Lads should I get E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy? Looks fun as fuck.
Pic unrelated.
Lads should I get E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy? Looks fun as fuck
It's FUN but very clunky/unpolished.
It gives a bit of a deus ex vibe in the sense there's multiple approaches to things, but the reality is that the balance of that is extremely poor making the game basically a horde shooter for anyone trying to remotely enjoy themselves.
You can co-op it. That's pretty gud.
It's regularly on sale (60%~90% off). Too bad it had one recently, so you'll have to wait a couple of months before its on sale again.
Nigger it just costs 10 bucks. I'm not going to wait all those months just to Jew it.
Why don't you just wait a couple months for it to go on sale again?
It goes for sale for .99 cents.
Do what you want faggot
Those 90% sales will never return to steam again
It hasn't gone 99 cents ever since 2014 it usually drops to around $2.99 during sales now.
Pirate it you dumb faggot and then never come back here.
I'm calling da popo on your ass, nigger
There's a free demo m8
It was a dollar last year. I know because someone on 4ch Holla Forums was giving it away.
Wait, what did they do to Deathwing?
If it's cheap enough sure buy it, but be warned that it can be very hit and miss
Yes, it's very good. Don't listen the faggots with broken legs.
40k is trash. Devs wasted their time on that worthless shit when they could have been making E.Y.E. 2 instead.
I detect you have some broken legs.
I found it fucking boring. Grindy, bad level design, enemies aren't part of the level and they respawn constantly. Unpolished and bizarre but not in the good way, it feels like a half-finished sourcemod. I was fooled into buying it so do yourself a favor and pirate it first.
Amazing game.
Awful game.
Is the common logic on Holla Forums that nobody here is going to support a dev (thus aiding in them not making a good game again), even if the game itself is good, just because of something he said?
Yes. This is the way of the memellennial newfag.
I don't think anyone here is older than 37.
I am.
Sure you are.
Believe what you like.
Post your driver's licence. Blur out your face/name/whatever
That seems like a lot of effort to win a pointless pissing contest on Holla Forumseddit. Believe it or not. I remain the same age regardless.
Well, using your webcam adds no exif, phones/cameras only add exif if you have your GPS on to begin with, and Paint would've sufficed, but alright.
You can screencap the image
This is the exact moment when Dylan, 16, knew he fucked up.
Of course you faggot.
For some reason I can never get into it. Makes me sad because I dig the style and near-blatant 40k rip-off in the lore.
Crank it up to Ghost with infinite respawns, grab a minigun, heavy armor, bear killer, medkit, and as much ammo as you can fit and go to town. Literally every other weapon is worthless, and every power except the aim enhancer is worthless.
Overall 5/10 maybe worth a pirate if you wanted coop cyberpunk serious sam.
Wrong you Chinkaboo.
Get that, Deathwing Space Hulk was fucking shit.
the medium jian armor is the best shit there is, bucketheaded culter fags are kidding themselves, even the feds armor looks better in comparison
Not like it matters. SJWs cant make good games for shit. Why do you think all the diversity games are always so terrible. It's a self correcting problem.
One of the best purchases I made, but try the demo first.
No. This is blatantly incorrect, and OP will not enjoy the game if he thinks this.
The game is a horde shooter, period. It's just a horde shooter with some interesting mechanics, the entire point of which is literally nothing but to kill more dudes in more interesting and amusing ways. There's hacking, but it's there to fulfill mission objectives (as an alternative to "press F on the console"), to brainjack dudes to fight for you, and to make heads explode. There's stealth, but again, it's just as a way to kill dudes in amusing ways. Enemies constantly respawn because if they didn't, you'd run out of dudes to kill. The lore and fluff are there not as a 2deep4u plotline, but because it gave the devs an excuse to make really weird and awesome maps in which you can kill a shitload of dudes. Broken legs and bleeding are there to make it a bit harder to kill dudes if you're bad at shooting games. You start with a minigun because sometimes you need to kill a fuckload of dudes in a narrow corridor. There's an antitank revolver because sometimes you have to kill fuckheug dudes. There are guns that let you shoot through thin walls, and wallhack vision, because it's very effective at killing dudes. There are badass psi powers that do things like let you teleport into someone and explode them, because it's an awesome way to kill dudes. There's a sniper rifle so powerful that it makes the torsos of the dudes you kill turn into red mist.
This is no Deus Ex, or anything remotely like it. A wise user (not me) once said that this is like Serious Sam from an bizarro alternate universe where games like Deus Ex were as popular as CoD, and he's dead right. In the end, everything is a mechanic to kill tons of dudes, and the game lets you have a ton of fun with that.
webm related, this is what endgame play looks like when you've got good implants and stats and cyberlegs.
