and my Black Dragon Sword Hermos equip card, what combos would be locked off from me in the new rules?

Could I, for example, summon my my fusion monster and then equip another fusion monster to that monster?

How should I change my deck to adapt to the new rule? Should I add any specific Link monsters when I switch over to another server for links? Also when does Red Eyes With Chain and Red Eyes Baby Dragon come to the TCG?

z-zombinas gonna be good for something right famalam?

you may as well just buy the individual cards when they drop in price famalam.

hell if you really want to actually get the card without dealing online just print that shit out and laminate.

I like the feel of opening surprises. Last year i pulled 3 of the Xyz cyber dragon in a row and sold each for £45 each. That was a good feel.

Rescue Hamster > Rescue cat >>>> Rescue Rabbit

That's basically the same shit and feeling as gambling though, you know that, right?

Britcucks are truly the next step of human evolution.

i guess but in this case i make a profit selling the shit i dont use or just trade them. Theres always a cuck wanting more performapals or the like

gook stole my extra deck zones
this game is perfectly balanced

You're not going to have fun when your opponent beats you on the first turn every single duel. The only way you'll be able to play it is if you both agree to use GX or earlier decks and even if you did you'd still be playing a no fun allowed deck yourself.

No love for Rescue Ferret?

Burn decks stayed relatively untouched through the years, but with links coming out the only burn decks that die are End Dragoon Turbo, Fenix burn, basically any burn deck that makes extensive use of the extra deck.

Chink. Learn your slurs.

he could be a gook

The difference is that I want to beat up the propaganda ugly face shithead on the right.

Cant decide on a deck help me out here

pic unrelated


because I'm not a meta sheep >:^(

Alright I completely forgot about this thread, but let me just say this. I'm not saying if you pull it off it isn't amazing, but I'm saying the fucking requirements for summon are so strict it seems beyond impractical and really doesn't seem worth it, especially when this exists

Now this card I feel does what Sophia does but it's just a lot easier to pull off. Sure it isn't as potentially damning as all those banishment but at the same time I think it's a wash since both of you are left top decking and you're at a distinct advantage with a fresh beat stick and an easier way to build up to it (10 unique cards on field or hand).

Spiral Dragon is pretty fun and isn't dependant on the extra zone, bonus points if you get the alt win con working somehow.

Play Trent OTK then.


So I want to say Fuck Effect Monsters and be a general twat, how should I tweak this?

heart of the underdog, painful decision, rescue rabbit
although you're honestly better of just playing world chalice, their only effect monsters are in the extra deck


b-but even igknights have effect monsters

I'm so bored of shiranui.

all the most successful world chalice decks only use 3 normal monsters and 2 are world chalice. every other WC card is effect or links.

well did you want a deck with 3 monsters and a spell? blame konami for not releasing the entire thing yet

I just want to know if theres going to be a zombie loli deck to replace my creepy-cute ghostricks!

Learn to take off your flag faggot

well i did, i'm specially putting it back on for you

What the fuck is this a new word for Graveyard? Jesus fuck how much Konami is fucking up this game text?

Gotta fit the text on for linked effect link linked to pendulums or some shit famigo.

Worlds Stream is up

i am ready for nothing but zoo and draco

pls just give us one dark horse autist that made a no archetype shitkicker deck that gets like 8 cards on the august banlist.

so i went and made this, also looking forward to playing twilightsworn for links, shits fun as heck

Zoo is nowhere to be seen. Remember the OCG banned all their key cards.

blessed time

Shittiest stream.

is there hope for the best dragons?

I'm wondering more why my nigga Stratos isn't unbanned, hell he isn't unbanned in the OCG. I don't give a shit if Shadow Mist also takes the hit like in the OCG, I just want my nigga Stratos back.

Its worth the wait.

Does anyone know what will be in the new Legend Duelists 2 package? The first one has cards from Joey and his rivals but there was no info yet about the new edition. I wonder what Duelists it will be themed around.

