Contenders for the most evil videogame characters ever created
Contenders for the most evil videogame characters ever created
The demon council it the end of LuluuFarea.
muh peepee
Can we all agree that Eric Sparrow is by far the most evil character in gaming history? I mean, sure, you could argue that Ganon killed a bajillion people and Kefka destroyed the entire planet. And if you're a lazy liberal who never owned property you could say that Tom Nook is evil for asking money for the house he gave you (with no interest rate btw). But did Ganon or Kefka steal your Hawaii helicopter footage and take credit for it? I don't think so. Do you realize how hard it is to do a mctwist over a helicopter from one hotel rooftop to another? It's not easy, yet your "friend" Eric decides to edit it and take credit for it. And just to add insult to injury, he gets drunk in Moscow and decides to steal a tank and blames you for it, which causes you to get kicked off the skating team with your skating career ruined. Talk about evil.
For some reason I thought the OP meant characters that were implemented in cruel or evil ways. I'm retarded.
Have an actual evil character.
Came in to post this
You forgot the part where he doesn't sign you up for the skate competition in Florida and you have to go do a bunch of bullshit to get in.
Also he does all this after you save his fucking life too.
I have to agree on this one. Eric is a fucking cunt.
The guy is still a jerk though. Your original post reminded me of this tweet, which stands out to me as the exact end level behavior of a forum shitter who becomes popular.
>Beat out a highly anticipated game that two weeks earlier than yours due to various (((reasons))) such as ease of use and shorter length
let's not forget
At least he dies and the legion fractures and is destroyed.
Evil at its best
Is there a worse main hero design? That looks awful like shit.
Yeah, the protagonist from the sequel.
He might look like he's made from bits of six random designs rather than four like Marche, but the end result is less shit somehow. Also at least the legs aren't irrationally thin in the lowerparts
Don't fall for her tricks user
Is this pasta? Eric Sparrow isn't evil, he's just a dickhead
He holds malice in his heart thus he is evil.
Hello Eric
Given piss poor writing in video games where entire evil side is represented as WE WUZ EBIL AND SHIET, your only luck in finding evil characters is when a writer fucks up the story so bad that supposed good characters stand out as evil.
I'm falling for this cute, delicious rabbit girl
I only just noticed and its the most retarded thing tbh
Is this the new Uncommon Time thread?
Do his teeth textures normally look that inhuman?
Shes not a very deep character but kerrigan is kind of evil since she backstabs these helping her and leaves masks to starve to death as well as regular genocide.
I do not even remember that weapon existing ingame.
And your living a fantasy mewt you need to go back to reality and stop living a lie.
At least he's now the idol of millions of autists and now has to live in meme hell.
Arcanum (((Gnomes)))
It is every user's final duty to become one with the people in the tanks.
Undermeme will have to die someday, right?
Best case scenario it turns into homostuck 2: electric boogaloo once the fans grow up.
There's no way that'll happen, though. As shit as Homestuck is, there are several advantages it has over Toby's game. The primary reason is simply the increased proportion of secondaries, those who have not experienced/played the original material, compared to Homestuck. This is a general internet trend nowadays, and the effects of such leads to an increase in general preference of preferred ideas of what characters should do rather than relying on canonical interpretation, as well as often misinterpreting and not caring about what that canon is. Homestuck had many holdovers from Problem Sleuth, a much better comic, and along with that many people who could create fanwork that respected the material. But the most severe fissure between these works is within that fanwork. Let's compare the most characteristic form of fanwork between these entities. While I don't blame anyone for trying to blank out any memory of the story or plot of Homestuck, the backing of the game itself was simply a grossly complicated game that was designed to create new universes. Homestuck managed to convey most of the game aspects of this system, including failure states, classes, enemies, quests, and an endgame scenario. Using this underlying system, fans created choose your own adventure works that borrowed the backing of Homestuck but not the characters, which led to much more creative works, including things such as aliens that had a hierarchy system based on the number of artificial limbs they had. Like Bob and George's hosting of prominent fancomics. They also engaged in even more experimental storytelling, which fell on its ass quite a bit, but nevertheless showed a sense of genuine creativity and commitment to their product. What does Undertale have to compare to this? AUs. Use the same characters, slap a coat of paint on their clothes and make them all evil or double gay or herrings. That's the creativity that the memegame society creates, uninspired "what if"s that often don't go beyond sketch form. While sure there's people working on games and engines, those are exceptions, rather than the norm.
I wonder how long it will take until Toby tries covertly wiping his joke MPreg album from the internet.