Voice Actor thread

These are the voice actress's for 2B, a character from the game Nier: Automata.

One of these VAs is an amateur who has spent most of their life working for free on literally any project, regardless of scope or quality, they can get their hands on, is incapable of doing any sort of voice outside of their own, and is now so pleased to have landed a "real" role (which was only made possible due to actual voice actors being on strike) that they now spend literally every moment they can dressing up and pretending that they are the "real" 2B, despite the game in question being 6 months old (during which time most VAs would have already been commissioned to work on other projects).

The other is an actual, honest professional with numerous roles under their belt and a wide range of vocal talent.

Can you tell which is which and, more importantly, who would you say is more deserving of the title of "real" 2B?

Other urls found in this thread:


Kira Buckland looks like the real one to me

Yui is the "real" 2B.
Buckland's voice just irritates me and I'm fairly sure she's an extreme leftist (what a surprise right). It's very irritating she got the english roles for Rulue and Eirika, those characters deserved so much better.

I would, but I remember Im not autistic and don't actually care.
Then I remember that I don't waste my time endlessly googling information on the VAs so I can bitch about it on Holla Forums.
I do have time to call OP a faggot though, there is always time for that.

Yui acute.

I think the real question that needs answering is why did they bother to record English lines for the game in the first place.

Because apparently people can't be bothered to read anymore or some other excuse like that.

How much cheaper would it be if they didn't have to record lines in another language

Seriously. Are there groups of people who would pass on a game that they would otherwise buy because it lacks dubs? I know I won't pay for anything that lacks the original voices as an option, but I'm wondering the reverse is also true.

2B should never have had a human VA.
She should have communicated using beeps and bloops.

Chillax, hella sista.

who cares? This isn't japan nobody buys a game based on who's the VA , nobody
who cares? they all sound the same anyways still better than the alternative though

Yeah fucking normalfags you would be surprised at how many anime "fans" won't watch shit unless it's dubbed. There are definitely the same people with video games. I lived with one of these people and he'd get mad when we watched anime or played video games with subs. He's also a fucking communist which I'm sure is JUST a coincidence.

So, Troy Baker and Nolan North thread?

Because Americans can't read, especially that fast. It's too difficult, apparently. They think that the consumer is an idiot. And apparently they are right, because I have seen a lot of retards complain about having to read.

Land of the illiterate niggers and home of the fat and retarded, I suppose. Kinda sad, but that's about what you should expect from the current year.

Always check the options menu before starting a nip game. Most of the time you're stuck with the western shit. I can't even play a JRPG if it's dubbed. The story is bad enough already without listening to what sounds like kids playing with dolls.

serious question, how do you tell them apart?

They both have a voice they get hired for a lot, Kanji or Nathan Drake.

But they actually have range so I wouldn't be able to in a lot of cases; like some of North's work in Portal or Dota 2.

Voice acting was a mistake, I miss those big ass paragraphs in my games.

What shocks me the most is how that untalented walking textbook definition of aposematism gets so much her work.
Before the game was out, I wondered in these parts how some YT nobody got such a role and was corrected.

Incidentally, I recently started a fresh run of Automata (snack bar'd my save file) and it's a sizable difference in their roles. Someone should tell Kira that "emotionless" is not a synonym for "sarcastic". Dumb ass.

You don't, but their range doesn't quite justify them being everywhere, not to mention Troy Baker ruining a lot of characters when is his turn to voice them.

Tbh, i liked her voice and it fit her.
Also; English dub > Japanese Dub.
The fact, that hentais have the same quality voice actors as animes, proofs how shit their standards are. Most people tend to like japanese voices more, simply because they are less cringey to them, due to not being able to understand the words.
Japanese VA have no recognition value, besides goku's va, which again proofs their horrible voice cast.

Sean Chiplock seems like a cool guy and I wish him good luck in finding some success.

Robo-babble sounds like it would be allot of fun actually.

You're underage and need to play more japanese vidya.


How's the game with mouse and keyboard? I recently played MGSV and was surprised at how much better it played on M&K.


The top half of the first picture looked passable. What a fucking disaster.

I would give you an argument, if you didn't shit up previous threads with some anti-weeb shitposting. I'm not gonna ban you, but fuck off with it.

Remove normal.

Nice trips by the way.

are you blind?

trick question! All Voice acting was a mistake, in fact all story in video games is pure cancer.

You can easily tell when Japanese voice acting is fucking trash if you want a recent example watch Clione no Akari. You just need to watch more stuff in Japanese.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA whatever you say man it isn't like Japanese VAs are legit celebrities in Japan or anything. I mean Anime/Game VA in the west has been the most stagnant garbage. The same people voice acting anime 15 years ago are still doing the majority of voices and they continue to be awful and one note. None of them do anything besides their own voice mostly because "directors" are not actually directors and do not know how to pull out a decent performance.

Are you kidding? That body was built for bestiality sex.

NEVER do that.

Can't rightly say because I'm a filthy console pleb.


Are you just shitposting or is there something I should know about?

Here's a good example of shitty Japanese VA

I actually am starting to think like this Voice Acting severely limits game development and adds tons of cost on top of it. Without it anything could be changed at any point in development without any issue. New levels could be added events could be changed if they aren't working right.

Don't blame the fucking strike. Blame the people who hired her.
The people hiring voice actors having no standards is the only problem here. There are plenty of talented voice actors without experience under their belts.

thats where you'd be wrong. I stayed away from PxZ because of that very reason

Voice Acting IS a mistake, I was talking with a few game dev friends about it and some of them actually wanted to do something where they hire Japanese voice actors and then use those voice clips and distort them by fucking with the tempo and switching up vowels

You should know that I want to butter your cornbread hehe

You are trying way too hard, mate.


Stop typing faggot san

The real one is the original one. Kill yourself.

I’d beep her boop, if you know what I mean.

different era.

This is a horrible day to start my no-fap month.

The people in charge of voice acting in video games especially in japanese games have no right to cast stuff or direct. They are programmers, game designers, or at worst localization editors they have no idea how to cast or direct actors. There is a reason why the same 10 actors are just passed around to every role. They are hired strictly on if they did their job fast and didn't cause any problems.

I dont know if you are worst than muh cinematic experience niggers.

the argument was all voice acting
never again will we see another soul reaver

muhfuggin' codemonkey


She should have a speakonia voice.

whoa there buddy, are you implying people like ashley burch are real voice actors

if you don't play japanese games in the japanese language you're making a mistake and it will hurt your experience with the game in the end.

I wonder if she still gets mad at being called Runkachunk?