Yeah, just like Thousand Eyes Restrict, there's now cards that do the same fucking shit like Stratos, maybe even better, but the TCG faggots are telling me that my nigga Stratos can't get back as a limited card? With Links being just around the corner, you know that Heroes will most likely get hit by them. inb4 we can't unban my nigga Stratos cuz muh telefather, muh groundaxe nitro, despite most meta decks nowadays being much more consistent than either

opinions on this build?
supposed to be a spell counter themed deck with the goal of bringing out endymion, but most of the time i just end pendulum summoning two monsters and running out of special summons, or drawing unusable bamboo swords
so far haven't managed to bring out endymion once

Blaster did nothing but he will never be free. They are waaaaay to splashable

I made a volcanic train deck, does any of you have any general or obvious improvements that I have missed?

Royal Firestorm Guards, Summoner Monk, Volcanic Counter, Magic Planter, Pot of Duality, Wild Fire, Reckless Greed, Phoenix Wing Wind Blast,

anyone else here watching the World Championship finals being streamed on youtube?

The Charlottesville memes are better.

Hypothetical question, would you watch a YouTube channel about making Yu-Gi-Oh decks revolving around cards that are pretty shit but making them useable, like Orca mega fortress of darkness or a chimera the flying mythical beast deck?

Checked but what a fucking wall of text

That'd be pretty entertaining.

lol, Chain Burn got to finals vs Invoked in Dragon Duels.

And Chain Burn wins Dragon Duel Worlds.

The nip almost killing himself for winning at a children's card game.

HAHA time to dig my cards up and bully literal children at locals

They were playing a retarded link format without links, so the results are not super relevant. Though the finals (the only thing I barely watched) were won by True Draco Yang Zing anyway.

Does someone have the Spyral link deck from last thread.

Isn't Dragon duels just the 13 and under tournament?


At the price per booster im expecting some bullshit in the mail i tell you what.

Anyone got a download link for the ygopro android client with link summons?
My pc died and I need an app to use their discord to download it

Pls help, I'm getting sick of playing against myself

English (LAST UPDATE 10 AUGUST 2017)
- 00 YGOMOBILE APK: ouo dot io/a6kGzH (NEW)
- 01 LANGUAGE INTERFACE: ouo dot io/3PqnzS (NEW)
- 02 UPDATE 10 August 2017: ouo dot io/ZLaFex (NEW)

SERVER TCG (password = OT,TO#)

used that shit to get kaiba from lvl.12 to lvl.36 this last week and completed all the duelathon unlocks.
I bought so many boosters of the vampire/bb set BUT THAT FUCKING BUSTER BLADER FUSION WONT DROP GOD DAMN IT.

What is the best deck/booster?

early on just use blue eyes with lustre dragons and macabre maidens. Shits good till lvl.40 enemies.

But what is the meta? There is online after all.

its online yugioh its cheese motherfucker

its always cheese.

Based of what was played at the duelinks world championships the decks that are meta are:

Just 20 generic good cards
Red Eyes variants
Sacred Phoenix
Water decks
and more

Shalom, goyim! Why don't you put me in your deck?

What is even the point of that effect?

thats supposed to be a roma gypsy though

There are things that magnify or add onto effect damage. The most common is Dark Room of Nightmare. I could see Gravekeepers Vassal actually being a strong tech in the new chain-burn archetype, Trickstar.

Anyone here play Series 1-3?

Not with that hand motion.

You mean Tag Force?

I know this feel.
God I wish the only comic/card shop near me didn't turn to complete shit
Usually I love living down south, but God does it make card game stuff cancer.

>try Duel Links in my phone
Game is breddy fun. Any meta I should be aware off appart from Exodia + Pot of Creed?

trying something stupid. gives you access to pendulum summoning more often
the irl version barely fits into my box

my local club/store (only one of three in the whole country) is about 30-45 minutes away via bus
but it does have a decent amount of people everyday
downside is that everyone is either a zoo/true draco/invoked tryhard, or a 10 year old who can't read english

i quit ages ago because of the borin grind, but from what i hear buster blader is really good there

I want to get fucked by a Blue Eyes White Dragon.


>Full of feminist "tru independat feemael warriurz xddd" and the GAYEST COMMUNITY ever

tried a custom made banish deck in tag ended up going against someone with a similar deck this is what happened.

The guy who played the Chaos deck was the real hero here

Which official games let me play a Fluffal deck? I am in love with the archetype.

