How does this make you feel knowing this is what normalfags and gen zyklon consider great music?
How does this make you feel knowing this is what normalfags and gen zyklon consider great music?
What's wrong with it?
Plebs being plebs.
01 - Advent Rising - Muse - 00:00
02 - Legend of Zelda - Suite - 03:43
03 - Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - Theme - 08:03
04 - Angry Birds - Main Theme - 11:39
05 - Final Fantasy VIII - Liberi Fatali - 14:56
06 - Super Mario Bros - Theme - 18:10 (Why in the world is this in swing time? It's still pretty good though)
07 - Uncharted - Drake's Fortune - Nate's Theme - 22:23
08 - Grand Theft Auto IV - Soviet Connection - 24:15
09 - World of Warcraft - Seasons of War - 27:23
10 - Metal Gear Solid - Sons of Liberty Theme - 30:36
11 - Tetris Theme (Korobeiniki) - 34:34
12 - Battlefield 2 - Theme - 38:04
13 - Elder Scrolls - Oblivion - 42:44
14 - Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare - Main Menu Theme - 44:38
15 - Mass Effect - Suicide Mission - 46:55
16 - Splinter Cell - Conviction - 51:48
17 - Final Fantasy - Main Theme - 54:36
18 - Bioshock - The Ocean on His Shoulders - 57:20
19 - Halo 3 - One Final Effort - 59:40
20 - Fallout 3 - Theme - 1:03:44
21 - Super Mario Galaxy - Gusty Garden Galaxy - 1:06:07
22 - Dead Space - Welcome Aboard The U.S.G. Ishi (Bonus Track) - 1:09:56
That playlist is fucking disgusting
I'm going to assume it's because of a large quantity of shit like
instead of actual good music like vid related.
it's all generic summer blockbuster orchestrated background music that is hardly the "greatest video game music". it's just shit from popular franchises like cowadoody, battlefield, halo, call of battlefield honor, medal of duty, and hour of victory 7.
Top dark skin loli my friend
Credits Theme is better tbh
you're a whole lot dumber than you think you are
I like how the tracks differentiate themselves from the usual stoic orchestral strings that have become lazy and generic.
Anons hate orchestral music.
The reason that a lot of the music from the 8-bit era had so much care put into it was because they had to. These days you can just hire some cheap asshole from a Google search to throw some synthesized piano and strings together and have your file before the day is over, but back then the limitations forced them to rely entirely on melodies.
Do you have something to tell us?
Nailed it. I think today's game music doesn't sound like game music. It doesn't get you pumped, it's just a sort of dull sonic texture in the background. Old games had music that was catchy and exciting.
I seriously hope normalfags don't listen to video game music because that would be fucking autistic.
I have no idea, they are all great. Even the skyrim one is pretty good, even if it's simple. I guess someone from Holla Forums has to "hardcore-signal" to feel like they fit in?
It's just random shit slapped together for AAA production…
You can nearly take any from that list play it in any of the games listed and it wouldn't make any sort of difference to the game ambiance.
Meanwhile take this one.
And any user will immediately which game it came from.
And it's orchestral background music…
NEVER EVER liru.webm
Jesper Kyd kicks ass.
Makes my blood boil least one today said he prefered New Vegas to than skyrim
There's three, tracks on there, that are above average, nearing good.
It's the MGS4 theme, the BF2 theme and One Final Effort.
I mean, you fire one magazine from any automatic weapon in that game and you'll instantly see why CSGO is a shit game. The gunplay is pants on head retarded and stiff.
Because 1.6 and Source had mods going for them, and fun custom modes, which CSGO doesn't.
Nothing wrong with orchestral ir any genre of music
Problem is that mass market trash will always be trash and people comsume it because they're exposed to it anywhere anyplace due to literal kikes and it stains most of said genres.
I want Kanna's sweet loli head on a pike.
sage for slide thread jidf nazi lelw
That's depressing. Do they not value their own work?
There are way better tracks in the game than the fucking theme song.
The only good one is the one that plays during the Boat chase.
Its literally the only memorable track.
There are a few decent ones here and there, but the soundtrack recycles its shit quite a bit.
Soviet Connection is good, though shouldn't be on their. MGS is cool, Tetris is literally Korobeiniki and therefore not vidya, and Battlefield 2 along with other sequels have some good music oddly enough. I can understand why they put some shit like Zelda and Mario for their influence, but Conviction, Fallout 3, Dead Space, CoD, Uncharted, Angry fucking Birds, and everything else except Galaxy. Conviction is particularly disheartening because Chaos Theory is among the most, if not the most, well-constructed OSTs in vidya.
I hate spelling errors FUCK
I wish they would re-arrange the music so it would be played by a chamber orchestra. The themes would feel way better than having a yuge orchestra and adding a bunch of effects to sound exactly like the original versions.
The 2 CoD themes shouldn't be there, it's pure wallpaper shit made by Zimmer's drones at Remote Control.
Yeah, like "Extraction Point", the one that Zimmer re-used its second part later in The Dark Knight.
He only writes a suite, the entire album is ghost written by one of his drones (Balfe, usually).
Thanks, bub.
I need more Takatsu in my life
I checked the youtube video. The only songs that should trigger any autism are the two CoD songs on there, and I've never heard them before, so maybe they're good. You guys are bitching at nothing.
because online multiplayer was the death of vidya.
Stringfag detected
Fuckoff underage
If you're adding Halo shit, you ought to be adding Mjolnir Mix, or something from ODST.
The music in Halo is one of the few good things about the franchise.
Ok I will take the challenge on.
22 tracks way better and iconic than that shit, 1 with freedom fighter, 21 to go.
literally the only good thing that came out of halo… it's main theme
I'm glad that he's working on the new God of War.
Time is money friend!
And that's 22.
And that's by sticking to only ONE track per composers, including guys that mostly do vidya and have dozens of iconic tracks to their names…
its an orchestral cover of a bunch of video game tracks
why are you butthurt over it?
CSGO exists only to ride the esports gravy train and farm money off dumb cashwhales that don't know any better
the gameplay is a steaming pile of shit, the gun mechanics and hit detection on bullets is laughable, the engine runs like turd even on good computers and the online community is full of some of the most unbelievably salty and shitty people you'll ever meet
and when you tell a csgotard their game is shit their only counter argument is >g-guh-git good skrub
or >but im making money off skinz bro ur just 2 poor to understand
which pretty much tells you all you need to know about the kind of brain dead drones that play that shit ass game
I like modern music and retro tracks, but I do wish there was more variety nowadays. Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising has one of my favorite title songs though.
at least they dont like morrowind, that game is just revoltingly bad
My favorite was Terran theme 2
Because it's easier to say that someone "just doesn't get it because X" than to admit that what you like is bad. It's the same reason millennials and progressives like to blame everything and everyone but themselves nowadays.
ITT: We pst bydiagaem music that is actually good.
This game had a pretty god soundtrack. Does it still exist or has it gone down?
Nothing since I'm not a spergmo who literally cannot stop paying attention to normalfags and don't attribute any more importance to them and their presence in the video game industry than they actually possess, which is to say outside of a few blockbusters (typically sports titles, "muh graffix" realistic titles and a handful of FPS games), more recent Bethesda titles, and phone games, little to none. It's neither my fault nor concern that companies chase that market in hopes of the usual business delusion of "infinite growth" instead of "sustainability".
I think you're a normalfag who can't be bothered to find quality though. How about that, nigger?
And water is wet, woah.
Actually mad now.
Some of these themes are okay though.