Grimoire and shit

What went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:!sSJSWaRR!unyKs3fIDwLCjYgdMU_ZnufQIwX3NrsnnPx8mMX6cNM!lSQVAIhT!CCyqT5H9PvEoR0F4gvrbPEEW10pjvTBLSB2Ur545uvo

Saps being saps.

you can't ride turtles

Reddit can't handle massive incline

Don't worry, it's just microjealousy from microcontrarians. :^)

Why am I on Holla Forums 1;39 in the morning?

Goons being goons and shitting on good games. Grimoire is actually good for once.


Predicting that half the complaints are going to be people bitching about dated graphics and gameplay style, and at least three articles explaining how "Grimoire is nostalgic for an age that's been outmoded." Either first-person dungeon crawling was "never actually good" or "it's been done better since and this style is inherently flawed."

This will happen regardless of whether or not the game is actually good. Dubs.

either plebs can't handle the complex game mechanics or the game is shit

It's out?

you're dead and this is how you will spend eternity

Cleve is a racist tin foiler who made a buggy blobber.

Hello goon



Go back to the codex and repost our stale memes

Well this is a shitty after life, living forever on a board that pretty much hates you. because you're a autistic idiot who never got taught anything in school let alone writing, and your always considered "that guy." Why couldn't I get the hell, where am fuck in the asshole impossible ways. Well I guess it's fitting I'm in hell with people I hate and they hate me back.
Already I wish for the sweet release of death.



Not sure if this is helping or hurting



Well well well.

its a broken meme game some turbo aspie is selling for twice as much as its worth.

your hell is our comedy

ayo hol' up

Jesus…their's really no end to it is their. that hole, is just competently bottomless isn't it…holy fucking shit, you know the idea of this being hell, actually more sense the more I see this shit.

And this is the dad/father.


his chest is disproportionately big, he needs to work on his arms. to make himself not look like a gremlin.


Post yours mister expert.


I actually have that video.

Wait what.

It sounds like she says "give it up" before she kisses her son.


I thought she said "Here, honey", but there's a sharp 'p' sound at the end.
The start definitely isn't "give it", though.

You're probably right. Now that you've said it I can hear "Here honey" when I play it.

Yeah…I feel shame, so much, just am so uncomfortable. Yet, my body feels this sick way. Am actually gaging, because their's a part of me that wants this.

This isn't english.


This thread proves however how much Holla Forums actually cares about grimoire.

Facebook is just cuckchan for normalfags.

Sounds perfect for you, faggot.

That and incesst.

You're not english.

You know what faggot, too bad.

how do you really know it's the mom?

Guess you better go kill yourself.

Because twinks don't get girls.

that's not conclusive.


Did you know that Freud was a mother fucker?
Like a real one

Your face isn't conclusive.

It's not really the mom, here is the source melonpan gave

Now all we need is HL3.

And then there's this fag who ruins the fun. Go back to reddit.

Goggle should not be allow to translate anything, ever.


I mean freud and his mom seem happy then?

Like, can I have this answered. just to have some sanity. How often does incest happen. Like is it common.

here, just like your Japanese animes, except real

Of course the redditor post an image of niggers. You're a prime example of someone who has to leave.

It's people buying it, shitting on it then refunding it, with that being the only purpose of purchase. The only people insane enough to pay that much for an old school dungeon crawler would know exactly what they are getting and enjoy it.


Yeah, yeah.

Everything is from reddit.

Not according to the reviews. Most have played it before reviewing it. Go be a fag somewhere else. The shitty game you've been shilling here all month isn't good. Get over it.

This board is cancer


not everything, just the cancerous bits like yourself

No, just you. Go be a fag elsewhere.

Anyone who has ever had to post something with paragraphs on Reddit I had to run a shitty tournament through it once instantly knows that you have to enter two spaces to create a new paragraph, otherwise it comes out all fucked up; ergo reddit spacing. You can break your text up the same way with but one enter-space and not be called out for your shit writing style.










Why are we still here?

just to suffer

I thought AAA undertale was just a shitty meme

This isn't even good bait. Work harder user.

because you lost control of your life

It's not degeneracy if only one of them has dicks.

At first I was going to give you shit for that tumblr filename, but then figured that tumblr is probably right where that fucking belongs. Actually adds to the effect.

Finally, I should screencap this.

It's better to discuss these games at the Codex where they keep the memeing weebs in their own ghetto where they can wallow in their shit taste without disrupting others.

Okay rabbi

Handy guides already exist.

Neither one is a nigger. What are you on about?

Yes but people still defend it saying it looks more clear.


That's implying I had those things to begin with.


This shouldn't be that arousing.

Shouldn't that sign read at a 0 always, I don't think I've ever seen a thread that wasn't porn not get derailed once, and no Holla Forums doesn't count. Trash belongs in it's proper place.

Is the manual out btw ?

what in the everloving fuck, did I just switch dimensions
when exactly did he release?

Yesterday, though it says August 1st as that's when he put it in Steam Review to get approved.

It's great. Make sure you pirate and get raped by ringworms.


Is it a fine work crafted by a superior 'thal or a buggy mess?

like pottery

What does your party look like ?
What are the classes you must to take with you ?

Paragraphs should have double spaces between them, for readability. Reddit fuck you mark spacing is when morons add an extra space after quote arrows and shit.

Like this.

Negative reviews based on the developer's politics are worthless. Holla Forums pushes it every now and then for SJW games, but that means nothing. The average idiot wants to know what the game is like; they don't care about the 20 years of autism leading up to it.

Anyways, it was an alright game for 5 hours, never playing it again as it's not my thing.