Legacy of the Duelist is the one that I know of that's available in English. It doesn't have all the support and I think come of the Fluffal cards might be locked behind DLC. I'm not 100% sure though. That piece of DLC does give you a pre-constructed deck if that's any consolation.

had a duel with a friend once and we both ran the same banish deck
the duel went on for more than half an hour because we kept resetting the necrophaces. eventually we just got bored and quit, its not like anyone was gonna win with 60k life points

how do i unfuck this for the current year
ideally i'd put two desires instead of the trade-ins once the tins come out. probably won't run proxy dragons since i'd also need gofus to make those work well enough
also can't decide whether i should keep crystal wing in here or the ragnarok fusion.
other suggestions?
and why the fuck has konami not made a d/d/d playmat, i can only find custom shit that costs twice what i'd be willing to pay for a mat

Tag Force Special and Legacy of the Duelist, unfortunately Legacy is crap and Tag Force Special came out when Arc V was quite new so you only have the very first Fluffals in the game

Yes, the DLC really fucks you in the ass when it comes to fluffals, because as far as I remember you can get their fusions from one of the ARC-V booster packs (forgot which one). However, almost ALL fluffals and edge imp monsters are locked away behind DLC.

Ask your mum to sow you one, NERD!

Bought 14 boosters and ecountered half upside down in the packet, two with one extra card one with one less. Is this the most error filled release in years?

Still i bagged so far:

and a bunch of cyberse wizard, missus radiant and a couple heavy dust tornados and return to the front.

So right now im leaning to a none competitive gouki or vendread deck, especially since the vendread has a resident evil theme and the tyrant ritual suggests its going to be used as material for stronger vendread rituals coming in a later set. Seems like Trickstars is the rarest to get a deck of and Twilightsworn and World Chalice seem the more common archetype followed by vendread then gouki just a bit more common than Trickstars.

Any archetypes you are thinking about running in CotD?

vendread aren't worth building yet, wait for more support
gouki are great though, i'm still shilling my gouki/U.A. hybrid since you've got tons of monster reborns there
out of this set the trickstars/world chalice seem like the most meta stuff that you should build if you could

I just want a really neat zombie deck thats actual zombies, shiranui just look like spirits, this archetype is way more raccoon city. Hopefully it gets support as they just announced they are bringing it to the OCG in a special set 'due to high demand' which means maybe its finally time for a none warrior/dragon/spellcaster deck in the future?

Gouki are neat but seem to be more for the thundercats crowd appeal wise. If vendread winds up shit i might try world chalice but im just hoping vendread is getting support in future. Slayer certainly suggests it.

so run skull servants

Thats more magic zombies vendread seem at worst wrights and more like viral zombies.

Please understand zombie tastes and pet peeves is basically the autism of the horror sub genres.

match against a friend


why are german players so nice? its like the anti FR

Speaking of Vendreads they are being introduced in the OCG already as 'Vendeads/Vendebts' in the 2017 extra pack "to ensure the base cards for the archetype are there before all the support comes soon.

So i'm calling a new vendread ritual in the next set and probably a none vendread dark/zombie links to go with the rest of the 'generic support' links like missus radiant and dapper starfish.

The dark link is going to be Witch's Apprentice also why would they give zombies a link monster when they just made them into a ritual archetype.

gotta trick the goyim into buying the 'mandatory link monsters' for their deck.

Theres still people who actually think you need a link monster in every deck.

a single decode talker is perfectly fine
he's not that expensive
in the case of spyrals i just go 1 decode talker+1 missus radiant, both of which are crazy cheap
only weirdoes go 3 firewall dragon

This is a combination of anime and games. You are underestimating the autism here severely.

Im looking at all these new zombie decks using zombie world 'to fuck over dracos' but if you have a zombie deck using zombie world where everythings a zombie why not throw this in in place of a shitty 5 star?

Joey Wheeler fags pls go.

I'm not talking about no faggotly time wizard here, zombie red eyes is the anti blue eyes its rad as shit.

Someone likes a bit too much cock here, don't you think, little nigger?

with 2400 atk you're not destroying anything useful anytime soon
and it requires zombie world to actually be better than the normal monster version
it would be easier to just run a goyo monster instead

If you play duel links you learn to hate the motherfucker. Especially if the npc runs time machine as well.

FUCK time wizard.