What pisses me off is when game devs have characters or forces from different countries but don't bother to hire actual native voice actors for these roles.

The Chinese Commandos in Fallout 3 are a particularly bad example but what do you expect from Bethesda?

It was that, or play the game with no sound

There are good dubs out there, DMC3, Persona and Bayonetta are good examples. While you may argue in Persona's case that the English dub isn't as good as the Nipponese dub, I would argue that a dub is to reflect the emotion and feeling that the characters are portraying, and while I do agree that the Japanese audio is superior, there are instances that while inferior to the moon dub, the english dub can also be enjoyable. Xenoblade is the only eng dub that I can think of that really is neck to neck with the jap dub, and even then it's a matter of taste

Why not just mute the voices?

She'd be better off cosplaying the boars.

I was there 5 years ago. Take the Carmack pill.

Hi mark


Nah, babe, that's not how it works.

you know, I don't disagree - I think the dubs in dmc3, persona, bayo, etc. are entertaining. Some are the only voice acting the game got (not sure about dmc3, but I know dmc1 is only an english voice acted game.) but I think a lot of people who share this view also undersell the quality of the original japanese in a lot of games, and hell, media in general.

How often have you heard that cowboy bebop has a better dub than sub? I think anyone familiar with Steven Blum's work will tell you flat out all he does is Steven Blum, but I do not think these people have given the Japanese voices a try, which show fantastic grasp on the material and don't fall victim to any of the stereotypes one might expect for Japanese voice acting.

Another example would be MGS where people happily default to david hayter but have never even heard Snakes' Japanese voice.

I'm glad that LOK game got cancelled aside from looking like shit I know they would have done something like have Raziel voiced by Troy Baker or something.

I'll just leave these here, as a comparison.

How did you know?

not a very good comparison. planet escape tournament is a bit of a dead horse, don't you think?

Every day we stray further from the light, and eventually Holla Forums will be complaining about there being voiced characters at all.

Glory to thighkind!

Bayonetta is in english in Japan Platinum themselves were in charge of it which is probably why it's good. It is the same with all the Souls games and the Japanese made Silent Hill games which is why they sound great they were made by the creators who actually cared about their work. That being said the same is also true for the early Resident Evil games and they sound awful because the Japanese devs had no idea what good english sounded like.

I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to feel about most of those pictures…some kind of confused, bemused arousal, I guess…

But hot damn that fourth one is right up my alley.

Why did I have to open this thread, I was better off not knowing

Kira Buckland is a weird one because they were part of one of my internet friend social circles, never communicated with them myself but friends did frequently and got all hyped when she(?) got into nier

considering 2B says about 30 words in the whole game it was probably a pretty safe hire


Intelligible voices in a Monster Hunter game is an abomination and a direct indicator of low quality for World, regardless of the option to turn them unintelligible or not.


For the porn you knew would be posted.

Yeah even though the Japanese VO in breath of the wild is incredibly better than the english VO it still is not very good.

I've known you long enough that I can tell who you are simply by syntax, grammar, way of expression and sentence structure! We should hang out. I think I know a bit too much about you and it's making me look like a stalker
What if I sniff you dirty underwear ha ha
but seriously, I'm kidding about that last part
No, where are you going?

Sure, I'm game. Contact me on twitter, steam, discord, whatever and we'll chill in Times Square.

yet the same normalfags will play Final Fantasy and Zelda, which require reading.

Other than seeing more of the world in which the films are set, my greatest anticipation with The Incredibles II is finally getting more porn of Dash fucking his mom and sister. Only a year to go.

A lot of artists ended up burning out on her due to her being so damn insanely popular. I'm sure in due time a few diehard artists will return to her, though.

the amount of normalfags that play those games and never beat them is astounding.

and then user got raped

I despise Nier:A secondaries. The cosplayers who think their muffin top thighs are the same as 2Bs skindentation, mongoloids who just yell "UGHGHG THICC".

A2 is the best girl anyway

Reminder that people who actually read marx understand that marxist "utopia" was accomplished multiple times and was very successful in realizing its goals
literally every concentration, or labor camp is an example of one

I wonder why a character soaked in ass autism design can get so popular among females.

thats why she's so popular with cosplay thots

necks are superior to ass.

don't you stare rape her
she didn't dress like a character from a video game you enjoyed, took images of herself and put them online for the world to see for you to look at her!
it's all for the sake of her own empowerment

Subtitles in Japanese video games are not without shortcomings.

It's not difficult to read subtitles during a cutscene or during a segment without much interaction however it IS difficult to read during combat. The first fight with those two edgelords Adam and Eve in which they were delivering exposition during the combat was un-readable as I had to focus on playing the fucking game. In the shoot em up portions it was less difficult to read subs and do combat at the same time.

I switched to english dub for a short time after the fight with A&E, but I cringed from all the English Dub Syndrome; voice acting that doesn't sound good or natural and just kinda falls into one-note "english anime voice" stereotypes with little to no range. The best english dubs can do, rarely, is have one or two characters sound decently like the original, delivering similar tone and inflections. Much like localization the original intent is most often not conveyed properly which is why I use subtitles when I can.

Oh don't worry, I can give you a cast-iron guarantee that there is ZERO risk of stare-rape where those western 2Bs are concerned.


My 日本人。

thats what I meant.

The history of this is actually somewhat interesting, and gives some credence to the "japanese dub always sounds better!" crowd.

Back in the day, when anime was still an extremely niche product, American distributors simply didn't have the funds to waste on redrawing animation cells, which meant those working on the english dub would have to engage in reverse lip syncing - their voice had to match the movements on-screen, which lead to certain strange vocal quirks developing, as phrases had to be unnaturally lengthened or compressed to better sync with a character speaking an entirely different language.

The unfortunate side effect of this is we now have an entire generation of potential VAs, studio techs and audio directors who have only ever experienced these quirks, and think they're an actual, legitimate thing that a VA should try to emulate. This is why professional stage actors with zero video game experience sound so much more impressive than someone like Yuri Lowenthal, despite his many years spent in the industry - they haven't been tainted by shitty practices and, instead, have had actual training in how to utilize their voice.

Since we're talking about failed VAs… Let's not to forget the biggest losers, Nyanners and General Ivan. Ashley Burch is a cunt, but even she's not as big a loser as those two assholes.

That makes good sense too, because of course anime isn't made with English in mind so of course the dubs are going to be shoddily edited to either add or subtract mouth movements in the characters. Even going so far as to change the translated script sometimes. Especially in old 70's and 80's anime.