Yes basically it should be like this

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ut augue ex. Maecenas lobortis lectus nibh, sed euismod est aliquam vitae. Aliquam sollicitudin ipsum vitae nisi pulvinar molestie. Ut malesuada eros a ante faucibus, vitae lacinia risus semper. Curabitur ut imperdiet odio, et ultrices sem. Pellentesque at turpis molestie massa dignissim tempus sed sed massa. Duis vestibulum, ligula id pulvinar tempor, libero augue mattis odio, vitae pellentesque massa eros vel augue. Cras semper, turpis ut consequat interdum, sapien lorem tempor ligula, ut egestas ante quam in ligula. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In sodales tortor vel nisi suscipit molestie. Pellentesque dictum mauris facilisis, accumsan risus at, gravida tortor. Duis blandit accumsan dui, interdum euismod diam aliquam quis. Vestibulum lacinia, libero sit amet malesuada tempus, tellus metus placerat velit, eu egestas odio elit posuere sem.

Praesent malesuada egestas tortor nec sagittis. Ut id ipsum id lectus imperdiet rhoncus eu eget ligula. Cras scelerisque ipsum at massa ultricies fringilla. Suspendisse ut nisl leo. In tempus rhoncus libero ut dapibus. Sed et sodales erat. Sed vestibulum nunc sed velit luctus laoreet. Nulla id faucibus ipsum, id ultricies tellus. Praesent sem massa, venenatis sit amet felis non, consequat mollis arcu.

Quisque lacinia, sem nec viverra sollicitudin, neque magna luctus dolor, rhoncus lacinia arcu tellus pharetra ex. Proin vulputate volutpat augue at fringilla. Ut id pretium urna. Curabitur mollis, mi ac hendrerit molestie, nibh metus egestas lorem, ac mattis ipsum diam vel orci. Vivamus sagittis, metus vitae malesuada faucibus, est diam facilisis ex, ut convallis nulla turpis et lacus. Aliquam faucibus neque finibus ligula auctor, nec fringilla sapien bibendum. Pellentesque eget tristique nisl, pellentesque consectetur quam. Vestibulum eu lorem fringilla, commodo justo quis, pellentesque ante. Ut eleifend tempus lectus, ut iaculis nisi tempus id. Morbi a risus elementum, sollicitudin tortor eget, dapibus ipsum. Suspendisse sed odio mollis, tincidunt turpis id, gravida arcu. Aliquam maximus felis a dolor elementum maximus. Proin at sagittis lectus, in elementum enim.

Not like this.

Where everytime you hit return.

You hit it twice like a retard.

I don't give a shit what reason he has, supporting developers trying to bribe people to silence customers is cancerous. If he doesn't think the reviews are legitimate then he should talk to Valve about it.

Can you give us some proof on those claims?

It was posted in one of the previous threads by anons that disgustingly still go to cuckchan.

Maybe I'm misremembering the screencap, but wasn't the moron in the picture giving keys to people so they'd review bomb the game?

What's going on in this thread? You guys suck.

Great, except that at the Codex you're stuck with westernfags who have shit taste instead. You don't win either way.

He gave three keys and asked cuckchanners to thumbs down the bad reviews

nier fags are worse than redditors

Because weebs have such great taste, right? You just eat up whatever Falcom throws at you.

I personally don't give a shit. Grimoire is overrated overshilled "Holla Forums-approved" trash. You know, those games that are below mediocre but shilled like they are the second coming? We had a lot of those kinds of games. MGR, Dragon's Dogma, Nier Automata, Vanquish and now this Grimoire. People don't understand Holla Forums is not one person to fall for this shilling, but too bad fanatics and retards who want to keep up with board culture continue to pretend they like those shit games, and somehow even lower their tastes in video games in general.
And then we have shitty buggy clone of wizardry 7 being overpraised by retards. This is the true reddit-tier behavior. Don't want to listen to meme excuses about some autistic neanderthals and shit. Its a boyhood of video games. Praised only because autistic dev constantly delayed it.

You mean this? This isn't Cleve, look at the file name, the post's screencap was taken on the 4th at 6AM, that's nowhere near Australia's time zone. If it was Cleve the screenshot would have been taken on the 5th or very late 4th minimum.




You cancerous fags are all came from facebook, i am sure of it. This is why every single one of you has a twitter account. Grimoire can reach undertale levels of autism at this point.

Pics related. Also all these games where popular here for very good reasons I won't bother posting in this thread.

Its good for what it is. Hardly any bugs except for the infamous portrait clicking crash bug.

No, they originally came from shitholes like SA or RPG Codex. Some of them have a twitter account they heavily use although there are better alternatives with better user bases.

It's almost as if you have to know what your text will look like after you hit "new reply" in order to prevent everyone from seeing that you don't usually post here.

What? You are seriously trying to push something here, it's really strange that flamers like you come crawlig out of the woodwork whenever this game is brought up

It's just a buggy Wiz7 clone.

They get AIDS

So here's a question, if the game is pretty much dead out of the gate, and pretty much this thread has gone off point so largely.

Why aren't anyone of you on my dick sucking it?

The only possible downside of regular formatting would be idiots who screencap posts without resizing the browser window, so you have an image that's like 200px high and 1980 pixel wide.
Which sucks if you want to read that on mobile.
Having to press enter twice is still retarded.

Can't find it without microscope. Sorry chief.

That's what everyone was expecting to begin with. It's not like anyone with realistic expectations expected much more. Point is that the Wizardry games are good games with a base of fans that don't have many modern clones to choose from. And as far as Wizardry clones go, this one is pretty good.

