Probably the wrong time of year to start this sort of thread, we usually have them in winter. But I can't wait that long and if you build it they will come. Speaking of building, check out these "no mainquest" builds.

What's that? You want to get comfy yourself?

To create these charts:

So you know what the numbers mean:

Other urls found in this thread:


Nasty creatures.

Here's a better thought out version of the "fast battle mage". He is fully optimized for combat now.

I'll go to sleep now, don't let this die while I'm gone.

go to sleep LaFave you're drunk



I also made a suit that gave 100% resistance to fire damage and a spell that gave fire damage 1 point for a bajillion seconds on self so I was permanently on fire but never got hurt.


There should be an option for random generation of a character on that site.




I cant wait for the unironic skyrim threads start popping up

This build combines a bunch of ideas I've had kicking around in the back of my head for a while. I'm not sure what to call it.

You're basically a fucking raid boss because you're fully armored with a shield and swinging an axe around, while being able to call in adds with conjuration and hit enemies at range with destruction while still being able to heal yourself with restoration.

You can also max out luck in 35 levels if you so choose.


whats the fucking point of builds when the only way to play is to do everything?


It's not. You don't need archery if you've got spells to shoot. You don't need stealth if you're fast or armored enough to take fights openly etc. "Doing everything" is a terrible way to play.


Looking at the build I was thinking "meh", but your description sells it. Maybe I should start describing what I'm going for as well.

We've been having Oblivion threads on cuckchan since the day it came out and as long as I've been here we've had them here as well, not started by myself. On the contrary, Skyrim came out in 2011 and when there's a thread about it the majority of users shit on it and one or two guys try to argue that it's okay with mods. Very different reception.

Except you do
Spells don't scale, archery does.
Except stealth takedowns are faster way to get the same results for every single build instead of wasting time attacking those mindless damage sponges for 2 minutes straight.

Then you make more powerful spells
I once made a fireball that could nuke an entire town on a single cast.
I tried to make it bigger, but I only managed to crash the game.

Skyrim is unironically better than Oblivion

Can't you make/obtain better spells?

If we're talking about individual targets but in most dungeons you'll find groups of enemies. How is stealth going to help there? Also the damage sponginess wouldn't be such a factor if you levelled strength etc. to max your damage output.

stupid like this is why oblivion became popular in the first place.

if you have a phobia of towns with more than 11 houses

Or if you don't like every bandit having glass armor because the leveling system is broken beyond repair.

One mod fixes that. Now how many mods does it take to give Skyrim proper towns?

That's a big part of why I am so dissappointed with shitrim, the onl way to be ridiculously OP is by alchemy+smithing.

tbf once you get invisibility you can just run through all the dungeons, but it makes stealth completely useless when you can just cast a spell repeatedly.

Not mana efficient. The spell damage falls off compared to the health and resistances of later enemies.

The AI is dumb as fuck. You can vanish away after getting a sneak attack critical.

The damage numbers do not keep up with the scaled health and defense of enemies which accounts for your level in their formulas whereas your melee damage is capped. Its literally easier to not to level up once to finish it.
I used the best two handed sword available to me with maximum two handed skill and strength and still encountered multiple enemies which took 2 minutes of nonstop attacking to kill.
Oblivion is not a very good game.

if you want to kill things faster then just lower the difficulty slider lmao

or just not play this piece of shit in the first place


I've yet to see one good argument against Oblivion that isn't from someone that started the series from Skyrim.

There's no denying that Oblivion without mods sucks. But there's also no denying that Oblivion with mods is great, and that no amount of mods can make Skyrim remotely palatable.


post suggestions

mod suggestions?

Any infographs to turn oblivion just like my vanilla porn anime?

Fixes things the devs didn't.

Removes scaling. Safe areas are roads and cities, being sneaky helps at the start.

Tip: If you register for nexus use a unique name and password, nothing you've used elsewhere. Their shit already got hacked once.

I started the series with Oblivion.
It's an unoptimized mess with bland enemies, a boring combat system and disappointing quests in a world full of uninteresting caves.
Skyrim at least has some presentation going for it, the bandit caves look decent (even though they are linear) and fighting some enemies requires a marginally different approach than others.

How about those guilds?

Skyrim's quests are bland, too, but they do have some highlights, like those Dwemer ruin exploration quests.
I've replayed Oblivion recently, and other than the Thieves' Guild, I've played every single quest. Each of them was severely underwhelming.
Both Skyrim and Oblivion are crap in their own right, and defending either of them is retarded.

This is why leveling scaling and "level as you use" were a mistake.

How does XP Update work? Do you collect general points that you then invest however you want?


Come on.

Come the fuck on. It's been many years since I played Oblivion and I still remember so many cool, unexpected moments. Every time I've watched a Skyrim video the player walks through some BROWN CORRIDOR or along a GRAY mountain side. Everyone they meet is a BROWN RAG PERSON and every weapon they handle looks straight out of Conan. There are no nobles and no beggars, there's no variation in scenery, the whole game is just drab brown winter with samey NPCs and no proper town, and every quest seems to be go to X, kill Y, return. And you're gonna sit there and say Oblivion's quests underwhelmed you?