Seconding this.
It's not meant to be a Deux Ex-like game, it simply has a fuckhuge number of ways to kill shit. Stealth in the game isn't actual stealth, it's just having enemies not shoot at you for a brief period while you move through the level and having the chance to land the first shot on an unsuspecting enemy. Lots of people go into the game thinking that you can stealth through levels but even with cloak that is not exactly true, although once you beat the game you will know how to do it.
I played the demo lads. Game is lit.
Wise decision.
I fell for this meme, before based gayben graced us peasants with steam refunds.
go play mars matrix
Also there's this Jian cunt that was going to throw out a party because he thought I was going to die or something. Why is he such a nigger?
What is this amateur hour?
Main draw of the game is upgrading your energy legs to max and jumping multiple stories while breaking the bipedal speed record and using weapons like:
And while playing with friends/anons/pubbies if you like that sort of thing. I like deathmatch a lot but I wish that it specifically didn't use your character-tied stats and let you assign X amount of points when you join so it isn't so unbalanced.
Glad my OC is still rolling around.
It´s pretty much cyberpunk serious sam with a heavy dose of deus ex and roleplaying elements mixed in.
Ew gross leave faggot
I remember that guy. I insulted him rather heavily at some later point, and he got all quiet. Felt really bad after that, honestly. Maybe I was a bit too hard on him.
Don't feel bad, no one could've passed on the "falling into a vat of acid with your stupid face as a party mask" dialog option
Yes, get it and play it with me.
Any anons down to play tonight?
You're a faggot and have shit taste.
lol at u
Your legs will never be fixed
I bought it on a sale due to Holla Forums hyping the fuck out of it for many years. I found it very boring, if you're looking for an interesting shooter look elsewhere. If you're looking for ``story`` an RPG look elsewhere. If you're looking for something at all interesting or coherent I suggest you look elsewhere. I honestly have no clue as to a redeeming quality anyone finds in this game. Art style, maybe? I'll admit it's pretty unique.
the memes will always be great though
I haven't played much, but it is a very eccentric game. While clunky at first, learning to go FAST and finding upgrades and weapons that fucking slam dunk enemies is well worth it. It's just a neat little game with funny memes. It's a lot like STALKER if you and all the enemies had cyber enhancements and the game was set in GiTS.
Well most of the appeal to the story is trying to understand the story during the first three playthroughs and then explaining it after the true ending.
Shoot everyone back, user.
It's shit.
You broken-legged Jian
EYE is basically a 40k game. The devs wanted to make one but couldn't
Is this bait?
Life is suffering.
No. Buy Skyrim instead.
Thank me later.
Depends on your tolerance for lack of polish in games but I'd say yes. Occasionally fags around here play it in coop though not as often as I'd like.
Get out of here Todd.
The characters I've seen in co-op can be insane. I've seen them jump and run faster then my character can even with some heavier equipment.
Why don't you pirate it and see if you enjoy it? Why do retards always need their choices validated?
Because they want to know about the game. They want to hear about it, before they waste time trying it.
You've never in your life asked about something? You've never been at a store or restaurant, and asked if the fish or whatever was good?
It's a mediocre game that people sperg about like a Kojima game because it has an incomprehensible plot like MGS and they see depth in the noise. But maybe that's you. If you don't like Kojima games don't buy it.
That ain't why, you Jian.
It's because it's got a cool aesthetic, an anti-tank pistol, and the ability to jump some half dozen stories in the air, while also running fast enough to make sonic jealous.
No, it doesn't. It is actually pretty damn easy to understand, what people try to get is what reality is. The story itself is very simple and there is very little debate over it. But you are playing through the memories of someone that has gone insane and that is what makes it interesting to try to find a way to piece together the clearly incorrect recollection of the actual events.
It is pretty damn easy to understand what is going on after the true ending, after which only certain details remain unclear.
Except that in EYE you spend 95% of your time playing the actual game rather than listening to dialogue or watching cutscenes. And the only attempts at symbolism or any deep meaning is Ouroboros but that isn't exactly special. There are references to mysticism and mythology from various cultures (like some characters being named after Ancient Greek tales) but it's largely just aesthetic, for example Jian is taken from Jainism and Jainism is further referenced through escaping the endless cycles of guilt. The details have no actual impact on the gameplay itself, if you choose to ignore the story and dialogue then you still get a neat horde shooter.
The story's only complex in so far as that there's a lot of extra worldbuilding shit that makes no sense.