I don't think so, (((15))).

o-oh god

Could someone explain the incline thing to me? Does the game have slopes or something?

What a qt.

How can shilling not be real, when journalist positive articles are real? Food for thought.

To be honest, you put about as much effort into that as I did.

Yeah, user. I wonder why.

whats honestly censoring is people still use that webstie.


How can I know the articles are positive if I don't read them?

Fuck it, just call me grammatically retarded and call it a the day.

He's up there with Martin Shkreli for being the most austistic businessman.

I still fuck them both.

They wouldn't fuck you though, would they user?

Who said I'd ask for consent?

But you need to be physically stronger than either of them.

Well am not over weight and I used to run track daily, plus chloroform works wonder, and so do blunt objects.

The only thing you can force is another hotpocket into your mouth.

What about that microdick tho? Would it even count as intercourse?

RIP gains.

If you aim for headaches, nausea and cancer then yeah, sure.




So did you just arrive here, ignored all the other threads and came into this one to make a shitpost

What even was this thread about again?

On Islam, it is.
Islam, not even once

I must know

A video of a dude kissing his mom.

It was two people in 2B and 9S making up. They were mother and son.
Sorry if isn't what you expected.

For some reason, this guy reminds me of Pence.

The incest really pulled this tread togather

they're chink lesbians.


but why was the video deleted but the image of what was in that video is still up ?

Hotpocket was called out on his bullshit and got butthurt enough to delete one post.
Reminder that you never will be as a pthetic as poor little Holla Forums janitor.

It wasn't about the video, that user admitted to derailing the thread. All posts by the ID were deleted as per rule 8.


Feels good man. Thank you for making me feel so great.

I could think of far worse afterlives. Not too shabby.

Go back to cuckchan you cancerous piece of shit
is also where actual discussion happened so you're wrong too.

so why don't you go back there ?
We don't even have the manual for the game so we're just sitting there trying to find out what's actually working.

you have to go back and stay there this time

No cuckchanners. Do you know they are wanting to pirate the game?

I mean sure for a try. But you feel pretty dirty stealing directly from another person not a company.

I should mention I know this from the codex thread.


melonpan is peak weeaboo, he simply doesn't care at all, he's way too rich for that

Literally who?

An extremely autistic yet filthy rich banker who spends all his money on anime, Japanese whores, and gold-plated fidget spinners.

So a kike.

She has a mans hips

Worse. A Swede I think.

Swedes can be kikes too, just look at that nose.

Nah he's Swiss, dunno if he's a jew most swiss look naturally jewy anyway.

I doubt that he's a kike because he has a Nazi fetish.

He is from swiss

Yeah, because kikes are knwon to NOT fetishize nazis.
He's swiss, I think. Going by his face, I wouldn't be surprised if he was a kike too.


Is the dev ourguy?

I literally dated a woman who had a nazi fetish, turned out she was jewish all along.

I thought it was not gay Jared for a second.

There used to be an Isreali made erotic comic about Auschwitz

Got anymore of those two?

It was an entire genre

Anyone got the pirate link for the latest version of Grimoire?

ctrl+f "http"

He's the world's greatest shitposter

I said latest version faggot.

Check the other thread, this one is just goonbait

People need to focus less on this game being good or not and how much autism Cleve managed to cramp in here. Is nobody finding any dialog or concepts of the game that stands out from anything else? I figure there must be at least some amount of his australian shitposting that made it into the game.

from the screenshots so far, everything in the game is a shitpost



Get out, sapiens.

Don't forget the hummingbirds.

Good luck with that, you will spent your whole shitposting life playing the game.

He has a Germanic nose. Jew noses are curved, his isn't.

You're all fucking retards

Was this supposed to be funny?

Here, user, directly stolen from cuckchan:!lSQVAIhT!CCyqT5H9PvEoR0F4gvrbPEEW10pjvTBLSB2Ur545uvo

You tell me.

Just get a sage on your team to identify the monsters.

If you have a sense of humour, yeah.

Guess I don't

That's not real thick


These are pack rats and mud wasps respectively. With a sage your party would fucking know.

His videos are cringe comedy. They're supposed to make you uncomfortable more than anything.


I think you're wrong. I think it's just shit comedy that happens to be cringe-inducing.

That's the fucking point.


Would you stay it's a Divine comedy?

Someone repost the webm of the lesbian cosplayers.

You actually can.

Codex meme. They're always grumbling about the great decline in videogames, so figure out what incline means.

Your party was too stupid to identify what they were facing, hence the ?SQUIRREL? and ?HUMMINGBIRD? descriptions.



When did Cleve ever tell anyone to silence customers?

How the fuck do I cure disease

When someone posted on cuckchan claiming to be Cleve.


Galen apples


Article is mostly positive. Comments on the other hand…


This kills the goon.

The other thread is pretty much dead. Can as well post the latest screenshots from the village of cowl here.

There's something off about most of those accounts…

Are there specific tiles to search or are these items lying about?

Read Cleve's post you fucking Sapiens.

You can press the search function when you are standing in a tile. The party member you are using to search with will scour that tile for anything of note.

How would I even find his posts in the shithole that is the steam forums?

Are there specific tiles though? He said search the bushes here.

That character, "RAGHILDA", looks pretty anime, kinda out of place.

Tiles as in where you are standing in a given map.
But there are also objects like plaques and bushes and statues and stuff, that's different.

Kikes have a huge boner for nazi shit.


It's been mostly positive since yesterday, goon.

Yes but it took over 20 years to make. Did you know no other game took that long to make ?
I wanted to play Wiz 6 for a long time though so I guess it's as good as a time time as any to start

There's another candidate DF is 13 years old
12 years more and it will have more indev years than Grimoire


It's fake you dumbasses. It's neither him or his mom on the picture/video.