Because for some reason here in Burgerstan there are people who are offended, dare I say, triggered by having to read subtitles. It's like a special breed of autism that makes them refuse to consume any media that makes them read. It's fucking bizarre. To know people who seem cool until they tell you they won't go to see the theatrical airing of Shin Godzilla because muh subtitles.

this is a weird timeline

That was the one thing about anime that really stood out to me as a kid and it irritated the shit out of me, but I couldn't really articulate or explain what it was. Conversations always sounded so stilted and stiff, everything was said in an awkward way.

The one thing that stuck in my head all these years was some old episode of sailor moon when two of the girls were talking. One of them would get mostly through one sentence and the other would immediately start talking before she even ended her thought. This happened the whole conversation. Making it even worse was the occasional totally out of place "what?" or "huh?" which made no sense, which I now understand to be a short thought or two spoken in japanese for which there was no english equivalent that wouldn't take ten times longer to say, so they had to fill the gap with something.

Didn't he always make porn? How is this any different? Did something happened that I wasn't aware of?

Nyanners failure is exceptionally funny to me. Can only do a loli porn voice and then gets all uppity when called out for it, and even more uppity when she has to delete her lewd joke videos to appease her new tumblr friends. all for nothing too, fucking divine really.

do you honestly think that justified anything?

holly shit, they are fucking angles.

I love nyanners' autistic saga. She clearly has some anxiety and social issues and uses anime as escapism.

Bonus. Naynners dressed as 2b

He's always done that. Years and years back, he did the Chris Chan parodies, and he did a couple other things with Egorapor and Chris O'Neil, but he's always been a dirty degenerate with his content.

but of course

That autist hasnt been relevant in years, let alone done anything of merit. Post her nudes and get it done with, lad.

If you look at the levels of cockroach levels of degeneracy, at least he's not as bad as Shad.

General Ivan is even funnier than Nyanners, he realized how unprofessional everything he'd ever done was, and how he'd devalued himself to the point of being practically worthless, so he deleted every VA video he ever did, and even DMCA'd every video he'd ever been a part of… And then he never made it. His voice acting career went nowhere, he never got any roles, but he's so fucking butthurt about it that unlike Nyanners, he didn't even ATTEMPT to start making YouTube videos again, he cried himself to sleep and became a normalfag.

At least Nyanners still makes YouTube videos, as shit as they are, she didn't just fuck off and become a dudebro.

I like it, but I still can't consider her an honorary 2D 2B.

Agreed. Shad is absolute trash. Both with his content and his coloring style.

I prefer a fan who likes her job and the game she helped with over some Japanese slut voice actor. In japan voice actors are faggots and get paid more than anyone else actually working on the game. Being a successful voice actor in japan is more about being a celebrity than being a great VA.

Get out of here you muppet.

why the fuck do you keep reblogging culture war shit on twatter?

he did, but it was an underwraps type of thing under a different account(pervertedbunny?). i think he wanted to prove he wasnt an egoraptor tier washup at the time but im pretty sure he really didnt do much

I don't mind subtitles but I hate weebs who always assume subs are better than dubs when you have shitty subbing jobs like Nintendo Treehouse and good dubbing jobs from some companies.

Gimme 15 minutes and I'll knock that fucking card stand over once and for all!

Consume japanese vidja just like my anime.

In anime's they apparently might make more than the just about everyone else who was making it combined.

Translated into to dollars, they're making about 500K a year.

Which is fucking bullshit. Voice Acting isn't a real job. Programming, modeling, managing, ect are real job. Being a voice actor is the least job "job" you can have. It's on par with being a let's player.

I'll bite
what about it twiddles your diddles wrong?

I think a lot of these voice actresses will double as musicians and models, apparently they have to be the entire package

If it's so easy why don't you do it retard?

Tell that to VAs who have done certain roles over the years and literally destroyed their voices and their vocal cords doing things that put a strain on their bodies. Being a performer can be a pretty harsh thing, and it's not as easy as just show up and read lines. You gotta get into the emotions, you gotta fuck yourself up to do the roles. You try walking a mile in the shoes of a big time seiyu and then tell us that "it's not a real job."

A voice actor has to convey with their voice alone what other actors convey with their body, so they don't have to fucking get it out in voice. See Sheryl Lee in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. She conveys her emotions so well without saying a fucking word. Now be a voice actress trying to convey the emotional state of your character .. oh you need to put yourself in that emotional state and strain your vocal cords to do it. Because that's how emotive acting works.

That's not how you spell Americans

Idol culture is a cancer in every form.

What I don't understand about VAs is why more companies don't hire stage actors? It worked great for Demon's Souls.

This isn't exclusive to japanese games.
That has nothing to do with voice acting. It's not the VA's fault that the people in charge of bring the game over decide to meme it up.
Which are still inferior to the original 99% of the time. Why do you hate reading, user?

I really hate when good shit is staggered between the dub and sub.


Demon Souls was a westaboo passion project mostly. Most Moe shit is not .

Yeah well this isn't a fucking Chinese buffet, faggot, choose one or the other.

general ivan rings a bell but i can't remember anything he did that was noteworthy. gonna assume he did a few "dramatic readings" or similar stuff that aspiring VAs try to do and went for a radio-voice all the time.

He did memes, "dramatic readings" as you say, and he did some copypasta. He used to do requests in Holla Forums and Holla Forums threads. He was also involved with one of the Holla Forumsga award shows.. Yeah… That trainwreck.

Anyway, some guy "in the industry" told him that what he was doing was basically making himself unusable as talent, and that it was in his best interest that he disappear. So he did. But he never got any VA roles after disappearing.

I wonder if he killed himself.

I never watched it because the Holla Forumsgas was consistently made by newfags for newfags

from association with Holla Forums? in this day and age i certainty could believe that

This was before GamerGate, though.


There were plenty events before GG that put 4chan in a bad light, don't forget "hackers on steroids' and other fiascos

Of fucking course it is. Are there any english VAs that aren't tumblretards?

This tbh. There's about five distinct voices in Japan.

yui a qt

make it happen

i wonder how retarded vidya is going to get…

Yeesh. I think even Tara Strong does better cosplay than her, even if she clearly is buying it from cheap online stores. The only good cosplayers are the one's that make them themselves.

The first two are cuter than the last two

the programmers have it worst, user and they dont even get paid sometimes.

