Drink while gaming?

What do you drink while gaming *hard*?
Water for me.


Nice emote, faggot.

Water actually. I just drink out of a gallon jug all day. Sometimes I have soda

Want a coffee?

Well Holla Forums?

I actually have an espresso machine and that exact kind of cup. It's pretty tasty.

Depends on the time of day and stuff like that
>coffee mixed with a bit of hot chocolate thanks steve
Usually one of them.

can't go wrong with beer. Been working on learning a few cocktails though, just to put a skill under my belt.

I sure love water.




What kind, friendo?


Bombay Sapphire. First one I tried, so I mostly stick with it. It's become part of my comfort zone, I guess.

Cheap cheap rum. I get drunk when I need to finish a game my enjoyment has died down for, which ends up being all of them. Maybe it'll kill me fast enough to not suffer anymore

some simple cocktails
and piedra del rayo Rioja wine

That or a crate of Carling Beer

It honest depends on how good i think the game is gonna be, ive found drinking helps me with immersion. same with animu

i was plastered through most of Silent hill 2 and Metal gear solid 3 and theyre among my most favourite games

playing Killer 7 right now chugging red stag havin a blast

How about jewish water?


Recommend an all rounder Rum Brand Pls

I would drink milkshakes, if I had healthier foods to eat and/or did lifting. I would drink tea or beer, if I knew which what to select from Dan's Murphys and/or my local supermarket.

I stick what's best for me, water.


I like Thomas Tew, but its a local brand so i dunno if it makes its rounds much outside of my state

I make home made Ice Tea, it's good.

I'll search for it
thank you

OP is asking what you drink for ๐ ๐š๐ฒ๐ฆ๐ข๐ง๐ .


The ironic thing is gaming is pretty much the only time i'm not drinking water; if i drink something playing vidya, it's usually a hot drink like coffee or tea, smoothies are good too.


Lager, port, gin, whisky, pilsner, porter, bourbon, wine, tequila, sake, soju, root beer, raw sorgum, belgian ale, ginger ale, kentucky red ale, and that's just on my desk. I should probably clear some of that off.

I like a good shot of video games

I don't like coffee, but I'll take that little furry's cunny.


Coffee instant and decades old cigarettes are all a man needs to get through the day.


Me? I'd serve crab legs.

Vodka, stale bread, and diet sausage.

What did he mean by this?
And water or hard liquor is the only answer.

My go to is Botanist, but I really want to try Londoner because the bottle is sexy.

tea, coffee, water.

Water, coffee and tea.



people are disgusting.


The fuck "gaming *hard*" means?

unzips penis

Kentucky Ale is some of the best beer around.

Jokes are always better when you explain them.

Playing CSGO while listening hardbass.