Even Dorf Fort is more fun than this game. And more intuitive to learn too.

Does this guy actually believe he's the superior to modern man? That he operates on a different level?

He's been at it for 30+ years, so he's either the real deal or a highly dedicated troll, and if you've been doing this shit for more than three decades you can be considered mentally ill anyway.

He's a neanderthal supremacist.

damn these shills are working overtime

Jesus /k/rist, how do you not consider owning an actual bunker cool?

Most of them belong to SA groups

He actually has two bunkers. He had to give up his first one because he was too retarded to get rid of the mold infestation.

user, let me introduce you to Cleve's deepest Neanderthal lore and you can judge for yourself.

because the same people who think that are the same ones who think all cops are evil pigs, but no one should have guns but them, and if you think you're a woman in a man's body then you're a women but gender is a social construct, etc etc.
These fags have no ideological consistency, a bunker isn't cool to them because they think it's a hallmark of being tinfoil. Everyone should just be living joyfully in their gun free homes housing two migrants families and taking their daily happy pills.

Seems like he has quite the small willy.


He is. He also has blogs that are some Holla Forums tier shit.

The people who hate Cleve are even loonier than he is. They are absolutely fucking obsessed with him. Some of them just can't let shit go for whatever reason. They were making smug posts en masse leading up to the release about how the game was never coming out. Do you think after it did that they admitted they were wrong? Nah, they just pivoted to, "I bet if you play all the way through it's secretly unfinished", fucking bonkers.

The Indiegogo people are the only people who have a legitimate grievance against Cleve. Anyone who didn't give money to Cleve but wants to act like they were wronged by missed release dates needs to get over themselves.

Its interesting how goons are going to bully the dev for being mentally ill now.

Cleve's managed to piss off a shitload of people over his internet career.

I mean, they think anything remotely related to the military is dangerous. Some nigger got upset at me because I said I wanted one of those meme helmets, he thought it was dangerous that a civilian had something bulletproof. What the fuck was I going to do? Headbutt someone to death?

What is this nigga going to do with his bunker? Smash someone in the huge hydraulic door?


He thought you were a Russian sleeper agent ready to steal ballot boxes on election day.

That faggot always shows up whenever there is any steam drama.

That makes it better.

I stopped at the dolphins. This is one of the most bizarre things I have read in a long time. Does he have an ED page or /cow/ thread?

I just hope stolen sound assets and stolen harry potter icon won't get cleave in trouble. Even if i don't play this shit myself.

Why is okay to harass a developer for having conservative/right-leaning views but as soon as you say anything remotely bad to a libshit one they all start pouring down on you with their drivel?

Cool welding helmet

Cause you attacked one of their own, and once that happens the echo chamber comes. It's like when a baby animal screams when a predator comes and all the adults swarm.


Or when a baby animal screams because people are saying it can't do facial animations or write for shit.

Someone with a twitter send this to randy Cuckford

idk i'm busy with work and PoE just updated, I'll download it but probably won't play it ever.


Pic related is the kind of person that was f5ing the Grimoire page so they could try and review bomb it.

I still think this game is a joke but if it's pissing off the far left because the author is "guilty of wrong think" maybe it's not all bad after all.


Goons will be goons.

Because leftists are amoral filth that like to pretend they hold the moral high ground.

brainwashing at its finest



What's with the review wars? Politics? The game is shit or is everyone too casual for CRPGs/dungeoncrawlers now?

It's good you sape.


goons like to hold a grudge for an unhealthy amount of time, it seems.

I wonder how much of that time Cleve spent actually working on Grimoire. A year maybe?

Clevempf is a nazi racist misogynist bigot hitler worse than drumpf

A bit of both, though anything more than "I don't like it" is most likely political.


Yes. Is it the equivalent of Morrowwind in Dungeon Crawlers? Don't know yet. It is engaging enough to keep me glued to the monitor since yesterday evening.

Reposting what I could find in some RPGCodex thread

Go play the Quest.

What horrible CGI. And people complained about Berserk.

Is a metal like a robot or something?

That's better than Berserk though.

Same. I've been playing it since I got home from work yesterday. I suck at it though.

Behold the incline!


What levels of projection am i witnessing here?

does it mean Star citizen has a chance to be released too?

Some people aren't like us /k/ameraden


Once the bank yanks the balls they have grabbed, maybe.



Are you implying it's on development in first place?

Even in his lore, Cleveland is races as fug.

I'm willing to buy it just to spite goons

Now explain to me why half your party is comprised of furries, you fucking fag


He's not wrong about Derek Smart tbh

Sure when the first quantum computer is made.


I hope they cancel it sometime, I think they'll be actual suicides.

Grimoire wasn't really on my radar at all until just recently. Looked liked a lot of time and effort went into it, so I wondered if certain factions would try to shit on it and the developer and try to ruin the release. And here we are, apparently the dev is a literal fascist nazi trump clone.

If making jpegs of ships (and selling them) counts as development.

Goon suicides at that, they are hopibg for it to be Eve 2

Got a question for anyone who has played it, is this something someone relatively inexperienced with this genre can just start playing and be fine, or should I play some of the older titles first

Play the older ones and forget about this shit

You'll learn through trial and error.

so is the idris corvette supposed to be good or something?

Reminder that you can change your starting location in the configuration menu.

>$40 CDN for an 82 MB game


There is NEVER a concensus on Holla Forums about anything. At best you get a load of load autists that spam a lot.

So no, Grimoire is NOT "Holla Forums-approved" and your very claim that it is tells me you are a shitposter with an agenda here.