Okay, what I meant to say was "this was before the SJWs suddenly exploded and there was a militarized army of rainbow haired faggots." I mean yeah, there was the over 9 million penises thing on Oprah, and Jessi Slaughter, Valentina/Valentia (I forget, who fucking cares), but it wasn't like it is nowadays where we get accused of being involved in fucking with elections and shit like that, and accused of making bomb threats, etc.

Sure is summer

Wait isn't Kira the girl who wanted to voice Josephine in Jojos Part 6

Idk Ive heard her do voice acting she can play the role of caniving back stabber side friend

Am I getting trolled or something?

You better pull your fucking grade up in summer school, kiddo, because you're fucking up.

Kill yourself. That was almost as big a let down as the recent American one.

Tara Strong in her youth was one sexy fucking voice actress. I have a suspicion that she sucked off alot of game developers and Lead Animators.

Wasn't there the guy who did the cgi cutscenes for Silent hill who slept under his desk and shit while the scenes rendered? Shit, I remember hearing about him and he sounded like he had the worst job in the world.

I've spoken to Kira before. She is kind of insane.

She is a typical anime voice actress, unable to infect and sounding exactly like the rest of them (her main influence was Moneca Stori, IIRC), but she works for free and appears on countless newgrounds flash animations.

She's so obsessive about pursuing this "career" that she probably has Hannibal Lecter tied up in her basement and she sings anime songs to him.

There are some great dubs.
Like Ghost Stories, for instance.

It could be a matter of "shit job" or it could be a matter of dedicated programmer. I've known a few people who would be like that, hell John Carmack is like that. Even I myself have slept under my desk when waiting for something to finish processing. You work yourself into a fervor and you don't feel like stopping. Eventually you get to a point where getting the fuck up and going to bed (or going home) just doesn't feel like a real possibility. You can go ahead and drag yourself there if you want, you can get a driver to take you home, but tomorrow you wanna be there to get to work first thing… So it's easier to just sleep at your work station.

But it all depends on your work ethic, I suppose.

What's the problem? Singular 'they' and "their" has been in use for some time now.
I'm more angry at people who can't use the right you're/your

Sam Hyde: If you're one of those people who can't tell the difference between there and their or your and you're, I have a feeling you and I are not going to get along.

The best anime dubs were the ones produced at Ocean Studios in BC. And that was because they told the actors not to worry about lipsynching and just focus on the performance. Matching it to the animation was the engineers' problem.

Sadly, it became so much cheaper to do it in California that they seemed to stop producing the Ocean dubs, and we ended up with the godawful Bang Zoom standards we have today. I think the last time I heard the Ocean cast in a vidya dub was Ys VI on the PS2. Most of them seem to be voicing ponies now.

Patrician taste


It's funny how all of those trending headlines look like meme edits, and yet they're all real stories.

Nice deflect summerfag. How bout you spend more time studying than clogging up these threads with shit, that way you'll get something noteworthy done in your life.

Get rekt, scrub.

It's a shame Sam Hyde never sued destructive creations after "Hatred" blatantly ripped off his life.


And yet… he does, so fuck you SJWs.

Tough choice, an ugly SJW or an ugly nip. I guess I'd have to hear them both to decide.

You don't even stand a chance with the seiyu anyway, but your judgement of her appearance is shite.

I knew a guy who said the reason he would never watch anything with subtitles was because it was physically impossible to watch what was going on onscreen and read subtitles at the same time.

How do people like that survive? If you can't do two things at once, how do you manage to breathe and walk? It's a good thing you KNEW the guy, cause if you still know him, tell him he's a fag and then forget he exists.

Every time they take him down, the body mysteriously disappears. I feel like there's more to this than his equal parts madness and brilliance.

I knew a girl who said that. Being an avid fan of old school Kung Fu movies, I was slightly irritated.

Kira Buckland did some voice work for some brony porn animation that never saw the light of day and there's still a recording of it floating around somewhere. You might find it if you contact some of her old contacts and orbiters.

It makes no fucking sense.

I didn't know Sam used to be thin.

Only reason I use Jap voices is because then I can't actually tell if the person is being awful or not.

I can understand this. It all depends on how well timed the dub is. If its too fast or too slow but with a wall of text you can get a bit lost. Also if I am tired their is no way in hell I'm going to want to read. Dubs are more comfy for lazy consumption. Subs are good for serious viewing.

i meant sub, as the text appears on screen in sink with the dialogue.

I'm one of those people who can't get their brain to shut the fuck up, so for me, subbed movies can be a nice form of stimulation to help wind down. I never feel too tired to read some subtitles.



To be fair, I am entirely on board with Canada taking California. I would support paying Canada to take California.

It would be pretty funny, you'd have Europe levels of immigrants pouring in, I'd enjoy the libs getting a dose of enrichment.

Japanese VAs are usually fans themselves; they wouldn't be in the industry if they weren't. It's the Western VAs that are more likely to be degenerate blue-haired libtards

Pretty sure you already do, Miguel.

That was pretty clever, user.

Can it just be northern california? SoCal can defend itself plenty fine without the sacramentards.

One thing I've noticed from all of these tweets and the like are that they don't understand the difference between a legal immigrant and an illegal one, and why the illegal ones are fucking illegal.

I could probably pull off a 9S cosplay

still not bad as personally kicking someone out of con for traps joke.

America is the vehicle through which Satan enters the world.

I'm not a burger

They do, they want open borders and dont consider anyone illegal.

These commies want an open world where you can stack the entire population in one country like we're rebuilding the Tower of Babel again. Rome didn't last over a thousand years by just letting anyone become a citizen. You had to work at it for a lifetime before it could be passed onto your children. These commies want to toss it around like confetti. What's interesting is that Canadians have the gall to criticize the US when their country is significantly harder to get into. Those maple eating kikes need to get eaten by bears.

I wonder if there was ever a nexus event for sjws entering anime? This goes for comics too. I don't remember them at all during the 90s and it wasn't until the 2010s that they were suddenly everywhere.

they all just grew up. also universities, tumblr and such.

Check out the armpit/muffintop in first pic. Looks like a doughy tranny

So does that Jojo character. He/she/it is perfect for the role.

Back to leddit kiddo, 2014 wants their memes back

Listen, Jolyne might not have been as attractive of an example of the female sex as she should have been given the genes in her bloodline, but she's still pretty damned hot and does not at all look like a tranny. And certainly not doughy.


FromSoftware have done a lot of games based on the ideals of Western RPGs, but that doesn't make them "westaboos." A westaboo is the equivalent of the anime kid who talks about how superior western culture is while brandishing a gun (which are illegal other than for target practice in Japan). A westaboo only wears Nevada and Tommy Hilfiger clothes, only plays western games, and has lost identity with the culture from which they were born. They would primarily speak English.