While the rest is true thats almost every Links one shot. Not enough to warrant it at a competitive level but in a zombie deck its a bettter lustre dragon #2

Bare in mind im mostly thinking budget stuff since theres literal dozens of this card for less than a dollar online. In a budget zombie deck i would throw one in. At least until things like the upcoming shiranui reprints lowers the price of some of its mandatory engine cards.

thats just regular zombies without omega and maybe solitaire
heck, you could just run lightsworn skull servants, nothing there costs a lot

Skull Servants is a surprisingly expensive deck thanks to Wightmare and doesn't really function without Omega, still there's no justifying using REZD in any zombie deck at any time budget or not.

With the way COTD shits out twilightsworn you may as well phase out the zombies entirely if you run lightsworn.

I'm just excited for a new zombie deck to run that is actual zombies. It makes me want to dig out old cards like ryu kokki and find some way to use the cards time forgot.

blame being an og showfag. someone had to be that guy that bought starter deck pegasus instead of yugi

Any good new doujins since Arc-V ended?


I really like the Helios card tree, what are good cards to support them?

Why the fuck make an archetype then make it so fucking rare as to be unbuildable without buying individuals instead of giving you money?

Good? No

Do banished face down monsters work?
Probably not, if so I'd recommend experimenting with zombies and the obvious Macro Cosmos and Dimensional fissure, or maybe Dark law

Someone has to originally pull those singles
Thus someone has to buy more packs

Well now see there's the rub. Duo and Trice both have the effect that if they're destroyed by battle they come back stronger in the end phase, so having a card that banishes all monsters destroyed by battle kind of throws a wrench in there.

Dark Law does sound really good though, I need to see what I can do with fitting that in there.

Well thats a new one.

Haaa, what a faggot

Could I get some traffic over at >>>/mon/? It's a board for all the monster collecting franchises out there, like SMT, Digimon, and even Monster Rancher. I'd like to think Yu-Gi-Oh! would fit right in there.

You're gonna be seeing a lot of that soon, now that Regionals season just started up again.

Are you the board manager? Clean that shit up.

Shit, I'd be mad too if I poured money into a deck that they arbitrarily decided to make obsolete by retconning the rules of the game.

Thanks again famalan. Your recommendations have helped a lot. Here's my current deck, works really well. Thinking of getting the cards for it. How should I go about doing that online? Any good sites that are trusted and won't send you fake/beat up cards?

tell me again, why are we still waiting for a VR ygopro
shit should have been in existance at least two years ago

Hey there you go, that's better already
Just remembering to keep experimenting and try to keep track of a W/L so you can gauge what works or not
I used to use Troll and Toad back in the day, but god knows if it's decent now, I'm afraid you're on your own there
You can ask for more advice on that matter over at halfchan's /vg/ dueling network general aka /dng/. They are cancer but they'll know more



they turned this dude into a yugioh card?

Why not, they turned spawn into one.

Fair enough.

I'm a little frustrated that Ghostrick Reform still doesn't make Angel of Mischief a viable win condition. Proper graveyard setup can get you hella close but it's just not enough.

i think its more for Socuteboss, when links leaked everyone was sure she would be the anti links tech till the full rules came out.

Ah. Shame.

Reminder that Dustons are the true victims of Link.

How are you even suppose to play Dustons, from what I've seen they're like Ojamas, but shittier.


percy is most likely not getting links until they completely remake the engine
just get the chink one, phone version of it works well too

I am literally the one that is linking it here, but thanks for the consideration.

I was outside a lot this week and I decided to play a lot of Duel Links. I got up to stage 26 and it seems I got just around the place where you start getting almost no gems, even though I wasn't even able to properly finish my Nephthys deck. I can't even finish making a single 20 card deck. God damn fucking Jewnami. Why did this shit get 50 million downloads?

I started playing dead on a month ago and i've got kaiba at lvl.39 and joey at lvl.15. Running Buster Blader Blue Eyes with Kaiba and Straight Zombies with Joey. I've just been buying the vampire lord booster set, down to 20 packs left before a box reset and just need the BB fusion from it. So far doing the events and leveling has gotten me enough at stage 19. I just remember its a mobage not the main game so trying for the same metas doesnt seem to work as often as i see folks getting their shit pushed in by hungry burger and time wizard every other day.

Maiden of Macabre remains my MVP, opponent doesnt take her out that shit gets to 3k+ real fast if theres another buff. With a lot of opponents running Yami in particular.