See, I didn't like MGR or Nier or Vanquish, but I didn't go on a sperg-out like you, because I'm not a faggot that explodes at the thought of SOME people speaking positively of a game i don't like.

Holy shit, when a 35-year old kissless virgin is telling you to get a life, you know you have issues.

Found on the Kotaku article. Any truth to this? I wouldn't be surprised.

There's a mega link in the thread so really you have nothing to lose trying it out other than your time.

If you stopped at the dolphins, you missed the best part, where the ancient Melonhead race (lords of Atlantis) first tried to purge the world of Neanderthals by nuking the Toba super-volcano, and having failed with this, then went on to genetically engineer their ultimate anti-Neanderthal weapon - Homo Sapiens.

Cleve isn't really a lolcow; he just has some eccentric ideas on Neanderthals and history. Also, you have to remember he's a born troll; most of the crazy stuff he posts is at least partly tongue in cheek and because he likes the reactions.

I NEVER fucking played any of these games. Wizardry and what not.
It always felt bizarre for me to control a huge party from the FIRST PERSON perspective.

But reading all the steam drama, I think I want to buy the game and give it a positive review just to piss lefties off.
In current indie-feminist environment, where 8 out of 10 indie games are cucked, and the other 2 are deliberately fencesitting being explicitly right wing takes the balls.

Haven't played any of the genre either but it seems like it's got good autism so far.

You should start in the sanctuary instead of the forest, seems like the easiest start.

Because number one, lizards are cool and number two the rat people are the best thieves and clerics besides knife ears.

Cleveland was part of the alt-right before Sodo Spencer has even coined the brand. At least half of HBD comes from him.

Grimoire is not as unwieldy as older titles once you figured out what Cleveland means with the icons.

Pretty much this.

Try it first. I have already budgeted my entire vidya money for September for it. Definitely worth buying it when Cleve implements the promised randomizer for NPC interactions that was supposedly roadblocking the game last month.

Is this the game that people were trolling him on the steam forums saying he stole assets and he didn't even make it?

Why not use your arcane powers to GIVE him a life?

I'm making a party of several wizards and thieves, and mostly magic users

My question would be is if Cleve did indeed C&D them, how would he have even find out about it if it was just a school project?

I'm planning on buying it sometime this week because I'm genuinely having fun with it.
There's a lot of intricacies and I feel it will take me a long time to master it.

Is the game even right-wing, though? I haven't seen anything that indicates there's politics in the game, just that the developer is constantly and uncontrollably shitposting.

So I started playing it, just a quick look (the torrent I used has a bunch of save files bundled with the game itself for some fucking reason)

Two major complaints: one, it throws you into the game without explaining basic things. That's fine for some things, but if I want to create a custom party and head out, I won't know or understand what the fuck I'm doing because I don't know the mechanics of the game. I'm just going in blind. I'm not entirely sure even HOW to custom build a party, I think it's in "configuration" which is a horrendously stupid place to put it, alongside the actual game configuration. Other than that all I see is "quickstart" in which you're given a random party.

Secondly, the navigation is jarring and not seamless. Turning left or right looks the same (motion wise) as strafing left or right, they both give you a simple pan to the second screen of your new perspective. That makes trying to keep an idea of your position a little bit fucky. Also, because it's a simple scroll, often you'll see a floating part of a wall during the transition, because that's how the wall will look from your new perspective. It's just not a visually pleasing way to do this, I'm not sure how Wizardry games did it, but I hope it was better than this.

I found out how to create a party but not start the game, go figure

Also i should add there are plenty of other games called "Grimoire" and none of them got harassed by him. And his game isn't even called just "Grimoire" it has a whole subtitle to it.

Easiest way to move around is to use the map and pathfinder, not to use the mouse.

So, dev autism aside… Is it fun? I liked the Wizardry and Might and Magic games.

I have no idea about the game, I'm talking about the dev actively calling SJWs out on their faggotry on steam forums.

Use the Library in the main menu. You can assemble your party after creating the individual members, and can venture forth in that library menu.

Unwashed filth from Holla Forums doesn't deserve this incline. Go back to your popamole.

I've never played a blobber before in my life, and I find it fun and refreshing. Just pirate the latest version you can get and find out for yourself. The game has a very small filesize.

Kys sape brainlet, this game is not for subthols like you

But Codex-kun, popamoles are fun sometimes.

Hello 4cuck

yes. they've been saying that for 20 years now, because they think it gets under his skin every time they say stones of arnheim, even though it's not at all true.

It also took a really long time (like 30 seconds) to load, despite downloading instantly. I know it's not procgenning shit either.

Fuck off


Filtered, retard.

Grimoire haters have moved the goalposts constantly.

"The game is never coming out!"
"The game is going to be bad!"
"The game is filled with bugs!"
"Cleve is a racist!"

Decline lost, big league.

Inferior sapien brains like yours can't understand that every single byte of that 82MB has been forged through fire and steel and marinated in the essence of incline for years.

Hm. So I'm guessing it's probably really terribly optimized. I can deal with load times, I guess, but I wonder if Cleve plans to keep tinkering with it to improve it at all (pls no feature creep)

I do find it pretty amusing that Cleaver Man thinks he's this superior Neanderthal Asperger's genius who took twenty years+ to make a game but he has no issue trying to make money from those stupid sapiens for which his game is most certainly 2deep4them

What. It doesn't even take me that long and I'm playing on a low tier laptop.
Also Dwarf Fortress is like 20-30mb and it can take several minutes for a world to generate. Does that mean the game is bad or that you're a retarded goon?