FromSoftware are NOTHING LIKE THAT. If they were, there'd be no katana, no Japanese mythology in their games. They just like the European dark ages aesthetic, so they mimic it, but they don't go around "what's up fellow Americans," looking like retarded anime kids do when they save up money to go to Japan thinking it'll be their Utopia.

And all of FromSoftware's games are a "westaboo passion project" if you want to go there. King's Field has no asian weapons at all. Demon's Souls. Dark Souls. Bloodborne is based off of Bram Stoker's Dracula and was originally going to be a Vampire game before they changed to Werewolves.

Fucking e-whore amateurs ruin it for everyone else. A willingness to work for free doesn't get you known for your talent, it gets you known for how cheap you are to employ, and ends up making it harder for actual, legitimate professionals to find paying work.

I though Bloodborne was heavily inspired by Lovercraft works.

It's a mishmash of various works.

I liked her voice and none of you will change that.
Too bad the game isn't particularly good (compared to Drakengard 3).

I only remember her as the loli from Danganronpa 2 and the psycho bunny pajamas girl from Stella Glow. Used the same grating, shrill, annoying voice in both. I have better range than this woman just from doing stupid voices to amuse myself all through my childhood.

The great thing about opinions is you can hold onto one even when it's completely wrong, also
Do you think she did that for free, too?

Why would I care? why would this be relevant?

I like your passive aggressive comment tho

I don't quite understand what exactly makes english VA's fail so much compared to the japanese ones. Is it simply the quality of their voices? How they enunciate? How they deliver their lines? Has there even been a good dub that gives the japanese ones their run for the money?

It's just that the original voice is always better because it's exactly like the creator imagined it. Look at the Gothic and Risen games for example, compared to the German VA's the English ones are complete trash. You just only notice it with Japanese games because games with voice acting from other countries are rare.

"anime voice", lower expectations from audio directors and a general lack of actual vocal training. This is partially why so many games waste thousands upon thousands hiring big-budget film and television actors - they actually have some degree of professional ability.

In Japan, voice acting is taken far more seriously because it's seen as one facet of a larger package. VAs are expected to be singers, musicians, actors and models too, leading to a higher price tag, but a higher degree of professionalism, too.

All FromSoftware games have Lovecraftian influences in them, but Miyazaki specifically said that the gothic castles and city in Bloodborne were inspired by BSD.

If you go back to the first King's Field game, you can find Nightgaunts which are a Lovecraftian creation. No one will contest that FromSoft makes games with Lovecraft's finger prints on them.

Japs also tend to have higher pitched voices and can do "little kids" much better then western actors. You can nearly always tell its a fake little girls voice when a 30-40 year old western women does it.

Just be glad we got dual audio. I can't even comment on the English VA because I don't care either way. Just hope the English dub was done cheap enough and lets leave it at that.

I'll admit that reading subs DURING FIGHTS is kinda hard even for me.

Tales games do this often.


Sucks that such a neat show concept had to die because they hired a seiyu with health issues.

That's smart. Funnily enough California is one of the States that could survive well independently. My country would fucking kill for Silicon Valley.

I hope you mean Burger VA's who literally join a communist crime mob and then go pretend they're a Leonardi DiCaprio or whatever famous pedophile of gaming and deserve to be treated and paid as such.

Seeing as I have met the English voice actor at weeaboo autism con in Seattle when she was in full 2b booty cosplay. So I will say JP voice actor but I may be bias.

I support CalExit.

That would immediately sink the liberal votes by half.

I'd break tara strong in half.
Imagine being so miserable.

Us Cali folk hate it and their cosmopolitanism attitude sucking the money out of smaller citys around them.

epic meme, get back to me when you learn you can't use websites to water plants or sillicon as food (^:
Don't worry though, Soviet Union also forgot that you can't feed people with tanks or nuclear submarines.

Man of absolutely supreme taste right here
Masterful understanding of the true purpose of stockings

Western women are pure filth that need to be beaten into some semblance of civility, preferably with a cane.

Leftists have made a little fantasy about this. It's fucking adorable how cringeworthy it is.

Difference is you're a legal immigrant, you dumb cunt. You gained your citizenship LEGALLY, you didn't hop the fucking border being like "I'm going to Disney land!" and then just live there in a sanctuary city, robbing raping and murdering people, getting released back into a sanctuary city every time deportation should happen.

If the terrorists really want to fucking make America afraid, kill the Kardashians. When the American people see the closest thing they have to a royal family (how sad that is…) get gunned down and killed, maybe they'll realize just how fucking dangerous these god damn Muslims really are.

That's some nice revisionism, too bad they're illegal in the state of California. You can thank the Governator for that. Guy literally built his career on shoot em up movies and then he banned guns. You can't make this shit up.

The only solution for California is to nuke it.

Source on the first image?
That's thigh flesh for ants

oh my god this is the pettiest thing i've seen in months

Yeah, the japanese redub was pretty good. I liked its original english was a bit better though

It's sad he got so cucked.
Though what i despise more is treating actors, people paid to pretend to be someone else, as any authority in terms of political or moral insight.

They were always there. Tabletop, for example, was always infested with the most disgusting white knighting, fedora tipping M'lady faggots around, the kind of emasculated masochist that would degrade themselves in every possible way if it would garner them a shred of female attention. They latched onto social justice with the idea they'd finally be welcome in society at large and get the punk rock chick or gamer grrl they so richly deserve for all their valorous actions protecting women from the nasty haters. Same shit for comics, sci-fi and fantasy literature, games, etc. It's no coincidence that there is such a stark difference in preference for female characters between Westerners and East Asians (at least when openly discussed).

What is the female "ideal" most Western media pushes? Ugly whores that sound like banshees, have the personality of harpy and a vagina so used you can smell the stench a mile away. Compare that to Japan and it because abundantly obvious why Western developers are incapable of making good looking female characters.

As for women, they simply whore for attention like they always do, only that with Marxism they can pretend their whoring is actually a crusade for good.

To be fair LoK is a whole level of divine voice acting that will never be reached again.

Oh shit that's the beta version.

Fucking hang yourself Todd.


Only know 3 Bubbles, Raven and That Mushroom Lady and they're all shit

Wouldn't Kanye carry as well, would be funny seeing him have a firefight with them and everyone dying


They had another one where white people keep killing niggers because only niggers can get superpowers. It's so bad it's not even funny.