I used this as sort of a guide duellinks.gamea.co/c/2dwfdxug Stopped myself on Nephthys, because its box has only 80 packs. Barely got my third two days ago. And then had two buy like 30 more packs for a second Super Rush Headlong. Because I can't realistically get Sphere Koriboh I might try to get Enemy Controller which is suppose to drop from lvl 30 Kaiba. Effects like that seem to be needed for the random super big boss cards.
I wanted to play Kaiba with the Reset ability, but I can't get it as a drop. The Paradox Brothers are ugly.
Do you even get any gems from PvP?

Other than the rank prices of course, since they are limited as well.

The weekly update/reset was saying 'extra 100gems in pvp' so i assume so, i mostly just play pve and with friends like a giant coward.

Anyone else try out Lyriluscs yet?

Pretty fun for OTKs, and the cards themselves are really cheap–except for the OCG exclusive one.

also should I try learning Ghostricks

forgot the extra deck ones

They're a real riot especially when you can crash Starling into a monster with beefy attack for game. I tried mixing Lyriluscs with Harpies to resolve Swallow-related bricks and although the results are completely serviceable, it's not as powerful as I hoped it would be.


and Ghostricks are love, Ghostricks are life*

*pre links

So on reflection would a Link Monster like "Ghostrick Banshee" make Ghostricks the lockdown monster they once were?
the salt was real.

I tried building Lyriluscs with Timelord stalls and stuff like Caninetaur, Sangans and WotBFs, and some Performapals for pendulum shenanigans.

I'll try getting a picture of the deck up later

hot damn, guess I'll give them a shot then. The only one I really know about is Witch because of that nice Book of Moon effect.

oh boy here we go. rev up them September limiteds.



What do you guys think about Magibullets? I like the idea, how they play and the mythos were they take inspiration from.

aren't they just the "put away your ignites this is the links version" archetype?

they're a bit too broken

Why would characters get even less experience in PvP than in PvE? It is so fucking stupid. You can play as much as you want in PvP so fuck you, pay to play PvE if you want to level up characters.

They're really not at all like Ojamas. You find a way to murder your own House Duston, give yourself 3 White Dustons to do whatever you like with, and give your opponent 5 absolutely worthless monsters that fuck them in a random way. Not to mention they couldn't be tributed or used for Synchro or Xyz - they were basically created to pollute your opponent's options.

I had a creative deck using them and Cain and Abel to create a highly damaging situation, but it's dead now.

sorry for the shit quality

I should probably put what they are on here because the picture is so shitty

That shits really creeping up in price so i went for a budget one which is loosely as follows:

Extra Deck
Side Deck Options

I'm sure people will say 'buy more of [blank]' but right now with more support coming but unknown im not spending tons on shit like a 3rd solitaire that might be replaced anyway. So far this works enough for me to want a physical version and bar a few cards like Omega, Solitaire and surprisingly Zombie world not a single card cost more than a single brexitbuck.

Also added a Doomkaiser Dragon to the extra deck, have his effect 'assault mode' but dont think it would work.

God damn it.


If you are saying that they are anti-pendulum I fail to see it. Well, they have easy access to card destruction in the form of Death-perado I wouldn’t call that a pendulum killer

Deadman’s Burst is really good and great protection against spells and traps. The problem is that those cards can only be used once and none of them have a special summoning condition. Well, there is Shooter Star and Ties of the Brethren to mitigate that but I still feel that you either open Caspar + Spell or SS + Spell + ToB or you are going to lose.

Did they really nerf white keys drops? Because they are the hardest fucking keys to god damn get. Or at least so it seems. I am not sure yet if also playing as Kaiba himself prevents me from getting white keys or not.

this is good.

this is good.

Getting two-three boosters a day is going to probably be a lucky day for me.

I've only played for a month and i've gotten at least 2 boosters per day. Doing all the activities, events, weekly missions and leveling characters. Throw in the jewery like checking the bins for pots of greed, clicking the fountains and lights and shit all adds up.
Last i checked in month i've gotten nearly 900 cards and down to 24 boosters left for the vampire lord set. Konami has surprisingly made the most fair f2p game i've ever played.