This game started development 20 years ago, is it really that surprising that a game that doesn't use real 3D is so small in size for you?

Agents of decline like yourself who are too casual to play a real game are exactly the ones who Cleve doesn't want buying his game. He said it himself.

It's your money, but that sounds like a retarded use of it.

so how do i make my fucking characters?

the game only lets you make a QUICK START, i dont want to start with a bunch of random garbage, i want to customize my party to my playing style.

The latter is probably the case here, but I'd just like to say that I'd REALLY rather Toady stop feature creeping in shit and sit down for a while and try and optimize his game better. Magic and all that is nice, but what's the point when FPS death is still a thing and will keep you from enjoying what made DF so much fun in the first place?

Go into library.

I tend to do stupid shit on impulse yeah.
I mean it's a completely alien genre for me.
Natural thing would torrent something noob-friendly instead to just try it out.

Fuck that shit, does Iconoclasts have a chance of releasing now?



The game really needs multi-threading, but I've been actually able to keep 100FPS even with 100+ dwarves and visitors by having all stockpiles as small as possible and using atom smashers to get rid of junk.
The biggest resource drains are water simulation and pathing, most of pathing is done to find items in stockpiles, so if you centralize stockpiles and keep them small by using better storage, you can retain a very nice FPS. But again I agree that the game ultimately needs to be optimized so none of that would be as necessary.

If you want entry level you can start with the legend of grimrock games.

I wanna buy it just because Cleve's such a fucking shitposting legend

Also I should add that, when you mine out large areas, I usually designate a quantum stockpile near my workshops, and have my dwarves dump all of the mined ore into it, then remove the dump designation and reclaim the ore. And then seal off the area that I mined out for resources. Having a million rocks and pieces of metal scattered all over the map makes workshops tear down your FPS.

No, I'm saying a game like Path of Exile will launch instantly. There is absolutely no reason a game this small that doesn't have procedural generation shouldn't load instantly. Even PSx games on emulation, which are bigger, load instantly.

isn't the coding so jumbled up for dwarf fortress that if you wanted any optimizations at all, it'd have to be rewritten from scratch?

You're fucking retarded. How a game loads is determined by how it's loading system works. In a console game, when you go to a new area there's a loading screen, because only the level you were in was loaded in memory.
A game like Grimoire only has ONE loading screen because the entire game world is loaded into memory with all of it's variables and can be seamlessly accessed without any additional loading.

It really depends on how it's coded, no one but Toady and his brother have seen it, so we won't know until he announces that there wont be any optimization. He's actually talked about it before but I think he said it's something they would focus on later in development.

Here's some tips the classes have minimum stat requirements and so the bonus points roll is basically going to fill up those stat requirements first, then purchase spells that you can afford depending on class, then and only then will it give you an option for the spare points Hitpoints (don't even bother if the Character already has 12 or higher), Attributes (aka Stats), Skillpoints (highly recommended you can distribute these skillpoints at the start of a new game), and Destiny a sort of luck mechanic if you want to give your characters high DES and never raise it again for leveling up then that's also fine but you can kiss the advance classes goodbye because you really need the HP or skillpoints.
Also race and class selection stat changes are not random, at all, what you see is what you get. The Jester has stat requirements that is impossible to get at character creation of a new character.
Human Warrior
STR +5
SPE +5
Human Wizard
INT +5
Human Cleric (15)
WIS +5
FEL +5
DEV +5
Human Thaumaturge (15)
Human Ranger
Con +5
Dev +5
Human Thief
SPE +5
AGI +5
Human Berserker (26)
STR +10
CON +5
SPE +5
Human Metal Smith (30+)
INT +10
AGI +5
DEV +55
Human Sage (26)
INT +20
WIS +5

You are a fucking moron

Grimoire takes 30s to load to the main screen and 12kb of memory.
Path of Exile takes 5s to load to the main screen and takes 1,677,721 kb of memory.

This is a slow, broken game that shouldn't take that long to load. What don't you get?


Nigger, it's likely the only long loading screen this game has. You're talking like you've never touched a game made before and during the 6th console gen.


Why is that an option, like AT ALL?

So wait, you didn't even play the game? Because that is the only loading screen I've ever encountered at all in the entire game.

Boohoo. Eat crow faggot.

He loaded the game 60 times.

I can only imagine the amount of salt he would spew if someone asked him to broach the subject of piracy.

He had 34 minutes of playtime. Any true grognard wouldn't have finished building his party by then.

I've played Might and Magic countless times, and many DOS roguelikes. Dwarf Fortress's UI is fucking garbage and yet it still flows better than this game.

That's mostly why I took the screenshot, wew.

I made a party of 6 casters on the second easiest difficulty (one above the default), it was unfathomably awkward to choose different actions in combat, I lasted about 10 rounds against my first worm encounter before I figured out how to cast spells, and they never hit me once. Then, in the second encounter with them, they gibbed my whole party in like 3 rounds.

This is the most retarded goalpost I've seen in a long time.
I just tested it out, and I got a 20 second loading screen, I have a video on youtube running in the background, steam open, and this thread open. And I'm on a shitty laptop.
Either you have a terrible computer or are just a retarded goon.

Can't say your wrong there.
Is Toady ever going to fucking fix that UI? Or is his philosophy "well a bunch of mods have been cranked out for better workflow so I don't need to do it"?






Cleve confirmed for the creator of the Dark Souls of loading screens

What? What kind of dope are you smoking many much larger games take way longer then 20 seconds to load.

I hope he doesn't change the UI, or at least include an option to keep the current one if he does "fix" it. It's only difficult and unwieldy at first, but once you learn how it works and start to memorize it becomes really fast and second nature.

