White Knight Chronicles

What kind of ruse cruise am I being taken on?

You are the annoying best friend guy, and you are a third wheel who only gets a magical gundam late into the game for the purposes of multiplayer, which is dead.

I was disappointed too, OP.

The biggest ruse was the fact that most of the game is actually online only. Pretty sure it's all shut down by now too.

If a game is going to pull "OC is main character's friend" they should at least go the route of making OC a girl that lusts for the OC even if she's a girl.


sounds kinda brilliant

I played a bit of PSP one, and it was fucking circus.

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your character's story beigns after the end of the main game and its all Online content (your story, i mean)

WKC was an amazing game, the fact that they ruined it with online was a complete shame, D3 publisher never even released the full online content and shut the servers down about 2 years into it, but the japanese server is still alive i believe.

Midways through the game your character gets an artificial "Knight" that doesn't respond to Madoras, so at the end of the game, all 5 knights get together and that was a big mistake, because the White Knight was actually Madoras himself, looking to absorb the other 4 to revive.
you defeat the revived true White Knight, and he escapes to recover and revive the ancient imperial city, at this point literally nobody can stop him because the 5 divine knights were fused into him, so the only chance at fighting madoras is the Player and his artificial Knight, with the help and efforts of all other players & artificial Knights.

at least the OST was amazing, but yeah, dead game, and nobody cares for it enough to revive it with a sub or something.

The game isn't as bad as it appears. The voice acting is good and there are some good twists in the story.
The postgame multiplayer is what was really great I've never before seen such a collective of weaboos and real autists.

may it RIP in peace.


A ruse cruise and some good plot twists in the game user, too bad most of the other good shit is online only, so fuck.

WKC was like a beta, an unfinished game that cuts you midway through
WKC2 is exactly the same game, except complete.
so don't bother with WKC1 because you would be replaying the exact same story again in WKC2, go straight for 2. and maybe Origins in the PSP, its a prequel.

it was an IP with massive potential, the concept of transforming into a knight was somewhat original too. im amazed that they got 2 and a half games and never EVER did anything more with it.

This exactly, the online component absolutely ruined the game. I get people had fun with the pseudo mmo "community", but Level - 5 apparently couldn't into mmo style combat effectively, and grinding rank points was the most pointless waste of time. They should have put more effort into making the offline game the best they could before adding online components. They should have made the crafting more intuitive. Why upgrade any of your shit, if you're just gonna get new pieces in short order. Whole game was a mess because they tried to shoehorn the mmo shit in there.

I loved the first game until the "twist" near the end.
Oh so not just anyone can use a knight? The MC just so HAPPENS to be an orphan and hes the only one who can use it and he just so HAPPENS to stumble on it. His best friend is also one of those orphans?

Theres way to many coincedences

anyone can use a knight dumbass just NOT the 5 plot knights, those are not man-made like your OCs knight. your OC character gets an artificial prototype made using human technology, did you even finish the game?

in fact the whole point of the TWIST was that at the end your OC is the ONLY ONE able to use a knight against Madoras, an abominate corruption of the white knight turned into a monster

if that wasn't a perfect way to pass on the mantle of MC, then i don't know what is. level 5 pulled that one thing off spectacularly.

You are arguing with them for something that happens in the first game by citing things that occur at the end of the second game.

its the same game dumbshit.

Thats my point. The plot knights at the begining especially the white knight showed the ghost in the knight performing a test on the MC, this made me think that the knights just tested for people worthy enough to use them. Which is why I was lead to believe thats why no one could use it before and why they all died trying.

It's not the same game, 2 is the sequel and I played the first game before the second was released bundled with the first.

it stops you there and tells you it will be continued… in WKC2, where you have to play the whole game (WKC1) over again.

1 is essentially WKC2 / 2, because you can only play half of WKC2 in 1.

i understand what you're saying, you bought 1 at release, yes, but at this moment in time its pointless to buy 1 when you know its only half of the same (full) game that is 2.

I don't understand what you are arguing
So because the first game is bundled with the first. That somehow makes it the same game?

yes, its essentially the first half of the same "complete" game. there is no difference other than minor changes to the leveling system, which are scaled to fit the power level that you should have midgame.

in WKC1 you get stronger faster because you needed that extra power to play the online hunts, in wkc2 you level up a little slower and have more "builds" because the game was actually complete this time.

other than that, the story is the same.

I can't agree more. And I hate it because the game had a lot of potential and I really liked it when it first came out.

First game was a bit incomplete but as a generic JRPG it did his work well. I think the online was good in the first game because it wasn't forced down your throat, basically you could get some minor missions during the main story and then after the main story get new versions of those missions but harder together with some new missions. They weren't great but it was ok and it was even fun.
Some ideas like having your own "hometown" were fantastic and I really loved building my own town and visiting others. Again, it was like a beta with potential that could do much more but it was going in the right direction.

Then WKC2 happened…
WKC2 improved the combat, and playing the equivalent to the first game with the new improvements is amazing However, it was made obvious how they went full the Monster Hunter route, online became the main focus of the game
Suddenly shit ton of content was behind the online wall.

A summary: they basically tried to make some kind of Monster Hunter together with MMO for PS3 and it was a fucking disaster with great ideas and potential. The main issue with this game is that they didn't really know what to do so it's a fucking weird mix of everything tha makes the game for really enjoyable to a fucking disaster in 2 seconds.

This annoyed me most of all

not really time travel, they soul-bound the 5 knights to 5 infants and sorta froze them in time before they even had perception of things.

the only exception was the black knight kid, who was already old enough to at least be self-aware of what they were doing to him

Did you forget the book from the tree shenanigans?

most likely, i cant remember everything since i played i like 4 years ago.

i want to replay it but the dead server thing kills any enthusiasm…

So they finally made that Movieblob game huh?

ebin post 5/5

I didn't know waiting for a circle to fill up would be considering enjoyable


This sort of shit is an unforgivable sin. They know they will shut down eventually, and yet, they make zero effort to futureproof the game so people can play the online content as a single player mode.

It was tits between dicks, user. Get it right.

It wasn't entirely Level 5s fault on this, the company they got to handle the publishing here just up and decided to take the servers down a few months after the game came out. Level 5 made a statement about how shit of a company y they are.


the company was D3Publisher.

Sauce? There's not enough company drama in this industry these days

They are literally shovekware publishers

i will forever hate D3 for shutting down WKC

EDF is great though.