The very base is straight forward as fuck.
After the first end I got, I understood enough to know that My mentor is dead, and has been for a long time, as is likely my commander if he ever existed and wasn't just me to begin with. I've been talking to myself whenever speaking with either my mentor, the commander, and probably Dutch too
And I didn't even spend all that much time reading the walls of text the game throws at you. I just got that from three or four odd dialogues with people near the end.
Forgot to add the fact that you are wrong in regards to Dutch and there is no reason to believe you are your mentor, everything suggests that he is a real person but simply a hallucination of a real person
Everything seems to suggest that my mentor died a long time ago. Unless I'm talking to a ghost, at least two people've stated outright that he died long before the cave incident.
Though, I guess a ghost is possible. Dutch I only had suspicions that he wasn't 'real'. Maybe it's due to the limitations of the game, but he pops up a bit too conveniently at times, especially since, for me, he died twice before. That, and unless it's bad translation, the things he says are odd. Don't seem to fit.
Youre reliving your memories in a nonsequential order. Your mentor is alive in your memories as he hasnt died yet. Any talking with the commander is you 'talking' with yourself, in such a way you are 'remembering' things that you, as the commander know, but you as your character reliving these memories do not know. After you learn who really killed your wife, you pop back to the cave where it all started and reenter the cycle of guilt until you figure the way out. Temporarily.
If you think it might be a translation gaffe, it probably is.
Oh and Dutch died on Mars in the final push out of the catacombs. If he dies earlier than that, assume that you are 'misremembering' how he died. Also git gud, hes not hard to keep alive.
Dutch is very much real, the shit about being a ghost is just a meme that came as a result of it being possible to kill him and still finish the mission, after which he shows up alive again. He is very much real.
Mentor doesn't necessarily need to be you. He can be dead but with you hallucinating that he is there. The fact that you can talk to the Supreme Manduco, which is essentially a warning within the cycles of guilt that is clearly not part of the chain of events, shows that you can in fact hallucinate characters, unless you are willing to claim that the Supreme Manduco is capable of climbing into your mind with a ladder and some rope.
It's not a translation gaffe, the text itself is perfectly fine. Translation being the issue is just an excuse faggots use to explain why nothing makes sense.
I consider it to be sequential, just not necessarily within as short of a time period as it may initially seem. Cycles imply that there is an inherent sequence to it and so does the fact that you always play the game in a certain order, it is simply that faulty recollection ensures there can be variations in what happens: siding with Mentor, siding with Rimmanah and siding with the Federation.
And on the true ending, what I believe to be the case is that the Hypnotic Gate put you in a sort of purgatory where you must atone for what you have done to get out. Think of it like the tale of Tantalus, where he is forced to be neck-deep in water but is forbidden to drink as punishment
He's a pain, because he liked to stand in front of the pile of turrets I set up.
Also, the first time, he died because I threw one of those turrets in the cave up the lader, and that apparently pissed him off. Had to shoot him.
I considered hallucinations to be the same as "he is you". Guess I should've clarified. Mentor obviously existed at some point. People remember him. Only odd man out is Dutch, who says he's searching for your mentor. Part of why I suspected he might be a hallucination, or something to 'keep me on track' so to speak.
He hates the way the devs handled Deathwing not what they said about 40k.
Honestly, I liked Deathwing, or rather, I liked the co-op demo.
The graphics were gorgeous, the gameplay was no EYE but it was still ok, and that demo was extremely fun to play with other players.
Now… the whole game was mediocre, but, you can see there was potential, they just fucked up a bit or perhaps I should say, were fucked up by the setting material (terminators are slow, meaning no sanic legs and no fast paced stuff).
I don't think Streum On has lost their touch as such but rather that they trapped themselves by the constraints of 40k or more specifically by Terminators. Like, those maps would have been great if you were a Culter Dei running around jumping through giant cathedrals instead of creeping along so slowly.
requesting EYE comic
Copypasting my EYE Tips
1. The amount of fun you can have in this game is directly proportional to how much money you spend on your legs. Run faster, jump higher, use less energy when sprinting. These three things may not seem super important but EYE is a game of attack and retreat, and the faster you can engage and disengage the better. Plus running fast and jumping three stories in a single bound is fun, and occasionally lets you break the level design.
2. never use brouzouf to speed up research, your money is more valuable than that and most researches are not really necessary. Look up a tech tree if you want, but the only researches you REALLY need are Medkit, the one that makes you resist bleeding, the ones that let you upgrade your cyber-augs more, and the one that lets you get the Vitality Converter. Every other research is just gravy, IMO, until you get to super late-game and start getting Bio-Regen and the like.