And on the higher stage you get the harder it is to do the missions for gems.
You can barely make one metaish deck and probably not fully. And then you are screwed. Not even that much that you get only 2 packs per day, which is bad enough, but the whole box system and the fact most boxes have 200 fucking packs in them. This is why the Zombie deck is the hardest to most expensive to make. You might have to buy 600 packs to make it. With two packs a day that is almost a fucking year. A fucking year for a 20 cards. I better get a job and start buying cards to play irl.

Well bare in mind i do play IRL, i just spent about £20 for this deck so duel links is just a mobage to play while the kettles boiling or whatever. It reminds me of early YuGiOh! and so far i'm having fun.

Right now after using Joey for a few duels im using

Spells need work and reaper is dogshit but it makes mincemeat of any lvl.30 npc deck so i can wait to build it up.

What are you doing? Don't you have a working deck to use when farming?

I hit auto on the npcs, i come back and i've won.

Say, Holla Forums, what would you say to playing a few games (ideally Legacy style) with /tg/?

What the fuck do you even mean with that, Konamy employee?
I want to play a game with a good AI players and less farming.



Legacy style? What you wanna play Power of Chaos or some shit? I'd be down for that to be honest

Holla Forums - /tg/ Battle Shitty tournament, make it happen.

Wait, wait. That was not a game idea, but a challenge from the local /tg/ board? We can just play Percy/ChinesePro with whatever rules we want.

We've got a newfag on /tg/ who wants to try and get a little inter-board activity going by challenging Holla Forums to a game of some sort. That sounded like it could be fun, so after a bit of discussion, we settled on YGO and figured we'd see if you guys were up for it.

Will it have any on site RP elements or something or will it just happen in whatever game?

Bingo. I suggested Legacy because I'd thought you who play this game enjoy it better without the gimmicks.

If Holla Forums wins i stop storytiming heresy spider and tiny little lives in the woods


What DO you mean by Legacy? Pre-synchro?

Check the OP. The Percy game is the best choice to do it, especially if no Links.

I thought he meant Legacy of the Duelist, but now that I think about it, I might have been wrong.


I'm ready for some Yata-Lock/Airblade Turbo action

That's one. Who else is game for a duel?

If you're gonna do this shouldn't you make a separate bread so it gets advertised better?

Oh, sorry, I forgot not to be a passive-aggressive faggot. What I meant that I suggest you still put some brakes on the tourney if you want it to be fun rather than 100% competitive because meta decks back then were as cancerous as they are now, only in different ways. Hell, Chaos, a deck from 2003 would probably kick ass of decks that were meta at some point that are even 10 years younger than it because the banlist back then had no actual forbidden cards, worst case would be if the card was limited to 1 in the deck, so if you took a Chaos deck from back then today with zero modification you'd have a shitton of forbidden cards in it, probably half the deck would just be banned cards.

We'll take that under advisement. And then someone who actually knows what they're doing can kick off the thread.

Work out the details and the participants first, and then we can make a thread.

Ah, sorry, someone on our end may have misled /tg/ into thinking the game had some sort of official or unofficial legacy format. Since most of our prospective players will be guys returning to the game after a long absence and we've heard little that's good about the state of the game from Synchro-onward, this naturally held some appeal. You've got the right idea, though.

Would just applying a modern ban-list work, or are there any other changes you'd recommend? I know the newfag who kicked this all off seems to be particularly enthusiastic about the idea of building decks based around themes, rather than just sticking to whatever's good in the meta.

s-synchros are fun tho
Not really, there are some cards that got banned just because they enabled a degenerate combo down the line, but was completely fine as is back when it was introduced, similarly there are cards whose effects are underwhelming now, but were absolute powerhouses which had to be limited/banned if we played them with a card pool that existed back then. My suggestion is to pick a format, now I know that format means a different thing in YGO than in a game like Magic, but basically a format is basically any period of time during the reign of a particular format, I think that March 2008 is the last TCG banlist before Synchros hit and the only thing I remember about the meta back then are shittons of various DAD decks and Gladiator Beasts, so you might want to add a special rule about meta decks not being allowed.

Yeah- Legacy is pre-synchro.
Though there is also debate if you can use any card- but just ban anything relating to Synchro/XYZ/Pendulumn/LINKS.

Though there may still be some OP stuff that slips through the cracks that way. On paper, all the "summon low level monsters without abilities" stuff you'd get from cards that support XYZ/Synchro on their own wouldn't be that OP- but there could be something.