Yeah they've definitely been in the tabletop scene right from the get go, anyone who ever went to college is pretty well fucked in those terms. You always hear about these guys who played tabletop in college, and they're such manginas. Hell even look at RedLetterMedia. As much as I love Jay and Mike, I can't ignore the fact that they used to regularly use the word misogyny in their reviews. Like for the Transformers movies, "And here we get misogynistic shot of Megan Fox scantily clad" – that's not what misogyny is, that's not how that fucking works. Misogyny is what retarded MRAs do where they're always like "THESE FUCKING CUNTS, I'M SO GLAD TO BE GAY NOW, MAN ISN'T LIFE GREAT WITHOUT WOMEN ALL FUCKING UP MY LIFE? YOU KNOW WHAT I LIKE? NOT BEING WITH WOMEN ANYMORE." And they literally sound like that for their entire videos, they want to talk about how great it is to be MRAs, but their only talking point about what being an MRA is "MAN, I'M SO GLAD I WENT GAY, SO GLAD I'M NOT PUTTING UP WITH CUNTS ANYMORE."

Anyway, I watch movies like The Gamers, and Thac0, and the gamer stuff is fairly lighthearted and fun, but then you hear them criticizing gaming culture that they allegedly grew up with. "Man, how fucking stupid it was back then that women had a Strength penalty!" – You mean how stupid it was that they represented women accurately in tabletop?

In The Gamers they exaggerate the ridiculousness of "I seduce X," and in The Gamers: Dorkness Rising the bard sleeps with every female character he comes upon (including the party's sorceress), just to show that "HEY ISN'T GAMING SUCH A MISOGYNIST HOBBY? HE'S DOING A RIDICULOUS THING AND SLEEPING WITH EVERY FEMALE HE ENCOUNTERS!" The DM questions it every time it fucking comes up.

Tabletop has been the mangina hobby for ages, for every person trying to have a good time and ignoring the ridiculousness of things there's always got to be at least one faggot in the group who feigns offense on behalf of the "fairer" sex.

When I was going to put together a D&D group last year one of the guys was like "can I bring my friend?" I was like "sure, I guess." "Okay, and can he bring his girlfriend? She's a gamer, she'll totally be into it, oh man, it'll be so cool, and she's hot too." I mean the fact that he wanted his friend's girlfriend to play so he could ogle her is just creepy, but all the same, fuck off.

Well I know this guy is a creeper and all, but I hate it when people go out of their way to force the "girl gamer" onto you. I gamed once with a group of people and half the group were women, and it was awful. Virtue signalling, hen pecking, all that bullshit .. and this was back in 2006.

If you're comfortable as a group of friends with a certain girl to play, then go for it. But don't include girls into the group just because they're X's girlfriend/wife.

You can't hide this shit from me
Truly 3D Pig Disgusting

I saw a 10 minute webm with some scenes and thought a few anons did the acting themselves to shits and giggles.
Now I have to watch this.


I don't give a shit since the real star of the game in terms of character development and exposition was 9S and I think the English VA did a great job. 2B is only good for her ass anyway.

That was the "cool thing to do" for like 15 years, GET A TATTOO OF FUCKING BULLSHIT. And it was like what for? Why do you need a tattoo? What are you going to get a tattoo of?


It's not self-expression if it's just some fucking meaningless design you picked out of a book at the shop. Fucking stupid fads that leave people forever marked, but the up shot is, it shows us who's a fucking dumbass who can't think ahead of time.


That's just 9S with his new gains.

Is this that Australian Show, I forgot it's name


Nvm I got it, It's called Cleverman



Washington is enough of a leftist shithole without Trudeau. The only thing Canada ever gives us is smoke from their wildfires that never get fought right because all the fire fighters are lazy refugees.

Wildfires are good for healthy forests.

The only reason we fight them is to keep houses built in overgrown forests from burning down.

If you fight the fire then the fire wins.
Though anyone with a bit of sense will not buy a house close to an overgrown forest. Why the fuck is it even overgrown so close to residential areas?

Speaking of, the english VA's for Automata did a game playthrough a while back. There is cosplay at some points.

The really fucking creepy thing is just how many of them want to play as women. Go to any quest faggotry forum and 80% of all quests are about everyone collectively playing as the little girl. It's downright creepy and might explain where all the trannies come from.

Also, can someone fucking explain to me why that shitshow Worm is so fucking popular?

Never let women into your sessions, it never goes well. They'll either bitch at each other, try to make the whole thing into their own personal fanfic or all the whipped betas will slobber over them.

She kinda looks like a grandma in the thumbnail.

A white wig and a vegan diet will fuck with your body.

Anyways, does anyone know of any dubs from the 2000s or later which didn't have that "Anime voice" direction or actually had such voices working out? I can't think of much but the best/least bad dubs I can think of is MGS1. Are the Dawn of War games the closest we can get to a decent equivalent of the Nips' animu voices?

That makes quite a bit of sense. There's making your waifu or some female character just cause you want to see her get fucked in some H-game, or making a cute girl in a game with character customization just cause the options for that are there, but outright trying to be the little girl is a path that can only end in either extreme weeaboo tendencies or a dick-chopping surgery.

I like how Yakuza does it; voice acting for only the main story and karaoke and hostess clubs and every side quest bring text boxes.

Deadly Premonition does that, too.

They dont need that anymore, they've got a new muslim super hero called "Isis" because of Trump, yes they fucking calling her ISIS.


Isn't that an Overwatch character?

No, it's this piece of shit.

I thought Baldur's Gate 2 had very good voice acting, ditto for PST and FO1 and 2 (if you want to go into the late 90s). Lucas Arts games always seemed to do a good job with the VA. Shit really started going to shit in the past few years when talented (and expensive VA) get replaced with tumblrtards.

You do know that the original purpose of having an English dub in the original Japanese version of the Resident Evil games was because it was supposed give off that cheesy B movie vibe, right? That just sort of changed when the series became super popular.

The Overwatch character was an autistic street-shitter I though.

Behold, Muslim Wonder Woman.

stop watching naruto and bleach.

Also Shuichi Ikeda is fucking perfect as an antagonist.

well, greece IS basically part of turkey

They're lazy nobody fucks who've grown up saturated in grating, turbo-ultra-candyfloss dubs and so naturally they do their bestest impression of that which is inevitably even worse than the shit they're trying to emulate.

I don't think I've ever found dub voices more agreeable than the originals, no matter how annoying the character in moonspeak.


Why would anyone willingly use dubs?

They confuse 'sweetly irritating' with 'screechy annoying' so any chance at an irksome character having a turnaround moment is tainted as they still come off as a pain in the ass in the dub.