Do they remove scaled quest rewards? That shit infuriates me on a spiritual level.

Well goddamn it, you've gone and made me reinstall Oblivion. I played it on 360 like a pleb when it first came out, so I never learned how to mod it.

You gain XP to increase your level, whereupon you put points into your stats and skills once you level up.

Replay the game now and see how quickly that novelty wears off.

How much will Bethesda fuck the TES series even further with the next inevitable game? And how?

ow and let's not forget

Every time I move my mouse, I'm greeted by shitty motion blur.
Send help.

What do you mean, don't you like Drunk-o-Vision?

What's the matter? Getting tired?!

What? How? Were there just textures/meshes folders? Nothing else?

pure good

I said "кinо" you fucking kike

I've downloaded the "Redimized" edition of the texture pack from here:


Forgot to mention, I booted it up in TES Mod Manager as an .omod after conversion.

That's what you get for using stupid words desu sempai

yeah good is a stupid fucking word if you're not a slav

No we haven't

just looking at those pics is giving me a headache.

That's because you're looking at a flat screen in front of you all at the same visual depth. I'm not sure what the first person to say "yeah, this is great and way more immersive!" was thinking but it must have been some partially blind man who designed this shit.

Maybe they had myopia

Why is life so hard Holla Forums?

Because you have bad taste?

Granted, but it's still a problem.

This is the exact opposite of the truth. Oblivion's flaws are obvious and grating, but easy to fix with mods, Skyrim's flaws are unfixable.


The problem with skyrim quests is where it started bethesdas level designer phase. Now, all of its own that actually sounds like a good thing, but when you compare older levels in fallout 3 or oblivion/morrowind, the levels seemed like actual areas that would exist in life, like a factory having one or two exits, and a cave having only one exit. It made the areas feel realistic.Bethesda did away with this in skyrim, getting a level designer and making every fucking level have a shortcut for conveniance which is so fucking unrealistic its constantly reminding you you're playing a videogame.

I think they're too scared to make another. They risked it with their shitty ideas on fallout cause they don't really care about fallout. But elder scrolls is the bethesda baby. Todd doesnt want to fuck that up, and I get the feeling he and his team are out of good ideas for an installment.

Anyone got the full pic of the cat jewing the nord?

I second this.

Here you go.

Less blurry.


What's a recommended list of mods?
Preferably nothing then needs Wrye Bash I hate that shit.


Turn black marsh into a tundra and turn the liggers into redguards. The cats aren't drug fiends anymore, just humble merchants. The original redguards are now KANGZ and the nords are evil oppressors. Glorious altmer aether program to take the best and brightest to the moons of nirn.

Thanks, friend

Where can i find the lewd mods?

If there's one thing I did like about Skyrim, it was the abundance of survival/hunting mods
Does Oblivion have good equivalents
Even something that forces the player to manage hunger, thirst and sleep would be a nice addition
tfw HDD with all my elder scrolls mods on died and it's going to take a day to make oblivion comfy again

Come on.
Literally fighting trolls, which end up as huge HP sponges, like everything in the game.

Using a few quests to defend Oblivion is like saying, "Well, Skyrim let me go on a drunken binge and get married to a Hagraven, therefore it must be good." No. It was fucking stupid. Those quests were stupid. Oblivion had some decent ideas but absolutely failed in the execution thereof.

The fact that it's more fun to get a fucking quest in Daggerfall of "go find this fucking thing in this fucking dungeon" than the "great" quests in Oblivion is a testament to just how shitty it is.

you mispelled "boring"

You misspelled "Skyrim"

>>>Holla Forums
Take your hipster tv autism and stay go.

Skyrim was better than Oblivion.



Daggerfall>your mom>niggers>arena>the koran>oblivion>skyrim>hotdogs

I've been putting off modding this shit to give it another playthrough for months now. And I won't do it today either.

my taste>shit>your taste

Oblivion towns are tiny as well.

Look at this contrarian 2cool4school kid, look at him.

Do you even know how fucking garbage industrial wieners are?

Get a load of this vegan


Fuck this noise, let's talk about why Altmer is master race.
Strong defensive buffs while annihilating things is generally best, but also lengthy damage fatigue and killing things with a rusty iron dagger.

Looks like the TIDF is here.

The biggest tpic that people bring up when discussing Oblivion and Skyrim is the RPG elements. However, this is in many ways a bit of a misnomer, because it makes the inherent assumption that because the lack of RPG elements in Skyrim is a bad thing, therefore the presence of them in Oblivion is a good thing.