Post your specs and OS.
If a one time 30 second load screen is enough to trigger you on a fucking turnbased RPG. You should just start the HRT.

You're starting to sweat, little sape.



I've had a lot of fun dealing with ?WORMS? hitting my level 1 party for up to 15 damage. They also strike twice a turn. Seems like starting this game on Master was a mistake.



Your pc is worth more than my car

I put maybe $400 into it over 7 years? It didn't cost a lot to build. I've replaced the graphics card once.

Did you get your car for free?

Also to legally be on the road, you need insurance. That alone makes the car cost more, indirectly



I don't understand how my PC is considered top tier, I bought a moderately priced card like 2 years ago, and my processor is at least 6 years old, what

Ram is cheap as fuck too


?Worms? are basically the "fuck you" of Briarpatch Woods they hit 15 regardless of difficulty, your casters will be one shotted more or less at any difficulty. The 12 HP at a minimum recommendation is because the rest of the enemies you'll encounter in Briarpatch Woods will fuck all of your party members if they don't have a 12 or higher.


That toaster isn't even mid-range, am I being meme'd there?

756mb VRAM



Ram is cheap and goes a long way towards multitasking.

I draw a bit, so having 12gb for photoshop etc is a godsend. Otherwise I don't have any particularly intensive applications going, you could probably be fine at 6-8 gb


What do you need 32 gigs for you nigger? Are you rendering six 4k videos at once or some shit?

The thing is held together by two screws and I have it a quarter of it perched over a desk so it can have enough airflow to not overheat
I can't even run games that I meet minimum specs for because it quickly shuts down if I push it too hot for too long.
Yes I've cleaned it out several times, that's why so many screws are missing.

12GB 75


32? 16? 12? Try 600

How does that work? It shouldn't be more than a few degrees above the ambient temperature. Especially if you've cleaned it and don't have eg pet hair everywhere.

More thermal paste?

He's a different ID


It will last you 5 or more years. You buy RAM once and forget about it.

I can run anything, including newest releases, with 8GB RAM. What the fuck do you need 32GB for?

That's your fucking problem you Sape.

8K porn pictures of course.

Please fix it

I'm not that user.
It only takes me 20 seconds to load with other processes running.

If it's 100% on the desk then it will overheat faster, because the airflow is actually quite small, and it will be sucking in air that's being heated directly under the laptop.
I have no idea what the thermal paste situation is, it probably needs more or a different type.

Here's a text diagram.

[[[[[]]]]] < Airflow
———– < Desk
| |

The only shits that gave me trouble in the woods besides fagworms were ?FUNGI? simply because they do their tentacle attack 6 times. The guardian mummy in Aquasia does 8 attacks on his first turn, but when I decided to tackle him with level 2 party, he was all alone and died without hitting me even once These 4 chars are extremely fucking useful after getting more status spells. It's shameful that spellcasting skills don't improve in combat unlike martial skills and music.

A nuke or 32 might help

Buy a cooling pad, or even just prop the laptop up with a wallet or something. It will heat much less. Every 9 months (+- 3 months depending on the architecture) clean it up. You can do it yourself, or you can pay a professional do it for you. I always have it cleaned and have the thermal pads (copper ones) and thermal paste replaced. The difference in performance is extreme – I recall not being able to run M&B on lowest settings once, before clening, and then running it on ultra afterwards without even warming up – fps through the roof and all.

sage for offtopic

Not planning on investing any more into it, saving to build a new PC anyways so I don't have to deal with the OEM garbage.

500 dollars for an old honda civic

You wouldn't happen to have the decryption key, would you?

So you have already solved this one.
Where do I find hints about this riddle and where and can you post the solution behind spoiles?


It's actually in the link, but it seems we both have the same browser issue with mega where the key doesn't automatically load.

Oh I see. I'll have to remember that, thanks.

There are night time monsters like the ?fly? that can hit you for 10 and attack multiple times.

I skipped this puzzle for now.

If you can't handle Cleve you need a new hobby.

That's not exactly true. No one is sure what the word "nephilim" means, but many believe it means "fallen ones" because it's derived from the root word "nephal" which means "to fall".

What kind of questions should I be asking these npcs?

Ah the ye olde text input interface, try single words, and for names of places you have to match exactly what it's called. Including any names they give you, if I were you I'd have Notepad out and have a section entirely to recognized word inputs for everybody.

The npcs only understand general topics. Underlined words in their dialogs are available topics they care about. You can also feed them with names you have heard.

The game isn't that great. The difficulty bounds all over the place (suffer until you find a blue fairy who is better than all your characters at everything) and the rng exists only to screw you ever (no penetration, thanks 1d4 weapons). There are bugs and nothing else (music, story, graphics) makes up for the lagging gameplay.

However, the massive butthurt that Cleve has wrought is amazing. I can't imagine seething for 20 FUCKING YEARS over the release of this game, like some goons with an axe to grind have done.
Meanwhile cleave is making like ~$20 a sale on a side hobby and these guys are doing it FOR FREE. I can't imagine what it must be like to get booty bothered by a guy who screams about neanderthals and MASSIVE INCLINE. I just can't imagine some guy fucking around on Usenet and RPGcodex leading to a two decades long vendetta.

Yeah I've been writing down keywords on an index card. Guess i just thought it was more complicated than it actually is.

Make characters that can cast poison, hex, and a bug swarms and some frontliners who can actually hit for shit. Explore the area more and actually go to the dungeons to level up and get better gear then you can kick the asses of those green fuckers blocking the way.

You should read about his life. It's an interesting guy with a godlike status when it comes to messing and rusing people.