Horrifying laziness, a lack of exposure to the real thing, masochism, insanity?

I've never understood it, it robs the original work of so much, feelings and intent is felt through the way the original VA's speak, the dub actors are so disconnected from the role they just play cartoon voice and think it'll pass and grotesquely some often than not it does.

Actually you just need to nuke SF, LA, San Diego, and Sacramento to make the entire state normal again.

I started off watching dubs years back, but the males sound so much more pathetic in English when they're voicing the typical whiny beta MC I couldn't listen to them anymore.

Wait, what? Wasn't Isis Black Adam's wife?
As in Ancient Egypt tier and definitely not a muslim?

Cut your own throat plz. Marvel now needs to die.

What the fuck

Remember when a muslim woman was given Excalibur?

Batman fights crime for free because he's rich as fuck and cares about society. He's a philanthropist who donates punches to charity.

Indeed I do.

The fuck reads comicbooks anymore?

If you have to donate to the Justice League to get some of Superman's time, I don't think what you want is a CRIME FIGHTER, just hired muscle who isn't calling himself a mercenary.

I wouldn't say that, it's more along of the lines of "Hey superman, sure you can fly real fast but you can't see everything all the time. Why not live in my giant NSA tier super satellite so we can see what every nation is up to. You know, to preserve peace. Also, tell me you and all your friends weaknesses just in case. :^)"

I tried reading some horror comics for something to do while I took a dump but even those were filled with progressive BS. Completely unrelated to the story they had a super smart kind muslims house get burnt down by evil white christians.

I would say comics hit their peak around 2005 or so. Past that time every large company suddenly wanted to reboot the universe and proceed to poz the entire franchise. What a shitty time the later years were.

Makes you wonder if humanity is worth saving at all, doesn't it?

If you look at the sale numbers, nobody really. But don't say that to the Holla Forums mods, they get triggered and ban you.

Leftists have managed to ruin an artistic medium beyond repair within the span of 20 years. That's a pretty sobering thought.

I haven't for about 6-7 years now, when the pozz really hit, and all of the reboots started coming at once. I still keep up with a few series like Baltimore though.

Cheesiest bullshit faces plz

Put it THIS way, video games began in the 70s and was nearly phased out of everyone's minds outside of PC enthusiasts. Suddenly it not only came back but also conditioned the majority of the enthusiasts to support horse armor tier dlc, breaking up existing products to resell à la carte, and shut down the other side's argument with appeals to emotion within those 20 years.
I find that much more sobering thought.

Reminder that "Lady Thor" is the Natalie Portman character from the Thor movies (literally the character he fell in love with), whom he gave superpowers to so that she could be an inspiration to women. And so rather than be honest and true to him, she fucks around with Nigger America.

And she does it blatantly like it HAS TO BE DONE IN A BIG SPECTACLE IN FRONT OF EVERYONE ELSE. Thor's not dead, and he still has his powers, she's only borrowing them and she knows he's still alive, and she still fucks around on him, out in the open in front of his friends.


It amazes me how people in Cali that support the CalExit bullshit don't understand that companies will move.
Back when there was talk of splitting Cali into six different states, the richest, and poorest states would of emerged from that, and be right next to each other.
If CalExit happened, within a year it would be a hellhole, that everyone with half a brain, and most liberals would of abandoned.

Some faggots have their foot pinned down on the accelerator into the abyss and this kind of shit at least points them out to the rest of us who aren't culturally suicidal cucks.

Jane Foster. Who has cancer, by the way, and was even offered, by Thor himself, to have her cancer cured, but she decided she'd rather die with human dignity for some reason… and then Thor's mom and a bunch of other Asgardian sluts decided to ensorcel Mjolnir so Thor couldn't wield it and gave it to Jane Foster, for some fucking reason, except using Thor's powers is supposedly accelerating her cancer and all of this was supposed to reset to status quo years ago with Jane dying. I want to say it was only in one of the more recent issues that they even mentioned the cancer thing again, so that's probably not off the table.

And it keeps happening!

Also, talking about empowerment…

They can become just like Mexico, which I assume is what they actually want. Hopefully the spics would wipe out all the white liberals and Jews.

Whoops. Didn't copy-paste that right.

also lol at you getting 911

Manchildren/faggots/diehard idiots/no-one worth a shit.

This pozzed trash should put a serious dent in their kike coffers hopefully, there's no medium where it's more on the surface and blatant.

Marvel are so batfuck retarded that they have replaced literally every character you would care about reading. I'm still always learning about more.
I'm sure I've missed more.
The most amazing thing to me is that these have taken place literally all at the same time, meaning there are absolutely zero characters at Marvel that I'm interested in reading. Impressive.

Because a lot of people hate how many Japanese women just sound like squealing children, so it's better to just trust dubs instead of taking that chance.

Why should I care? The game is shit anyway.

It might be fine, assuming it to be intentionally campy.

Isn't it beautiful?

The really hilarious thing is that not even the Disney kikes dare show the normalfag the pozz they inundate the comics with. All games, movies and TV shows feature the legacy characters. I honestly have no fucking idea why Disney allows it to continue other than the goal being the destruction of Marvel.

There's also technically Moonboy and Devil Dinosaur that's been replaced by a child niglet who is also been forcibly established as "the smartest person in the marvel universe"
I've tried to keep track, but there's so many replacements happening that it's impossible to even know anymore.

No it didn't. The initial crash was back in the 1980s and there was a reason for it, people love to say that Nintendo saved video games, which is false. Video games would have recovered regardless of whether or not Nintendo existed.

But ever since then, there's never been a risk of a crash. There's not going to be a crash. Video games are a constantly increasing market, and why wouldn't it be. The liberal left screams so hard about how they're losing their power to control the minds of young men because now "men are turning away from having children and instead spending their time in their mancaves, and thus the birthrates are way down," while in the same breath decrying fucking men, and saying how they should accept a female president. WHY DIDN'T YOU VOTE FOR HILLARY CLINTON? DIDN'T YOU WANT A FEMALE PRESIDENT? WE COULD DO SO MUCH BETTER, BUT ANY OLD SHIP IN THE STORM, YOU KNOW? and calling men rapists.

The only market where gaming "seemed like it was dying" was on the PC. And even there, gaming was doing fine. It wasn't as prolific as it is now, but gaming was never in any danger on any platform.

that's what you get you cosplay cunt

i constantly see it, but can never believe it

The very telling and ultimately positive thing about these abominations is that no-one will ever care about them even a tenth as much as the originals, they barely sell as it is and these versions won't sell in other mediums. Persisting with failures/diversity trash only appeals to mindless mouthpieces on twitter who also (very likely) aren't buying.