3. Even though you regenerate instantly, try not to die anyway. You can get fatal wounds which permanently lower your stats, and the only way to get those stats back is with the Bio-Regen research, which is very very late-game. On the plus side, you normally have to pay 2 stat points to upgrade a stat after that stat hits 65, but if that stat is lowered with fatal wounds, you can get these upgrades on the cheap, and then get your points back after doing the correct research.
4. Crouching will let you restore energy faster. If you don't want to be slow, research and purchase Vitality Converter. Trust me, having a full energy bar is usually more important than the tiny bit of health it costs you. Upgrade your cyber-parts to make it even better.
5. Psy power analysis: Alchemy only restores a small amount of health but since it's the only way to restore health other than maintenance (which only works when you're very low) and medkits (which takes a fucklong time to recharge), you should get used to using it anyway. I suggest binding it to a key rather than putting it on your radial menu. If you get Vitality Converter, spamming Alchemy on a pile of discarded weapons and using Converter when you get low will result in a health profit, so I suggest doing this. Psi-Cloning makes a very good distraction when you need enemies off your back and occasionally takes care of a few of them for you. Transmutation is basically just a side-grade to Psi-Cloning; only one ally, but he doesn't die in one hit. Madness is fucking useless, don't bother with it. Dragon is super fun but not actually very practical, unless you are an extremely melee focused character. If you're looking to be a Psi-focused character, what you really want is Invocation; it just straight up instagibs most enemies and sometimes spawns a demon in their place. The demon might seem like a downside, since it's also hostile to you, but generally, other enemies will be closer, and demons are piss-easy to kill anyway.
6. Weapon analysis: Dual Katanas are fun but bad, unless you are up against tons of very weak enemies. Damoclies is what you want if you want to rip and tear at melee range. Arrancadora is basically just a slower version of the Damoclies but can be fun; not even remotely close to worth the price of admission though. All the pistols have their uses except for the 222, that one's fucking worthless. The Black Crow isn't great but it still one-shots weak enemies with a headshot; not a terrible backup weapon. The BK13s are fucking sweet, especially when set to Automatic. The Bear Killer destroys anything and you'll probably kill the final boss with it. The HS010 is surprisingly effective, and shreds things to bits when you use the alt-fire (though I personally prefer the BK13s). It becomes super-effective if you get the augment that gives you perfect accuracy while it's on. The Motra is basically a weaker KA93, only it fits in your pocket and is silenced. Probably not worth the low damage though. The Betty Boom is disappointingly bad, don't use it ever. The Depezador makes mincemeat out of anything without armor, and has a surprisingly long range. You will be amazed at how often that 32 shot clip comes in handy. The CAW Hammer has better DPS then the Depezador, but the low clip size means it's probably only good for short bursts and fun. The BOSCO is practical but boring. The TRK is overkill but effective. The Hunting Machine is basically just a Bear Killer with a slightly larger clip; the Bear Killer is usually more practical since it's lighter and easier to fit in your inventory. The KA93 is a very efficient all-around workhorse gun. Not the most fun, but fun enough, and fits nearly any situation. The Rotten Mound is an NPC gun, and there's literally no reason to use it since the KA is better in every way. The S6000 is a lower-damage, higher-accuracy minigun, and is very effective for run-and-gunning. The Minigun is very, very powerful but heavy. Pair it with the accuracy augment for ridiculous DPS. The Grenade Launcher seems bad at first but it's very effective for clearing groups and hallways. Also of note: the grenades will stick around as proximity mines if you shoot them at walls or floors, but beware because you can set them off as well. The Excidium is just overkill in every sense of the word. Try not to kill yourself with it (you will not succeed at this).
7. If you want to cut down on the grind time, look up custom maps. There's no restriction on these, as far as I know, and there are custom maps that will just straight up give you shitloads of research briefcases.
8. if you want the true ending to this game, you'll have to beat it 3 times. If you want to make it easier on yourself, do the Federation ending first, because the power you get after doing this ending can basically get you a full heal whenever you want it.
High level polyclones are boss, they spawn in with Sulfatums and TRK ADs. If you spawn them with a bit of room from the enemy they can kill a lot of shit.
This might be even more sublime than the writing in the main game. Streum's pseudo-language is oddly comfy.
I've played through it 1.5x, watched analysis of the plot on youtube and I still don't understand the story, the Jian (or any of the factions besides the Looters), or the cycles of guilt shit.
Someone plz halp
there's nothing to understand, nothing makes sense