We can look at Morrowind. In the game, there is a world already there. Leveled lists exist for minor items like scrolls and soul gems, so you can still find decent treasures even once you reach a high level, and enemies do become more dangerous. However, the method is different. Let's take wolves - in Oblivion, the difference between "Wolf Spawn" is a Wolf or Timber Wolf. One is slightly tougher. In Morrowind (Bloodmoon) you'll see Wolves or Plague Wolves. The latter is only a bit tougher, but also has diseases. The same goes for wild mobs on the mainland. Enemies don't become more dangerous because they're significantly tougher - they simply spawn in somewhat higher intervals and with diseases, or blight diseases, that can strongly impede you for when you go against actually dangerous enemies. The main quest makes you immune to those effects, and thus becomes a tangible reward.

The game itself has first-person action elements, mixed with RPG elements. You get different weapon attacks, and need to use different movement based on the type. Depending on how long you hold the button, your damage differs - from minimum to maximum. Things like blocking are handled automatically, as part of your character's skills. Picking locks is based on your skill. Haggling for prices falls under your skills. You have a lot of freedom to customize. And so on it goes.

Oblivion keeps a lot of these elements, but fucks them over. Leveled lists are screwed up. The RPG elements are neutered by the movement to more "action" style - except those get fucked by the fact your skills are scaled alongside everything in the game. It takes as long at Level 30 to kill a monster at Level 10. The main quest, and other story aspects, give you no real rewards because of level scaling.

Skyrim has even less RPG elements, which is stupid - but while Oblivion has them, it has them done horribly, to the point of near insignificance. It still has its retarded leveled lists, but at least the only thing in the game with a hit point sponge is dragons. Granted, the game is almost nothing but caves and dragons, but at least the caves don't have 5000hp Goblin Warchiefs.

More than anything else, though, Oblivion is the absolute worst fucking TES game in terms of just absolutely fucking the lore. Cyrodiil, Oblivion, the Imperial City - it's all fucked. Forever. Even ESO has done less to just absolutely shit on everything that was great about the earlier portions of the series. Skyrim fucked a lot of stuff, but at least the shit it added wasn't fucking awful. Whatever else you can say, the portrayal of Skyrim - while underwhelming compared to lore - was at least consistent with the series. Meanwhile, Oblivion is completely inconsistent, and completely fucked everything that was great about its own setting. It's a trainwreck directly responsible for how shit the series has become.

Both games are fucking terrible. Skyrim has gameplay which is slightly insufferable, but the actual content makes it fucking shit. You can use quest mods and a few mods for perks and spells and shit to at least have a little fun. Oblivion you can "fix" its problems with mods, but the only way you can really redeem it is a complete overhaul where you've replaced everything except the engine. And even then, it would still be shittier than just using Morrowind, which does everything a "fixed" Oblivion does, but better.

Haven't seen this pasta. Saved.

Oblivion had RPG elements?


For some reason my install keeps crashing on startup, I even tried deleting the entire folder and re-downloading a fresh install on Steam; no change, it still won't let me play the fucking game even without modding anything.

fucking semi-vegan faggot

The biggest flaw in Oblivion PC is lack of controller support.


Fucking quarter-vegan

I think I found your problem, user.

I'm sure it's viable and all, but I couldn't stand that. I'll never play High Elf.

Actually, developing for console is why it went to shit. Oblivion's unplayably bad vanilla state is a symptom, not the cause. Look at any game series that starts on PC and switches to console. They ALL go to shit, no exceptions. There is not one series that started on PC, switched to consoles and is still good. Literally with the first console entry series go to shit right away. Name one (1) good game made for console in a series that started on PC. You can't.

How penguin os friendly is oblivion with mods?

By the time you get your spells up to speed you can buff your speed to ridiculous levels anyway. You're also not banned from min/maxing speed alongside your magic skills if you so desire, but that shit's boring with the vanilla level system.

It's been a while since I've tried but I remember the script extending type mods working very poorly. I just turned one of my laptops into a "dirty slut" Windows system for those games.

While this isn't much better, it's an improvement over the designs in the games. Both the khajiits, and argonians looked horrible.

I know that image is a joke but its been posted so many times now I can't stand it and it reads like some who only played skyrim wrote it.

Is "stealth archery" OP in Skyrim? I know stealth itself is OP in Skyrim but I never bothered playing that POS so I don't know about archery.

Yes, it let's you land sneak criticals and enemies forget about you very fast even though there is an arrow stuck in their face.


My brother of African descent!

Not for porn games. Not entirely at least. Just keeping all the dirty proprietary shit off my pure Libreboot system.

That is the joke.

Plus something had to be OP and Skyrim took all the fun out of the magic system.



Not stealth archery. Later enemies have a huge healthpool so you have to run back and hide while taking potshots. Stealth with a dagger is broken though. You can kill everything except dragons with the 16x damage multiplier.

Stealth archery seems more like a Skyrim thing to me, since that game makes it so easy to do and it's basically the easiest way to play the game. In Oblivion I never felt like the game mechanics would make it as convenient as Skyrim archery, because the other combat tactics outshone that for me.

Fuck off Zaric.

There are 8 bethesda related threads in the catalog at this moment.


I wouldn't want it otherwise.