They literally set that bullshit up with Logan, and I don't think it's going to work if they try to continue making X-Men movies with that character. I get it, I really do, she was engineered to be a female Wolverine (even though she only has 2 claws on each hand), but children don't have acting chops to be action heroes.

There's a fucking toy channel on YouTube featuring a pregnant Elsa and Spiderman, it's nightmare fuel levels of fucked up. I don't know how they haven't been sued by Disney or Marvel for exploiting their characters for money.

I'm talking purely on the normalfag side. Of course video games would have continued but it would be a real lousy soap box. Why do you think good goyim like Thompson was out to make a mountain out of a molehill? Nintendo just saw an opening in a gajin market, the senate saw their opening.

That picture just looks so ridiculous, the sheboon at the front you cant help but laugh.

Its funny how they've managed to make a bad guy look reasonable and good.

Isn't that the exact opposite plot to The Once and Future King?

Pretty hot tbh.

There are a lot of those channels, actually. Like terrifying random shit thrown together. You can tell by the buzzwords that get put into every title: Frozen, Elsa, Spiderman, and more. No, I literally mean the words 'and more' because apparently those generate views.

Those are some third party company/insane people.
Pregnant Spider Woman actually got the stamp of approval from Marvel.
It had to go through multiple people, and groups to get a greenlight.
There is a company that is either full of people, or has enough people to completely drown out the voices against this as a product that consumers desire.

I'm having to read DC exclusively for my capeshit fix lately. They've got some poz characters that they try to push, but they aren't replacing all of my favourite characters to do so. Presently enjoying Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps and Superdad.
Which is a shame. I like Marvel capeshit characters just as much, but Marvel won't allow me to have them.

Whenever I see this page posted I always wonder whether this is someone's cry for help, because he sure as fuck knows how to speak our language. Then again, leftists are insane enough to think what Hitler on Steroids is saying is the incarnation of all evil on Earth.

There's also black Powergirl, that also reads like a godawful Mary Sue, same as Iron Sheboon.

DC is no better. They had the first tranny character in a comic, Batgirl is cancer in drawn form, pic related is a thing and during the whole Trayvon and Michel Brown fisaco they had Batman hunting down corrupt cops that shoot innocent little niglets.

All those characters look shit.

Watchman Man
Bug Woman
Nigger Spider
Pinkhead SJW
Flying Nigress
Furry Squirrel
Captain Purple Suit
Brotherhood of Sheboon (wtf seriously, just no, never)
Chunk (Chink Hulk)
Purple Sloot
Big Arm Girl


Dr Strange looking utterly out of place and with the most deliciously ironic name given his unfortunate circumstances.

Dude, as bad as they look, their books are even worse. You have no fucking idea.


I'm not reading Batgirl.
My point is exactly this. Marvel has left me no options to enjoy their properties, whereas DC pushes poz trash, but it does it without destroying literally every book I would be able to enjoy.

You're still a cuck for shoveling that shit. Go cold turkey, it will never get any better. Shit, if you need your capeshit fix just read One-Punch Man or Hero Academia, at least it's good fun.

This is pedo porn.. Also, that family is way too fucking rich to be wasting their time trying to get youtube famous.

wtf I love Red Skull now.

It's Bizzaro World, must be, this is all part of an about-face where a legion of over powered niggers and ratty women cause disruption and property damage and Red Trump is our only hope for peace.

The life of a comic fan is endless suffering.
Remember when Tony Stark was turned into an evil mind slave by Kang the Conqueror, becoming a genius supervillain and fighting the Avengers, before sacrificing his life and being replaced ("permanently") by a teenage version of himself from an alternate past? No? Hopefully not because it was awful.
It always gets better eventually.

I count myself lucky and you should stop for the sake of your own sanity.

Buddy, they're rich BECAUSE they're youtube famous.
Do you have any idea the amount that ad agencies will pay to put ads on toy channels? These channels make 33 times as much money for ad than goddamn letsplay channels, and kids are too dumb to install adblock .These people make insane money.

He's the hero we need. Also, the real Captain America finally revealed he's a good guy.

No, mate, not this time. Cape comics are done. It's not just Marvel and DC, but every other American publisher too. Shit won't get any better unless you fire pretty much everyone from all these companies and start from scratch.

Suddenly it makes a lot of sense why jewtube faggots lose their shit when people use adblockers.

I'm not sure they're actually famous. The channel looks just like one of those Spiderman/Elsa videos: bizarre titles, astronomical view counts for seemingly no reason. They're probably constructed to mess with viewbot algorithms and generate sick ad money.

What the fuck is wrong with youtube? I know there are some "mommy bloggers" out there that make it big just writing about their stupid little faggot kids, but I sincerely don't understand this kind of marketing and economics.

They are, but that doesn't make them any less "famous".
These channels can do that shit on routine, kids just keep going through playlists and waiting for the next "recommended video". It's too easy to gain cash.

The thought marketers have is "if they watch a thing about a toy, they'll buy the toy". It doesn't work even a majority of the time, but it works enough.
Look at those keywords. "Batman", "Princess", "Rescue", Mermaid" , advertisers will pay more based on how likely kids are to see their video, and those are key search terms for kids. I have a nephew whose parents leave him with his Ipad in place of actually parenting, and despite him being only 5 the kid just sits there all day watching shit like "HobbykidsTV" and the like. It's frightening.

Delicious little blonde girl in water as preview image. Hmmmmm I wonder why it has all those views.


Get him to watch that Finger Family stuff so he goes all MKUltra on his parents.

Looks like I'm skipping another game.

I dont know, she never talks about politics at all.

Talking from a guy that used to talk to her, not really. She finds it funny. Also she used to troll the shit out of Ghost on True Capitalist Radio. Im not a fanboy by any means, but she was pleasantly nice.

Man she fell from grace. Used to be the darling of Holla Forums till she went full on SJW.

Ahh yes, I remember that little incident. Back when i used to watch it I knew a guy in the True Capitalist Radio community who knew Kira quite well. He was able to get his hands on it. Needless to say it somehow got leaked and everyone in the community and /mlp/ found out.

One she's a Jew. Two, she's married to some multi millionare. Think he's a lawyer

What the fuck DC? You're supposed to be better than this

No they're not, they're ruining their characters because of twittertards and tumblrinas are crying about their heroes not being relatable, similar to Marvel but no redesigns so they could look the same.