Legacy is easier.

There's issues with the game no matter which format you choose, if you want a well tested pre-synchro setup that people still play you could go with goat control format. If you want to play just without the extra deck but with current cards then I hope you enjoy seeing nothing but True Draco-Dino mirror matches.

Let's all just play Dragon Ruler mirrors.

Want something even better? Let's play no banlist, hope you guys are ready for my Makyura Exodia deck!

In case /tg/ wants to use this format
Banlist/Ruling information:
Legal Card Pool

Toss reaper in general. I know you're going for a zombie deck but if you're going to have three tributes, you should seriously get better level 5s, species does not matter in that case. In fact, just one tribute is fine, no need to clog up your deck, think about adding generic equip cards like Lucky Iron Axe from the trader in their place, it's simple and can shoot up your attack to tribute level stuff.

Also rate my dick decks ya nigs

bretty gud ngl famalam
8/10 would deck again

Extra Link now official


Now your opponent can lock you out of your Extra Deck with World Chalice.

Welcome to months sago.

Surely if I am dueling lvl 40 Kaiba I will have a bigger chance of getting the SR cards, in other words, Enemy Controller?


Or just use this

Not sure what to remove. A monster or maybe an Island or Card of the Soul. Because I don't have another controller or Kuriboh I would like to keep the Tribute to the Doomed, I have cards for discarding anyway.


There is a slightly better Great Anges thats still a fire normal, only has like 50 to 100 more attack but when most 4 stars being ran are 1800 tops before spell card buffs an 1850 wins a lot of fights.

I know. Blazing Inpachi. An UR in a 200 packs box.

must be the vampire lord box im buying i just know i have a few but dont know from where, but in duel links it seems above 1800 four stars can make or break early game.

Well, I am stuck. GG, Konami.

Just tried MTG for the first time. The card art is of pretty good quality, but it's full of SJW trash. Resource management makes the game pretty interesting, but also slow as fuck. Is it worth a try or should I just stick to yugioh?

To use goonspeak its "pozzed as fuck" moreso than even world of darkness. Like full on 'transgender trans race otherkin' level intentionally.

Go ask /tg/

So, I have being stuck on Percy for a while. I would rather wait untill they update but it seems that will take a while. I gave the Spic one that has links a go and a version with in ENG exists. It feels different. What other clients exits that have links?

How? It is exactly the same game.
Duel Book.

Duel Links related.
I realized Naturia are all commons and I already have them so made a Naturia beatdown deck. Of course it is not as good as Nepthys deck, but the AI can actually play it so I can farm more easy with it. With the Nepthys deck and especially the field spell card the AI just absolute shits itself.

Hey, /tg/ guys, I had a very simple idea. We can play on Percy with Duel Links cards/rules. Maybe without the skills, but still speed duel rules (3 monster/spell zones), plus deck size.

Ranked got suddenly a lot harder with Legendary. I guess it is normal that by the end of the month most good people would already be there. Also I really don't see how this game is suppose to "pander" to DM anime fags. It is full of special summons and big monsters.

I know I am bored, but I shouldn't have installed this to my PC too. I have wasted way too many hours on it. I managed to get to Legendary 4, but got de-ranked. Not sure if it is going to be possible to get L5 and then 5 wins a row to get King of Games. I have 6 days to go, though.

I am thinking of removing the normal monster for getting back the third Card of the Soul. Or maybe to get back Tribute to The Doomed. At minimum 2 out of every 3 duels now are against decks that were probably spend hundreds of dollars to be made.


While Witch is errata'ed, it's still currently banned.


That actualy works like that? I knew that some Nips used it to make the other person drop their hand in combination with Allure Of Darkness.

Pot of Desires' effect is to draw 2 cards, so it works against it, Destiny Draw, Trade-In.

Using it against Allure makes you draw, but you still have to discard.

Using it against Pot of Duality makes you add a card, but THEY still can't Special Summon.

Here's a full list.


Great. From Legendary 4 I reached 1.

since the thread is dead, can we have a hearthstone discussion
i was bored and felt like going back into it
exodia paladin is fun

Fuck Blizzard harder than Konami.

hahahahahaha fuck you western gweilo

Hearthstone doesn't even have card waifus, fuck off.

it has trannies feminine penis