In computing speed and memory are direct tradeoffs. The more memory, the faster it runs. You're a sperg and a retard.

Maybe I found a solution to the dial room. No idea what it does though.

Its also a good idea to take a sage who can cast detect secret with you.

Found the guardian.

You know I actually decided to try out a high HP created characters, and I was right but not in a way I expected. My fucking random encounter rate has actually gotten worse, not only am I getting ?worms? but I'm even getting ?bugs? which are somehow even worse then ?worms? and they fight together in groups.

Anyone figure out what's the difference between melee attacks? Like hack, swing, thrust etc.

It affects your chance to hit and hurt stuff, if you're having trouble just change attack types. Usually smash is the best one.

Some don't have separate attack types though.

Oh and in case nobody noticed, you can get NPCs to identify items for you too, just click it and put it on the NPC. Make sure you're not in conversation mode though.


I was getting bugs on low hp characters. I dont think hp has any weight when determining encounters.


Stop posting offtopic gibberish in threads and derailing them. That's why you got banned you stupid retard.



No man you don't understand, I'm getting them in constant groups together glowroms (?fly?) and ?worms? in two groups of three is pretty much a game over. Or 3 worms, and 3 bugs, or my personal favorite 3 gloworms and a ?fungus? and these are regular encounters now and it's no longer rare to have more then one group.

Does anyone know anything about crafting? I haven't been able to do anything so far. I have been able to place a sword on the bench, but clicking Sharpen Blade with my metalsmith does nothing.

Oh man crafting, I have a blacksmith in my party the Human natch I had to roll a 30. Outside hitting people with his hammer I have no idea where to even begin with crafting. I know you need ingredients, and I do believe you need to invest skill points for it but that is my best guesstimate.

Maybe you need a sharpening stone. Good luck with that, because Crowl is crime ridden shithole with only 2 shops and a temple.

I got a soothing stone from a chest behind some bush in Briarpatch Woods in a chest.

*smoothing stone

Try combining the two and then press sharpen.

Other protips:

I already know all those things, I also know that skeletal remains in the inventory can be targeted by Raise Dead for new party members.

Oh and one of the Raise Dead scrolls is bugged, of course, so you should buy one from the shop.

A new patch is out:

So I dicked around with this for half an hour, and I have no idea what I'm doing. I did find the hidden wall on my own but I don't know if I should do anything near the wooden planks.

Nevermind I have to find the note on the second floor.



Yeah, sjw goons really have it out for him. Another reason to like Cleve.

On the second floor, before the mummy, there is a secret door, in there, there is a lever. You can't flip the lever unless you have the puzzle right. Sun, moon, star, I think, it will be in your journal.

I'm playing on superhero with max spawns. I spent 2 hours grinding in the Raptor Shrine because rats can't one-shot you. Once you get a level or 2 and grind up your skills , grubs and wasps are no trouble

Running with berserker; you only need to berserk once, then select berserk attack and hope he doesn't target your party. After he calms down a bit, he'll stop targeting party members, but if you change his order, you'll have to hope he doesn't kill your party. 20 damage hits with the starting handaxe is not uncommon, it's insane.

Got blacksmith, still haven't figured out crafting. Ranger, as well, no bow yet. These 3 all have Lethal Blow. Once you get that up to about 10 or 15, you'll start autokilling weak enemies. Rather, if you do damage which doesn't quite kill them, the skill will activate and finish them off. Rogue backstab is triple damage when it hits. That's with a skill of 15 or so.

Not keen on the necromancer, levels up too slow compared to the rest of the party, should have gone wizard instead, then class swapped. Does more damage with a dagger than spells, which is not underselling the character, as the vampire often hits first. Insect swarm is a cheap AoE, but my casting skill is too low and it fizzles out half the time.

Bard is OP, especially if you get a decent instrument. Becomes a spellcaster at level 3, along with the ranger at level 4. The smith is also a spellcaster, apparently, same as the rogue, at level 6. Haven't seen spell lists yet. Bard gets wizard/cleric and the ranger gets thaumaturge spells.

And they never stop:

Unfortunately my Rhattu Beserker has a hate boner for my Saurian party member. Although I discovered a bug, even though the Saurian gets bitten the condition transfers to monsters.

You keep the berserk attack order, even after the berserk condition has worn off. Once the condition has worn off, they don't attack allies. Could be bias, but high berserk skill seems to translate to lower odds of targeting allies as well. As soon as you change orders, you'll need to activate the power again. It's a bug, but I don't care. Attacking allies is retarded.

Okay i have the king's Seal now what?

Time for you to find out. No one has beaten the game yet. There are no walkthroughs or guides. I certainly haven't gotten the King's Seal yet.

Are you serious? There is a portal right there past the guardian, and I called it the wrong thing. The King's Crest, that's what it's called. I know there is just one final piece, but i am clueless as to how to bypass the rubble just before the purple snake asshole

Here's my maps, spoiler. I might just up and leave and get out of here so i can continue to adventure.

I haven't gotten that far, and I found Aquavia, but elected to go to the town instead. I doubt googling will help this early in the release.

These people are a caricature of memes.

(((Cohesive Art Style))) did he steal that character in the first pic from Deviant Art or something?

They call him a homophobe and a racist each time but I've not seen a single shred of Cleve saying anything like that.

New Thread.

Nah. He employed 3 Different people to make the art and figured that this would work out.

Then you won't believe what else he is posting for over the years. As I said; At least half of HBD is from him.

Why wouldn't I? What I mean is is that people whine and cry but never point out what.

Don't forget the theories he has spawned from there:

Well, it's fucking nothing. If people get pissy over this they have to look at themselves first.